Monday, June 29, 2009
Tool used when reading Vexnews
Patriots, we are enjoying the first official day on holiday. We came across this important tool, to help patriots when they read Vexnews. Avoids all known germs, cookies, shit-sheets and IP tracking problems.
We will still be back on 20 July, with infrequent broadcasting until then.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
"The online shit-sheet"
It's a significant demotion for Vexnews, having previously been described as a "cesspit".
The criticism is not to be confused with Vexnews' involvement in a Stormfront related "shitstorm".
Patriots, TS will be taking a short break, and will return on 20 July.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Utegate – try Vexnewsgate
While Utegate attracts some attention, patriots will focus on Vexnewsgate.
In August 2007 patriots were alarmed to learn that the entry about Andrew Landeryou in Wikipedia was conspiratorially hacked. As reported at the time
"In recent days, there have been many reports of people tampering with Wikipedia articles.
In June we reported that at the beginning of that month that Landeryou’s biography on Wikipedia was vigorously scrubbed clean of anything remotely critical of Andy.
A case in point was the deletion of the many links to serious critics of Landeryou, including this humble blog.
But it seems, the ‘scrubber’ left their indelible fingerprints all over their nefarious activity."
Further patriots have reported that their comments to Vexnews were scrubbed clean off the Vexnews site, with patriot’s IP addresses being tracked and many reported later receiving un wanted ‘malware gifts’ from Vexnews.
Vexnews is not new to ‘gate’ type controversies.
As reported in April 2008 it was reported that “Scandal prone bankrupt and Liberal Party blogger Andrew Landeryou has been implicated in a developing imbroglio involving questionable employment practices.
Landeryou has advertised on his Bog of Sleaze, for an “intern” to join him on his Sleazy Blog endeavours.
The advert raises a number of significant questions.
Is Landeryou so lonely that the needs to advertise for ‘friends’ with mutual benefits?
Where is Freedom Freddie?
Where is Joe Klein?
Where is Cait Catt or Catter8 for that matter?
If all of the above are real, why not just appoint them?
And how can an unemployed bankrupt pay the intern for services rendered?
The picture of Monica Lewinski accompanying the advert clearly reveals his real motivations for the intern. As identified by reader Anna:
Andrew Landeryou is not new to sexual scandal. He has a history of heavily featuring photographs of footballer’s penises and those of political candidates. Though with the second example, the jury of public opinion is still out on whether the photographs were actually of Landeryou himself masquerading as a half naked Family First candidate.
Patriots have recently raised the issue of Landeryou’s loneliness.
Suggestions are that Landeryou’s search for a female intern and his loneliness are connected.
Landeryou ‘s most recent Facebook escapades suggest his is very lonely; but resorting to employing people so they will be your friends has shocked fair minded patriots.”
Friday, June 19, 2009
A ready made astronaut?
We know Andy visited online gaming spivery haven Costa Rica, but space too?
Happy weekend patriots.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
KFC flavours its new grilled—chicken with beef

We have also discovered why the marketing for Andy's chicken halal sausages didn't work. Too honest!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Vexnews in new (another) plagiarism scandal

Vexnews, the financially cash-strapped online spivery news-free website, has become embroiled in another plagiarism controversy.
Popular and respected Australian blog, Broken Left Foot (BLF), has alerted its readership to Vexnews blatantly lifting its content thus invoking a malicious and evil breach of IP and copyright.
BLF writes: “During my google search for the Sarah henderson story, I came across this article on Vexnews with the following image. I thought the picture looked familiar, so I check this post with an image of the current Corangamite MP Darren Cheeseman. We have a match. I took the photo that Vexnews is currently using without my permission. So I ask Andrew Landeryou the following two questions? 1. Are you going to take it down ASAP and apologise? and 2. Can you spell "T-h-i-e-v-i-n-g C-u-n-t"
Vexnews is not new to proven claims of plagiarism.
In June 2007 it was conclusively proven that Vexnews’ predecessor, the Blog of Sleaze (also sometimes known as The Other Cheek) had “… posted this commentary. It includes references to Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Bankstown City Council, and a YouTube vid. Read Landeryou’s article closely. Then go to Neozionoid’s article which was published EARLIER ON THE SAME DAY. Notice any similarities? The one major stand out, among many, is that Landeryou includes every reference cited by Neozionoid, including the YouTube vid. Coincidence? It’s interesting that Landeryou would do a cut and paste of Neozionoid, who in the past has written that he doesn’t consider Landeryou’s blog to be well regarded. Perhaps that explains why and how Landeryou thought he could get away with it, thinking that the two blogs shared different audiences, and thus he would never be found out.”
Further, it was reported that in April 2007, Landeryou was at it again, with an Australian vigilant patriot reporting that: "Andrew Landeryou's rather nasty Melbourne-based, scandal-happy political blog The Other Cheek, needed to make a crude distortion of Juanita Wheeler for a story about a hotly-contested Queensland Greens preselection. So he used this photo, but didn't credit it as he should have under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (you can use the photo as you like as far as I am concerned, but you have to credit it). Landeryou has now "struck out" twice.”
IP lawyers are altered and alarmed by Vexnews’ frequent contravention of the law. As one lawyer stated: “We’d throw the book at Landeryou, but would be the point? He’d only plagiarize that too!”
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Cait Cat has just read Vexnews
In the meantime, possible evidence of Cait Catt just after having read Vexnews.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Eric Dearricott lets rip - but not at elephant
His recent report is here.
Recent independent commentary is here.
His comments in 2005 are here about Gellibrand.
What's interesting is there is no reference to Landeryou, the 'elephant in the room'. And no mention of any of this on Vexnews. Why is that Andy? Don't need the extra attention?
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
What question would you ask Andrew Landeryou?
Let's play a little game of twenty questions this week Patriots.