Monday, January 22, 2007


The Team Slanderyou Special Investigations Unit today launched a week long inquiry into Andrew Landeryou’s rather unspecial nefarious activities.

Landeryou has so far been indicted for offences including:

- claiming to have won a Walkeys Blog Award, when no such award exists
- claiming to be a journalist, when in fact that is a blatant misrepresentation
- for services to ‘bankrupt online gaming spivery’
- being a tireless promoter of KFC family buckets and single-handedly causing the obesity epidemic
- for services to creative defamation and sleaze
- for services as a clinical case study of narcissism, and
- attempting to shut down blogs.

A charge of vicious and malicious parking is still to be determined.

The special inquiry launched by the Team Slanderyou Special Investigations Unit involves an interactive criminal trial or ICT.

Citizens, patriots and upstanding members of the community are invited to list their own charges and evidence of Andrew Landeryou’s unspecial nefarious activities.

At the end of the week, the Team Slanderyou Special Investigations Unit will aggregate the list of charges.

Original cartoon is here.


Anonymous said...

This is narcissism and sleaze like one would expect from Slanderyou.

Trying to denigrate a great man. You ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

why bother with a trial?

Andy certainly doesn't
He prejudges everyone and finds evidence to support his paranoid beliefs

I find brother other guilty as charged

Lock him up and throw away the key

Anonymous said...

Someone else is impersonating me. I think Slanderyou should be locked up and the key thrown away.

Long live Andrew Landeryou. The best blog on the net. Winner of the Inaugural Walkley Blog Award.

Anonymous said...

At Monday, January 22, 2007 3:05:36 AM, Cait Catt said...
Long live Andrew Landeryou. The best blog on the net. Winner of the Inaugural Walkley Blog Award."

The reference to the Inaugural Walkley Blog Award is but one example why an "ICT" should be held.

Anonymous said...

Someone is impersonating me.
I think Landeryou should be locked up and the key thrown away.

Anonymous said...

Someone is impersonating me.
I think Cait Catt should be locked up and the key thrown away.

Anonymous said...

The only true Australian patriots are those that read and agree with Landeryou. Everyone is a senseless Marxist and should be tried for treason.

End of story.

Anonymous said...

what about not seeking medical advice for his cranial gigantism?

Anonymous said...

Andrew and his imaginary friends have been busy today.

Anonymous said...

are you questioning my existence

I am real

as real as Freedom Freddy, Delia Delegate, and the Reverend Nahlia

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt and Freedom Freddy are both Andrew Landeryou

Delia Delegate is Lyle Allan

Rev Danny Nalliah is himself, the Pastor of the Catch the Fire Ministry in Dandenong

Anonymous said...

How about the charge of being utterly crap!

Anonymous said...

How about the charge of being utterly useless.

Anonymous said...

How about the charge of being an utter failure at everything he has ever touched: MUSU, IQ Corp, his blog

Anonymous said...

How about the charge of trading while insolvent - IQ Corp anyone

Anonymous said...

How about the charge of being utterly &^%^

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what about not seeking medical advice for his cranial gigantism?

Can someone really be charged with cranial gigantism?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is now promoting another blog written by someone called Niner Charlie.

9C is in fact not Landeryou, surprisingly.

But interesting 9C works at KPMG. But he must be finding it pretty slow at work, not earning a lot of billable hours if he has time to pump out such nonsense.

Anonymous said...

how about the charge of hypocrisy - The Age was a client of his and now he attacks them at every oppurtunity. Don't tell me that their isn't an agenda there.

Anonymous said...

Its interesting that the orginal cartoon featured Tom Delay!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
how about the charge of hypocrisy - The Age was a client of his and now he attacks them at every oppurtunity. Don't tell me that their isn't an agenda there.

Was this when landeryou ran IQ Corp?

I heard that he didn't deliver what Fairfax expected so they terminated the arrangement, and Andy subsequently went ferral

Anonymous said...

Niner Charlie? Presumably KPMG weren't Landeryou's auditors. Their people would have very different views of the lad if they were. They'd be owed a lot, to begin with.

Anonymous said...

"I heard that he didn't deliver what Fairfax expected so they terminated the arrangement, and Andy subsequently went ferral"

This explains a lot about Landeryou's hate for The Age.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou goes feral against anyone who he thinks (in reality or not) has wronged him

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Landeryou goes feral against anyone who he thinks (in reality or not) has wronged him

which is all the time it seems

Does Landeryou seriously think he has never made a mistake? Answers on a pstage stamp please

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"I heard that he didn't deliver what Fairfax expected so they terminated the arrangement, and Andy subsequently went ferral"

This explains a lot about Landeryou's hate for The Age.

Yeah, IQ copr were supposed to provide sports stats, but from what I heard either Landeryou didn't deliver the stats in the agreed format, or he didn't deliver them at all

Anonymous said...

Landeryou seems to have a great capacity to hate real and imagined enemies. He's a therapist's wet dream of disorders.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"A charge of vicious and malicious parking is still to be determined."

Wouldn't out that past him!

Anonymous said...

SO far, no Landeryou aupporter, or himself for that matter (you there Cait Catt?) has put up any sort of defence to these charges.

Time is ticking!!!!!

Tick tock

I vote for Very Guilty! Guilty is not strong enough

Anonymous said...

The whole Melbourne Uni thing is bullshit! They are all running around driving expensive cars and living in castles!

I have been checking out Dean Sherriff and it seems he has interests in the following companies -


Does anyone know what these dodgy companies do? How much money do they make etc?

Anonymous said...


Dean Sherriff seen at Melbourne University enrolling in something.

Anyone with any news?

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