Friday, November 30, 2007
Bankrupt Blogger Blues
Who says Buddha Boy will be out of bankruptcy next year? Look at the Insolvency & Trustee Service Australia webpage (
It says that "an objection to discharge will extend the bankruptcy to either 5 years or 8 years". Buddha Boy has scarcely been open and frank about his financial affairs.
The guy lives the life of Reilly even though he has no job. He still faces civil and criminal actions.
These will uncover the location of his stashed funds and reveal his lies over his financial arrangements.Buddha Boy's bankruptcy trustee is certain to demand an extension. I forecast that Buddha Boy will be bankrupt at the next two federal elections.
He will also be in prison. Both of these considerations will rule him out of running for parliament.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Australia wins: Landeryou loses (again)
Its been a long night fellow patriots.
And on the same night, Andrew Landeryou, who backed the Coalition with $100 wagers, maintains his record run of failure (MUSU, IQ Corp, Bankruptcy, his blog, political forecasting).
It’s going to be a busy week for TS staff, so please bear with us as our articles on Landeryou are a bit thin this week.
In the meantime, comment at will here, and else where, on this blog.
Also, on Thursday, SBS is broadcasting at 10 am the 2007 Walkley Awards. Tune in to celebrate some great journalism, and pay special attention to the thorough disregard and unacknowledgement shown to the non-Award winning bankrupt blogger, Andrew Landeryou.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Andrew Landeryou vs. Slanderyou: YOU DECIDE!
Apparently, the nation is going to an election this weekend.
So, TS thought why not have our own election.
See above - we are running a poll. Who do you want?
The two candidates are ourselves, and Costa Rican Andrew “the Rat” Landeryou.
(There is some doubt whether Landeryou’s Costa Rican residency excludes him from running in Australian elections – let alone the bankruptcy – but let’s put that aside for now.)
It is a simple two horse race, first past the post, with no sordid preference deals to worry about, for example remember how associates close to Landeryou in the immediate past Senate election orchestrated a murky preference deal to elect Family First to the Senate, displacing an ALP Senator.
Vote NOW.
We are campaigning on freedom of speech, corporate governance, patriotism, and improved funding for mental health so Landeryou can get some much needed help.
Landeryou is campaigning on … well… ask him/her/it/them.
The poll closes Monday.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Andrew Landeryou = Investors’ ‘kiss of death’
TS has commented previously about Landeryou’s paucity of success with business: MUSU, IQ Corp, Optima, Online Gaming Spivery Inc (
His “success rate” has also extended to his officially bankrupt blog.
Now his patented ‘kiss of death’ has extended to newspapers.
Since his court ordered return from Costa Rica, Landeryou has made it a personal (deluded) ambition to see the collapse of The Age; meanwhile promoting the Herald Sun at every opportunity.
Alarmed by the recent readership stats, it is no surprise that the Herald Sun has come out so strongly disassociating itself from Landeryou, slamming him as a goady gadfly.
Contrarian philosophy would suggest that if Landeryou wanted to damage The Age (given his poor business record) he would publicly endorse and support the newspaper, and like his blog, readership levels would indeed collapse.
Rene Rivkin once said (paraphrasing) if you want to make money, find an idiot, and do the opposite. Investors would be wise to do the opposite of whatever Landeryou advises. Rupert Murdoch, with the Herald Sun, appears to be now (belatedly) following that advice.
And on a related issue. Landeryou still hasn’t explained how many PBL shares he has. Obviously, enough to attend the company’s AGM in
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Blogging Rat promises to “…tell all”! But when? (UPDATE 2)
Add another illness to the list - this time its an STD.
It looks as if the Herald Sun is finally over Landeryou, slamming him as a gadfly, defined as:- A persistent irritating critic; a nuisance.
- One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad.
Though, of course, Landeryou is too large an animal to be described as "Any of various flies, especially of the family Tabanidae, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals."
Andrew “the Rat” Landeryou has made a number of public promises, concerning his viral blog of sleaze, about revealing all about MUSU, IQ Corporation, Optima etc etc.
Of course, TS patriots are still waiting and waiting and waiting.
What Landeryou has primarily concentrated on is soft gay porn, and operating as a social networking forum for connoisseurs of deformed fried chicken fetishists.
Have we missed something?
See you all Monday.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Costa Rican has multiple personalities

It is not only the Left that has bloggers suffering multiple personalities or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
“Darryl Mason, who has hidden behind the names Stan Lorne, Max Dreswell, Sam Lowry, Ferris Fremont, PitchMaster, and Leftie Latte Lover, claims that he is not DM or commenter Tabmow. Those last two are, if Darryl is to be believed, the work of some other lying idiots. Not him.”
The far Right too has one.
Andrew Landeryou suffers from this ailment. His personalities, all but one (Freedom Freddy) share female personalities: Cait, Catter8, his most famous Delia Delegate and now a new one has reared its head – Rita.
Hopefully, after the election whoever wins will allocate sufficient resources to mental health, and help Landeryou.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Costa Rican Andrew Landeryou & Terror Link
(Source: Community of Patriots)
Startling news circulated through the blogosphere yesterday when a Terror Link was discovered involving former Costa Rican resident Andrew “the Rat” Landeryou.
The link involves Rob Stary who is performing a valued civil liberties function providing the legal defence to alleged terrorists.
The link with Landeryou is that Stary provided legal counsel to Landeryou throughout his bail hearings, just after he was extracted from Costa Rica.
There is no suggestion that Landeryou’s bail hearings and later court appearances had anything to do with terrorism. However, a forensic accountant said that Landeryou’s mismanagement of MUSU and IQ Corporation could be labeled “financial terrorism”, if he wasn’t so incompetent.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Andrew Landeryou’s “cut and run”
Ms Kitching blamed her financial collapse on her missing husband, Labor Party powerbroker Andrew Landeryou, who has skipped town leaving a trail of debt.
The son of former Cain government minister Bill Landeryou vanished in December and has not been seen since.
There is a warrant out for his arrest for failing to give evidence over the collapse of the Melbourne University Student Union.
Ms Kitching revealed yesterday she had filed for voluntary bankruptcy ahead of a scheduled court appearance today over the debt to Mr Lew.
She now stands to lose her heritage-listed
Breaking a long-standing silence, Ms Kitching told the Herald Sun she hadn't seen her husband since December 6, and wasn't sure if she ever would again.
"My husband told me he was going to
"Over the last couple of months, I have been forced to accept that my husband has gone. I have no indication of his whereabouts or whether he intends to return.
"I fully trusted my husband and accepted his word that he would meet the financial commitments he had asked and advised me to enter into."
The $3 million debt relates to a failed company, IQ Corporation, controlled by Mr Landeryou and in which Mr Lew was a major investor.
Andrew Landeryou, his wife and his father Bill all signed documents agreeing to cover the debt.
An instalment due on December 22 wasn't paid, triggering the court battle over the funds.
Ms Kitching said in her statement that her attempts to reach a settlement with Mr Lew over the matter had failed.
Her bankruptcy trustee, Jim Downey, said apart from the debt to Mr Lew, Ms Kitching owed $600,000 to the Adelaide Bank, $35,000 to her father, and smaller amounts to about a dozen other creditors.
The Supreme Court this month heard claims that Andrew Landeryou transferred about $1 million to
Ms Kitching served as a
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Boring balding fat sloth
Is Landeryou approaching child endengerment? "Tragic publicity addict Nameless scribe Christian Kerr is milking the birth of his child (pictured above) for all its worth. The OC delights in sledging Kerr who anonymously and viciously slagged hundreds of people in the early days".
Apparently "sledging anonymously and viciously slagged(ing) hundreds of people" as Delia Delegate doesn't count!
Andrew Landeryou has written about people shopping. "Tis hard work being a Nameless national affairs correspondent. Christian Kerr, a recovering cocaine addict, was seen strolling through Myer Melbourne yesterday around 3pm with heavily pregnant wifey in tow."
Read on dear TS reader. What is wrong with Andy Landy's analysis?
1. Landeryou is supposed to be officially unemployed, so what does he know about "...hard work"?
2. Didn't Andy Landy leave his wife, not for shopping, but for the online gaming spivery mecca that is Costa Rica.
Please add your own analysis.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The early days of Andrew Landeryou
Friday, November 02, 2007
Leonie Wood & Andrew Landeryou
"The definitive story of disgraced high-flying businessman Steve Vizard, one-time comedian and two-time Gold Logie winner. Age journalist Leonie Wood has covered the Vizard story since he first appeared before ASIC in 2005, admitting to insider trading. More recently she reported on the trial of Vizard's former accountant, Roy Hilliard, who is alleged to have swindled Vizard of $3 million. During that trial, Hilliard portrayed Vizard as a master of deception whose public persona was a charade. In this engaging examination of Vizard's fall from grace, Wood seeks to uncover the man behind the mask, and asks, why did he do it? Was it greed, audacity or sheer stupidity? And what do we really know about Steve Vizard?"Leonie Wood has also written extensively on Andrew Landeryou. What should Wood call her book on Landeryou?
See you all next Wednesday, with a story about MUSU.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Andrew Landeryou "Offline"
Meanwhile Crikey is left to subsidise Landeryou's officially bankrupt blog.