A patriot informs us that Landeryou's lack of forecasting ability also extends to: "Caroline Wilson to leave The Age (still there), Philip Ruddock to retire before the 2007 federal election (re-elected) and - by far way the best to date - a Lib-Nat victory at last year's poll."
Which reminded us that Landeryou backed the Coalition to win with $100 wagers.
And in 2006 Landeryou displayed another example of his lack of business skill and forecasting ability, when he trumpeted a website that he claimed would soon rival The Age.
In June 2007, Andrew Landeryou forecast: "Left-wing Australian newspaper, Melbourne's The Age is set to dump its Editor-in-Chief Andrew Jaspan".
It is now February 2008. Jaspan is still the Editor!
Is this another of many examples of Landeryou's poor forecasting skills via his Blog of Sleaze?
Landeryou signs off his Media Release with: "For further information on the Australian media from a fair and balanced perspective, read Andrew Landeryou's The Other Cheek". Fair and balanced?
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
1 week ago
14 Truth On Comments:
So how are you going to get out of this one Landeryou? Also, where is Cait? Have you terminated that personality Landeryou?
This was another extraordinary, and unfounded claim from Landeryou.How many of that is it now?
Its Wednesday, and Landeryou hasn't updated his blog of sleaze since Monday.
Is he doing another of his disappearing acts?
Here's hoping...
Readers of the blog of filth may wish to read the latest news from the blog of sleaze!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
WHAT'S UP: Reports From The Frontiers of Freedom
■ If newbie Foreign Minister Stephen Smith bows and scrapes any deeper to the Beijing regime in China, he might be eligible for some kind of Beijing Olympics medal for gymnastic flexibility. Gold, silver and bronze probably out of the question, a more likely colour would be brown to match his nose. His remarks yesterday seem to suggest that the Taiwanese democracy having a harmless ballot about its re-admission to the United Nations would constitute grounds for the Beijing government to use force against it. Ugly and gravely disappointing. China already has a Foreign Minister, surely it doesn't need two. The fact is that China is in crisis, scrambling to get access to resources and energy to sustain its bubble economy. Australia is the gate-keeper to a safe and secure supply of much of that. They need us. If we don't use that leverage now to demand China starts improving its human rights record and stops threatening its neighbours with military force Saddam Hussein style then we are very much of the problem not the solution. Our long term allies are far from impressed by recent events.
■ Victorian Parliamentary security officials managed to be sufficiently on top of things yesterday to keep the Premier's Chief of Staff Chuckling Dan O'Brien from listening to the first Question Time from the press gallery (his pass didn't allow him access to that hallowed ground) yet permitted rowdy hoons to effectively shut down Question Time. Memo to those in charge: Next time, go easy on the highest-ranking adviser dude and arrest, hand-cuff and throw the book at while throwing to the ground those seeking to shut down the state's highest democratic institution. Anyone behaving that way in the Supreme Court of Victoria would have spent at least a night or two in its cells and without question have been charged with various offences. Perhaps a detention facility could be established in the Parliamentary pavillion, with hard-faced biatch state MP and branch-stacker Lily D'Ambrosio aka Joan Ferguson in charge. That should prevent a repeat.
■ While the method of protest was a disgrace, the pipeline is without question the most incompetently managed political issue by the Bracks/Brumby governments since the toxic dump. An increasing number of people in government - particularly Labor's many regional MPs - are concerned about this growing distraction that is perhaps unfairly making them look like they are stealing water from the parched country to give to the Water Wally's in Melbourne's suburbs. The pipeline is emblematic of city-slickers continuing to lord it over country folk, an impression that took hold with the previous Liberal government. They ought to be very careful about making further mistakes in this area.
■ Rudd's power in the caucus has reached pretty impressive levels but the multi-millionaire MP has no idea what he's dealing with trying to get up a pay cut for Members of Parliament. If he can get this up, his next trick would be to cross the Canberran Lake Burley-Griffin using the technique made famous by Rudd's personal Saviour.
■ Political junkies the world over are tuned into the biggest game of all, the US Presidential primaries. My money is still on Hillary for both the primaries and the general with McCain looking like everything is falling his way.
Game on.
Saw a bumper sticker yesterday
Don't think I'd see that on the car of a Liberal blogger would I?
Other wonderful predictions from El Gordo: Caroline Wilson to leave The Age (still there), Philip Ruddock to retire before the 2007 federal election (re-elected) and - by far way the best to date - a Lib-Nat victory at last year's poll.
Methinks 1.30 is referring to a Liberal blogger named Catt. Sorry, Landeryou.
Darren Ray was sent to jail today for tax fraud
who will be next?
What is this comment moderation bullshit. No fair.
ha ha Slanderyou, wrong and lies again. Jaspan has gone. Vexnews was right again. I am Henderson Ross.
ha ha Slanderyou, wrong and lies again. Jaspan has gone. Vexnews was right again. I am Henderson Ross.
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