Friday, October 31, 2008
Weekend Munchies
We'll be busy working, know who!
Looks like Vexnews, if precedent is any guide, will be grounded soon.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Australia’s blogosphere point towards a potential “golden age of political journalism"
Enough said. Background here. (TS blog)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Weekend Munchies
Meanwhile, Andy is throwing the term plagiarism about the place like confetti. Seems he has forgotten this!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Andrew Landeryou and friends
Now, Andy has some interesting friends.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Guide to financial planning

Given the difficult economic circumstances we find ourselves in, it is important to obtain sound financial planning information.
While we do not encourage the following approach, it is a rather ‘innovative’ 10 step plan.
- Run a company
- Source the capital from one of Melbourne’s billionaires
- Wreck the company
- Head off overseas – but don’t tell anyone where you are going
- Come back when the Supreme Court asks you to
- Be declared bankrupt for a laughable amount
- Don’t work for 3+ years
- Not be enrolled in the work for the dole programme
- Spend countless hours a day playing pretend journalist, and set up 2 insolvent blogs/websites
- Eat lots of KFC
Friday, October 17, 2008
Weekend Munchies: "Space smells like fried steak and hot metal"
Imagine if space smelled of KFC!
Another occupation we can cross off the list.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
October Madness
As you will appreciate Patriots, this past week has been staggering. This week promises much of the same.
And again, you’d appreciate it is going to be a very busy, hectic, stressful and heavy-coffee consumption time for TS staff.
We will hand the blog over to the Community of Patriots this week to comment at will.
Take care.
See you next week.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Weekend Munchies
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
An excuse - it was someone else's fault!
But hang on:
"Mr Landeryou left Australia in December, shortly before he was due to appear at a liquidator's hearing into the collapse of the $14million Melbourne University Student Union Inc.
"Ms Kitching blamed her financial collapse on her missing husband, Labor Party powerbroker Andrew Landeryou, who has skipped town leaving a trail of debt."
Monday, October 06, 2008
“Andy can’t even organise a mass-debate”
Patriots have previously commented on Vexnews’ failings against a range of independent journalistic and commercial criteria.
Further investigation reveals how serious the situation has become for Vexnews’ shareholders, who in time will become creditors.
On the site, Landeryou has designed a page where the few Vexnews readers can ‘debate’ issues. (It can be found at
TS can reveal that since going live there has been no debate and only 6 of Landeryou’s personalities have registered to participate. (Right click the picture above into a new tab in your browser to read the full details.)
As one commentator told TS “Andy can’t even organise a mass-debate!”
Patriots won’t be surprised by this development.