Andrew Bolt has used a picture of Andrew Landeryou to decorate a story on airlines and excess baggage!!!!
Scroll to the very end of the Team Slanderyou blog, and you will see the same pic! Spooky.
(Definitely, last post before mid December!)
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
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1 week ago
370 Truth On Comments:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 370 of 370 Newer› Newest»Why is a mate of Landeryou's in the former Soviet Union attempting to interfere in the running of council elections in Melbourne?
Is it true this freak had to take a trip a la Andy's jaunt to Costa Rica?
Is this person the link between Landeryou and the Russian "brides" escort service he promoted on the Blog of Sleaze, Antastasia International?
No mention of El Gordo in The Age since Sept. 24 when it reported El Gordo duped by a hoax blogger posing as David Hicks.
Last mention in Herald Sun, July 17, on Twentyman intervention order.
Last mention in Crikey, June 20 -"May not be doing a rosemary's baby, but Nealgate is not her first run-in with the Labor Right. Cue 1991 and Melbourne University Student Union, where incumbent President Andrew Landeryou -- I wonder what happened to him -- refused to leave his office after being sacked by a 90% vote in a referendum. Trying to carrying on as normal, as protestors occupied his office, he reached for the phone, but was prevented from using it by a young Sophie P sat on it."
How does Bent Bill sleep at night knowing the Landeryou name is being trashed so thoroughly?
Landeryou "entered into" bankruptcy on 19 March 2006.
His libel victims will be lining up early next year to put him through the courts.
That million buck's of Marbain money he took overseas must have earned enough interest to keep the frauster on easy street during 'the lean years'.
Drubbing of Kimberley Kitching in the latest Crikey.
Now that the MCC elections are over, many in the inner suburban ALP are secretly relieved McMullin didn’t win and Kimberley Kitching didn’t get her plum job at Town Hall. Those more intelligent members of Labor Unity are not really scratching their heads as to what went wrong. Most have privately acknowledged the real reasons for the loss following half a million dollars of campaign expenditure on McMullin’s campaign.
The reasons are:
1. The candidate just wasn’t good enough. Putting up a Mayor from Geelong whose connection with the people of inner Melbourne is, for all practical intents and purposes, tenuous at best -- who can remember him ever turning up to a local residents meeting or fighting for an issue? Any issue? And he is hardly Mr approachable. More like Mr Aloof.
2. The preference deals were not done too well. But this may have partly been because the key players wanted to support him (apart from Wil who had to). And putting the Libs above the Greens was not a good look either. And there were considerable leakage away from the preference deals of other candidates ensuring McMullin and his Liberal sidekick were shoved further down the ticket.
3. And speaking of Tonto the hard right Lib, most Labor leaning, thinking people of the inner suburbs (of which we are the majority), were infuriated by what was seen as ratting us out in putting Wilson as deputy so that McMullin could be Lord Mayor. Where would that get us and our values Peter? Nowhere fast.
4. The negative campaign against the Greens and Catherine Ng gave them a big sympathy vote, especially Catherine.
5. And of course McMullin had KK as his campaign director. Her idea of a campaign is throwing lots of money at it, saying what people will want to hear and attacking the opposition. Well KK, we think about things in the inner suburbs. After your less than stellar performance as a councillor, we won’t be fooled by that again.
If McMullin had not split the Labor vote, Wil Fowles may now have been our Lord Mayor. Although he may be a bit young for the job, we now have a Lib. Thanks Peter. Thanks a lot. We are not happy. Please don't come again.
Why would The Age mention fat failure Landeryou at all, 4:40 pm?
There must be dozens of sad and mad losers wandering the streets muttering away and cursing the world.
No one listens to them at all. No one cares.
They don't get their names in the papers. And Landeryou is one of them.
Well, Anon, 6.56pm, The Age (or Crikey, The Herald Sun and others) probably doesn't want to give any oxygen to El Gordo but it really can't ignore him fucking up big time and time again - and he doesn't disappoint doing it always in an impressive way.
A patriot observes above: "Landeryou "entered into" bankruptcy on 19 March 2006. His libel victims will be lining up early next year to put him through the courts."
He should be so lucky!
The Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia's helpful website (click the link above)informs bankrupts:
"You are required to co-operate with your Trustee. If you fail to comply with the conditions of your bankruptcy, your Trustee may extend your period of bankruptcy by filing an objection to your discharge. An objection can extend your bankruptcy period from 3 years to either 5 or 8 years."
What's the betting Landeryou will make the eight?
The ITSA site also warns bankrupts: "You have an on-going legal obligation to assist your Trustee. This may include disclosing information, completing paperwork and providing books, records or other documentation about your examinable affairs."
Bankruptcy trustees frown at debt-dogers who claim "I lost the paperwork".
That's bad news all the way for Landeryou.
The Poxnews site is full of quotes from pollster Gary Morgan on the VEC today. What Poxnews doesn't say is that Gary Morgan is as mad as a hatter. If he didn't have a sizeable family fortune to protect him he'd be living in a Salvation Army hostel and yelling at people in the street.
Eight years, eh? That'll bring up to March 2014. reports: "THIGHS and breasts of a different kind were on the menu in Adelaide's Rundle Mall today, as three women stood naked outside a Kentucky Fried Chicken store, calling on the fast food giant to improve its animal welfare standards."
Does Landeryou eat such vast amounts of the fatty food because he gets none of the other thighs and breasts?
Does he consume the Colonel's KFC to fill himself up with hormones so he can be like that bodybuilder bloke he post naked videos of?
It is not true that the media has never referenced Vexnews.
Read Poll Bludger which is a Crikey blog. There is a link to Vexnews and one of their key commentators, a Caroline Church, makes a lot of comments about Vexnews. Caroline even refers to the claim that Gavin Jennings, the EPA Stasi Minister, supported Michael Freshwater, the successful One Nation candidate in East Gippsland.
Caroline has been a critic of some items on Vexnews so she aint Cait Catt.
Interesting. Slanderyou goes AWOL around the time of the Local Council elections.
And he did not win a seat in Moreland. Wonder how soon Slanderyou will be back at his filthy blog.I am Henderson Ross.
Fat boy, why do you even think we give a damn about these loathsome nobodies from one citiy's burbs you always write about?
You might call yourself Henderson Ross. We are the rest of Australia and we don't give a damn.
dumb and dumber said...
The Poxnews mad rant against the VEC, Commish Steve Tully et al, is a storm in a teacup.
But, and this is very ominous, Landeryou has published illegally the contents of emails to and from the VEC. A likely source of the leak is provided in the cc's section of emails sent to VEC:
That was dumb, Kim! That was even dumber, Landeryou!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 2:56:00 PM
inspector clousseau said...
A bland former bankrupt leading a blind libeller and current bankrupt.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 3:00:00 PM
McVeigh may have screwed up on parts of the MUSU liquidation. But this does not mean Landeryou should be immune to prosecution now for what appear to be obvious, organised and systematic frauds. Who is following up on this case? Who is tracing the missing Marbain million? Who is following up the money milked by IQ Corp?
Vic Supreme Court gave the MUSU Crooks a free kick. It took ATO to net young crim Cass. But Landeryou took stolen money out of Australia, and, when finally in court, developed total amnesia.
He has been arrested, incarcerated - but not convicted!
There has been dereliction of public duty in not getting this shocker into the slammer. DPP, Victorian government, Dept of Justice - What's going on?
Get up, Stand up! Get orf your fat arses and get this fraudster in jail!
Don't expect any action from the failed Brumby government. They have managed to turn Melbourne into an inferior copy of traffic infested Manila. Crime barbarians rule the streets of the CBD after hours. Deregulated white-collar crooks reap their undeserved millions.
Landeryou is safe for now - even Theo is free as a bird.
Australia, thanks to demented politicians, is becoming a Diaspora for strange, unwanted peoples. No referendum, no public discussion. The pollies just say "Cop this lot"!
It's high time pollies's indemnities were removed. If they cause fundamental disasters to the detriment of the population, they alone are responsible.
Wake up, you pompous loonies!
Poxnews is a porridge of libel, hatred and misleading nonsense.
Fatso has written "A month ago, Catherine Ng was a near certainty to win Melbourne's Lord Mayoralty."
A month ago, Fatso was bankrupt, discredited and fat.
One month later, Fatso was bankrupt, discredited and fat - though more so.
Surely you mean "bankrupt, discredited and fat and facing a string of civil and criminal charges", Patriot Kevin?
Melbourne's most reputable news source The Age reports today "The leaking of top-secret Victoria Police files to criminals... might jeopardise future investigations."
Is this why the Landeryou prosecution has not proceeded?
Fat Cunt just can't help himself.
His toxic Poxnews site contains a new and MASSIVE contempt of court about the much-loved Les Twentyman today.
Plus there's still the matter of his identity theft and cybersquatting with his website.
Fat Cunt clearly knows he's going down. The bastard seems to have decided he might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
Or Maybe Conroy was reading Andy's PooNews!
COMMUNICATIONS Minister Stephen Conroy has been caught napping as the Senate debated his legislation relating to the planned digital television switchover.
Senator Conroy was in the chamber listening to debate on the Bill.
He appeared to rest his eyes through much of a speech by Liberal backbencher Alan Eggleston before being roused by a second speaker.
"Sorry to disturb your slumber,'' Liberal Ian Macdonald said.
Senator Conroy offered no response.
Poxnews is just weird. Day after day after day of bizarre and meaningless slurs and attacks on people you've never heard of and don't give a damn about.
Wonder when El Gordo will get the first writs from the VEC brass; today, tomorrow or Friday?
Processes servers in the past have found him hard to track down and of course El Gordo is the only "political commentator" in country not on the electoral roll.
Dear Andrew,
Please STOP trying to help me on Vexnews. It's embarrassing enough to be facing rape charges without getting 'help' from a crim, serial stalker and Grub Street hack such as yourself.
You are tainting my already precarious position. If I get done I will hold you personally responsible.
Leave us alone,
Bloated buffoon Landeryou is having a Field Day!
He has libelled Theo's alleged rape victim, Les Twentyman, VEC's Sue Lang, Joe Hockey and others.
(Just a friendly word of warning, Landeryou. Russell Gilbert who appears in the stolen image you have used to further discredit and defame Les Twentyman, is a man reputed to have a 'very short fuze'. This is the second time you have used that stolen image. The only reason I can see for your visage not already having received a severe pummeling is that his friends are too frightened to mention this to him. I don't think an AVO would necessarily prove beneficial to you either).
Sooner or later, Landeryou's hate blog is going to end in tears. You can't go round libelling everyone day-after-day without getting in the poo eventuslly.
Poxnews churns out mediocre, low-quality, poorly researched or misleading hack articles. At weekends the blog becomes moribund, because the lazy blogger has the audacity to take time off!
The Barwon Gaol Hot Rodders Club has been busily making face masks for Landy and Theo. We have made three face masks each for both of them. That's in case any of them come off. The boys have heard that Theo is as ugly as sin, and Landy is a bit porcine. But we're not fussy here. There's nothing else to do.
Oh, Brutus Beefcake sends his love Landy! He is dying to bump a real millionaire!
"The lazy blogger has the audacity to take time off." Don't you mean: "the lazy UNEMPLOYED blogger has the audacity to take time off."
Mr Landeryou,
I can make you a steel insert that will protect you should, god forbid, you ever be sent to Barwon Gaol. Unfortunately for you, several of my more successful recent 'experiments' are in residence there at the moment.
The 'Golden Exstacy Tower' insert I propose for you is half a metre long, reinforced with titanium, and can accomodate what I would call XXXL gentlemen. Please call me for a fitting as soon as you can.
Creepy stalker Landeryou's comments about the mental state of the hapless victim of the alleged Theo rape case are laughable nonsense. 'The Stockholm Syndrome' adequately descibes the strange and enduring relationships that can develop between victims and criminals.
Greek telco records, if the recent Mokbel case is any guide, are ... ahem ... not quite up to scratch. Furthermore, it is not stated whether this was a batch call or an individual one. Irrespective, most psychs would know of plenty of cases of unusual behaviours as the result of crime. Vewnews, and the Herald-Sun have gone out on a long limb on this one.
The article herewith 'Love and Stockholm Syndrome: The Mystery of Loving an Abuser' demonstrates that Landeryou and the Herald-Sun are idiots:
"In the final analysis, emotionally bonding with an abuser is actually a strategy for survival for victims of abuse and intimidation. The "Stockholm Syndrome" reaction in hostage and/or abuse situations is so well recognized at this time that police hostage negotiators no longer view it as unusual". Click above for the full article.
As usual:
I wonder if Landeryou will 'bond' with the Barwon Gaol Hot Rodders?
Mr Uzunov has threatened court action for "identity fraud" over a fan site in his honour.
How ungrateful can you get?
Nick Sherry has introduced legislation to Ensure Banned Foreign Company Directors are Disqualified in Australia
Is Andy included given his trip to Costa Rica?
Re: 6:01:00 PM
Landeryou has very wisely removed the offending photo of Russell Gilbert from Poxnews.
Russell is a very nice guy, but forgiving he is not.
Sergeant Sasha's taking legal action over "idenityt fraud"?
That loop has used a whole string of other names himself. Just look at the gallery of "news" stories he has up on his site.
He also uses the name "Luke Leon", for a company "Luke Leon Media", which like all great media businesses seems to be nothing but a Hotmail address.
Landeryou is a vicious, evil, nasty and deluded loon. Sgt Sasha is just deluded sad.
I think Mr Uzunov, if in court, might prove an informative source regarding Mr Landeryou's present whereabouts; Mr Landeryou's present lifestyle and sources of income; and Mr Landeryou's current activities.
Mr Uzunov might be able to cast light on why and how he 'happened by' during the stalking intervention order sought by the Twentyman family at the Sunshine Court. Perhaps he can explain why he then and there took photographs of Mrs Twentyman in contravention of an agreement just entered into by Mr Landeryou. Police then required him to discard those photos.
Us commenters, and this site may have 'no association' with Mr Uzunov. He however, does have an association with Mr Landeryou which is of interest to all of us who wish to see Landeryou in court for his MUSU / IQC activities.
I think Mr Uzunov may prove to be as shy as Mt Landeryou when it comes to court proceedings. They both have heaps of explaining to do.
I hope I don't get selected as a juror in the upcoming Landeryou case(s). I could be there for years.
Recent deletions on Poxnews regarding the Theo case:
What a [deleted]. There is a thing called KARMA. Now she will be [deleted], probably [deleted] by a group of illegal [deleted].
Posted by H Valance | December 3, 2008, 12:44
….[deleted] style!
Posted by N Webster | December 3, 2008, 12:50
VEXNEWS: Thanks for alerting us to the unpleasant comments, which have been deleted… our moderation software is reasonably good, but is not perfect. Due to the volume of them, we are unable to moderate every comment before it’s published. Your assumption that they had been approved is incorrect. Thanks though for your vigilance. We have banned the IP address associated with those comments.
I don't think Landeryou has suddenly developed a conscience or a desire for fairplay. He has belatedly realised he can be subpoenaed for any and all of his appalling online libels.
In this case, the aggrieved alleged rape victim could call Landeryou for the views he has expressed thus far on the case.
So could Les Twentyman, Dean Mighell, Catherine Ng, and scores of others.
Fat, forty, no job, no friends, no future, no redeeming features at all. Sad, sad Andy. A wasted life. A wreck of a human being and a cesspool of decomposing prejudices. End it Andy. The pain of it all, of fragmenting into a thousand multiple personalities, all feral and equally irredeemable as yourself is too much. Do it Andy. Live on Vexnews. You know what I mean!
Don't do it Andrew. We want to see you suffer more. Stick around for a while, reading other people's blogs on how much they hate you. Don't take the easy way out. Suffer and truly experience the dreadful life you lead, with your only sad comfort being the looted cash stashed overseas. Your ex-wife and father have been bankrupted by your vile actions. I want to dance on your grave but only after the true horror of your own behaviour has truly entered your tiny brain.
Fat flop Landeryou writes about Poxnews comments: "Due to the volume of them, we are unable to moderate every comment before it’s published."
Yet more Landeryou lies! There is no volume. Virtually all the comments on Poxnews are by the deluded failure himself. No one reads it.
Poxnews's libellous attacks of VEC boss Steve Tully continue. Today, he is accused of 'cutting corners and then embarking on a cover-up'.
Serious stuff. I hope Landeryou doesn't realise what sanctions are available to the worthy Commish!
Landeryou has far more enemies than he has brain neurons. He's just not very smart.
Poxnews is dying! Rita Randles is dead. Landeryou is braindead.
From A ``pathological liar'' who faked his way into a job as a Qantas aircraft engineer tried to maintain his image as a good man through his ``fantastic stories'', a psychologist has told a Sydney court...
There is an interesting contrast with Fat Andy there.
Both men are pathological liars, but Fat Boy's "fantastic stories" remind us that he is just a cunt and a criminal
I wonder if Theo's alleged rape victim and her brother are still unemployed.
For some strange reason this was mentioned by Mrs Theo and Landeryou as a disqualification for bringing a rape charge. Don't unemployed people get raped?
Landeryou is unemployed - or at least has no visible means of support - but the Barwon Jail Hot Rodders Club are going to rape him.
If Buddha Boy's claims about the VEC had even a skerrick of truth about them reputable media outlets would have been all over the story. Their deathly silence indciates what Buddha Boy says is outrageous lies. reports: "A pathological liar who faked his way into an aircraft engineer's job with Qantas put the lives of 12,000 passengers at risk, a Sydney court has been told."
A pathological liar who pretended to run a news website has put the reputations of many, many more at risk.
His name is Andrew Landeryou.
Hey check out my work, would love your feedback on my first paparazzo snap!
Good work Urban Paparazzo!
Gather you didn't have a lense that was able to capture all of Andy Landy when he appeared at Sunshine Court.
I hope the Theo alleged rape case is continuing to receive priority attention from the embattled Victoria Police. The investigation has received a concerted whacking from the Herald-Sun, Mrs Theo and undue political interference from Premier Brumby who, during the recent Kororoit election, demonstrated he is rather partial to dirty tricks.
The victim would, perhaps, be unwise to return to Victoria where she will be attacked by a loud crowd of taxpayer-funded QCs and SCs. This would be the Brumby government's idea of 'justice'.
But, of course, the offence, if it occured, took place beyond parliamentary sitting hours and was of a private nature. Theo should face this charge, if it ever is laid, at his own expense as a private citizen. I certainly don't want, as a taxpayer, to fund a man charged with so serious an offence.
Readers will note that I haven't mentioned the outrageous libels on the unfortunate alleged victim on Vexnewsby Mr Landeryou. That is because he has a reputation as a libeller of prominent Australians. Mr Landeryou himself is hardly in a position, as a person subject to most serious allegations, to act as a defender of Theo who is also subject to the most serious allegations.
But Landeryou on Poxnews does not reveal, as he should, that he has been accused of multi-million dollar corporate asset stripping and theft of millions of dollars.
But it's all a hoot to him. The DPP, probably up to its ears in crime, has lost sight of Landeryou.
Unfortunately, the present worldwide financial crash has unexpectedly shielded criminals like him. There are bigger fish to fry first.
I used to feel annoyed about being banned from commenting on Poxnews so that fake Landeryou commenters like 'Walter Plinge' could provide adoring worship of the mediocrity to be found there.
Today, I'm glad my comments haven't been included in the libellous and criminal blog of hate, Poxnews.
Hmnn! Strange that Landeryou spokesman and serial pest 'Henderson Ross' has been scarse on this blog for the last four days. Could it be because of the endless avalanche of catastrophic, accurate criticism of the sleazy libeller and stalker presented on this site?
Of course, internet trolls like 'Henderson Ross' (AKA Landeryou) never answer specific criticism - even if there is a mountain of it. He is a lying liar who lies. He is also a wanking wanker who wanks. And a libellous libeller who libels.
But, there is something good about Landeryou. He is going down soon.
Praise the Lord!
Barrack Obama
Catherine Ng
Robert Doyle
Dean Mighell
Les Twentyman
Russell Gilbert
Australia's Union movement
Sue Lang
Steve Tully
Theo Theophanous
Phil Cleary
and hundreds of others libelled on Poxnews...
Sue the Prick!
Landeryou - Dead Man Walking!
Way, way too many libels. No evidence.
The OC and Poxnews banned me permanently because I kept on exposing numerous fake comments by Landeryou on both those blogs.
Current visitors to Poxnews know nothing of this because of ceaseless censorship by a stalking, criminal blogger like Landeryou.
'Blog of Freedom' - Bleeaah!
The Fairfax ship is sinking faster than the Titanic. Kirk has taken a life raft all to himself.
At least decent and upstanding people can turn to Vexnews for independent and reasoned commentary. I am Henderson Ross.
Well said Henderson. Vexnews should be really called "The Independent". It is so fair in its analysis.
No wonder so many people are turning to it as their primary source of news.
I especially appreciate the fact that it is free to read Vexnews. A great community service.
I expect that in their desperation to become profitable and generate a massive increase in their readership, that Fairfax will launch an aggressive takeover offer for Vexnews.
I trust that the shareholders of Vexnews remain resolute and reject the opportunistic bid.
We need media diversity in this country. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, I expect that Fairfax will have to pay a heavy price.
Isn't Fairfax broke?
The Age is definitely morally bankrupt Anon.
Another reason to fight the hostile takeover.
Maybe Rupert Murdoch will buy a blocking stake in Vexnews. Let's hope so. I am Henderson Ross.
"Fairfax will launch an aggressive takeover offer for PoxViews."
Don't expect Mayne's A$1 million payday, El Gordo. If FXJ wants it, the company will use the loose coins that slipped down the back of the sofa and still get back change.
Hey, when's Daddy going to stump up that extra A$1m for Solly Lew?
Hate 2 B at yr Xmas dinner.
Everytime I mention Les Twentyman in a favourable light here, Poxnews finds a way to libel him.
My post (December 05, 2008 3:45:00 AM) remarked on a recent scarcity of posts from 'Henderson Ross'. Magically, he quickly appeared here!
Ring dem bells and I salivate!
I wish I could find Landeryou's buttons which would lead him to:
1. Fess Up!
2. Return the stashed millions!
3. Apologise to all those he has libelled and wronged.
We will find and test all of Landeryou's buttons.
Goliath, Donkey, Brutus Beefcake, Flash in the Pants, Piledriver, Rumpy Bumpy and others - Barwon Gaol Hot Rodders Klub.
At last, a new Landeryou persona on Poxnews:
Great story Andrew.
Should win a walkley.
Did not know how bad the Socialist Left are.
Posted by Leana | December 5, 2008, 19:28
THE Landeryous XMAS LUNCH...
Andrew: Dad, I'm in the shit again. Could you spare a million?
(Pregnant pause)
Bill: You f*ckin useless #%&#!
Kimberley: Dont look at me Andy. You already sent me broke.
Mrs Landeryou Sr: Us too!
Andrew: Well, could I have another piece of the Xmas sparrow? I'm ravenous.
Brumby: It's no good good asking us for dosh Andrew. The State is going down the gurgler.
Theo: Well, I can say I am grateful to Andy for his advice. But I found it difficult to digest the relevant pages of the parliamentary guest book and other records for that night so long ago. But she was a good -
Kimberley interrupts: I told you Theo. When in court, if it comes to that you won't be able to remember a thing.
All: And so say all of us! - Hear!, Hear! - etc.
Ghost of Ronnie: I miss all those company papers I used to eat!
The sad truth is that organised crim and libeller Landeryou will spend a very quiet, lonely Xmas. He is expecting visits from Henderson Ross, Rita Randles and Real Politik. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. Sasha Uzunov will be on assignment in Croatia, well at least the Croatian Club in Footscray.
But Landeryou has ordered 30 KFC Family Feasts and several 20-litre wine casks for Christmas Lunch - just in case someone turns up unexpectedly at the Fat Cave.
Maybe he could invite the Federal Police surveillance team in for a snack.
I will be speading cheer at Andrew's place on Christmas day! I will even allow him to pet my pussy.
Who says Andrew doesn't get any nookie?
Go easy on the pussy jokes, Cait!
My felines are all cringing in disgust and terror.
I won't be visiting Landy's place during the festive season if there is any hint of funny business going on.
Jeez! If I wasn't dead I'd give Andy a Chrissy to really remember. I've been on my back for years. Maybe I'll give Andy a spade for Xmas.
I'd love to see Landeryou on the Judge Judy show. She doesn't put up with amnesia and uses common sense to zero in on lies and prevarication. Landy would last about five minutes if he was lucky. Sol Lew and The Age could make this happen...
If Landeryou was coming to my place for Christman lunch, this would be the menu:
Cucumber and mushroom appetiser with sulphuric acid vinaigrette
Large slice of humble pie
Coogee Bay Hotel icecream surprise
Drinks: choice of Drano or glass of Burgundy (with Drano).
Landeryou and 'Henderson Ross' have taken the weekend off again! Poxnews rarely posts new stories. But stories when they appear are poorly researched, low level council, union or occasionally state government, content. It's all so tiresome, laughable and boring.
Life is so short. I'd rather watch paint dry.
We should find a way to set up a comp for worst blog on the whole net. With the right categories, Poxnews would be an easy winner in many of them.
The Age, having broken the Theo rape allegation story several months ago, should have followed it up in Greece. Instead, the community has been subjected to lame local defences by Mrs Theo, the Herald Sun, and premier Brumby.
Theo himself has prematurely retired to the safety of his own home to avoid opposition questioning. Brumby, according to ABC's Stateline last Friday no longer responds to questions. Ted Bailleau says the premier does not respond to parliamentary questions.
As a humble servant of the people, Brumby is required to immediately and honestly answer parliamentary questions. If he does not, he shouldn't be there.
Theo is presented either as a great ALP leader or an abominable branch stacker. That's fine. But is he also a rapist? That is the one and only relevant question.
I'm no reader of public opinion like Landeryou, but my gut feeling (especially after the Brumby, Mrs Theo outbursts) is that Theo needs to go to court to face the rape charge. It would be his opportunity to defend himself. Provided he answers all questions, and does not take the 'Landeryou amendments' - privilege and amnesia - he has half-a-chance of getting off.
This is far too serious a matter to be swept under the carpet.
I saw what I saw.
Theo is a renowned rooter.
The guy should have been caged on the back bench. ALP bosses knew about his weird 'interests' but did nothing. It's all coming home to roost you low-life shits.
Theo is just a silly little Coq!
Earlier proceedings against Landeryou showed he has several cases to answer.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Seeing Landeryou can steal millions and get off scot free, I am looking around for unprotected zillions I can steal or rip off.
Landeryou left an obvious trail even a blind Aardvark could have followed. But Victorian prosecutors are sitting on their fat arses doing nothing. Do we need to provide you with a brief for action to proceed?;
Do your jobs you useless slackos!
Has Landeryou owned up yet?
What about Theo?
Crime Blog Poxnews (vexnews) is abandoned at weekends. But commenters (like Landeryou) are claiming Fatty Doyle won the Melbourne Lord Mayor's job because of the donkey vote.
Yeah, that sounds spot on Landy, you complete idiot!
Patriots will remember the endless 'hilarious' Fatty Doyle / McPerton diatribes on The OC and Vexnews. This was just a sugar coating on various libels on Doyle.
Mischeviously, Landeryou promotes Liberal Transport spokesman Terry Mulder as an alternative leader to Ted Bailleau. But, as usual, Landeryou is on the wrong train. Mulder is a harmless twerp. Anyone who actually travels on public transport in Melbourne would know Mulder has a thousand free kicks at his disposal. Instead, he tries to mouth headlines for TV news that end up sounding vacuous and irrelevant.
Despite Landeryou's enthusiastic backing, Terry Mulder would have trouble organising a teddy bears' picnic.
Patriots critical of Landeryou's new hate blog refer to it as 'Poxnews' which doesn't exist. That means that our criticisms of Vexnews aren't linked in search engine searches to Landeryou's new libel blog.
Our criticism of 'Poxnews' ends up in cyberspace and not in search engine searches for Vexnews.
No wonder Landeryou and 'Henderson Ross' provocatively appear here, pretending they are responding to our crits.
I suggest that in future criticism of 'Poxnews' is accompanied with 'also known as Vexnews' so as to link our comments with that god-forsaken blog of hate, libel and crime.
I wish the real Cait Catt and the real catter8 would come back. I enjoy their defence of Mr Landeryou and his publication Vexnews, called Poxnews by many correspondents on this blog.
There seems quite a lot of activity on Vexnews in relation to the Socialist Left supporting a conservative Mayor in Hume. Nothing surprises me.
Steve (or is it Jack) is getting some praise in the correspondence too. Steve lost to Ann Potter in the Sunbury part of Hume. Steve is a good advocate on behalf of crime victims. He speaks well too.
Same shit, different day on Poxnews also known as Vexnews.
Anonymous 3:40:00 AM seems like an utter twat. He (probably Landeryou) mentions Ann Potter of Hume Council. That person is being called a pisspot by comments (probably by Landeryou) on Poxnews also known as Vexnews.
There's no accounting for what idiots do with their spare time...
Drongo hasn't read what 3.40 said. Apart from the reference to Cait Catt, and 3.40 says he or she enjoys them (and that doesn't mean agrees with them) and points out there are a lot of comments on Vexnews about Hume. This is so. It is a statement of fact, not praise for Vexnews. Then 3.40 refers to Steve Medcraft, stating that Steve is also known as Jack and is an advocate for crime victims.
3.40 is full of moderation and has not defamed anyone. It is clearly not Landeryou or one of his sock puppets.
Don't assume drongo that anyone who mentions Vexnews necessarily agress with it. You will notice I have not referred to it as Poxnews. I leave that to others, including you drongo.
I am sure everyone has now read the forensic audit of the fatuous failing Fairfax, on Vexnews.
I did not realise Fairfax was in such bad shape. Sure I thought things were bad - but not this bad.
I still think Fairfax will launch a hostile takeover of Vexnews. I am Henderson Ross.
I have read it Henderson. And what a great feature it was. Worth every penny.
I hope Vexnews is not bought by Fairfax.
I still think that Rupert Murdoch is running the ruler over Vexnews.
If Fairfax is in bad shape how could it afford a takeover of Vexnews (some call it Poxnews) Mr Henderson Ross?
More likely a hostile takeover will come from News Ltd. I hope that Vexnews will fight it.
Crikey! Using Hendy Ross's own logic, News Ltd and Fairfax should be locked in a death struggle to win ownership of THIS blog. This blogs provides real news about Landeryou, and the comments are real. There are nicer folk here than on Vexnews (Poxnews) - a better demographic.
A buyer of Poxnews would be purchasing bile in bulk, layers of libels, hatfuls of hatred - all of them things of no value. Poxnews is worthless. It is a desert, a dark and forbidding place. It is run by an individual that was involved in massive frauds. Today, he endlessly libels ordinary Australians...
On the other hand, a buyer of Vexnews would be getting loads of staff, but paying for only two - Sasha Uzunov, the One Man Media Army, and Mr Landeryou and his forty personalities, my goodself included!
Who would buy staff consisting only of Dumb and Dumber?
The comment at Tuesday, December 09, 2008 12:08:00 AM attributed to me is a fraud. Much like Slanderyou.
Where is Slanderyou by the way? Hiding from defeat in Brunswick? I am Henderson Ross.
The Age reports:
A NSW Supreme Court judge has ruled an internet cartoon in which lookalike child characters from The Simpsons engage in sexual acts is child pornography.
In a landmark finding, Justice Michael Adams today upheld a decision convicting a man of possessing child pornography after the cartoons, depicting characters modelled on Bart, Lisa and Maggie engaging in sex acts, were found on his computer.
It is sort of a Landeryouesque view of the world.
I dare him to publish some of the Simpson cartoon porn on Poxnews.
I am of course, the real Henderson Ross and I can easily prove it.
Some people think I am nerdy looking scared, weird, little guy, but I have a tattoo 'Property of Hells Angels' on my butt. None of the other Henderson Rosses have such a manly tattoo.
I can tell far bigger lies than Mr Landeryou. I often suggest nasty things that Landeryou can say about his enemies like Les Twentyman, Fatty Doyle, Dean Mighell, Phil Cleary, Catherine Ng, Red Ted, and heaps of others.
Someone should create a cartoon series about Homer Landeryou. Homer is clumsy, very fat and very lazy. He is also an alcoholic, and is not very smart. He works as a libellous blogger at part-time Poxnews.
In the series, Homer Landeryou's libels assume a supreme sexual significance. He is actually busily 'shafting' people that he hates.
Homer Landeryou is a major shareholder in Kalgoorlie Fried Capons (KFC). His past is murky, and there are hints of dastardly earlier major frauds and corporate asset-stripping.
Homer Landeryou has an ex-wife Kim and a mistress called Cait Catt. There are plenty of 'Duhs!' as he struggles with juggling former and current loves. Landeryou jerks off a lot, but this is heavily censored because of Justice Michael Adams' recent ruling.
Viewers who enjoy watching forensic studies of bankruptcy, even in cartoon form, will enjoy the forthcoming series.
A follow-up series 'Homer Landeryou in Costa Rica' is in the planning stage.
I have seen some of the sample cells from the projected Homer Landeryou cartoon series.
There is a lot of unnecessary nudity and cellulite in the series. Usually, this is just Homer Landeryou wandering around the Fat Cave déshabillé. But there is a horrendous weekend scene with very frightened chooks trembling in the background.
The most troubling moment was where Homer Landeryou's faithful dog is smeared with KFC essences and plunged alive into boiling fat as a snack. This is a disgusting 'snuff movie' scene and I would like to know what Justice Michael Adams makes of it.
In a romantic moment, Homer Landeryou is caught in flagrante delicto with very young-looking mistress Cait Catt. But of course the vision is ambiguous and blurred. Homer Landeryou could simply have been waving his wand in the air.
I've heard enough!
Take the makers of this degrading smut and Hang Them High!
Is Henderson Ross actually artist Bill Henson? Stop and think about it. This story just gets more frightening and weird!
Crim Landeryou, moonlighting as a journalist on Poxnews, makes nonsensical comments about journalism in the story: 'OUCH: It doesn’t take punishingly high bright red pants to make Alan Howe look silly'.
Landeryou isn't a journalist's breakfast, but he pontificates freely as usual about what journalists should and shoudn't do. It is embarrassing humbug that would make the Herald-Sun's copy boys cringe.
In a world gone mad, I guess it is inevitable that a crim can criticise professional journos. But I can confidently predict who will win in the end. Won't be you, Landeryou! They will be picking over your bones for years.
It is only a matter of time before Fairfax joins the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune in filling for bankruptcy.
While I do not wish to worry anyone unnecessarily, but these newspapers may want to buy the popular and financial Vexnews to prop up their failing business models.
I wish I had shares in Vexnews - I would make a very handsome profit if I sold. But I wouldn't sell, as the ROI on Vexnews will soon be 100 fold. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, I agree with you 100%. Let's hope the Foreign Investment Review Board will not allow any takeover of Vexnews. It is too important a community asset.
Fairfax would love to buy Vexnews. It would be immediately positive to its bottom line. But where would it get the money.
I hope Vexnews lists on the ASX, so I can buy some shares. It would be a great investment.
Vexnews is a great family news portal. It contains no filth like this filthy blog.
My children read Vexnews all the time. It's is very educational. I never let them read this blog. It would damage their moral upbringing.
It seems that The Age's long, painful death sprial continues, with a white elephant luxury building under construction, mid-week classifieds to be canned and a bleak Christmas party where not even Andrew Jaspan's departure could be celebrated with the appropriate cheer.
At least discerning readers have Vexnews to turn to. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, that is so true. I gave up on The Age many months ago. I too have turned to Vexnews for my daily news.
I agree henderson. Slanderyou seems to have done a "runner". No great loss if he doesn't ever reappear. Unless, he tries another unsuccessful attempt at a local council election.
Fuck me! After backing a loser a couple of weeks ago then telling a pile of porkies that he was behind the winning candidate all the way, fat failure Andrew Landeryou is still banging on about fucking local government. We know he doesn't have anything in his life apart from KFC, catering casks of very bad red wine and internet porn but this is just twisted!
Andy's life isn't empty. He has a long, beautiful relationship with Brutus Beefcake and the Barwon Jail Hot Rodders to look forward to.
Landeryou is so busy posting here (as Henderson Ross and fatuous anons) that he hasn't bothered to update Poxnews.
The anons posting here, who claim to rely on Poxnews for information, must be badly behind the times and misinformed.
Poxnews: It's sorta like reading last week's local rag.
At Poxnews, Landeryou is having lots of fun making up fake Fatty Doyle / McPerton dialogues. This has been going for years and is rather repetitive. Does anyone find them funny nowadays?
Brutus Beefcake and the Barwon Jail Hot Rodders are practicing on a large beanbag in anticipation of Landeryou's forthcoming arrival.
A closeup photo of Landeryou's face (taken at Sunshine Court) has been affixed at one end. On the rear end is a photograph of an elephant's backside - as this is what the Hot Rodders think they will be confronted with.
How could Cait Catt be Andy's mistress? Cait Catt is a male Liberal apparatchik friend of Michael Kroger.
Also Andy is very much heterosexual
"How could Cait Catt be Andy's mistress?"
In the sad, bad, mad and mixed up world of Andy's mind, anything is possible!
Fat Boy will be Brutus Beefcake's "wife" in Barwon Jail.
I pity Brutus Beefcake's wife. Brutus refused to wear a white ribbon showing his opposition to domestic violence last week, the Barwon Jail social workers say.
They also say Brutus is big on demanding his marital rights. Hope Landeryou isn't planning on doing much sitting down over the next 20 years.
Cait Catt is El Gordo's mistress, a.k.a. his right hand.
For a deadwoman or "Rita Rundles" shuffle, Buddha Boy sits on his left hand until it's numb, then writes PoxViews (Vexnews).
U don't wanna 2 know what Sasha Uzunov, the One-Man Media Army, does for Fat Boy Grim.
Cait Catt seems to have been up in Sydney robbing a bank today. Landeryou's loot must be running low:
A GUN-toting cross-dresser tied up and assaulted staff before robbing a Sydney bank.
Police say three male employees were opening the Commonwealth Bank at North Strathfield, in Sydney's inner west, when a man wearing a black dress and a shoulder-length blonde wig stormed inside about 8.30am (AEDT) on Tuesday.
The staff handed over cash to the man, who was armed with a handgun, and he fled the Concord Road building on foot.
Landeryou committing armed robbery in NSW? I hear that Brutus Beefcake has a cousin in the Goulburn SuperMax known as "Big Boy".
'Andy is very much heterosexual' said 'Tuesday, December 09, 2008 4:08:00 PM'.
Well, he may have been up to now. But Brutus and his buddies are going to change all that.
Comment inventor Landeryou continues his mad attacks on VEC's Steve Tully and Sue Lang on Poxnews:
"I do not think Steve Tully is a corrupt in as crooked, but he is incompetant, revengeful and deceitful. His attempts to cover-up his mistakes and his propensity to cut corners, and in the process stuff things up, is reprehensible.
"His attack on Ray Collins last week was disgraceful, if not verging on being corrupt.
"His refusal to provide access to crucial data files seriously brings into question his suitability to remain Chief Electoral Commissioner".
Posted by Melbcity | December 9, 2008, 16:13
As usual, the Australian Sancho Panza of blogging gets it all wrong. "Panza" means 'belly,' and is alternately spelled pança. Landeryou accusing others of corruption and crookedness is, well, kinda funny!
I'm expecting Poxnews to be smothered in 'Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne' banners soon.
Brumby and Steve Newnham liked the Landeryou dirty tricks during the Kororoit election, and the campaign to head off the police investigation of alleged parliamentary rapist Theo.
I SAW what I saw!
Doesn't Mrs Theo have a sense of smell?
The olfactory nerve is actually a collection of sensory nerve rootlets that extend down from the olfactory bulb and pass through the many openings of the ...
Some of my conquests have unkindly said that my efforts were 'rootlets' rather than the real thing.
I have never heard of viagra or cialis!
There are two things that smell like Barramundi!
My sense of smell is fine, thank you all very much!
What would you know?
Theo always smells of 'Brut' which is tres exciting to me!
Me too!
Me too!
I'm no reader of public opinion like Landeryou, but my gut feeling (especially after the Brumby, Mrs Theo outbursts) is that Theo needs to go to court to face the rape charge. It would be his opportunity to defend himself. Provided he answers all questions, and does not take the 'Landeryou amendments' - privilege and amnesia - he has half-a-chance of getting off.
This is far too serious a matter to be swept under the carpet.
We will find and test all of Landeryou's buttons.
Goliath, Donkey, Brutus Beefcake, Flash in the Pants, Piledriver, Rumpy Bumpy and others - Barwon Gaol Hot Rodders Klub.
The OC and Poxnews banned me permanently because I kept on exposing numerous fake comments by Landeryou on both those blogs.
Current visitors to Poxnews know nothing of this because of ceaseless censorship by a stalking, criminal blogger like Landeryou.
'Blog of Freedom' - Bleeaah!
I hope the Theo alleged rape case is continuing to receive priority attention from the embattled Victoria Police. The investigation has received a concerted whacking from the Herald-Sun, Mrs Theo and undue political interference from Premier Brumby who, during the recent Kororoit election, demonstrated he is rather partial to dirty tricks.
The victim would, perhaps, be unwise to return to Victoria where she will be attacked by a loud crowd of taxpayer-funded QCs and SCs. This would be the Brumby government's idea of 'justice'.
But, of course, the offence, if it occured, took place beyond parliamentary sitting hours and was of a private nature. Theo should face this charge, if it ever is laid, at his own expense as a private citizen. I certainly don't want, as a taxpayer, to fund a man charged with so serious an offence.
Readers will note that I haven't mentioned the outrageous libels on the unfortunate alleged victim on Vexnewsby Mr Landeryou. That is because he has a reputation as a libeller of prominent Australians. Mr Landeryou himself is hardly in a position, as a person subject to most serious allegations, to act as a defender of Theo who is also subject to the most serious allegations.
I hope I don't get selected as a juror in the upcoming Landeryou case(s). I could be there for years.
Poxnews is a porridge of libel, hatred and misleading nonsense.
Fat boy, why do you even think we give a damn about these loathsome nobodies from one citiy's burbs you always write about?
You might call yourself Henderson Ross. We are the rest of Australia and we don't give a damn.
Hmmnn! It looks as if Gary Morgan isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
And it seems that Kimmie is still batting for the Dark Side.
"Neither has denied this link." Probably because no reads Vexnews. Hard to deny what you haven't read or seen!
Landeryou wakes up at night screaming.
In his nightmare he has been attacked by a flock of plump but angry Steggle's Chooks. It's a pecking order frenzy. They heard they are doomed to be consumed by the fat libeller and criminal. If they eat him first, they can change history...
In the background the Barwon Gaol Hot Rodders Club are rubbing their jocks in anticipation...
All the scores of above average Aussies who have been libelled, stalked and lied about on The OC and Poxnews patiently wait in a long queue for justice.
Is Landeryou above the rest of us, and immune to charges for all his frauds and libels? The man belongs in jail.
Robert Doyle appears at this stage to be sensibly talking up the Vexnews agenda, on his Neil Mitchell interview.
Doyle is doing the right thing - linking his political policy development with the views espoused on Melbourne's second most popular news portal.
If he didn't do that, he would never have won. He is free riding on Vexnews' goodwill, it seems to me. I am Henderson Ross.
How come Landeryou gets to post all his wild nonsense here, while I am still blocked months later from making any comments on Poxnews.
Landeryou dislikes my warnings to union folk upset by stories on Poxnews, that he monitors ISP addresses and sends out malicious cookies to check who posters are, and what they have been doing on the internet.
In the wrong hands, this sort of information could be very damaging for the unwary. Since all my ISPs are banned, other patriots could post warnings on Poxnews of the same kind as long as they don't mind being blocked too.
Kimberley Kitching, a former Melbourne City councillor, was the registered company secretary of failed company IQ Corp from October 1999 to February 2000.
At some Council or another, Landeryou is slagging racist candidates. Pownews, meanwhile, spreads its own filthy racist hatred.
Landeryou doesn't seem to realise that every keystroke he has ever made on his computer is traceable. Wiping it doesn't remove it. Wiping it many times, using software from the internet doesn't help. All your hate rants against Les Twentyman, for example, and the fake comments you posted about him are there for police to trace and charge you with someday.
Hey fat cunt! Why don't you just fuck off back to your own pile of discarded KFC packaging and empty wine casks and wait for the coppers to come.
Henderson, you beat me too it. Mumbai is very sad. But it is awful how Slanderyou is pervertedly trying to profit from it.
I saw what I saw.
The Landeryous and Dimberley are textbook shonks. Check out the insolvency report covering their latest shameful court case by clicking the link above.
Scheming, crafty, aggressive, malicious, morbidly obese and a failure too; regarded by all decent people with a mix of derision and contempt. About to leave for a lengthy vacation at Barwon Jail, where he will get his arse buggered off day after day by the Hot Rodders Club.
Wow Bazz! Great to see other celebrities also read this fine site.
We hear that there was a move to cast Andrew Landeryou as a gigantic piece of rancid fat in a horror film.
We are told though that Australian Academy Award winning cinematographer Dean Semmler warned that not even the widest of wide-angle lenses could get all of Landeryou's terrifyingly huge circumference into the shot.
Threesomes! More filth on the Blog of Sleaze. Why am I not surprised. This is a very unfriendly family blog. I am Henderson Ross.
The Walkley Awards are for journalists. Poxnews could not be entered as Fat Andrew Landeryou is not one of those.
Instead Fat Andrew Landeryou is an unrepentant, unapologetic and unashamed thief, fraud, stalker and serial criminal defamer with deep-seated mental health issues exacerbated by all the chemicals in KFC.
I am also Henderson Ross.
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