Vexnews is in real financial trouble.
An independent valuation service records that unprofitable Vexnews is worth $95.
Your humble, community oriented, not-for-profit blog, is worth $103.
Happy weekend Patriots.
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1 week ago
65 Truth On Comments:
My fave para from the last lot. So many posts here. So few on Poxnews...
The electorate is dealing with people (politicians) who don't understand what is going on; people (corporate crooks) who know exactly what is going on and are exploiting it; and people (like Landeryou) that are just crooks.
More micro news stories on Poxnews:
"Star News Group has been propping up Victoria's worst local council, Casey. We reveal today that the council has been returning the favour with an exclusive ad deal. And we also reveal why it is that the falling Star needs every dirty dollar it can get its hands on".
An exclusive ad deal! That's news?
But Landeryou's still blowin his own big trumpet, as usual:
Congratulations Vexnews, the greatest source of news on the web. You have achieved a real scoop.
Heads down to Casey Council and it’s senior staff who don’t deserve any accolades.
The debt crisis of Star News is a pity, but they bring it on themselves in dodgy deals with suburban councils of low quality, like Casey.
Posted by Anonymous | November 7, 2008, 9:14
Poxnews is the pooper scooper of local 'news'.
More silly nonsense from the laziest blogger in Chistendom!
Congratulations SLanderyou. Nice to see a nice, family friendly, profitable, and well read blog.
Mr Slanderyou missed the greatest political story in a generation with the election of Mr Obama.
At least Vexnews was on top of the story. I am Hnderson Ross.
Mr Slanderyou missed the greatest political story in a generation with the election of Mr Obama.
At least Vexnews was on top of the story. I am Henderson Ross.
I noticed that too Henderson. Lucky for us, we could turn to Melbourne's second most read news portal.
Vexnews is again on top form this morning. Slanderyou is struggling for content, again.
Slanderyou appears to totally content free from what i can see.
Landeryou gave the game away when he posted up the Obama race hate material yesterday. He is absolutely desperate for hits on; so desperate that he does not care just how low he has to go to try to get some traffic.
Landeryou would have been drunk when he put the racist smears up there but that is no excuse. It is just another sign of how desperate he is at's failure.
This comment was posted by neither Andrew nor myself:
All white people must report to the cotton fields tommorow at 6:30am, for orentation. Thank You. -Barack Obama”
Posted by Anonymous | November 7, 2008, 10:57
So that means either Rita Randles, Henderson Ross, Byron from Outer Space, Catter8 or one other reflection of your shattered psyche posted it. It is disgusting to think that you are already drunk by noon.
This is just weird. Drunken hate blogger Andrew Landeryou posts racist material on his website. He then puts up comments here denying that he has posted it. He doesn't it down. He tries to lure more visitors off the back of his racism.
This is all very cleary a mad attempt by a drunk and demented loser to try to direct SOME traffic a failed website.
Sorry patriots: that should read "he doesn't take it down".
Landeryou, if you are not a racist why do you have racist posts on your website and why are you using racist posts to try to draw attention to yourself?
the last person who tried landeryous watch out whitey race war is coming down on you shtick was charles manson
good to see who landeryous heroes are
Slanderyou - you need new proof readers. Surely $95 is a typo. You must have meant $0.95
As I've said, I'd like to help Andrew Landeryou negotiate today's tough employment market, but his racist weblog suggests that he would not be capable of working in diverse modern workplaces. Contemporary employers will not tolerate racist slurs from their staff. I think his newstart allowance should be made conditional on some training in cross-cultural awareness.
Also, I am worried about the limited amount of content which Andrew posts to his website. The paucity of material offered on a day-to-day basis does not suggest a very well-developed work ethic.
In short, though I wish to help Andrew, unless he changes his habits I am concerned that I won't be able to find a position for him.
Reform, Andrew, and I may be able to find you a position on the fry station at Coburg Red Rooster.
My name is Therese, I'm from Queensland, and I'm here to help.
Landeryou says: "Ah won' work wi' no niggars, d'ya hear me?"
Shame, El Gordo, shame.
I've been following Therese Rein's heart-breaking quest to find a job for Landeryou with much interest. It seems such an impossible mission.
The drama comes from Therese's gradual realisation that Landeryou is probably unemployable. And, if a job is found for him, he could suddenly be whisked off to do serious jail time.
What employer could afford to actually employ forty 'personalities' by hiring Landeryou? Cait Catt, for one, would expect equal pay. Rita Randles is dead. 'Choo Choo' is mad. And there are many 'Anons' who can't and won't reveal who they really are. Imagine the 17% leave loadings. Imagine long service leave. There would also be extensive sick leave as most of the personalities are frequently drunk, involved in stalking or taking a siesta after pigging out on KFC.
Occasionally friendly, but ferocious bitch, Alaskan Moose Dog/Doberman cross, answers to name 'Sarah Palin', looking for new home after traumatic recent experiences.
It doesn't really matter what jobs Therese Rein may find for long-time unemployed Buddha Boy. The question is who will give him a reference.
IfLanderyou was a journalist (he's not; he's a crook).
And If he got a job at The Age as a general reporter...
And If he did two or three poorly researched small articles a week...
...He would have been fired long ago!
Poxnews is a kiddies' blog concocted by an effete, dilettante oaf who is trying to cover up his horrendous criminal past. He poses there as an investigative journalist, with former labor government credentials -- but the internet is choked with references to his sickening thefts and asset-stripping of the Melbourne University Student Union and, millions more, the IQ Corp fiasco which led to him skipping the country and leaving his wife in the lurch.
What a shocking crim!
Andrew, you aren't even a blogger's breakfast, you lazy PR*CK!
Again, may I say, a clear lack of weekend reading material of this blog. The Leftards are so lazy. I am Henderson Ross.
I was just about to write the same thing Henderson. If you are looking, try Vexnews. You will not be surprised.
The big boofhead keeps on coming here and get whacked hard. He goes away. Then he comes back again...
Talk about being a slow learner.
Poxnews is Landeryou's sheltered workshop.
It's also his dream factory.
A coupla stories a week, and he thinks it is the London Times.
Poxnews is pathetic. Landeryou's fake comments are tiresome. The non-stories are tedious. What a yawn!
Fortunately, I turned to Vexnews for news on the unraveling of the toxic Leftard government in New Zealand. I noticed there is no mention of it here! I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson Ross (aka Landeryou) is so thick he just doesn't understand this isn't a news blog in the normal sense. It is all about seeing that Landeryou--the detestable MUSU and Lew thief--is brought to justice.
New Zealand is irrelevant (unless that is where Landeryou has secreted his stolen millions). The US Presidential election, Victorian state government and council politics are all irrelevant.
This blog, I think (with due deference to the webmaster), is just about Landeryou, and getting him into jail quickly by the shortest possible route.
Poxnews is irrelevant too. It is a kiddies blog--all puff, pastry and puerile piffle. Claptrap and little news.
Don't worry about the Terry Mulder Express, 'Choo Choo' (aka Landeryou). Worry about the ten kilometre long 'Justice for Landeryou Slow Freight Train' that is a comin'. It's coming. Look out you horrible crook!
Landeryou hasn't taken the weekend off from the neglected Poxnews, as usual. But that doesn't mean much. Whether he's there or not, the result is still the same. Minimal content.
Poxnews, please note:
1. Update your blog often with interesting material that IS actual NEWS.
2. Attract readers who don't have to worry about their ISP address being logged and getting a browser malware exploit. This is very close to criminal behaviour. Don't do it.
3. Don't add fake comments to your blog so that readers will recognise your unwelcome, obvious contributions.
On Poxnews, Landeryou continues his endless attacks on the Lew family including son Stevie. Landeryou doesn't seem to understand, despite current protection from the present failed Labor government, that the Lews could comprehensively dismantle him piece by piece if they wanted to. They can't be bothered. He is just a useless criminal.
Under a future Liberal government, now increasingly likely because of voters' disgust with politicians in general, Landeryou might suddenly be very vulnerable.
HM Gaol Barwon, you won't enjoy Landy! It's the razor-wire inside your head that will be the big problem! And don't forget the KFC Hot Rods eagerly awaiting your arrival!
When the Barwon Gaol Hot Rods find out about Landeryou's labor ties, they will bonk him so hard his eyes will pop out!
Hi Andrew!
I am a prisoner out here and one of Professor Maku Dong Long's successful human experiments.
The Prof promised me a big 'un and he really delivered. It's huge buddy!
You will be meeting with both of us when you finally make your appearance here. I'm the very large, ugly guy with bad breath. But I love a good ro*t!
The tired, lazy BRUMBY Government is seriously considering recalling embattled MP Theo Theophanous (the alleged parliamentary rapist) to State Parliament this week to ensure passage of one of its most controversial laws.
The Assisted Reproductive Treatment Bill, which gives single women and lesbians access to IVF and makes surrogacy more widely available, hangs in the balance.
Go Theo! Go Lesbians! Go Diaspora of Dadless kids! Go lazy, dud, sideline Brumby government!
There's a big story for Poxnews there, but don't hold your breath. Landeryou couldn't do a real news atory to save himself. Landeryou thinks he is batting for the Brumby team, but that's not an opinion that is shared with the Brumby government. Landeryou, being a loner, could do something courageous with his kiddies blog, but...
J E E Z !
Victoria's stuffed enough without generations of fatherless children.
Get a grip, useless pollies! We elected you to represent US, and not weird, tiny minorities.
The global societal meltdown is in your laps, you useless bunch of wankers!
Are patriots aware that every time Fat Andrew Landeryou spoons down fat from the grease traps out the back of Chinatown restuarants he is comitting larceny?
Vexnews this morning has this news about Helen Clark's defeat in New Zealand. I first learnt about that from Vexnews. Also some comment on the DPRK. Andrew is really a genius, and he keeps all of us well informed.
Read below:
Vexnews is looking good. Commentary on the DPRK is spot on. So is its news on Helengrad.
On the first subject the DPRK Friendship Society once said on the old Erik Locke blog it welcomed Red Ted as a member but didn’t like people in the ALP. In NZ its sister organisation didn’t like Helen Clark but liked National.
Vexnews must have something going for it. It’s banned in both Iran and the DPRK.
How about some real news from the Barwon Prison?
How many people are in there who haven't paid a fine to the EPA for littering?
What does DPRK stand for?
Hey Fat Boy!
If anyone first got the news of the NZ election from Poxnews, then they must be very, very weird indeed. So weird that they probably go looking for sports results in The Journal of the Atomic Scientists.
Why don't you fuck off back to your rock and drink some more cask wine while you wait for the law to catch up with you?
Landershonk writes on his hate site: "No one is sure what the hell is going on in that freaky and sinister government of the oppressed and starving people of North Korea. But one thing for sure is that they are in desperate need of Photoshop tutorials."
Interesting that Landershonk professes expertise in Photoshop. What has he been forging now?
Landeryou is warning against drunken tirades on Vexnews. Isn't that what Vexnews is... one lengthy, dull drunken tirade?
The mad world of Landeryou today:
Obama is 'left wing filth'.
The Lews are 'venal' and 'nasty'.
NZ until yesterday's election was 'Helengrad'.
Kim Jong Il is either dead or alive. (Great call Landeryou!)
It's all so dark, so spooky, so weird!
I'm not sure about Therese Rein's posts on this site and whether or not she really has Landeryou's best interests at heart.
Ms Rein has made a lot of money with her job placement agency. She knows that utterly unemployable people like Landeryou attract hefty payments if they are put in work.
I suspect Ms Rein is trying to palm Landeryou off on some unsuspecting employer. I suspect she is thinking of how much money she will make rather than their interests.
Poxnews story 'OOPS: Journalist’s drunken tirade lands him in hot water' features a stolen* screenshot of Glenn Milne. But Landeryou's story is about journalist and non-entity Adam Smith of the Birmingham Mail.
What relevanve this has in general is debatable. But relevance to Melbourne and Australia = ZILCH!
* Plenty of stolen images today on Poxnews. NZ election 'story' has a stolen newspaper cartoon. The Steve Lew photo is either stolen or Landeryou has been stalking again. Obama stories have used stolen images and newspaper cartoons!
Kleptomania is a complex disorder characterized by repeated, failed attempts to stop stealing. It is often seen in patients who are chemically dependent or who have a coexisting mood, anxiety, or eating disorder. People with this disorder have an overwhelming urge to steal and get a thrill from doing so.
Therese Rein shouldn't worry about Landerfat. He will learn skills in prison. Who knows what the employment market will be like when he gets out in around 2035? Landerfat will no doubt be greatful that he has learned how to sew mailbags and stamp out number plates while on the inside.
When Landeryou is finally jailed, the government will have to fund a large and expensive team of psychiatrists and psychologists to deal with all his multiple personalities, his stalking, kleptomania, and irrational hatred of great Australians like Les Twentyman and people he has stolen from like Solomon Lew et al.
It could take years. Imagine dealing with personalities like 'Cait Catt', voodoo woman 'Rita Randles', 'Choo Choo' and all the other nutters. Then there is Landeryou's eating disorders, obesity and lack of personal hygiene.
It's like being a mosquito at a nudist camp - where to start?
It would be a lot cheaper to put him through a mincer and turn him into a tonne of chicken pies!
The chicken pies idea won't work. The high fat content would be illegal.
(Bye Laws Dept, City of Casey)
Because of Landeryou's abnormally large bile duct, most of the chicken pies would be highly venomous. Also, the likely high e-coli content poses other dangers to potential consumers.
It's amazing to hear that Poxnews was actually updated over the weekend.
I reckon the Buddha Boy must have accidently turned over a couple of days on his calendar when he got up and didn't notice because he was still drunk.
Landeryou seems to have had a very busy weekend posting comments up on agreeing with himself and damning his many enemies.
I hear Landeryou has been subjecting himself to degrading and perverse treatment in a gay S&M establishment in Collingwood so he is prepared for prison.
I hear Landeryou can't get enough of the Hot Rods from KFC and the hot rods in the dunnies in the Fitzroy Gardens
Inciting racial hatred is a crime in Victoria, isn't it? Will Fat Andrew be prosecuted for his racist remarks in the wake of Barack Obama's election or does Big Bent Bill Landeryou still hold enough sway over the state government to save his son from the consequences of his crimes?
Fat crook Landeryou announced the death of the Bali bombers on his failed Poxnews site almost 24 hours after the event.
Occasionally friendly, but ferocious bitch, Alaskan Moose Dog/Doberman cross, answers to name 'Sarah Palin', looking for new home after traumatic recent experiences.
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