The new format here is objectionable. I don't like it.
On my email address I am getting heaps of spam in Arabic which I cannot fathom.
I never want to receive any spam from Slanderyou.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
I have decided to bugger off because little Theo got the better of me. I began worshipping my own Priapus! "You have to know in politics when it's time to go. I've made a significant contribution...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
I jet about the net at night, and always visit Vexnews and this site religiously. It is like dipping my toes into the Werribee sewerage farm. Fuzzy, warm and stinky! But Guys, I won't be posting my...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
24 Mossad agents assassinating one Hamas boss in Dubai. It sounds like a Vexnews Scoop! In Dubai twenty years ago, even the cops were driving bullock carts. Obviously. things haven't improved much...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Just posted a comment on Vexnews WITHOUT having to provide an email address.
But suddenly I have to provide privacy information here.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
The new format is needlessly intrusive.
My phishing software doesn't like it.
Neither do I.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Brutus Beefcake suggests that sock puppets don't make sense. Name them. Cait Catt, Rita Randles, Catter8, Jenny Jensen-Hansen and possibly Henderson Ross and his Arabic friend make no sense. Brutus...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
timblair.net "A few questions for Andy Landeryou. I saw a picture of you in the paper the other day and I was wondering which of your three chins is your actual chin? And secondly has anyone ever...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Oh, Slanderyou! Thanks to the new comment tool, you appear to have done to your own site what Landeryou has been unable to do and shut it down.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
How interesting to see that Shirley Landeryou has decided he had better praise former Howard Government hitman Ian Hanke on his failed Poxnews site just days after the morbidly obese thief stole an...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
www.sunshine.asn.au (6 Months ago ) "Landeryou writes his own racist comments on his blog, and passes them off as "discussion". I suspect up to 70% of comments on the vexnews site are written by...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
bleedingedge.com.au "The best thing to do with the likes of Andrew is nothing at all. Just ignore him. That's what will make him really cranky. I wish more people would realise he's just a...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
http://www.messandnoise.com... MichaelDudikoff said about 3 years ago: Andy Landeryou needs to up the meds, methinks. temporarybenbutler said about 3 years ago: The guy who runs...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
If Andy had "takeover" the site, he would have scrubbed it completely. I like this new format, easier to follow conversation threads.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Me and Bubba and the Hot Rodding Men are suspicious! This new comments system makes it look like Landeryou has taken over this site the same way he took over the first Slanderyou! Me and Bubba and...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Jeez! Just when I thought Vexnews was the ultimate Nazi censorious site where I have been blocked and banned from commenting. Now all this weird censorship here. Has Landeryou taken over the...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
I've gotten around the email request issue by typing xxxx@xxxx.com, and unticking the subcribe request - works for me
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
See! The valid email address shit is f*cking this blog!
Piss weak! I'm off!
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
If Peter Garrett is sacrificed by Rudd, or forced to resign by other means, he can always return to music. One song from him would consign The Mad Monk to oblivion.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Loved the ABC's Four Corners program tonight! Afdhani pooves and warlords exploiting 'dancing boys'. Lovely! Now they're heading here as refugees because the Taliban shoot them on sight. Australia...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
86 Truth On Comments:
If only Poxnews could have such good Photoshop work! Presumably Fat Andy is too drunk to do anything better than those tacky, weird and creepy talk bubble and cartoon caption jobs he keeps inflicting on the few readers left.
Poxnews is a spiritual wasteland.
A genealogist has probed Cait Catt's family background on the earlier blog (at the end). There, you can find details of Cait's other sisters, Fatt Catt, Pussy Catt and Feral Catt. Don't like the sound of brother Scat Catt, though! Yuk.
1.52 is a no-brainer. I have already acknowledged that I have a sister named Fatt and that she is a no-brainer and a slut. It has been suggested earlier that she should team up with Peter Allan, the former Whitehorse Clowncillor who was subject to an inquisition on Vexnews, and Vexnews is always first with the latest news.
ASIO and the CIA read Vexnews as their first point of reference for Australian news. Slanderyou readers who have any brains (there are some, believe it or not) should do the same. Andrew is really a superb editor. I love him dearly.
The US Air Force Bomber grounded at Melbourne airpost tonight was actually on a top-secret CIA mission to take out the Fat Cave.
I am the subject of gross defamation on this, the blog of filth, and I intend to sue all of the people below. There is even a commentator who is worse than the others who says bad things about my bottom. I have an attractive bottom but I don't flaunt it like my sister Fatt does at the Daily Planet. All of the below comments defame me:
Genealogist to the Stars said...
I have been conducting research into Catts related to Cait Catt. Readers here have found out about loose Fatt Catt recently.
Cait and Fatt's Dad is Sylvester P. Catt and Mum Alley. Their auntie is Kitty Catt and uncle Cheshire.
I'm afraid there are rather a lot of scandals in the Catt Family including four Catts that are never mentioned. The first is Pussy Catt who is a stripper at a well-known Gentlemen's Club in Melbourne. There is a so-called private investigator with Underbelly connections, Sam Spayed Catt. Worst of all is Scat Catt. I don't want to mention what he is famous for. All I can say is that he leaves unwanted 'messages' for his enemies.
I left the biggest scandal till last. Feral Catt was often to be seen in the MUSU building and was apparently involved in some of the dodgy deals hatched there. It is unknown if she is alive. There was talk at the time among highly paid MUSU executives of a giant 'put down' of Feral Katt. Whether Feral was actually put down is not known, but she has not been seen for a number of years.
Monday, March 09, 2009 12:31:00 AM
Anonymous Feral Catt said...
Don't worry, folks! I am alive and very well, and working for ALP boss Stephen Newnham in his clandestine 'Office of Dirty Tricks'. I get to see Landy because he is often in here offering strange advice on how to deal with Libs Ted Bailleau and Terry Mulder, 'leftards', wayward unions and jihadists.
Even Stephen Newnham is getting pretty sick of him. 'The Kororoit gig was great', he says 'but Landy hasn't done anything useful since then. A week is a long time in politics, and that was nearly a year ago
Monday, March 09, 2009 12:55:00 AM
Anonymous little Theo said...
Hey Theo,
Didn't we give Pussy Catt's fireplace a good stoking a couple of years ago?
I loved the Jack Pacholli references at the end of the last blog here. It sort of summed up for me what Landeryou stands for. Maybe, like Jack, he will be bankrupt for decades, venting spleen on the people he hates, and avoiding the normal consequences of his repulsive libels.
For a person who always defends the Holocaust victims (and what right-thinking human being wouldn't) he has little or no time for other underdogs. It is all a bit contemptible and very sad.
Lift your act Landeryou!!!
Why tell lies about John Pacholli. He has nothing to do with the great man. Nothing.
Why not say something positive for a change? About the best blog. About the great source of news that is Vexnews. Catter8 was going to report Slanderyou to Pastor Nalliah. I would be interested to hear his reaction.
John Pacholli always had a good coverage of the Pineapple Land elections. Crikey has a Pineapple blog this time with Bananaland election coverage.
Slanderyou should do likewise. The old Slanderyou blog was full of news about Rosa Lee Long, One Nation candidate for Tablelands. Rosa won, thanks to support from the Eric Locke blog.
Wonder who the EPA Stasi Minister Gavin Jennings is supporting? He supported a One Nation candidate in Gippsland, one Michael Freshwater, who was elected and is now Mayor.
Will Mr Jennings support Pauline and Rosa?
I learnt on the Crikey blog that one Caroline Church, who supported our campaign against the EPA Stasi last year and received a lot of abuse from Jennings staffers as a result, is forecasting a Liberal National Party victory in the Banana Republic.
The big issue there is apparently P-plates. Its a big issue among young voters who face demerit points if they don't display them. They'll take out their anger against the Bligh government.
Why hasn't the mainstream media picked this up?
Vexnews is not taking a stand as yet on that subject. It isn't one that is important enough but if it becomes important you can be sure Vexnews, Australia's greatest news source, will cover it.
I am fascinated by the Catt family genealogy. It clearly means that Poxnews is nothing but kitty litter.
Andrew Landeryou was in his cups again at two o'clock this morning posting silly comments under silly false names on this site.
If he had screamed out at the top of his lungs "MY LIFE IS A RUIN" he could not have made his complete failure any clearer.
Andy may well be now found out!
ALP 'dirty tricks' to be probed
* Paul Austin
* March 9, 2009
STATE Parliament is set to investigate Labor's so-called dirty tricks campaign against youth worker and independent candidate Les Twentyman in last year's Kororoit byelection.
The Opposition and the minor parties appear certain to use their numbers in the upper house to have Labor's "lies" about Mr Twentyman scrutinised by a parliamentary committee.
The Victorian Electoral Commission has ruled that Labor misled voters during the June campaign with a pamphlet that said: "A vote for Les Twentyman is a vote for the Liberals."
In fact, although the Liberals were directing their preferences to Mr Twentyman, he was directing his preferences to Labor.
The commission said the pamphlet went beyond the "robust expression of opinion and debate" allowed for in Australian elections, and breached Victoria's Electoral Act which outlaws material "that is likely to mislead or deceive" voters.
Opposition upper house leader David Davis will this week give notice of a motion to have Labor's conduct referred to the Electoral Matters Committee of Parliament.
"It is outrageous that voters may have been deceived," Mr Davis said yesterday.
"The electoral commissioner says Labor's pamphlet may have misled voters. I would go further and say the pamphlet — which John Brumby supported — was a pack of lies deliberately designed to mislead voters."
The minor parties, who hold the balance of power in the upper house, last night indicated they would back the Opposition's move.
Greens MP Greg Barber said his party was attracted to the Liberals' push and was likely to support a referral to the Electoral Matters Committee.
DLP MP Peter Kavanagh said he was also "favourably disposed" to subjecting Labor's campaign tactics to detailed parliamentary scrutiny.
"We need to make elections as clean and fair as possible," he said.
Mr Davis' draft motion notes the electoral commission's view that the Labor pamphlet contributed to "an undesirable trend for candidates to take advantage or build on community misunderstandings of preferential voting with confusing statements".
The draft motion calls on the committee to report to Parliament on the commission's suggestion that the provisions of the Electoral Act relating to misleading conduct be changed "so that such abuses are more likely to be successfully prosecuted".
Labor state secretary Stephen Newnham last week defended the pamphlet, saying he had no regrets about exposing the Liberal plot to damage the ALP by boosting Mr Twentyman's prospects.
"We told working families the truth about the Liberal strategy to get Les Twentyman elected," he said.
State Government spokesman Matthew Hillard last night said almost every Australian jurisdiction had a provision similar to Victoria's about misleading and deceptive conduct.
He said the Federal Government was consulting with the states and territories about possible reform of electoral systems.
Labor won the byelection with 59 per cent of the vote after distribution of preferences, compared with Mr Twentyman's 41 per cent.
Mr Twentyman is seriously ill in The Alfred hospital after surgeons last month found he had a burst double hernia.
Ps: Andy looks like he is suffering from cranial gigantism, again
It is almost 10:30 in the morning and decent, hard-working, law-abiding, patriotic citizens have been at work for at least an hour and a half.
Not fat crooked bum Andrew Landeryou. He is drinking and eating his way through millions of dollars of stolen loot.
Andrew L has spent most of the weekend drunk and is still sleeping off his latest lot of excesses.
He has not updated his site of lies and bile since Friday night.
Excuse me. Slanderyou won a UNESCO award for being the web site with the greatest bile. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
Well said Cait.
"STATE Parliament is set to investigate Labor's so-called dirty tricks campaign against youth worker and independent candidate Les Twentyman in last year's Kororoit byelection..."
Ho, ho, ho! This one will run and run, patriots!
Fat Andy will be even less convincing in front of a parliamentary committee than he was in front of a court.
There is no doubt many, many people will want to see him appear. They will not be as neutral as a court. There will be plenty of entertainment for true patriots -- all at the fat failure's expense.
The first fun will come when the committee tracks him down to the Fat Cave. Think of the spinoffs too. Learning where Landeryou hides out will no doubt lead to a mini-boom in the process serving industry.
MPs will rip into the fat cunt. He had better bring a spare pair of trousers cos the gutless bully will shit himself in the first five minutes.
Who is on the Electoral Matters Committee of Parliament? It would be good if we had their contacts. Patriotic, law-abiding citizens who want to defend democracy could then get in touch with the committee members urging them to summons Landeryou.
Talk of a forced appearance before a parliamentary committee into Labor dirty tricks appears to have scared Landershonk away from this site.
The fat flop has not updated Poxnews since Friday evening. I hate to think how much KFC and cheap cask wine he has got through in the intervening hours.
It was Landeryou himself who claimed authorship of the false 'Shooting Rooms' mail drop also OK' by Newnham.
The 'Shooting Rooms' pamphlet was true dirty tricks (with its shocking Photo Shopped needles photo), and very misleading and deceptive because it was not part of Twentyman's Kororoit platform.
The selective quoting (and misquoting) of Twentyman's biography by Landeryou, and the lies and libels that accompanied them, made me gasp with shock nearly every day for a month.
Then there all the fake comments that resulted from each blog - nasty, abusive, hate-filled, and falsely hinting at alcoholism, pederasty, etc, etc, ad infinitum...
Don't forget about the STALKING of the Twentyman family, the photographing of their home, the posting of their home address and even the provision of a map showing exactly where it was.
The Electoral Matters Committee will be keen to know why the DPP has not acted over what appear to be clear contempts of court by Landeryou in the Twentyman matter. That will be an additional scandal for Brumby.
What about the www.lestwentyman.com identity theft site? What will the committee ask fatso about that?
Are you under oath when you give evidence to a parliamentary inquiry? Do the laws of perjury apply? Does anyone know?
If you give evidence to a parliamentary inquiry you are under oath. That doesn't stop people telling fibs though. At a recent state parliament inquiry into vexatious litagants several persons told lies and nothing was done.
A member of Jennings staff claimed on the Poll Bludger blog that persons who made community dob ins are signing a stat dec when they make a "report." The person complained against must sign a stat dec to say her or she didn't throw a cigarette butt out of the window of their car. Not so the complainent. No action is ever taken against the complainent.
Be consistent Socialist Leftistas who write tripe on this blog. Jennings and the EPA, the Stasi outfil he's the Minister for, never take action against fraudulent informers.
I forgot to mention that it is very hard to get a conviction for perjury in this country and in this state. Pineappleland might be different. Remember Pauline? The only people ever charged with perjury are the innocent.
I didn't realise that fake entity Cait Catt is a expert in statutory law.
My worry is what happens when Landeryou exports his libels to this blog. Cait Catt (Landeryou) says "At a recent state parliament inquiry into vexatious litagants several persons told lies and nothing was done".
On the face of it, this is defamatory if those people referred to were not charged with perjury.
Landeryou is entitled to his own opinions, provided they are confined to his own blog. By spreading his odious opinions here, he is infecting this blog with defamatory material too.
Jack Pacholli as Don Quixote, always tilting at windmills, and Landeryou as the fat, squat, world-weary Sancho Panza, trying to emulate the boss!
Henderson Ross is Rosinante, Don Quixote's old hack horse. Henderson got the part because he has been ridden by everyone including Landeryou.
Vexnews looks abandoned. Maybe Landeryou has jetted off to Costa Rica to avoid the Electoral Matters Committee hearings.
T h e o!!!!!!!!!
Shouldn't we be thinking about doing a bunk too?
Down the track, I don't want to hear sworn evidence about how tiny I really am. Then all the world will know.
You kept on promising me your high-powered mates would get you off. Now, look at what's happened! We're due back in front of the 'archon' very soon.
It's all very well that Newnham, Landeryou and others are perhaps going to get a grilling and some comeuppance at long last.
There have been, so far as I'm aware, no significant prosecutions of the finance industry scum who have caused the worldwide financial disaster that has ruined millions of lives. This was white collar crime of unparalleled proportions. The media has failed to probe the full extent of this disgraceful crime against humanity.
So too was the takeover by greedy directors and CEOs of public companies where they awarded each other stupendous salaries, bonuses and perks when they should have been simply doing their jobs.
No Royal Commissions, no enquiries, no senate sub-committees. Nothing. Silence from the guilty politicians who authored this cataclysm by deregulating the finance system according to the now discredited micro-economic reform mantras of recent years. They may have ruined us all.
The Foxes were given keys to every chookhouse in the land.
The destruction of the global finance system is far from over, The billions and trillions of taxpayer dollars wasted on this disaster will cripple world economies perhaps for decades. We will pay, over-and-over again, to replace those tax dollars. That's on top of the Super losses workers have already suffered.
By contrast, there are thousands of crooks who made millions out of this chaos, with millions in the bank.
Allan Moss, Geoff Dixon, Sol Trujillo, give most
of it back you dirty rotten, overpaid scoundrels.
Pssst! I'm watching ABC's Lateline Business - the bland leading the blind.
Corporate crims get a free kick.
Corporate crims ... 342%
Stockholders ... 17%
Taxpayers ... - 359%
For God's sake get rid of all these repulsive parasites.
My Learned Friend Cait ought to know that in Victoria truth is a defence against defamation. A certain person with a banking background did make statements at the parliamentary inquiry in Victoria into vexatious litigants last year that were dodgy at best, and at least one Liberal MLC thinks were false. I can't say more than that, not because of the laws of defamation, but because the matter is sub judice. That is, it is still before the courts. I don't wish to be in contempt of court about this matter. It is a matter for my Liberal friend whether or not she raises it at all, and if she does it will be at an appropriate time.
I never knew you had a legal background Cait. You really answered well that comment. A stupid comment too. I think it came from Fatt. Seems she's been drinking too much of the expensive wines her clients give her at the Daily Planet.
The Daily Planet is a brothel. It is in Horne Street in Elsternwick. It is listed on the stock exchange. Being good Catholic cats we won't have a bar of their shares. I think it's a terrible thing that your sister Fatt works there Cait. Is she a receptionist, a model, or is she a prostitute?
At a family function Fatt claimed to be a model. We know what work she does. She ought to be ashamed of herself. Andrew is going to do an expose of the place in Vexnews, Australia's greatest and best news source.
No updates on Vexnews today, or Monday, or Sunday, or Saturday
Where is Andy?
Where is El Gordo? Too busy here speaking in tongues or as sock puppets! Call Pastor Nalliah and schedule a exorcism.
Let's talk more about the Electoral Matters Committee.
When it summons Landeryou, what possible reason will he have for legimately, let alone legally, registering the www.lestwentyman.com URL?
This inquiry will be a beauty!
Vexnews tonight has a real scoop. The evil Greens and the gambling industry are at one, whatever the Greens publicly say. Pastor Nalliah and Stephen Mayne always talk about gambling. Vexnews acts. Read on:
EXCLUSIVE: Greens political party shoots off mouth about campaign donations from gambling companies while taking $200K from gambling big gun
By VEXNEWS ⋅ March 10, 2009
The Greens political party have been caught out trousering $200,000 donations from a gambling industry millionaire while publicly condemning political donations from the gambling industry.
Documents obtained by the VEXNEWS Investigations Unit confirm that a Mr Greg Beirne and his wife donated $200,000 to the Tasmanian Greens. The Tassie Greens party is not the mungbean eating hillbilly outfit you might think either, it raised and spent over a million dollars last financial year. That buys a lot of two-headed jumpers.
Our investigations also reveal that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission lists that same Greg Beirne as a former director and substantial shareholder of Australian Gaming and Wagering (International) Pty Ltd, Totalisators Communication & Technology Pty Ltd., Touchbet International Pty Ltd and Touchbet Pty Ltd. These companies made many millions of dollars from gambling.
His brother is well-known former bookmaker Dom Beirne, a very well-known figure in the horse-racing and gambling industries. Greg Beirne, who prefers to be described these days as an “investor” was a huge player in Sydney horse racing before taking it easy to count all the cash he made from the racket and donate to the extreme left-wing political operations like the Tasmanian Greens political party. Beirne continues to make millions from gambling, setting the odds for Luxbet, an online gambling provider, owned by gaming giant and casino owner Tabcorp.
Brother Dom was for a time the biggest bookie in Sydney while in his 20’s and then suddenly retired to sell betting systems and information. A number of VEXNEWS sources have speculated about why he would have retired so young from an occupation that was at the time considered extremely lucrative. We couldn’t possibly comment. And after all, he’s not the donor, it’s his brother Greg who cashed in from gambling for decades and now gives money to an avowedly anti-gambling party.
Despite taking the Beirne family’s loot, the Greens political party pretend to take a strong anti-gambling stance. They say that gambling is “socially damaging” blaming it for “serious social harm, including relationship breakdown, divorce, business failure, homelessness, crime and suicide.” The Greens party’s NSW branch says it is “concerned about the influence of donations on the political process.” It continues:
Political donations from major gambling stakeholders further calls into question the government’s ability to act in the public interest to regulate the gambling industry.
Enough to make you wonder why they took a $200,000 from a gambling industry mogul who made millions from the caper.
Vexnews is first with the latest news. I bet both ASIO and the CIA will be interested in this.
Enough about the evil Greens. My mother is going to win in her own right. The evil Greens are not giving her preferences and that's very disappointing. They really want Springborg and the LNP to win in Bananaland.
Go Pauline in Beaudesert.
Go Rosa in Dalrymple.
Jenny sounds like she supports One Nation. Still, they are better than the evil Greens.
Fraudbuster is a turd. Vexnews is honest and ethical. Never has Vexnews supported evil like some people did in Kororoit.
I'm not to be undone by you tonight Cait. My sister doesn't work as a prostitute. I haven't got a sister named Fatt. Only joking. More seriously on Vexnews tonight is an expose of the Age newspaper's Austin. We await the Vexnews expose of the Daily Planet but I imagine Andrew has more important things to report. Like Paul Austin. Read on:
TSK TSK: The Age’s Paul Austin is the great pretender
By VEXNEWS ⋅ March 10, 2009
Ted Baillieu’s unofficial press spokescomrade Paul “The Great Pretender” Austin’s work often irritates us and he and running dog Royce Millar has produced two appalling front-page examples of it in two days.
Yesterday, came Roycey’s unsourced and highly dubious claim that the public-private partnership for Victoria’s desalination water plant had fallen over.
A good story if it was true - and many development projects are struggling due to banks being very unwilling to lend right now - but it appears almost certain that it is false.
Bass Water, the responsible authority, has denied it on the record and emphatically. The project will proceed, no doubt with considerable argument over the terms of the deal but we are told on good authority that the multi-billion dollar infrastructure companies have no trouble raising funds, for the right project. And we can measure whether the desal plant is the right project for them by their ongoing interest in pursuing it.
How the statists of France produced rapacious big private water companies is one of life’s many delightful mysteries. But one thing they’re not short of is loot. And a deeply held, croissant fuelled desire to make more.
Victoria needs a desal plant. We might wondered whether that was true in the past. It might give us harder water that tastes funny but it’s better than having none at all.
Because of that need and our relatively wealthy society’s ability to pay for what we need, the desal plant is almost certainly going to be a good deal for those who invest in it.
From The Age’s world view, private investment in infrastructure like that is unwelcome as are desal plants generally because we should all go back to the caves rather than use the money and natural resources we have to keep the water flowing.
So they run a highly dubious - and soon to be thoroughly disproved - story on their front page declaring it dead.
It’s almost as if they write about the world as they dream it to be, rather than reporting news in the way traditionalists might expect.
And today from “Curly” Austin, an even worse effort. A yarn that explained the Liberals were having a crack at the Victorian government over bushfire warnings.
It relied on a document that was given to fire chiefs that warned of the fires.
Trouble was the story had already been written by Gerard McManus of the Herald Sun and was published there on page 17 on February 25. Here it is.
Andrew McIntosh has probably made a political mistake in pursuing the government over warnings. Not that he shouldn’t be critical of some things but I doubt most voters will question Brumby’s very hardcore warning on the Friday before the fires and government agencies’ actions even prior to that.
The warnings were there. They weren’t fully comprehended, that’s certainly true.
But McIntosh is just doing his job and having a go. The worst risk - we suppose - is not taking any. We think he’s better off waiting for the Royal Commission which will no doubt reveal many things the government would rather not be revealed.
It’s the Opposition’s job to oppose. It’s Paul Austin’s job to report news. Not to recycle his opposition’s story from more than a fortnight ago, badge it as an exclusive and pretend they obtained a secret briefing for the first time.
It’s journalism of the most deceitful and misleading kind.
That wasn't nice Rita. I can't help if my sister Fatt works at the Daily Planet. That's where all the ALP scumbags from the Socialist Left go to when they want sex. I hope you don't get any nasty diseases Fatt. You are my sister.
Let's get back to the main game. The Age doesn't have any real journalists. Only pretenders like Money, Carbone and Austin.
Yes, let's get back to the main game. Vexnews doesn't have any real journalists. Only pretenders like landeryou
This blog is gradually becoming Vexnews (2) with all the mad posts here from Landeryou's fake scions.
It is unfortunately necessary to keep reminding patriots here that Landeryou's fake comments are unwelcome. He is a serial pest. He is deliberately posting here to derail this blog (although with no luck so far).
His own 'Freedom Blog' is so censorious as to be totally irrelevant. He spikes, edits, and makes comments he doesn't like disappear. That's freedom of expression in Landeryou's world I guess. It is just a droning, boring MONOLUGUE from a fool.
***STATE Parliament is set to investigate Labor's so-called dirty tricks campaign against youth worker and independent candidate Les Twentyman in last year's Kororoit byelection***
Loonie Landeryou thinks he is somehow immune to community revulsion about his stinking libels on Poxnews.
S P L A t t !
Choo Choo also known as the GTM (Great Terry Mulder) Express wants to remove Red Ted.
Red Ted might even be Premier next year if Vexnews keeps promoting Mulder.
Fatt Catt is more interested in her male clients at the Daily Planet in Horne Street Elsternwick than she is in GTM or Choo Choo.
Neither of them are clients so she doesn't want to know them.
Wonder if ASIO and the CIA are interested in the cat fight between Rita and Cait.
I don't think so.
When is Cait Catt (2.15 post) going to sue?
Genealogist to the Stars was one of the most amusing posts I've ever read on this or any other blog.
Don't let threats of legal action scare your. Keep up the good work Genealogist!
Sick escaped madman Landeryou needs to make a full confession before the Electoral Matters Committee about his disgraceful lies, libels and misleading deceptions during the Kororoit election. Examination-in-Chief should focus on his irrational hatred of Les Twentyman, OAM and Victorian of the Year, the much loved hero of the West.
Fat failure Andrew Landeryou and his squad of sock puppets keep trying to steer discussion on this thread away from his forthcoming appearance before the Electoral Matters Committee.
There seems little doubt that Landeryou's evidence, even if he again cites "privilege" every second word and suffers his usual amnesia, will destroy the career of Stephen Newnham and significantly embarrass the Premier.
But Labor members of the committee will also be active. They will want to grill the fat flop about his involvement in internal Liberal Party dirty trick campaigns like the "He who stands for nothing" blog so the Libs get damaged by the inquiry too.
Landeryou will be the key witness for both sides, the best weapon the ALP and the Liberals have to use against each other.
He will be giving evidence for a long, long time and what he says will come under the closest scrutiny. He will face a cross examination that is vigorous in the extreme.
A patriot has observed before: parliamentary inquiries are neither as neutral nor polite as courts.
Fat failure Landeryou thought he already had it bad. Some chance! He is in for the most horrible time of his life.
The Electoral Matters Committee appearance will only be the second most horrible experience in Landeryou's life once he has arrived in Barwon Jail. Here is the daily schedule me and the Hot Rodder boys have planned for him:
a) bash Andy unconcious
b) bring him around
c) pack anal rape
d) bash him unconcious again
"POXVIEWS Investigations Unit" - That's Debt Man Walking El Gordo, talking to Sgt Sasha, the One-Man Media Army, on two cans linked with string.
"POXVIEWS Investigations Unit" - That's Debt Man Walking El Gordo, talking to Sgt Sasha, the One-Man Media Army, on two cans linked with string.
Electoral Matters Committee = brain haemorrhage for fat crook Landeryou
Barwon Jail = anal haemorrhage for fat crook Landeryou
Re 1:45 - from what i have seen even Sasha is sane enough to stay away from Landeryou nowadays
The Poxnews special investigations unit consists of Fat Andrew and the phantoms that haunt his head.
"POXVIEWS Investigations Unit" - That's Debt Man Walking El Gordo talking into his glass.
Have patriots seen the How I Gained 30 Kilos story in the Herald-Sun today?
At first I thought it might be about Landeryou then realised there would have been another zero if he was talking.
The Vexnews Investigations Unit (there is no such thing as the Poxnews Investigations Unit) has a great track record. It finds terrorists and exposes terrorists at a much greater rate than our leading spooks. That's why both ASIO and the CIA rely on Vexnews so much.
As for Poxnews. I'm going to ask my sister Fatt about that. It's something the ladies who work where she works (she says she's a model) will get if they don't insist on their men clients using you know what. Every time.
You need to be careful with your language Cait lest you let the magic word slip. I don't mean the word that Mr Rudd used.
We need you Cait. Ignore Rita. You are wonderful and the great man needs every encouragement he can get.
In the past commentators for both sides threatened to report someone to Paster Nalliah. Don't know if they ever did but after the comments on this posting they should.
I concur
Landeryou Crime List
• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
Landeryou Crime List
• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
Vexnews looks abandoned. Maybe Landeryou has jetted off to Costa Rica to avoid the Electoral Matters Committee hearings.
The Electoral Matters Committee will be keen to know why the DPP has not acted over what appear to be clear contempts of court by Landeryou in the Twentyman matter. That will be an additional scandal for Brumby.
I am fascinated by the Catt family genealogy. It clearly means that Poxnews is nothing but kitty litter.
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