The editor of Vexnews has responded.
Legal interpretation of the response suggests that Andy more precisely meant the following
There will be no news items this week, so please take the week to comment on issues that arise.
The editor of Vexnews has responded.
Legal interpretation of the response suggests that Andy more precisely meant the following
There will be no news items this week, so please take the week to comment on issues that arise.
The new format here is objectionable. I don't like it.
On my email address I am getting heaps of spam in Arabic which I cannot fathom.
I never want to receive any spam from Slanderyou. · 15 years ago
I have decided to bugger off because little Theo got the better of me. I began worshipping my own Priapus! "You have to know in politics when it's time to go. I've made a significant contribution... · 15 years ago
I jet about the net at night, and always visit Vexnews and this site religiously. It is like dipping my toes into the Werribee sewerage farm. Fuzzy, warm and stinky! But Guys, I won't be posting my... · 15 years ago
24 Mossad agents assassinating one Hamas boss in Dubai. It sounds like a Vexnews Scoop! In Dubai twenty years ago, even the cops were driving bullock carts. Obviously. things haven't improved much... · 15 years ago
Just posted a comment on Vexnews WITHOUT having to provide an email address.
But suddenly I have to provide privacy information here. · 15 years ago
The new format is needlessly intrusive.
My phishing software doesn't like it.
Neither do I. · 15 years ago
Brutus Beefcake suggests that sock puppets don't make sense. Name them. Cait Catt, Rita Randles, Catter8, Jenny Jensen-Hansen and possibly Henderson Ross and his Arabic friend make no sense. Brutus... · 15 years ago "A few questions for Andy Landeryou. I saw a picture of you in the paper the other day and I was wondering which of your three chins is your actual chin? And secondly has anyone ever... · 15 years ago
Oh, Slanderyou! Thanks to the new comment tool, you appear to have done to your own site what Landeryou has been unable to do and shut it down. · 15 years ago
How interesting to see that Shirley Landeryou has decided he had better praise former Howard Government hitman Ian Hanke on his failed Poxnews site just days after the morbidly obese thief stole an... · 15 years ago (6 Months ago ) "Landeryou writes his own racist comments on his blog, and passes them off as "discussion". I suspect up to 70% of comments on the vexnews site are written by... · 15 years ago "The best thing to do with the likes of Andrew is nothing at all. Just ignore him. That's what will make him really cranky. I wish more people would realise he's just a... · 15 years ago MichaelDudikoff said about 3 years ago: Andy Landeryou needs to up the meds, methinks. temporarybenbutler said about 3 years ago: The guy who runs... · 15 years ago
If Andy had "takeover" the site, he would have scrubbed it completely. I like this new format, easier to follow conversation threads. · 15 years ago
Me and Bubba and the Hot Rodding Men are suspicious! This new comments system makes it look like Landeryou has taken over this site the same way he took over the first Slanderyou! Me and Bubba and... · 15 years ago
Jeez! Just when I thought Vexnews was the ultimate Nazi censorious site where I have been blocked and banned from commenting. Now all this weird censorship here. Has Landeryou taken over the... · 15 years ago
I've gotten around the email request issue by typing, and unticking the subcribe request - works for me · 15 years ago
See! The valid email address shit is f*cking this blog!
Piss weak! I'm off! · 15 years ago
If Peter Garrett is sacrificed by Rudd, or forced to resign by other means, he can always return to music. One song from him would consign The Mad Monk to oblivion. · 15 years ago
Loved the ABC's Four Corners program tonight! Afdhani pooves and warlords exploiting 'dancing boys'. Lovely! Now they're heading here as refugees because the Taliban shoot them on sight. Australia... · 15 years ago
285 Truth On Comments:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 285 Newer› Newest»Johnny Cash made that gesture.
Where does Andy's cash come from?
Andrew Landeryou is kind, generous, ethical and honest. The filth about him on this blog is disgraceful.
Slanderyou you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Your outing of my sister Fatt and her place of employment is also disgraceful.
The use of my family names to discredit me is beyond the pale. This especially applies to my Aunt Kitty.
You tell them Cait. Well written
None of the cats at our cattery support Slanderyou. He is about as ethical as a Jenman real estate agent.
Jenman real estate agents claim they are ethical.
For an exposure of them and their claims see
I heard from Cait's sister Fatt that several Jenman real estate agents were good clients at the Daily Planet.
They told Fatt some of their secrets. One is called VPR. That is vendor price reduction. The seller is told the property might sell in Toorak for, say $1.2 million. Very few people have made an inspection of the property and then the vendor is told that the selling price is too high and the correct price might be around $1.1 million. After about six weeks there is no sale and the vendor is told to reduce the price to $850,000.
Of course if the property went for auction it might fetch $1.3 million.
There are no ethics with Jenman agents. They are nearly all rogues.
They don't do auctions and they don't advertise. That means they won't sell.
Vexnews decided not to do an expose of Jenman agents because the market did it for him. Very few of them are now left in Victoria.
... and thus avoided another dafamation suit!
We will NEVER forget the missing millions stolen by Andrew Landeryou from MUSU, IQ Corp and other companies. Landeryou continues to sit on over $7 million of offshore loot from these escapades, withdrawing cash from ATMs daily from accounts made out in the names of bogus companies. We will never forgive Landeryou for sending MUSU into liquidation after the "Institutional Services", Marbain and Optima property scams. The man is a crook and his continued use of offshore funds while he receives Centrelink benefits should be investigated. He lives in luxury, has a range of offshore account linked to credit and debit cards that fill his fat wallet. His accounts in Cyprus, Belize, British Virgin Islands and Hong Kong should be seized. The tax cheat and crook needs to be arrested and brutalized.
Andrew Landeryou, the failed property and gambling spiv criticises Neil Janman who advocates ethics in Real Estate. The serial looter and tax cheat uses his imaginary "Catt" to claim he is "kind, generous, ethical and honest. The filth about him on this blog is disgraceful."
In fact this Blog is not harsh enough. Landeryou employs sophisticated offshore agents to register companies and bank accounts in offshore, unregulated domains, parks his stolen cash there and uses anonymous bank cards to draw the funds down in cash from ATMs. The spiv should be in jail.
Landeryou keeps on involving this blog in his libels. The posts about Jenman Real Estate are a case in point. It's OK for him to publish libels on his own toxic Poxnews blog - but not here where no-one shares his bizarre views.
Patriots recently remarked that Landeryou tends to compound hia mistakes. His cutting and pasting to this blog is unethical, dishonest, deceptive, misleading and possibly criminal.
Desist, you silly little man! Do everyone here a favour and go and make a full confession to ATO and AFP.
Has 2.38 ever used a Jenman real estate agent? Some real estate agents who were conned and were honest nearly went broke. Others who were shonky just kept being shonky. Jenman's methods, no advertising, no auctions, and VPR intimidation to vendors are not good for vendors. They are not good for the real estate industry in general.
Neither the Herald Sun nor The Age will accept advertisements pushing the Jenman line. The REIV is anti-Jenman.
Landeryou has never pushed either a pro or an anti Jenman line. It is a Stephen Cleeve who runs the anti-Jenman web sites. There is plenty of anti-Jenman material on the web.
Never trust a Jenman real estate agent. They preach ethics yet are unethical.
Don't be fooled by the enemy of my enemy is my friend nonsense. The Age and Landeryou are not friends. The Age has run anti-Jenman stories. You would think Landeryou would support Jenman given his distaste for everything from The Age. No. Landeryou is totally neutral on this.
This story about Jenman appeared in The Age in 2006. It is not overly critical, yet it makes one important point. Jenman is NOT a real estate agent. Clearly he profits from them though, and through people his agents have conned. Read on:
Profile: Neil Jenman
Lucinda Schmidt
June 14, 2006
The real estate consumer advocate on life as a man of property.
In 1993, Neil Jenman set himself a challenge. The real estate consumer advocate wanted to see if he could make $1 million in one week. So he organised a five-day real estate training seminar at Sanctuary Cove, charging $10,000 a head, and sold 118 tickets.
That week had two big ramifications for Jenman. He sold his Sydney real estate agency business, which he had founded nine years earlier, to concentrate on training courses for real estate agents.
He also read about the doctrine of Enough, a theory developed by the British management theorist Charles Handy on how making more and more money is not the key to personal fulfilment.
"I thought about how much I needed to be OK," Jenman says, sipping coffee in the lobby of a top Melbourne hotel where he owns an apartment upstairs.
That included a home in Sydney, a permanent base in Melbourne and the financial freedom to pursue his passion - making the real estate business more ethical.
The figure he came up with was $10 million - a target he met then exceeded as his training business took off and The Jenman System was adopted by 312 agencies paying $1500 a month for Jenman's insights into how to run a successful real estate business.
The launch pad for this escape from day-to-day house selling had come in 1989, when a journalist rang Jenman to ask how the market was. His Auburn office had had a record month, with 36 sales and, after reading about this, other agents started calling Jenman for advice about their own businesses. There were so many that Jenman started batching them into groups of six, then hired a reception centre and charged 100 agents $25 each for a two-day seminar. He says old friends still joke that they knew him when he was a $12.50 a day man.
Gradually, however, Jenman's outspoken criticism split the real estate industry.
When he asked his 312 Jenman System agencies to cough up $10,000 each to fund his consumer protection work, he lost about half of them. Last year, he sold his real estate training business to concentrate on attacking property developers, such as Henry Kaye and Westpoint's Norm Carey, and to finish writing his third book, Stitched!, exposing 123 get-rich-quick schemes and the people behind them.
"If you speak out in real estate, it's like any profession, you will be pilloried by your peers. And that's what happened to me," says Jenman, who believes the majority of real estate agents are "dishonest or use dishonest methods".
He has also received death threats, been followed by private detectives and last year ended up in hospital after being kicked by a property scheme promoter.
This year he is receiving, on average, one threatening lawyer's letter a week.
"I thought I could change the real estate world," he says, sounding weary of the struggle. In the next breath, however, he is gleefully revealing his latest plan to make real estate agents pay for Jenman to monitor them. Last year he set up Real Estate Monitors, which deals directly with home-sellers to help them choose an agent, then monitors that agent during the sale process, in exchange for about 25 per cent of the agent's commission.
It's an ingenious twist for a man who never qualified as a real estate agent, refusing to sit an exam that asked students to explain why the auction system is the best way to sell houses. "It's not," Jenman says. "The biggest insult you could give me is to say I'm an ex-real estate agent."
Hey! Hot damn, Theo!
You're a bigtime pollie and could talk the legs off a seven foot stool! Why don't you visit Barwon and strike a deal with Brutus and Bubba?
After Landeryou stiffed us with that half-arsed Vexnews support, we could sell him as a stand-in for us. After all, he is going to be buggared big time anyway and won't notice all the 'extras'.
We could meanwhile pose as undercover Centrelink investigators.
PM Kev - you've just lost the newspoll lead! No-one likes a bully who castigates someone not responsible for not providing the diet meal you requested on the plane. The fault lay with catering on the ground, you idiot!
Flight attendants face enough crap in their jobs without dealing with a cantankerous PM with a bad attitude.
My daughter is a Qantas international flight attendant. PM, be eternally glad you did not castigate her. I would have you for breakfast!
Andrew trying to divert the focus from himself to Jenman. Another tactic to avoid dealing with the darker side of himself.
Andrew seems to have snapped out of his recent bout of depression and is back to his usual slovenly levels of activity. The paranoia is extreme, on-going and irreversible.
Dr Phil you need not talk. You have quite a few problems too.
Great research Cait. Dr Phil knows as much about psychiatry and Neil Jenman knows about real estate. Both know how to make money, but that's about all they know or want to know.
Dr Phil treats his estranged wife as badly as the PM treated a flight attendant.
Only violently in the case of Dr Phil. Go away Slanderyou. Stop positing your lies and pro Jenman propaganda on this blog of filth.
Hey fatso
Last night while normal people were enjoying themselves with friends or family you were sitting by yourself in front of a computer drunk, posting comments on this blog having a conversation with your imaginary friends.
How pathetic can you get? A grown man!
You are not even 40 but you will never have a job again.
You are not even 40 but you will never know love again.
You are regarded with derision and contempt.
All you have to look forward to is jail, bashings and buggerising.
Be a man.
Kill yourself.
Do it, fatso.
Do it.
I don’t want Andrew to kill himself until he has been locked behind bars and suffered several pack anal rapes.
Very few people visit Vexnews because (a) it is a pile of stinking shit and (b) they don't want spywear on their computers but if you log on you will see that Landeryou compounded his contempts of court over the Theophanous matter on Saturday with a story headed "Another MP falsely accused of rape". Contempt of court is regarded as a serious matter that usually attracts a period of imprisonment.
Andrew in other bout of avoiding the true misery of his own life, the friendlessness, the loneliness and the paranoia casts about for diversionary tactics.
I note that each and every time Landeryou's previous corporate crimes and current offshore illegal banking arrangements are mentioned, he dodges and diverts.
Andrew this Blog is about you. Some contributors focus on your previous business activities and some are more concerned about your state of mind.
Fat loon Landeryou claims his blog has an international audience but then his sock puppets write on this site:
"Vexnews decided not to do an expose of Jenman agents because the market did it for him. Very few of them are now left in Victoria."
That shows how far Landeryou's horizons stretch!
I suspect only Slanderyou and Landeryou's multiple identities read Poxnews. Landeryou could tell us the fine details of visitor numbers and identities as he obsessively tracks all visitors to the site via cookies and IP address tracing tools. However Landeryou is a known liar. He is setting Poxnews up for another 'pump and dump' scam.
The recent news from the G20 summit on increasing scrutiny of tax havens and possible withholding taxes on transactions in and out of these countries has increased Landeryou's paranoia. With over $7 million stashed offshore in tax havens, Landeryou is worried that he will have 20% automatically deducted from his ATM withdrawals. I hope for the speedy implementation of these measures.
Be a Man said "You are not even 40 but you will never have a job again."
Correction. Andrew has never been in paid employment. Your sentence should have read: you will never have a job. No-one would employ you.
It is extraordinary that a 40 year old man has never been employed by anyone. His 'career' has all been scams and rackets.
4:442 says Landeryou's horizons do not stretch beyond Victoria. Pretty soon they will not stretch beyond the prison walls
Fat Boy updated Poxnews on Saturday? He must have been so drunk he though it was still Friday!
Andrew Landeryou has been involved as a Director, shareholder or through fake identities with the companies below:
- Multicenter Australia
- Synergy Metals
- Global Tertiary Solutions
- Century Bet
- IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
- IQ First Pty Ltd
- IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
- IQ Services Pty Ltd
- IQ Sports Pty Ltd
- Message IQ Pty Ltd
- Marbain Pty Ltd
- Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
- Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
- Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
- Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million after first moving it to Hong Kong)
- Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
- Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
- Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
- Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
- Training Events Pty Ltd
- National Retail Investments Pty -Ltd
- Lan Capital
- BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
- Pacific Insight
The scams are endless. No doubt, his computer holds records of dozens of other offshore entities created in contempt of Australian taxation and corporate law. These entities were used by Landeryou to move money out of and then back into Australia.
Besides spending time on his crap Blog Poxnews and spamming Slanderyou, Landeryou spends his days at his computer "managing" his overseas loot stash and devising ways to move the ill gotten proceeds back into Australia. His favourite mechanism is via overseas credit and debit cards issued under the names of his offshore entities. Simple but effective. He can be frequently seen outside city ATMs withdrawing cash.
"He can be frequently seen outside city ATMs withdrawing cash."
Landeryou is hard to miss: balding, obese, limping thanks to gout, reeking of alcohol and munching on KFC.
Thank you: April 05, 2009 8:00:00 PM
These are important disclosures and assist our medical staff in diagnosing Andrew's illnesses.
Andrew's business activities closely resemble the multiple identity issue he has when he posts on this Blog. How can he keep track of all these fictional identities, both business and personal?
April 05, 2009 8:00:00 PM
You missed "Institutional Services Pty Ltd" which Landeryou used to gouge MUSU for cleaning and building services using casual non-unionised labour.
Institional Services Pty Ltd and BV Sachsen Australia Pty Ltd were put into liquidation at the same time with Landeryou listing himself as a creditor.
Previous item was intended to defame my sister. It says the Fatcat Nominees Pty Ltd was going into liquidation.
My sister Fatt has nothing to do with this company. Nor is she a shareholder of the Daily Planet. She merely works there.
Oh Christ! Fat cunt is hoeing into the flagon port again. Here come the fake comments!
Before he passes out it would be good if he could explain these three stories from that patriotic paper The Australian. They suggest he is a delusional crook with so few scruples he was even prepared to dud his own sister but also such a big wuss that he went to pieces when clapped behind bars.
The big man on campus
By Louise Perry and Michael Bachelard
The son of a former Labor powerbroker is on the run amid allegations of missing millions. Louise Perry and Michael Bachelard trace his story
IN Victorian Labor's Right faction circles, there was just one table to be at last March for the pre-election fundraising dinner at Collingwood Football Club.
Deputy Senate leader Stephen Conroy was there to hear Mark Latham speak, as was Bill Shorten, the Australian Workers Union secretary sometimes touted as a future PM, and Steve Bracks's strategy director David Feeney.
Also in this powerful and impeccably credentialled group were Andrew Landeryou and his wife, then Melbourne city councillor Kimberley Kitching. A Labor scion, Andrew is the son of Bill Landeryou -- a minister famously ousted from the Cain government's cabinet over conflict of interest allegations. The son played hard in student politics, then rode the tech boom to millions, bought a Victorian mansion in swish Parkville and associated with the rich and politically powerful.
While keeping himself in the background, he introduced business to politicians, politicians to business, and he peddled influence internally, allegedly funding union takeover attempts and branch stacking.
Nine months later, though, it has all come crashing to earth. Andrew Landeryou has a warrant out for his arrest and he appears to have fled the country, though sources are divided on whether he has gone to China or Los Angeles. Kitching's whereabouts are likewise unknown.
At 35, he suffers from painful gout, and he is being pursued by the courts after failing to show up to liquidators' hearings into the collapsed Melbourne University Student Union.
This extraordinary story starts in 1991 when Landeryou defeated the entrenched left-wing leadership to become president of the student union.
The Left never forgot and did not forgive his move to commercialise aspects of the union's service delivery. Rumours quickly began about vote-rigging and other misbehaviour, and a group called Students Against Corruption launched a fierce battle against him. In May of that year, a referendum of students voted overwhelmingly to sack him. But he did not go without a fight.
``He changed the locks on the returning officer's office on the night of the referendum, he used a loophole in the constitution to call off a student general meeting that was called to discuss his sacking, and he hid under pot plants and in the basement when he was finally sacked,'' one former student politician says.
After that experience, Landeryou retreated to the business world. He helped his father with some of his business dealings, which included forays into the rough-and-ready post-communist Russian Federation. The younger Landeryou set up some software companies in which his partner Ed Dale was the technical expert and he, according to a former business associate, was salesman-businessman. ``He turns it on when he wants to turn it on. He is charming,'' the the former business associate says.
But according to some who did business with him, he took a similar approach to them as he had to his enemies in student politics: ``Either you are with him or against him. And if you are against him you are an enemy.''
Another former associate says that when he tried to sever ties with Landeryou's company, Andrew, backed by Bill, went ``completely feral'': ``They made bizarre demands, called my investors in New York.''
This associate says he was told to come, alone, to a meeting, then taken to a darkened room and threatened.
In the mid-1990s, Andrew Landeryou made a return to the Labor Party, trading on his success, touting himself as a business connection for the party and acting as a mentor to young, Right faction men who wanted to do business and peddle influence.
He made good money in small-time property development and sold part of a software company, IQ Education, to an internet business for $3 million during the technology boom.
But the trouble with business associates continued. One senior Labor member recalls somebody trying to serve a writ on Landeryou at a meeting of the Labor Unity faction. Landeryou ran away.
Earlier this year, though, Landeryou took on a big fish. Retail tycoon Solomon Lew began chasing Landeryou in court for a missing $4 million. In 2000, Lew had pumped $4 million into a Landeryou company, IQ Corporation, and plans were afoot to use the money to build a sports statistics and online gaming group.
Investors from Britain and Switzerland had contributed another $4 million, and Landeryou and Dale planned to float the company. No one knows how the $8 million was spent because -- as the IQ liquidator pointed out in court -- most of the books and records appear to have vanished.
On the stand in the Federal Court, Landeryou, Kitching, who was briefly company secretary, Bill Landeryou, who was also on the board, and Andrew Landeryou's sister Anne-Marie Landeryou-Mason, bookkeeper and personal assistant, could remember little about the $8 million.
Andrew Landeryou and his wife were particularly indignant, with Landeryou saying it was ``contempt, utter contempt'' that his wife had been dragged into the liquidators' examination. The two had declined to turn up for summons and fronted only when counsel for the liquidator asked the court to consider issuing arrest warrants.
(In avoidance tactics, the son appears to follow the father. Wanted by creditors for an unpaid credit card bill in 1996, process servers pursued Bill Landeryou to the doors of the parliamentary library, where they were stopped because it was not a public place. Bill Landeryou refused to come out.)
In Andrew Landeryou's fight with Lew, the liquidators ceased their inquiries after a closed-door deal was reached. It is believed Lew secured a caveat over the impressive Parkville house owned by Kitching. Lew, through his representative on that company, Michael McLeod, declined to comment to Inquirer.
But in 2002, Landeryou made the play that was to become his undoing. At 33, he returned to his training ground -- the Melbourne University Student Union. He knew he could make big money from the privatisation of student union-owned property. His dealings with MUSU are now under the spotlight in the Victorian Supreme Court as liquidators of the defunct $14 million union begin the arduous task of tracking down the missing cash of at least $1 million.
The liquidators' investigation into MUSU has unearthed a tale of shelf companies, stooge directors, allegedly forged signatures, missing cash, a Hong Kong bank account and nonexistent tendering processes. A common thread among all of the players is the ALP Right faction, Labor Unity.
Melbourne liquidator Foremans and its team of QCs, investigators and lawyers has been attempting without success to get Landeryou into the witness box since October. They have now issued a warrant for his arrest and documents they have received in the course of their examinations have been handed to Victoria police for a criminal investigation.
Also regulars in the witness box in the Victorian Supreme Court have been Darren Kenneth Ray, MUSU president in 2002, and Benjamin Cass, MUSU president in 2000. Both are members of the ALP Right and both are described by various sources as connected to Landeryou. Cass co-controlled at least one company with Landeryou, Marbain, which was given the lease to the student bar for a minimal amount of money with what appears to be a nonexistent tendering process. The lease was 10 to 15 years, even though five years was the maximum allowed. Marbain quickly sublet the bar for $1 million, which was then paid into a Hong Kong bank account. The money was removed after 24 hours and not seen again.
At about the same time in 2002, Landeryou had lent office space to another Labor Unity associate, Nick Church, to launch an expensive campaign to take over a key left-wing union, the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union. The office space was at the headquarters of the IQ company and reports of Landeryou's involvement in the campaign vary.
LHMU secretary Brian Daley believes Landeryou bankrolled the campaign to the tune of about $500,000 in an effort to get his hands on the bloc of party votes the LHMU controls. Taking over a union, especially a large left-wing union, and redirecting its vote to the Right could have changed the entire factional balance of the Labor Party. Had it succeeded, the plotters would have been heroes to their faction and villains forever within the Left.
``We always knew that Church was closely involved in companies associated with Andrew Landeryou and we have no reason to believe that funding for his campaign could have come from anywhere else,'' says Daley.
Church worked on the LHMU campaign with another ALP member, Andrew Rigby. Rigby says that in return for lending them office space, Landeryou asked him for a favour: to be a stooge director of Optima, the property development company that won a $46 million contract from MUSU to build student housing.
That contract relied on 265 apartments being at full occupancy at $165 per bedroom -- something described in court as ``ridiculous'' and ``highly unlikely''. Auditors of MUSU in mid-2003 reported that the deal could send the union broke.
Rigby told the court that the signature above his name was not his and that it had been forged. ``People warned me to be careful in business dealings with [Landeryou]. They said with him, nothing was for free, and they were right,'' Rigby told Inquirer.
Shortly after the auditor's report, a liquidator's report was released that recommended police investigate the union over the falsification of records, awarding of contracts, election rigging and travel rorts. Nobody has yet been charged with any offences.
``I feel a little bit used,'' Rigby says. ``My trust was betrayed. He took advantage of me helping him out. There was nothing in return at all, just silence, and the next I thing I know I've got summons and I'm in court.''
Rigby was informed by Inquirer that he was also listed as a director of another company, Citizens Against Poverty. While Landeryou is not a director, it was based at his office and his accountant set up the company.
Citizens Against Poverty's objective was to combat poverty through means including property development, share trading and the receipt of donations. Among the directors is John Eren, an upper house Right faction MP renowned for his energy in recruiting new ALP members.
Rigby says he can't remember being asked by Landeryou to be a director of the company. ``I certainly never signed anything on behalf of the company,'' he says.
Landeryou is an elusive character. There is scant information about him and few photos available from the past 10 years. But a former associate from student politics says he is ``not the kind of bloke you would want to cross''.
``Andrew is a complex person,'' the former associate says. ``He can be absolutely charming when he wants to be. He is driven by a strong sense of resentment about his father being dumped and about him being dumped as president in 1991. He has a desire for revenge and a belief in entitlement. He believes that he deserves and is entitled to all sorts of things and if anyone gets in his way, woe betide them.''
ALP figure `set up' relative
By Louise Perry
LABOR Party apparatchik Andrew Landeryou falsely named his brother-in-law as a director of a company without telling him, as part of a pattern of using other people as fronts for his business interests, a court has been told.
Matthew Mason told the Victorian Supreme Court yesterday that he had never consented to being a director of the Landeryou company Invest with Integrity, and his signature on company documents was forged.
Mr Mason said he had ``put two and two together'' and contacted his brother-in-law after he received a letter from Australian Securities and Investments Commission in relation to the company.
``What were the two and two that made you add this up?'' asked Master Ewan Evans, who is presiding over the examination.
``I don't associate with anyone else who is likely to have done it,'' Mr Mason replied.
Mr Mason, who is married to Mr Landeryou's sister Anne-Marie, said he was sure his signature had been forged on the ASIC change of company name document because the short version of his name had been spelt incorrectly -- Matt instead of Mat.
The court also heard that Mr Mason had been named as director of another company secretly controlled by Mr Landeryou -- Turning Point Debt Solutions -- again, without his knowledge or consent.
During the past six months the court has been hearing a liquidator's examination into the now defunct $14million Melbourne University Student Union.
The union was placed in liquidation early last year after a damning liquidator's report recommended police investigate the union over the falsification of records, awarding of contracts, election rigging and travel rorts. No one has yet been charged with any offences.
The court has heard that Mr Landeryou, son of one-time ALP heavyweight and former Victorian minister Bill Landeryou, had been secretly behind companies involved in several deals with the student union, including a $44million property deal.
Mr Landeryou was president of the student union in 1991.
He is believed to have left Australia the night before he was due to appear in court for the liquidator's hearing into the student union. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.
His wife, Kimberley Kitching, who is still in Melbourne, has filed for bankruptcy after a legal stoush with tycoon Solomon Lew.
ALP uni boss asks to stay in custody
By Louise Perry
A MELBOURNE courtroom fell silent yesterday when the overweight, balding figure of ALP activist and runaway businessman Andrew Landeryou shuffled in and announced that he did not wish to be released from custody.
Mr Landeryou, the son of a former minister in the Cain government and Labor heavyweight Bill Landeryou, was arrested early yesterday after arriving in Melbourne on a flight from Los Angeles.
Mr Landeryou, 35, was arrested on a warrant issued last December when, the night before he was due to appear in court to answer questions about the collapse of Melbourne University Student Union Inc, he caught a plane to the US.
He left a trail of debt behind him and an unhappy wife who last week filed for bankruptcy. Mr Landeryou was linked to multi-million-dollar deals signed by the student union before its collapse in 2003.
Appearing for the MUSU liquidator Dean McVeigh, Gary Bigmore QC yesterday told the Victorian Supreme Court he did not oppose Mr Landeryou's release from custody. But Mr Landeryou said he was content to remain in custody and did not want legal representation.
However, The Australian understands that his father has approached high-profile Melbourne lawyer Rob Stary to represent his son.
Bill Landeryou yesterday said he would not comment on his son's ``situation'', saying only that it was very ``delicate''. ``He hasn't been charged with anything. All he has to do is hand in his passport and say, `I want to go home','' he said. Andrew Landeryou told the court he had not been aware of the subpoena to appear at the December examination by the MUSU liquidator.
``I became aware of the arrest warrant when I was overseas and read it in the newspapers,'' he said.
``Contrary to press reports ... I have received no phone calls, no letters and no emails on this summons.'' In court yesterday was Mr Landeryou's sister Anne-Marie Mason, whose husband Matthew told an MUSU liquidators hearing this week that Mr Landeryou had falsely named him as a director of a company without him knowing and said his signature had been forged on company documents.
The liquidator is investigating companies believed to be secretly controlled by Mr Landeryou that entered into multi-million-dollar agreements with the union.
The MUSU was placed into liquidation last year after a damning liquidators report recommended police investigate falsification of records, the awarding of contracts, election rigging and travel rorts.
Mr Landeryou's wife, former Melbourne city councillor Kimberley Kitching, filed for bankruptcy last week after retail tycoon Solomon Lew won a court order giving him possession of the couple's heritage-listed Melbourne property to cover a $3million debt.
The row relates to the failure of IQ Corporation, an online gaming and statistics company that was controlled by Mr Landeryou and in which Mr Lew invested $4million.
Mr Landeryou will return to court on Thursday.
Runaway activist in search of release
By Louise Perry
RUNAWAY businessman and ALP activist Andrew Landeryou spent his third night behind bars after a Supreme Court judge cancelled a special Sunday bail hearing to be held at her house.
Mr Landeryou had been given the opportunity to apply for his release in the Victorian Supreme Court on Friday after he was arrested at Melbourne airport earlier that day, but at the time, he told judge Julie Dodds-Streeton he did not want a lawyer and did not want to be released.
He is being pursued by the liquidator of the $14million Melbourne University Student Union and also faces a legal battle with retail tycoon Solomon Lew over a $4million investment.
High-profile Melbourne lawyer Rob Stary is representing Mr Landeryou, son of former Cain government minister Bill Landeryou.
Mr Stary said yesterday that Mr Landeryou would apply for bail this morning and said he was ``philosophical'' about being thwarted in his effort yesterday to be released.
He said when Mr Landeryou refused the opportunity to be released, he had not had professional legal advice.
``He had also been in transit (from Los Angeles) for 48 hours so he was physically exhausted and a little bit overwhelmed at being arrested,'' Mr Stary said.
``He's had a chance to compose himself and now wants to be released. He has not been charged with anything.''
A warrant for Mr Landeryou's arrest was issued last December after he failed to give evidence at a liquidator's hearing into the collapsed Melbourne University Student Union in the Victorian Supreme Court.
He allegedly flew to Los Angeles the night before he was due in court.
But he told the court on Friday that he had not been aware of the summons, which was served via fax and email to his wife, former Melbourne City councillor Kimberley Kitching.
He said he had flown back when he read about the arrest warrant in a newspaper.
Ms Kitching filed for bankruptcy two weeks ago after Mr Lew won a court order giving him possession of the couple's heritage-listed Melbourne property, to cover a $3million debt.
The row relates to the failed IQ Corporation, controlled by Mr Landeryou, in which Mr Lew invested $4million.
The liquidator of Melbourne University Student Union is investigating companies believed to be secretly controlled by Mr Landeryou that entered into million-dollar agreements with the union.
The union was placed into liquidation last year after a damning liquidator's report recommended police investigate falsification of records, awarding of contracts, election rigging and travel rorts.
Mr Landeryou will also appear in the Victorian Supreme Court on May 5.
Make that FOUR stories, patriots!
Fat cunt has more explaining to do.
The portrait of Landeryou in the media reports above are of a deranged and sick individual, cowering from the media, his wife and his family. At that point Landeryou had some hope of medical recovery and self recognition of his criminal wrongdoings.
Since then, Landeryou appears to believe that he will "get away with it all". He has now "gone on the warpath" believing that "bluff and bluster" can cover all crimes and his serious medical condition.
Andrew thinks his illegal activities are anonymous on the internet.
His condition gets more serious by the day.
Why do you persist Mr Slanderyou in publishing such filth?
In particular 9.41 should watch his language.
Dr Phil has a bad reputation in the United States. How could he be regarded as a credible commentator on Australia?
You tell them Cait. Bachelard is a journalist with no ethics and a poor reputation.
Updated list of known Landeryou corporate entities via which he evaded tax and commited corporate crimes:
• Multicenter Australia
• Synergy Metals
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Wan-Fu China, Ltd (based in Nassau, Bahamas another Tax Haven and used to register domain).
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
My mother used to say that only Slanderyou and the Jenman real estate agent on the Gold Coast could have less ethics than Bachelard.
Why does this blog continue to name fake companies with which the great man has had no association with whatsoever?
Landeryou is great.
Got that
Landeryou is great.
Getting nervous Andrew? Actually clear links exist between Landeryou and every one of these entities.
I've just emailed the ATO with the updated list and further detail on each of the scams.
Hopefully we can get Andrew Landeryou included in the Wikenby investigations.
"Landeryou is great. Got that?" Andy's sock puppet says. "Landeryou is great."
Landeryou is fat, not great.
He is overweight, balding, a criminal and a snivelling cowardly bully who got "a little bit overwhelmed" at the idea of having do deal with the consequences of his crimes.
Well done! A great list: Sunday, April 05, 2009 10:22:00 PM
Ensure you include the related ACNs for each of the Landeryou companies in your ATO report. Saves the Tax Office having to search. They can be lazy. If you have bank account details include these as well as they can easily access bank data.
You can lodge an online tax evasion report with the ATO:
We can see Andrew doing a "Costa Rica" again soon. Or did they take his passport?
Thanks 9:38:00 PM for those shocking reminders of how Landeryou slid down the gurgler.
It's not possible to conclude Landeryou is also a forger. His may not be 'the hand that signed the paper', but perhaps 'Cait Catt' or 'Henderson Ross' did?
But MUSU and IQ seem to have become cold cases. Maybe the OPP needs more staff...
The ATO never forgets.
Landeryou is still actively involved in offshore businesses, using the stolen capital.
Please post every bit of additional information to this Blog, we will enhance the dossier with as much detail as possible and send the additional information to the ATO.
Bile, Bile, Bile
Filth, Filth, Filth
This blog is the absolute pits.
It seems all of Slanderyou's fake characters have come out to play.
Go away Slanderyou. You are not wanted. You and almost all of your contributors are evil.
Thank God for Cait, catter and Henderson. And occasionally Jenny.
Go away Slanderyou.
Thank God for you too Rita.
The vile comments about my great friend and mentor make me sick.
No Andrew. It is all true.
You think you are safe playing your weird games on the internet, pretending you have no assets, shuffling money here and there over the internet.
In the real world people are not so stupid Andrew. The ATO has a long memory.
You are going to hurt and bleed.
You have no future.
Poor Andrew getting paranoid and bringing in the fake friends again.
A shame fake friends can't help you in court.
So Cait? Andrew is your mentor?
Are you a thief and fraudster too, a drunkard in denial?
I am not a fake friend. I have a genuine affection for Andrew. He is a great man. I wish he were Premier. He'd sure know how to run this state.
In the country we love this Blog. Me and my friends read it every day. A genuine big city corporate criminal you can poke and tease. Wonderful! We'd invite Landeryou over for scones if he didn't hide his address.
12.17 defames me. I am not a thief. I am not a crook. I am not a holocaust denier. I believe Andrew to be a truly great man. A decent man. An honest man.
Why do contributors to this blog lie so much about a truly great man? Are they jealous they do not have his intellect?
"In the real world people are not so stupid Andrew. The ATO has a long memory."
The ATO also has a long arm. Whether Landeryou's stolen and untaxed assets are held in Costa Rica, Nassau, British Virgin Islands or Cyprus the ATO will seize them and Landeryou will be jailed. The Operation Wickenby investigation caught people with much more sophisticated offshore set ups than Landeryou.
Updated list of known Landeryou corporate entities via which he evaded tax and commited corporate crimes:
• Multicenter Australia
• Synergy Metals
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Wan-Fu China, Ltd (based in Nassau, Bahamas another Tax Haven and used to register domain).
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
Andrew is a low IQ thug who needs an imaginary "Cait Catt" to tell him he is smart. No-one real would...
What is the betting Landeryou has genuine tears in his eyes as he writes these touching words to himself?
It is truly amazing how guilt drives people insane.
Andrew is insane. Irreversibly insane.
Madge of Benalla (12:20:00 AM) - make sure you count your silverware after Landeryou leaves...
Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd!!! (list, 12:31:00 AM).
Don't tell me Landeryou is trying to sell KFC to the Taliban!
I guess that explains the weird middle eastern chappie Landeryou brings to write endless drivel.
Purchasers of Landeryou's Halal chooks will be angry to find they are in fact kosher - and not Halal. What an insult. Does he want to start WW III?
Purchasers of Landeryou's Halal Chooks will be extremely mad when they find out that Landeryou personally stuffs the chooks himself.
Jeez Theo,
I wonder if I could get a job helping Landy to stuff the chooks?
It's probable its just a shelf company that Landy will try to sell to the Arabs. At least he wasn't silly enough to start Australian Halal Pork P/L.
More thought of private correspondence from Slanderyou.
How many crimes is he committed?
Too many to count. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, you meant theft?
Thanks Anonymous, I did mean theft. I am so angry. I am Henderson Ross.
Not as angry as us Muslims!
You are not angry, Andrew. You are drunk.
Drunk and insane.
Andy is drunk and insane and a fat criminal who will get bashed and sodomised when he goes to prison and serve the fucker right.
On Poxnews Landeryou's fake commenters keep on writing 'Choo Choo' when referring to some weird thing called the GTM Express.
Looking at the above, I suppose they meant 'Chook Chook'. What idiots!
Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director.
Deregistered in Nov 2005 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.
Andrew ate the stock!
Terry Mulder is a chook!
But Landeryou is a complete goose!
Congratulations to top Slanderyou contributor Cait Catt who has topped 200 contributions. Well done Cait. You deserve a night at this place, if you can afford the trip to Germany. Read on:
Germany’s first nudist-only hotel is being built, and is set to open soon. Guests at the Hotel Rosengarten will be required to leave their clothes at reception and remain naked at all times while on the premises. Strict hotel rules will ensure the nude holiday-makers put towels on all chairs and sun loungers before using them and there must be no sexual activity in public areas. The resort is being built in Freudenstadt – which translates as ‘town of joys’. Tourism director Michael Krause said: “I’m in two minds. It’s always good if a new hotel is set up but I’d prefer a normal hotel concept.”
Sounds like the Landeryou fakes would be welcome at the Hotel Rosengarten. I don't like the thought of "Cait Catt', 'Henderson Ross' and " Al haji Abdullah" in the nude. That's an OH & S issue. Who knows where thay've been or what they've been doing.
Sounds like a few gallons of dettol are in order.
The crazed Landeryou is "angry". See (Monday, April 06, 2009 1:23:00 AM).
Again more evidence that he loses the plot when specific mention is made of his corporate crimes. More evidence for my case that Landeryou suffers similar identity crises in his personal and corporate lives.
" Cait Catt said...
I am not a fake friend. I have a genuine affection for Andrew. He is a great man. I wish he were Premier. He'd sure know how to run this state.
Monday, April 06, 2009 12:18:00 AM"
Andrew, unfortunately you need to convince millions of Victorian voters to make you Premier of Victoria. Imaginary friends do not count. You are a failure and will never re-enter public life.
Initial diagnosis Paranoid Schizophrenia.
Maybe Landeryou would make a better Premier than Brumby. Out here in rural Victoria we're being rorted for a 'Waterways charge'.
Where is the water, Messrs Holding and Brumby? Get real! Even mad, dodgy Landeryou, daft as he is, hasn't worked out a tax on nothing.
Landeryou has never paid tax. He shut down any company BEFORE it paid tax. Then shifted all the funds offshore.
Landeryou Crime List
• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
The scabby crim!
Not a real business deal in the whole list above. Just scams and tricks. So sad.
I would hate to have the hangover Landeryou has today.
The Sunday Herald Sun reported yesterday that cells in Barwon Jail are only four by three metres; "about the size of a big billiard table".
El Gordo will be even easier prey for Brutus, Bubba and the rest of the Hot Rodder gang in one of those. Someone so fat will be barely able to move.
I forgot that the fat boy had set up a fake charity as one of his scams. What a shit!
Here is something interesting to consider while looking at Landeryou's thefts and frauds.
The Scamdex email scam index lists the following fraud.
You think Landeryou would have the brains not to use the same name while posting on this blog and in his criminal activities.
RE-TRANSFER OF ($27,500.000.00 USD)
Dear Friend,
As-Salaam Alaikum
Transfer to overseas ($ 27,500.000.00 USD) Twenty seven million Five hundred thousand United States Dollars) from the Bank of Africa, I want to ask you to quietly look for a reliable and honest person who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank account or to set up a new Bank a/c immediately to receive this money, even an empty a/c can serve to receive this funds quitely.
I am MR ALHAJI ABDULLAH, the accountant personal confidant to Dr. Ravindra F. Shah who died together with his wife Dr.Mrs. Manjula Parikh-Shah in a plane crash on the 1st Oct. 2003 on their way to attend wedding in Boston.
Mr. Ravindra F. Shah, is an American, a physician and industrialist, he died without having any beneficiary to his assets including his account here in Burkina Faso which he opened in a Bank of Africa in the year 2000 as his personal savings for the purpose of expansion and developement of his companybefore his untimely death in 2003.
The amount involved is (USD 27,500,000.00)Twenty seven Million Five Hundred Thousand USD, no other person knows about this account, I am contacting you for us to transfer this funds to your account as the beneficiary, I want to first transfer $7,500.000.00 ( Seven million five hundred thousand USD) from this money into a safe account abroad, after which we will transfer the remaining (20M) but I don't know any foreigner, I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not be approved to a local person here, without valid international foreign passport, but can only be approved to any foreigner with valid international passport or drivers license and foreign a/c because the money is in US Dollars and the former owner of the a/c Mr.Ravindra F. Shah is a foreigner too, and as such the money can only be approved into a foreign a/c.However, I am revealing this to you with believe in ALLAH that you will never let me down in this business, you are the first and the only person that I am contacting for this business, so please reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step to take urgently.
Send also your private telephone and fax number including the full details of the account to be used for the deposit.I need your full co-operation to make this work fine. because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner who has correct information of this account, which I will give to you, upon your positive response and once I am convinced that you are capable and will meet up with instruction of a key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this business.
At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 30% of the total amount, 60% will be for me, while 10% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the process of transferring.I look forward to your earliest reply .
That's interesting about Al haji Abdullah. Henderson Ross if you remember is the name of a Kiwi accountancy firm Landeryou used to set up some off his offshore rorts.
Why does he bother?
Anon, he doesn't!!!!!!!
Barack Obama's reaction to the North Korean missile launch applies to Poxnews too. The Kims and the Landeryous are pretty damn similar after all.
"This provocation underscores the need for action," Obama said.
"Rules must be binding, violations must be punished, words must mean something. The world must stand together.
"Now's the time for a strong international response."
Hear hear!
Vexnews has great information about important past ALP figure Diane Anderson. Paul Austin at The Age has run scared about publishing material about Diane. She's so frightening. But not Vexnews. Read on:
FROM HER OWN MOUTH: Diane Anderson reveals her dastardly plan to leech from her elderly mum
By VEXNEWS ⋅ April 6, 2009
dianeandersonair Court videos from Michigan in the United States have shed light on the disgraceful financial scheming of Diane Anderson, the long-term Socialist Left ally in the Higgins FEA.
Her political misconduct - and that of her few allies - was enough to have Labor Right patriot Steve Perryman in the fetal position and his chum Paul Haseloff pulling his hair out from the stress of dealing with such an unpleasant character. It was only the turtle-neck wearing unflappable former Cain Government Minister Race Matthews who took it all in his stride and refused to submit to her thuggish and improper behaviour.
Despite all that, she still enjoys support from local Socialists, including former Premier Joan Kirner and former Senator Barney Cooney who we understand provided character evidence for Anderson to assist her in her fleecing of her mother’s estate.
On one occasion, she is believed to have told ETU union militant and Les Twentyman campaign financier Dean Mighell that Mighell could park his cuban heeled boots under her bed whenever he wanted. He didn’t want but was happy to take her votes on occasion.
Her long-suffering brother David Anderson, a respected lawyer and candidate for judicial office in that state, had been desperate to protect their mother from the rapacious and predatory Diane who had moved back to the United States to seize control of her mother’s estate.
His site has recordings from the court proceedings which clearly show:
■ Her brother David calmly stating the facts of the case, including Diane’s history of petulance and attempted bullying and domineering of her family and a string of false accusations against an independent and court-appointed guardian of her mother;
■ Diane planned on living off her mother’s retirement savings instead of getting a job;
■ Diane threatened with jail to get her stop disrupting the court; and
■ Diane ordered to pay costs because of her abuse of the legal process
If you think any sane and reasonable person is interested in pile of stinking shit then you must already be drunk.
That is disgusting. It is not even midday.
Only derelicts spend their mornings drinking flagon port.
Anything about Diane is treasured information for both ASIO and the CIA. That's why Vexnews is the news site of choice for information about Australia by both our spooks and America's spooks. Neither ASIO nor the CIA like people to know where they get their information from, but Vexnews is always first with the latest news they'd be mad to go anywhere else. The Vexnews Investigations Unit is a far superior organisation to either ASIO, the CIA or the former Special Branch of the Victoria Police.
Well done Vexnews. Your scoop about Diane Anderson is a great piece of investigative reporting.
Obvious that the dastardly financial scheming is done by Landeryou. Who cares about Dianne. The Landeryou blob has been operating international financial scams for 20 years. Who knows how much money he has sitting offshore. Millions.
The latest drivel from Landeryou had the CWA meeting at my place this morning roaring with laughter. We almost choked on our scones. We don't care about Dianne whatever. We love seeing a big city crook trembling over the exposure of his crimes. A great blog that getting quite a following in my community.
The fat crook said: "Diane planned on living off her mother’s retirement savings instead of getting a job"
I don't think Landeryou even realises the hypocrisy of that comment. The fiend has never had a job and lives off ill gotten gains taken from MUSU members and IQ investors.
Landeryou bankrupted his own dad so there will be no retirement savings there for him to live off.
Landeryou has never been employed so there will be no superannuation to live off...
Fat Andrew Landeryou is drunk, deranged and increasingly reckless. It is a dangerous combination.
I increasingly fear a Queen Street Massacre style situation involving the fat man. Frank Vitkovic was a fat failure too.
Don't say his fellow loon and stalker Sergeant Sasha has let El Gordo get his hands on a gun.
Poxnews is now reporting on local councillors in South Australia. No doubt next week it will have a world exclusive about divisions in the CWA somewhere on the east coast of Tasmania.
We would love Andrew to visit us here in Benalla. We could set up a CWA meeting just for him. We are quiet interested in offshore banking, anonymous credit and debit cards and tax havens. It's not easy living on a farm income and our CWA Branch is looking for innovative alternatives.
Sorry Madge, but Benalla is in Sophie Mirabella territory and she is one of the people who helped have Andrew removed as MUSA president way back in 1991. He is still terrified of her.
The ghosts of crimes past still haunt Andrew.
These days I think he is afraid to step out of his luxury pad, much less travel to Benalla. Sorry Madge.
Fear, loathing and paranoia. The sad mental state of Andrew Landeryou. We can still help you Andrew, you need treatment. You can run, but you can't hide from yourself.
Please put the "Jenny Jensen-Hansen" character back in the box Andrew. It is unhealthy for you to be imagining your are the daughter of Pauline Hansen. Too much mental confusion in that identity swap, even for you.
Cait Catt said:
"Landeryou is great.
Got that
Landeryou is great."
The delusions are increasingly disturbing. A "Great Man" frustrated by a world that does not understand his "greatness" and "intelligence".
Why does Andrew have his imaginary friends make such statements? Why does no-one real know about these hidden Landeryou attributes?
I agree with the comment above that Landeryou may cross over the threshold and turn to violence.
Given the sharp decline in readers for El Gordo's blog, stories about SA councillors seems to be a last ditch effort to be relevent.
Strike up another massive failure for Buddha Boy.
"Jenny Jensen-Hansen" really creeps me!
Remember when Prince Charles was caught in a tapped telephone conversation telling Camilla he wished he was her tampon?
Andrew's "Jenny Jensen-Hansen" fantasies are even worse than that.
While we have become used to Landeryou's female personas, the "Jenny Jensen-Hansen" figment of his imagination is repulsive and bizarre. Landeryou is not Pauline Hansen's daughter and politically should not share many of her views. Remember the entries around the Qld election when Landeryou used the "Jenny" character to express his hatred for the Labor Party. He may be experiencing complete breakdown at this point. In the previous "Thursday, April 02, 2009" entry on Vexnews - Crime Spot, in the final comments "Jenny" wrote the most strange comment:
"Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...
I only wish Slanderyou would go away. He makes life uncomfortable at our cattery. Some of our keepers read Slanderyou and believe him and they make life very unpleasant for us.
Monday, April 06, 2009 12:26:00 AM"
Andrew's getting the "Jenny" and the "Catts" personas confused. The Cat keepers are out to get them all.
I really think Andrew needs to come in for treatment.
Nothing from the fat drunk since a bit before 1:00 pm. The sick sot passed out early today.
Long time visitor, first time commenter...
That Charles and Camilla bit made me prick up my ears as John Pasquarelli told me that Landeryou once wrote to Pauline Hanson asking for one of her tampons.
I have heard something similar to Tim. I was told that when Margot Kingston was running after Hanson Landeryou asked if she could get one of the One Nation leader's tampons for him. The person who told me the story didn't know if he wanted a used one or not. Landeryou is weird enough no matter what the answer to that one was.
Dear Ted... welcome in to the Slanderyou community of commentators. We have a lot of 'lurkers' out there and enjoy it when you find the time to write. The anti-Landeryou community is a 'broad church' united in shock and disbelief that Landeryou is not yet in jail.
I am surprised he has not been locked up in an asylum. You have lax laws over there in Australia. Landeryou sounds to me like he is a danger to your community. The angry, bitter loner has been a common theme in recent US massacres.
It reminds me of the old days when Landeryou was chasing after Sophie Mirabella...
It renminds me of the time Landeryou hid behind a potplant... and was evicted by security guards from the MU Union Building after bein sacked as President of MUSU by 89% of students voting in a referendum on his dismissal.
Why is all this talk of tampons giving me a fat?
Prince Charles is a bit of a tampon I suppose. But I was surprised by Landeryou's interest Ms Hanson's nether regions. I would have thought Landeryou was more of a suppository man!
I hate to remind patriots of the ugly fact that Landeryou is an enthusiastic user and advocate of an unusual sex aid known as a 'Butt Plug'. His fake commenters often refer to them.
All very creepy Mr Stinky.
Landeryou is not a suppository. He is an arsehole.
In contributing to this blog of filth I am getting a bit of a bad name around the traps. Several men at the Daily Planet have abused my sister Fatt and have told her that the level of comment on the Slanderyou blog has disintegrated to such an extent that it now consists of largely remarks about the never regions and little respectable comment.
If Diane were still around Slanderyou would have an excuse for his filth. Diane has been criticised today on Vexnews, and I won't comment on that except to say that readers who are interested should go to Vexnews and read the material about Ms Anderson and make up their own minds about it.
Vexnews is Australia's premier news source, and it doesn't promote filth like this blog does.
I hope the standard of this blog improves. At the moment it is thoroughly disgraceful.
Who wants to read about tampons?
Dr Phil seems to read every word I write, and when I make an error or two he picks me up on it.
Think about yourself Dr Phil. You don't have clean hands. You have no right to criticise me or my mother.
Thank you Cait. The most disgraceful thing about this Blog is that Landeryou (via his female identities such as yourself) continue to comment on it. The most disgraceful thing is that Landeryou continues to waddle along city streets freely. The most disgraceful thing is that Landeryou continues to sit on a large pile of stolen loot without being apprehended for theft and tax evasion.
We look forward to an end to these disgraces.
In astronomical terms, his butt is known as a 'black hole' which has the unusual quality of being able to make money and coins (and even gold bars) completely disappear. There is no way for a nearby object (especially cash) to escape its gravitational pull.
Landeryou is neither a suppository not an arsehole but a shit.
Andrew, we hope you find time to pop out to Benalla. The CWA Auxiliary Committe are looking forward to hearing your instructive seminar on "Tax Evasion and you. Using the internet and Offshore Banking Centres to get rich without working". Ignore these others, you will discover you have many supporters in the bush. We are doing it hard out here and have much to learn from you.
Madge, the online gambling spiv has nothing to teach you or the Auxiliary Committee. Do not invest a penny with this crook. If you want a reference from a previous investor, ask Soloman Lew who is still looking for his money after Landeryou shredded the IQ records.
Landy's ass and its gravitational pull are responsible for the disappearance of company papers too.
Oh God. He woke up after seven hours out cold, drank most of a flagon of tokay, wolfed down some cold KFC he found on the floor then started posting here again. Andrew, just go away!
Jenny, you are too weird. You disturb even a trained psychologist. Get back in your box. You are not real. Andrew imagined you as someone he would rather be. He certainly can't tolerate being himself. Now go away. You serve no useful purpose even in Landeryou's insane frame of reference.
Dr Phil just called me. He said he had a situation that was freaking him out. A grown man, unemployed, white, no known income with no fixed address. That's my kind of guy. I just love that kind of white trash. Dr Phil says the guy is a hot candidate for my show. He thinks he' is the daughter of a well known female politician, one who owned a fish and chip show.
Andrew, bring the whole family. Bill, the father you bankrupt. Your imaginary mum, Pauline Hansen. You can dress up as "Jenny". The ex-wife can come along to talk about how you ran out on her...
This is gonna be one hell of a show! Andrew, call my agent man.
You are very naughty Dr Phil. You are just like the rotten ALP. The party of filth like this blog. The party that defeated my mother. The party that removed Rosa from the Pineapple Parliament by gerrymandering her seat. The party that is led by Bligh the Bitch.
Queensland and Australia need One Nation. A true and patriotic party.
You Dr Phil are nothing but Labor slime. Go back to the Trades Hall.
Landeryou is a human sponge - wine, other people's money, centrelink. What a stinker!
Jerry Springer is Labor slime too.
What about Matthew Mason, Landeryou's brother in law who told the Victorian Supreme Court that he had never consented to being a director of the Landeryou company Invest with Integrity (ha!) and that his signature on company documents was forged? He should go on Springer too.
ABC 'Four Corners' on now is about cyber-bullying. Nothing about Landeryou or Vewsnews yet.
Jerry, Jerry! "Invest with Integrity". That's a new Landeryou scam to add to the list. Details please....
Updated Landeryou Scam Watch.
• Multicenter Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were improperly awarded to this company by MUSU. Illegally removed $215K from MUSU).
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd 103 691 336 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in March 2006 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd CAN 105 456 068 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in Nov 2005 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd 097 384 408
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd NATIONAL 105 808 642 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in Nov 2005 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd A.B.N. 87 102 717 028. (Andrew Landeryou operated this business with nominal directors. Deregistered in Nov 2006 by liquidator)
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
• Invest with Integrity Pty Ltd (a company Landeryou’s brother-in-law, Mattew Mason, was made a Director with without his knowledge and who testified to the Supreme Court of Victoria that he believed Andrew Landeryou to have forged his signature).
Thanks Jerry. You're my man. This Jenny shit just throws me. Put 'em all on your show. Have a good family punch up and get it all over with. The family cook outs have been a bit of a dud for years.
Andrew bankrupt the whole family, forged documents making them all Directors his his dozens of front companies. Sort of burnt relationships.
You can sort it out.
Misogynist rape expert, Dr Andrew Landeryou, seems to think all rape allegers against Victorian MPs are psychiatrically disturbed,
The Poxnews story was headlined 'SCARY: Another MP falsely accused of rape, this time justice done'.
This was an AVO case brought by 'Liberal rising star Matthew Guy' and not a rape case with evidence brought by the complainant.
An AVO was granted. But the rape question remains. It was not even addressed.
In journalistic terms, Editor-in-Chief Landeryou is not even a copyboy's breakfast. What a complete twat. That is what is scary!
Get the alleged pollie rapists into court. They are supposed to be pillars of the community.
Andrew feels deeply for all political hacks he sees hard done by... He hopes he too will avoid jail time.
I'm blushing. That's the first time, even if tiny and insignificant, that I have been called a pillar of the community.
You should have used Guy's AVO strategy instead of trying to monster our former 'friend' with the multi-million dollar suit.
The Liberal MP, 35, told the court he once met Ms XXXX at her home for about “15 minutes or so” on January 28, but nothing “unusual” happened.
Yeah! Well, Theo, (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) I reckon 15 minutes or so is always long enough for nothing unusual to happen.
Jigi Jigi is a lot safer than rape even if always practiced alone. That way, the only one you can blame is your own hand!
Get the alleged pollie rapists into court?
Get Landeryou in more like it, for defamtion and contempt.
"Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...
You are very naughty Dr Phil. You are just like the rotten ALP. The party of filth like this blog. The party that defeated my mother. "
Andrew (Jenny), while I am an open minded sort of guy, occasionally naughty as you put it, I am not planning to engage in dialogue with a fragment of Landeryou's imagination. Jenny, you are not good for Andrew. Andrew needs to come to terms with his own failures. Andrew needs to take responsibility for his own actions and his past crimes. You are getting in the way of recovery for Andrew. We want to make him whole again. The voices inside his head need to quieten down so that he can think about what he has done and why so many people are appalled at his behaviour. Even his own family and ex-wife are no longer on speaking terms.
I don't have as many scruples as Dr Phil. If you want to be "Jenny" that's fine with me. Dress up anyway you like... I've invited the whole family, Big Bankrupt Bill, Dimberly who you bankrupt and abandoned, Ann Marie and her husband Matt who you spivved when you forged their signatures as company Directors. The bouncers will keep you all apart and will hold the process servers off.
A special guest will be your "mum" Pauline Hansen.
This is Your Life Andrew "Jenny" Landeryou. It's going to be a grand 1 hour special.
Take it easy Jerry. His ego is fragile. He is holding a lot of personalities in there.
Make sure his Los Angeles arrival time does not coincidence with any departures for Costa Rica.
Keep potplants off the set.
Andrew Landerzuma has long enjoyed political protection against prosecution.
IQ Telecommunications lodged a bid for the national broadband network.
Landeryou hoped to sell the government two tin cans connected by a string for $43 billion dollars, payable to the First Tax Dodgers Bank of the Cayman Islands or in a mix of cash, flagon port and KFC.
The above looks like more online spivvery from the fat man.
The Landeryou bid will guarantee non-union labour, have a business and financial plan drawn up on a KFC towlette, involve a host of dummy companies to co-bid all of which are fronted by unsuspecting Landeryou 'associates' (Cait Catt, Rita Randles, Henderson Ross etc), and have no deliverables.
Landeryou has established no viable and on-going businesses. Everything he has touched has stung everyone associated, except of course Andrew.
Fat Andy has not been seen here or updated his hate site all day. Presumably he is still lying in a pool of piss somewhere.
The Great Man is not unconscious. He is busy researching a very important world exclusive story.
A member of the Laverton Town Council has dropped a cigarette butt on the pavement.
This is why the CIA, ASIO, the Queen, the Pope and Singapore's Minister Mentor all read Vexnews.
I read on the exciting international news portal Vexnews that Mrs Ethel Prunehat, a 94 year-old member of one of the Liberal Party Kooyong branches, let the milk she was warming up for her nightcap boil over one evening the week before last.
No wonder the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Archimandrite of Alexandria and Prince Leonard of the Hutt River Province are all keen Vexnews readers. I am Henderson Ross.
Hopefully, the "Great Man" is seriously contemplating the utter failure of his own life. The details need not be emphasised here (40, unemployed, bankrupt, friendless, divorced and lonely). This is a great time for Andrew to get to grips with his own life. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Landeryou is negotiating his appearance on my show with my Agent. He strikes a hard bargain. Unfortunately, his request that we hold the event in "a park" in Melbourne did not go down well with my producer. He said he was not "convenient" to travel due to the "loss" of his passport. He then muttered something about conspiracy.
I'll keep you all updated as negotiations proceed.
All the cats at my cattery read Vexnews. Thanks to Vexnews we learned that a typo in the third to last pargraph of a report on school sports in the Newcastle Herald in February of 1994 betrays the left wing bias of Fairfax which has plunged the company into financial ruin.
This is why Vexnews is read by cats belonging in Liza Minnelli, Bob the Builder and Alexander Lebedev.
I read Vexnews. That is why I am dead.
My imposter at 5.39 refers to the Laverton Town Council.
Unless he is talking about WA and I have not researched that there is no Laverton Town Council in Victoria. Before the Kennett amalgamations of 1994 there was a Werribee Town Council and it included part of Laverton. The town of Laverton is now part of the Victorian Shire of Wyndham.
Please do some basic research if you are going to mimic me.
Yawn. Landeryou is conscious and breathing again. Though he is yet to wipe the vomit from his shirt.
Andrew, you are focusing on the wrong details. Look at your own life and the absolute disgust others in the community have for you. Don't dodge and evade. Focus on yourself. Awful, is it.
There is a Laverton Shire Council in WA and for the benefit of Cait Catt below are the details:
Laverton is located 120 kilometres east of Leonora and about 400 km north of Kalgoorlie. Established as a gold mining town more than a century ago, the remote town has seen ebbs and flows with each new discovery.
Although inhabited for centuries the first European explorers documented the area at the western edge of the Great Victoria Desert the middle of the 19th century. On one of these journeys future Premier of Western Australia, John Forrest, traversed the desert in search of Ludwig Leichhardt and his expedition. Some of these courageous expeditions have been honoured in Laverton at The Great Beyond Explorers Hall of Fame.
Originally titled ‘British Flag’ after the nearby mine, it was not until 1900 that the town was gazetted ‘Laverton’. This honour was bestowed to honour the local doctor, Dr Charles Laver, for his hard and earnest work in town as well as his memorable bike ride from Coolgardie to the region in 1896.
Shire PH: (08) 9031 1202
Following the gazetting of the town it was the northern goldfields region that received increased growth. From Coolgardie a trail of gold stretches north around Lake Carey and past Laverton producing a gold-rush whose presence is still felt today.
As all remote communities Laverton relied heavily on mining for its survival. When the train-line closed in 1957 many of the mines followed. But this decline was short lived as the 1960’s brought the next life-giving ore.
Approximately 28km northwest Windarra was the site of the Poseidon venture. The discovery by Ken Shirley and subsequent mining by WMC resources saw the share price sky-rocket from 80 cents to $280 in five months. The town then thrived for 30 years on the back of nickel mining.
Although another slump occurred in the early 1990’s the town has still managed to survive. Currently there are three major mines in the area mining gold and nickel-cobalt. Even more recent has been an interest in the Windarra site and possibilities are ripe for another burst of energy from the remote Great Victoria Desert.
Acknowledging alternative forms of economy Laverton has embraced tourism with the commencement of 4WD trails and tours bringing isolation, relaxation and memories of long-forgotten gold-rushes to Australian and international tourists every year. Extensive work on the Great Central Road has created the third strategic link for tourists and produce, joining Western Australia with the rest of the continent.
More remote roads stem from Laverton with the Anne Beadell Highway connecting into Cooper Pedy and access to the Gunbarrel Highway from the Great Central Road. Permits are required for these areas and travel advice is available from the Laverton Tourist Information Centre.
Ghost towns in the area provide another attraction for travellers in the Western Desert. All that remains in Burtville is the arch entrance to the old pub and the cemetery. Rumour has it that only one of the bodies in that cemetery died of natural causes: a six-month old baby. Euro mine rides high on a hill over-looking the region while Childe Harold rests precariously on the edge of a larger excavation from a more recent mining operation. The Beria township contains nothing more than a cricket pitch in the shadows of the Lancefield mine and Mount Morgan has well preserved architecture in the form of its Council Chambers
With accommodation at the local caravan park, pub and motel Laverton remains the essential stop for any traveller on the Outback Highway. It is also developing a reputation as a destination in its own right. Like all good country towns Laverton is a small community whose friendly appearance and never give up attitude will ensure that tourists will remember their stop forever.
Copyright Laverton Shire 2006
Thank you for that information. It is fascinating. I am unlikely to visit Laverton however.
Laverton WA, Fat Boy.
For your information there is a whole wide world outside Victoria, just as there are other things in life than theft, fraud, vindictiveness, a complete inability to tell the truth and recognise reality, flagon port, KFC, internet pornography and perpetually unsuccessful attempts at masturbation.
Patriots may have noticed that is is three years next months since the fat fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou was declared bankrupt.
In theory he will be discharged from bankruptcy when the three years has expired.
Here are some issues hard working, law-abiding, sober-living, patriotic people should consider.
How does a bankruptcy normally end?
A bankruptcy usually ends with the discharge of the bankrupt. This signifies the end of the legal process against the bankrupt. The bankrupt or trustee need do nothing to obtain a discharge, it is purely an operation of the Bankruptcy Act.
The bankrupt estate may continue after discharge and the discharged bankrupt may have some ongoing obligations, but they will no longer be "bankrupt".
When is a bankrupt discharged?
A bankrupt is automatically discharged 3 years after their Statement of Affairs is filed with ITSA (Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia) - unless an Objection to the Discharge has been filed by the trustee.
If the bankruptcy was started by a debtor's petition, the Statement of Affairs would have been filed with the debtor's petition and the bankruptcy will end 3 years after acceptance of the debtor's petition.
If the bankruptcy was started by a sequestration order (an Order of the Court), the Statement of Affairs would not have been filed at that time. The bankrupt will have to complete a Statement of Affairs and send it to ITSA. The bankruptcy will end 3 years after the filing of the Statement of Affairs. The longer it takes for the bankrupt to send their Statement of Affairs to ITSA, the longer the bankruptcy will continue. If the Statement of Affairs is never filed, the bankruptcy will continue until the death of the bankrupt.
Can a bankrupt get out of bankruptcy before discharge?
Yes. The bankruptcy may be annulled. An annulment is a complete undoing of the bankruptcy, as if the bankruptcy never had happened.
How is a bankruptcy annulled?
An annulment can only happen if the bankrupt:
1. pays to the trustee sufficient monies to pay all of the debts and costs of the estate;
2. has a section 73 proposal accepted by his or her creditors; or
3. convinces the Court that the bankruptcy should never have been commenced.
What are the debts and costs of the estate?
The costs and debts are:
(a) all provable debts of the estate;
(b) the Asset Realization Charge (ARC) payable to ITSA under the Act;
(c) the expenses and remuneration of the Trustee; and
(d) any other charges or statutory costs of the estate.
To be annulled under these provisions, the bankrupt has to pay sufficient money to satisfy all of their pre-bankruptcy debts, the costs of the bankruptcy and the statutory charges. This type of annulment generally happens when the sale of some asset provides enough money to pay these costs, or when a friend or relative provides these funds.
What is a section 73 proposal?
This is a formal proposal put to creditors under section 73 of the Bankruptcy Act. It provides a mechanism for bankrupts to propose a compromise agreement to their creditors as an alternative to the continuation of the bankruptcy. If the creditors accept the proposal, the bankruptcy is effectively exchanged for an obligation under the section 73 agreement.
Why would the Court annul a bankruptcy?
Usually the Court will only annul a bankruptcy when it can be shown that the bankruptcy should never have been commenced. This may happen where the proper legal process was not followed in initially bankrupting the person, if there was no debt outstanding to that creditor at that time, or if the bankrupt is actually solvent.
Bankrupts seeking an annulment through the court should be aware that the ex-trustee has the right to use the assets in his or her possession to pay outstanding remuneration and outlays, and if insufficient, may seek payment from the ex-bankrupt.
Objections to Discharge
What is an objection to discharge?
Under normal circumstances a person's bankruptcy will end 3 years after the bankrupt's Statement of Affairs is filed with ITSA. This is called a discharge from bankruptcy. However the trustee of a bankrupt estate may extend the period of a person's bankruptcy by lodging an objection to discharge.
Why object to a bankrupt's discharge?
An objection to discharge may be use as a punishment for some action taken by the bankrupt, or a method of encouraging them to cooperate with the trustee. There are also times when it would be in the interest of the creditors or the general public that the bankrupt not be discharged at the usual time because the bankrupt has committed some offence under the Bankruptcy Act.
When can a trustee object to a bankrupt's discharge?
An objection may be lodged at any time during the bankruptcy if there are the necessary statutory grounds to do so, but the objection must be lodged before the discharge to be effective. The opportunity to object is gone once a bankrupt is discharged.
How does a trustee object to a discharge?
The trustee only has to lodge the required notice of objection with ITSA. A copy of the notice is also forwarded to the bankrupt.
When does the extension take effect?
Once that notice is recorded by ITSA on the NPII (National Personal Insolvency Index) the objection will have legal effect.
How long will the bankruptcy be extended?
Objections do not last forever. A bankruptcy may be extended for either 2 or 5 years, making the period of the bankruptcy either 5 or 8 years. The period will depend on the particular statutory ground for the objection. The usual discharge provisions will then apply with the new extended periods, with automatic discharge occurring at the end of the extended period.
How is the length of the extension determined?
The extension period is determined by the statutory ground under which the objection was lodged. A "special ground" will result in a 5 year extension, and a "non-special ground" will result in a 2 year extension.
What if there is more than one ground?
If there is more than one ground, the period of extension will be based on the ground with the longest period. The time periods are not cumulative. If the ground with the longest period is subsequently lifted, the period of extension will then be based on the next ground with the longest period. The period of extension may still be the original extension period if two special or two non-special grounds apply and one is lifted.
What are the grounds for objecting?
The objection must be based on a very specific statutory ground.
These grounds are:
Special Grounds (5 year extension):
1. failure to provide written information about their property or income;
2. failure to disclose particulars of income or expected income;
3. failure to pay a contribution amount to the Trustee;
4. spent money or disposing of assets or spending monies with 5 years before bankruptcy without adequate explanation;
5. leaving and not returning to Australia when requested;
6. failure to sign a document as required by the Trustee under the provisions of the bankruptcy Act;
7. making a transfer that is void under section 121 of the Bankruptcy Act;
8. Intentionally providing false or misleading information to the Trustee;
9. Intentionally failing to disclose a liability that existed at the time of bankruptcy;
10. Failing to disclose a beneficial interest in any property.
Other Grounds (2 year extension):
1. continuing to manage a corporation in contravention of the Corporations Act and without leave being granted;
2. leaving Australia and not returning;
3. making a void transfer under section 120 or 122 of the Bankruptcy Act;
4. misleading conduct by the bankrupt involving an amount in excess of an indexed amount, currently $3,901;
5. failure to disclose a liability that existed at the time of bankruptcy;
6. failure to comply with section 77(1) or Section 80;
7. failure to attend a creditors' meeting under certain circumstances or an interview or examination without reasonable excuse;
8. failure to disclose a beneficial interest in property.
Is there a difference between objection notices on each type of ground?
The main difference in the objection process is the amount of information required to lodge an objection. The trustee used to have to state a reason for lodging every objection. Reasons are no longer required for objections based on special grounds. The notice only requires the ground on which the objection is based and the evidence that the ground exists. Objections based on non-special grounds still require reasons.
Can an objection be withdrawn?
The trustee may withdraw an objection at any time. The trustee will normally lift the objection if the grounds have been satisfied but the trustee does not have to do so, especialy if the objection is based on a special ground. If all grounds have been satisfied, the notice of objection may be completely withdrawn.
Does withdrawing an objection end the bankruptcy?
Maybe. If the bankrupt would have normally been discharged during the period that the objection was in force, withdrawing the objection will automatically discharge the bankrupt as at the date of the withdrawal. If the objection is withdrawn during the normal 3 year bankruptcy period, the bankruptcy will end by automatic discharge at the end of that 3 year period.
Can the objection be removed by a higher authority?
Yes. The Bankruptcy Act provides a review process. The bankrupt may apply to the Inspector-General to review the decision to lodge an objection. The request for a review must be made within 60 days of the notification of the objection being received by the bankrupt. The Inspector-General must first decide whether or not to review the objection, and if they decide to do so, review the objection and make his decision within 60 days after the receipt of the request.
The Inspector-General must decide the review on the following basis:
1. Whether the ground is a ground set out under the Act;
2. Whether there is sufficient evidence to support that ground; and
3. The conduct of the Bankrupt before the Objection was lodged.
It is more difficult to have an objection based on a special ground removed as there are no reasons for the Inspector-General to review, and no consideration is taken of the conduct of the bankrupt after the lodgment of the objection. That is, even if the bankrupt finally complies with the trustee's requests, that conduct will not automatically give rise to a removal or withdrawal of the objection.
To have an objection based on a special ground removed, the bankrupt may have to show that circumstances existed that do not justify the objection in the first instance.
7.17 is another imposter.
People who claim to be me but are not should consider this.
I am the number one contributor to the comments on this blog. This doesn't please a lot of people who have told me to go away. By misrepresenting me contibutors are only increasing my lead, currently at 209 with Henderson a distant second.
If you don't want me to remain in the lead just don't claim to be me when you aint.
Don't also claim you are going to report me to Pastor Nalliah. His prayers will probably continue to remain unanswered.
Tell us about your bankruptcy, Landercait. When did you lodge your statement of affairs? Have you even done so yet? You regard yourself as above the law. How many of the obligations of bankrupts have you completely ignored?
Where do you live?
How do you live?
You're going to jail. Do you know that? Jail.
Wow, Landeryou's fake friends now have imposters. It is all too confusing.
I see Dr Phil is now moonlighting on Poxnews too. Or maybe Landeryou has co-opted him as a new fake commenter. I see also that Landeryou fake commenter on Poxnews 'Inga Binga' stole the suppository idea from little Theo here last night (April 06, 2009 11:38:00 PM).
No wonder Landeryou spends so much time here stealing Patriots' clever ideas, japes and put-downs.
More japing, less raping...
little Theo should have his own show in the Comedy Festival. He is a real hoot!
Fat Andrew is a one man Melbourne Comedy Festival.
He's a joke, true -- but not very funny.
I understand that Andrew and Dimberley never consummated their marriage.
I heard that Andy was still on with Ronnie throughout that sad relationship.
Fat failure Landeryou was TOO DRUNK to update his site AT ALL today (Tuesday). He is going downhill FAST.
Dr Phil is rapidly increasing his position in the league table of Slanderyou contributors.
He has already overtaken Pauline Hanson's daughter. I'm sure that is deliberate.
At the rate his contributions are being posted he will soon overtake me.
Pity. His contributions are just bile. Further denigration of a great man by a cretinous moron. People who watch him on TV or read his web site must be sick.
I often don't agree with you Cait. You were luke cold towards my mother and that is a pity. Still, it was Slanderyou who defeated my mother and Rosa, not you Cait.
I do agree with you in this instance Cait. Dr Phil is a sicko as you correctly stated. He might get a job at the Bundaberg Hospital. They take anyone there. They even employed an Indian without checking his qualifications. That's why the Bitch went early in Queensland. She was afraid of all the dirt that is going to come out when the doctor faces trial.
The Labor Party are as vile in Queensland as they are everywhere else.
"Andrew Cait Jenny Landeryou" or whatever you like to call yourself. This is not a competition. Spam away. I'm quite relaxed about the rankings on this Blog. I'm just here to help Andrew get well. Then he can be jailed (for all I care) with his sanity restored and in full horror of what he will experience and what he has done to the community.
Life isn't free Andrew. Don't imagine that your actions in the past and now have no impact on others. The many, many people hurt by you deserve recognition and justice.
"I see Dr Phil is now moonlighting on Poxnews too. Or maybe Landeryou has co-opted him as a new fake commenter." Tuesday, April 07, 2009 8:47:00 PM
Thanks for the warning. I'd never post on Poxnews. Too full of Spyware and tracking cookies.
I've tried all kinds of google searches for a photo of Dimberley. No luck so far. She can't have been THAT bad?
Was she black? A pal of Catherine Ng? A muslim?
Why so shy? Why no photos?
Jenny Jensen-Hansen = Andrew Landeryou in drag thinking he can get away with anti-Labor hatred and racist drivel.
Repulsive. Vile.
Still better that the truth be out there and Andrew's real views about the Labor Party and multicultural Australia be known to all. I understand that Slanderyou is widely read in Barwon Gaol and the 'ethnics' there will be more than happy to dress up Andrew and punish him appropriately.
I'm imagining she yapped a lot; had to be bathed twice a week; and cost a fortune in Woofles Gourmet Dog Dinners.
If ao, where does 'Ronnie' fit in the Landeryou pedigree?
Who is Landeryou's bankruptcy trustee? Time for a quiet word to make sure the Bankruptcy is extended. Please advise...
Genealogist to the Stars,
You did a wonderful job on the Catt dynasty. You did Cait a real favour by not tracing her so far back as Neanderthal Catt, the hoary, blood-thirsty GGGGGG Grand Daddy of all the Catts!
But the Landeryou pedigree is a special challenge of its own that will test your mettle! 'Ronnie' as a lovechild of the Landeryou union will come as a ghastly, lasting shock to readers of this blog. I've heard that you have managed to trace the Landeryous back to certain Trans-Sylvanian Counts, the Undead, and other necrophiliacs! Be that as it may, it all helps to explain why he is such a horrible fraud, stalker, necromancer and hate-ghoul today. Well done!
It is time the whole, horrible truth was published for all to see.
Publish and be damned!
I think the truth about Ronnie too horrible to contemplate. Spare us the gory details please.
My mother is not racist, fake Slanderyou commentator Dr Phil Slanderyou.
Also Rosa Lee Long, the former One Nation MP for Tablelands, is a widow whose late husband was Chinese and her children are half Chinese. How could she be racist?
My mother refused to discuss immigration during the state campaign, on the grounds that this was a federal issue.
I hope my mother will stand for the Senate next time. Australia needs her.
Thanks Jenny. I want you to know I did not vote for One Nation last time but your defence of your mother is so good I might reconsider. She is after all a cat lover.
As for the hypocritical Dr Phil. He is a fake commentator as you correctly say Jenny.
Go back to the States Dr Phil if you are Dr Phil. I could think of nothing better than for you to be married to Diane Anderson.
This is what Dr Phil will be in for when he marries Diane:
FROM HER OWN MOUTH: Diane Anderson reveals her dastardly plan to leech from her elderly mum
By VEXNEWS ⋅ April 6, 2009
dianeandersonair Court videos from Michigan in the United States have shed light on the disgraceful financial scheming of Diane Anderson, the long-term Socialist Left ally in the Higgins FEA.
Her political misconduct - and that of her few allies - was enough to have Labor Right patriot Steve Perryman in the fetal position and his chum Paul Haseloff pulling his hair out from the stress of dealing with such an unpleasant character. It was only the turtle-neck wearing unflappable former Cain Government Minister Race Matthews who took it all in his stride and refused to submit to her thuggish and improper behaviour.
Despite all that, she still enjoys support from local Socialists, including former Premier Joan Kirner and former Senator Barney Cooney who we understand provided character evidence for Anderson to assist her in her fleecing of her mother’s estate.
On one occasion, she is believed to have told ETU union militant and Les Twentyman campaign financier Dean Mighell that Mighell could park his cuban heeled boots under her bed whenever he wanted. He didn’t want but was happy to take her votes on occasion.
Her long-suffering brother David Anderson, a respected lawyer and candidate for judicial office in that state, had been desperate to protect their mother from the rapacious and predatory Diane who had moved back to the United States to seize control of her mother’s estate.
His site has recordings from the court proceedings which clearly show:
■ Her brother David calmly stating the facts of the case, including Diane’s history of petulance and attempted bullying and domineering of her family and a string of false accusations against an independent and court-appointed guardian of her mother;
■ Diane planned on living off her mother’s retirement savings instead of getting a job;
■ Diane threatened with jail to get her stop disrupting the court; and
■ Diane ordered to pay costs because of her abuse of the legal process
My mother doesn't support Diane. She falsely accused my mother of racism. Just like Dr Phil. I think the two of them would be good partners. Diane would drive him mad and that would be great. No more Dr Phil as a fake commentator on Slanderyou.
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