Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Sun newspaper features Andy

Last week the Geelong Advertiser devoted precious inches to Andrew Landeryou.

It seems The Sun newspaper in the UK didn’t want to miss out on the fun, featuring a plastic bag carrying Landeryou, in a story about how his KFC craving is a major cause of global warming.

75 Truth On Comments:

Anonymous said...

Andrew has recently been getting a lot of media attention.

It's like the good old days when he fled to Costa Rica and filling whole pages of newsprint!

Dr Phil said...

Andrew choosing to be photographed from behind tells us much about his current mental state.

Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...

Defamatory and untrue. I'm going to report you to my mother Dr Phil. You are only making multiple posts because you want to be above me in the popularity stakes. You may well do this as I don't have the energy to do so many posts. But you and I both know you are not for real Dr Phil. Go back to Yankeeland.

Cait Catt said...

Don't knock the Americans Jenny. The CIA are great supporters of Vexnews, Australia's most respected news site.

We don't want any more terrorists like Dr Phil coming into our country. Pauline's daughter don't you realise that?

Rita Randles said...

Does ASIO rely on Vexnews too, like the CIA does for its Australian operations.

Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...

Dr Phil is more than a terrorist Cait. He's a creep. I'd be frightened to go near him.

Sergeant Uzinov said...

Damn! I should be taking far more photos of my boss Landeryou! That Sun photo was a scoop. I have several shots of Mr Landeryou carrying boxes of family feasts back to the Fat Cave.

Strangely, at a recent party, he asked me to take a photo of him with Henderson Ross, Cait Catt and Rita Randles. But when I developed the film all I could see was Mr Landeryou. Weird!

The real Sasha UzinovThe One Man Media Army

Anonymous said...

That's because Henderson Ross, Cait Catt and Rita Randles don't exist. They are figments of Porky Landeryou's imagination.

Sergeant Sasha Uzinov said...

I will never, ever, publish my series of nude photos of Landeryou posing in a birka. He asked me to use Photoshop to increase the size of a protuberance, and seemed very happy with the results. I can easily prove the photos are of my boss, because I have a couple before he donned the birka.

I can't say I am pleased with all this. I am a 'photography verite' man and don't like retouching my photographs. And I am worried he will post the series to an anti-moslem site.

The Real Sasha UzinovThe One Man Media Army

little Theo said...


Am I just a 'protuberance' to you?

I have done a lot of valuable insider work for you over the years. Luckily, tiny as I am, I am far bigger than Landy's pathetic protuberance. I heard that he uses a thimble for sex*al satisfaction.

Theo, I have been one of the busiest little guys in Victoria. I will proudly tell the truth in court.

Cait Catt said...

I can, unfortunately, vouch for Little Theo's claim. I would rather not explain the circumstances.

Sicko said...

Landeryou left for the central American nation last December, allegedly telling his now-estranged wife, former Melbourne City councillor Kimberley Kitching, that he was on a business trip to Sydney. She has since filed for bankruptcy and lost possession of of her $1.8 million Parkville mansion.

He allegedly moved $1 million out of the country before fleeing and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

He also confirmed that before he flew out of Australia his marriage to the former Melbourne City councillor Kimberley Kitching was "strained" and the pair were barely communicating.

Lawyer Rob Stary, who represented Mr Landeryou only for the bail application, said the businessman appeared distressed during his weekend in custody and did not receive any visits from Ms Kitching or his father Bill, the former Labor powerbroker.

In recent days, Mr Landeryou has started a web diary, in which he confesses he was "not a good husband in every possible way" to his estranged wife.

Edited from:

Bubba said...

Hmnnm! The businessman appeared distressed during his weekend in custody and did not receive any visits from Ms Kitching or his father Bill, the former Labor powerbroker.

Visitors are vital Landy!

When you are at Barwon Landeryou, you can expect visits from Cait Catt, Henderson Ross, dead Voodoo woman Rita Randles and others. Enjoy!

You're going to be a lonely boy, Landeryou. I will befriend you!

Dr Phil said...

"Jenny" is out again. I knew Landeryou was off the meds.

It's going to be a long week!

Dr Phil said...

Andrew uses "Cait Catt" another fictional identity to affirm that "Jenny" (ie. himself) is indeed Pauline Hansen's daughter.

Sad and deranged.

Andrew, become a man again.

little Theo said...

T H E O !

I do hope Mr. Bubba doesn't want to 'befriend' us too!

This isn't going to end prettily!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing pretty about Landeryou, even when he dresses as "Jenny". All repulsive!

Anonymous said...

Andrew isn't going to get any visitors. He will be in a protection cell, shaking, cursing and blaming everyone but himself.

Anonymous said...

Lunatics who line their hats with tinfoil claim that ASIO and the CIA are interested in them too.

The drunk, deranged and deluded Landeryou has joined their number.

Anonymous said...

No one devotes column inches to Landershonk. He is so fat they have to devote column feet.

Anonymous said...

Andy Landy finally getting the media exposure he craves. That's twice in a week. And no mention of "bankrupt", "Costa Rica", "stalking", "AVO" or "allegations". He must be delighted!

Anonymous said...

Nat Geo TV is making a Megastructures show about the Fat Cave and how the Melbourne City Council ordered 1000 tonnes of steel and concrete reinforcements therein.

Landeryou is unhappy. "This is eating into my offshore millions big time", he is reported to have said.

Anonymous said...

This patriot's assessment from yesterday is holding up:

"Going by his postings here the only times Landeryou is conscious yet has enough alcohol in his system to hold the DTs away so he can type is around midnight. He is a wreck of a man!"

I am Henderson Ross. said...

is this what counts for news on the blog of filth. No wonder the CFMEU subsidizes it. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for confirming my suspicions Henderson

Zonga Ali said...

KFC is haram.

I am Henderson Ross. said...

Zonga Ali, KFC may well be haram. That is because KFC is the food of freedom. That is why I always upsize. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Well said Henderson. I too upsize, and when I order KFC, I always make sure I am served by a Muslim.

I am Henderson Ross. said...

Again, Slanderyou is wrong. People aren't to blame for climate change.

Get over it! I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Henderson, agree 100%. When will Slanderyou print an apology.

Zonga Ali said...

Climate change is written in the Koran.

Dr Phil said...

I said Landeryou was off his meds again, now with an 8 in a row outburst (see above). Thankfully his masculine side has been restored and the loathsome Henderson Ross is back from the dead. The therapy treatment is working but progress is slow.

Anonymous said...

Give up Dr Phil! Landeryou is a terminal case. No hope of recovery.

Dr Phil said...

The prognosis is not good I admit. Landeryou's female side will, no doubt, burst out again later today. It is to be expected. Cross gender identities cannot be exorcised overnight.

Anderyou's problem's are long term, deep rooted and serious. I have never claimed that treatment will be quick or easy.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at Andrew Landeryou's Digg page created in June 2006"

In the past 3 years, no-one has joined Andrew as a 'friend', Andrew has added no friends, no 'shouts' or anything else.

The sad state of his life.

Anonymous said...

The latest manifestation of Landeryou's derangement, Zonga Ali, is interesting.

The real Zonga Ali is a resident of Lebanon, a country that has featured high in Landeryou's offshore scams.

Zonga, going by his Facebook page, is young, but a parent may well have helped Landeryou stash his funds away from Australian corporate law enforcement agencies, the ATO, his trustee in bankruptcy and the people he stole them from somewhere in the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

Andrew's hero and icon, Grahame Richardson stashed some of his loot in a Lebanon Bank. Andrew stashed his stolen loot from the Marbain scam in Cypruss, just a short ferry ride away.

It would not be too much to surmise that Landeryou typed in the name of "Zonga Ali" thinking he was doing his offshore internet banking rather than polluting this blog with his drivel. He doesn't know where he is most days of the week.

Interesting lead.

Landeryou uses so many false identities that he is suffering serious confusion.

Dr Phil is right.

Dr Phil said...

In recent posts, I have pointed to the interlinkages between Landeryou's personal and 'business' lives.

I place business in quotes because it is clear from the revelations in this Blog that Andrew conducted no genuine business through the large number of companies he opened.

Andrew's confusion as to whether he is "Jenny" or whether he is running Institutional Services Pty Lty with stooge Directors is obvious. He can no longer keep the identities from merging.

In the example above he is confused as to whether he is "Zonga Ali" (his internet banking identity for his Lebanon banking accounts) or his traditional "Al Haji Abdullah" his fake and very racist Slanderyou identity.

Confusion that is already insanity.

Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...

Dr Phil seems to have only one aim presently. And that aim is not pointing Percy at the porcelain. Forgive me but this is after all the blog of filth. Slanderyou as a cleaner does a very poor job.

My mother told me the deportation of Dr Phil will be her first speech after her election to the Senate. Slanderyou doesn't edit, let alone censor, the mad diatribes of madman Dr Phil.

Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...

What is the aim of Dr Phil? It is to beat me in the Slanderyou contributors list. He's almost done it, and I suspect tomorrow he will overtake me.

I haven't got the energy to counter Dr Phil blow by blow.

Anonymous said...

Just bugger off Jenny (Landeryou) and leave well enough alone!

Dr Phil said...

As expected, "Jenny" Landeryou has re-emerged. Interesting that the Jenny identity resists therapy most strongly. Andrew uses this identity to spew hatred for anything sane and rational. It expresses his deepest fantasies that he was someone else.

The someone else he chooses to be is deeply disturbing.

The tragedy of the man's life.

Nonetheless, all Slanderyou readers will do their best to make Andrew sane again.

Before, of course, we hand him over to Brutus and the enforcers at some local penitentiary.

Halal Chook said...

How on earth can KFC be haram?

Dr Phil said...

As I noted earlier today:

"The prognosis is not good I admit. Landeryou's female side will, no doubt, burst out again later today. It is to be expected. Cross gender identities cannot be exorcised overnight."

Jenny's outburst all too predictable... doesn't Andrew get irony or even farce?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's flirtation with muslim fake commenters is a worry too. He seems determined to start WW III by using fake comments to stir up racial and religious hatred.

When thousands of angry boat-people arrive, I'm going to hide behind Landeryou with my pea-shooter!

little Theo said...


Dr Phil seems to have Andrew summed up rather well. I always found it difficult to have a conversation with Andrew because he kept on chatting with other people that weren't there. He's a very troubled fellow.

Theo, thank God Dr Phil has shown no interest in us yet. He has probably been tipped off that we will be making Victorian, and perhaps world history, when the case finally comes on.

Dr Phil said...

You Little Theo have run of the mill little man / big dick syndrome. Very common and not worth writing about. Stay low and swing to the right a little and all will be OK. I'd suggest you consider using some form of protection.

little Theo said...


Has Landeryou impersonated the good Dr Phil personality again?

I would never use personal protection. Its like wearing a Wellington Boot.

I didn't like that "swing to the right a little" comment much either. A dead giveaway it was Landeryou. He is further right than Heinrich Himler!

The Union Movement in Victoria would probably like to give him an enema using the forthcoming Desal Plant!

CFA DGO said...

A 64 mm hose would get the job done just as easily.

Get that Ad for the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal off your Blog you Cretin!

Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...

Dr Phil is within one comment of me and is likely to overtake me today, given the intensity of his comments about non-issues.

Dr Phil is nothing but a Yankee dole bludger. He should be collecting Obama's dole, not ours.

We need my mother Pauline to clean up our social security mess, and to deport Yankee dole bludgers like Dr Phil who are nothing but spongers on our hard suffering taxpayers.

Go home Dr Phil before you are deported.

Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...

I heard CFA DGO on radio talking about bikini wax and bushfire protection. This is the blog of filth and that's what you expect of a Slanderyou supporter.

While I have issues with Andrew Landeryou about his failure to support my mother (shame) at least there is never filthy content on Vexnews. Not like Slanderyou.

Dr Phil said...


Landeryou is agitated.

Anonymous said...

Definitely not taking his medication. It happens all the time. We can expect about bout tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

When he is sober & conscious.

Anonymous said...

I thought Fat Boy's Labor icons were the people who bashed Peter Baldwin rather than Richo.

Fraud squad said...

"FORMER AFL hard man Daryn Cresswell says years of gambling have cost him everything," the Herald Sun reports today as the former Swans star goes bankrupt.

Years of incompetence caused obese transsexual drunk Andrew Landeryou to bankrupt himself, his wife and father.

His criminality was the icing on the cake!

Dr Phil said...

I have better things to do than compete with a figment of Landeryou's crippled imagination. "Jenny" I have no doubt you will 'defend' your comment ranking on Slanderyou. After all, as a bankrupt, friendless, fat and 40 figment, you have nothing better to do.

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Sergeant Uzinov said...

Damn! I should be taking far more photos of my boss Landeryou! That Sun photo was a scoop. I have several shots of Mr Landeryou carrying boxes of family feasts back to the Fat Cave.

Strangely, at a recent party, he asked me to take a photo of him with Henderson Ross, Cait Catt and Rita Randles. But when I developed the film all I could see was Mr Landeryou. Weird!

The real Sasha UzinovThe One Man Media Army

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