Meanwhile, Andy explores the boundaries of eating, discovering a snack before breakfast.

Last post before 20 July.
The new format here is objectionable. I don't like it.
On my email address I am getting heaps of spam in Arabic which I cannot fathom.
I never want to receive any spam from Slanderyou.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
I have decided to bugger off because little Theo got the better of me. I began worshipping my own Priapus! "You have to know in politics when it's time to go. I've made a significant contribution...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
I jet about the net at night, and always visit Vexnews and this site religiously. It is like dipping my toes into the Werribee sewerage farm. Fuzzy, warm and stinky! But Guys, I won't be posting my...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
24 Mossad agents assassinating one Hamas boss in Dubai. It sounds like a Vexnews Scoop! In Dubai twenty years ago, even the cops were driving bullock carts. Obviously. things haven't improved much...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Just posted a comment on Vexnews WITHOUT having to provide an email address.
But suddenly I have to provide privacy information here.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
The new format is needlessly intrusive.
My phishing software doesn't like it.
Neither do I.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Brutus Beefcake suggests that sock puppets don't make sense. Name them. Cait Catt, Rita Randles, Catter8, Jenny Jensen-Hansen and possibly Henderson Ross and his Arabic friend make no sense. Brutus...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
timblair.net "A few questions for Andy Landeryou. I saw a picture of you in the paper the other day and I was wondering which of your three chins is your actual chin? And secondly has anyone ever...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Oh, Slanderyou! Thanks to the new comment tool, you appear to have done to your own site what Landeryou has been unable to do and shut it down.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
How interesting to see that Shirley Landeryou has decided he had better praise former Howard Government hitman Ian Hanke on his failed Poxnews site just days after the morbidly obese thief stole an...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
www.sunshine.asn.au (6 Months ago ) "Landeryou writes his own racist comments on his blog, and passes them off as "discussion". I suspect up to 70% of comments on the vexnews site are written by...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
bleedingedge.com.au "The best thing to do with the likes of Andrew is nothing at all. Just ignore him. That's what will make him really cranky. I wish more people would realise he's just a...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
http://www.messandnoise.com... MichaelDudikoff said about 3 years ago: Andy Landeryou needs to up the meds, methinks. temporarybenbutler said about 3 years ago: The guy who runs...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
If Andy had "takeover" the site, he would have scrubbed it completely. I like this new format, easier to follow conversation threads.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Me and Bubba and the Hot Rodding Men are suspicious! This new comments system makes it look like Landeryou has taken over this site the same way he took over the first Slanderyou! Me and Bubba and...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Jeez! Just when I thought Vexnews was the ultimate Nazi censorious site where I have been blocked and banned from commenting. Now all this weird censorship here. Has Landeryou taken over the...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
I've gotten around the email request issue by typing xxxx@xxxx.com, and unticking the subcribe request - works for me
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
See! The valid email address shit is f*cking this blog!
Piss weak! I'm off!
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
If Peter Garrett is sacrificed by Rudd, or forced to resign by other means, he can always return to music. One song from him would consign The Mad Monk to oblivion.
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
Loved the ABC's Four Corners program tonight! Afdhani pooves and warlords exploiting 'dancing boys'. Lovely! Now they're heading here as refugees because the Taliban shoot them on sight. Australia...
http://slanderyou2.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-forum.html · 15 years ago
260 Truth On Comments:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 260 of 260 Newer› Newest»I asked my Divisional Returning Officer in Gorton to do an electoral roll search for Andrew Landeryou, Cait Catt, Rita Randles and Jenny Jensen-Hansen.
He told me I had to do it myself using his office computer, as he said he could get the sack if he did it as many addresses are not shown on the roll.
I did and guess what?
There is no Andrew Landeryou anywhere in Victoria. There are also none of the other alternate personalities.
I think we can all guess what that means.
No catter8 either but we know that's a made up name. Most of the others are probably made up too.
Landeryou has warned the inner-city 9/11 communard thugs:
"Hopefully these unpleasant lefties will crawl back under the rocks from which they came. But if not, be warned. Our defences are strong".
I had to laugh, because just below this tough boast appeared a photo of tiny guard-dog 'Ronnie'!!!
The angry villagers just have to follow the elephant spoor from the closest KFC back to the Fat Cave which, with all the ingrained grease there, will go off like a bomb. Landeryou'd secret weapon is Sgt Sasha 'Igor' Uzunov, the former army clerk, who plans to hurl rancid food scraps and used wine bottles.
I hope Landeryou has a plan B.
On Vexnews:
"THE PAIN: VEXNEWS stares down violent threats from inner-city thugs over cancelled 9/11 party of shame"
- another scrambled suburban omelette of non-news. He can whip up a snack of intellectual stodge in a flash, but it is always poorly researched, poorly written and poorly presented.
Poor readers!
I always keep an eye on the fat fool in case he accidentally sits on me.
I wish my Mum, Kim Kitchen, hadn't granted Landeryou access rights whenever she is swanning around for Drake.
I spend most of my waking hours barking at Sasha Uzunov who often crashes here. But I have found the Steggles Chicken box that holds Rita Randles' bones, and pop in for a quick snack whenever I fancy. She has reached that crunchy stage that all us dogs love.
Landeryou has made up a whole new coterie of fake commenters, and he struts around our luxury apartment embellishing new slogans they can write on vexnews and here.
Yes, I know he is mad, but dogs can't choose their masters, can they?
Landeryou will be sitting on me, but it won't be no accident!
Those female witnesses who knew the defendant and said the victim never contacted them are incresingly looking like shags on a rock. There is something very fishy here. Looking at the history of the Theophani, there is a symphony of crooked behaviour - and where's that driver, and his log book, that claimed he was home by 6 pm on the night of the alleged attack?
Go figure!
A man accused of rape who is mates with a stalker with court orders against him – Fat Andrew Landeryou – is not a good look for a political party:
Return ruled out for rape case MP Theo Theophanous
Rick Wallace and Lauren Wilson |
July 17, 2009
Article from: The Australian
ALP factional leaders yesterday ruled out a return to parliament for Theo Theophanous despite him nominating for preselection in his upper house seat of Northern Metropolitan.
The nomination indicates that the veteran MP, who is facing a committal hearing on rape charges, is eyeing a return to politics if his defence of the charges succeeds.
Despite Mr Theophanous's nomination, his denial of the charges, and the presumption of innocence, factional chiefs are believed to already be in the process of allocating his spot on the ticket to someone else. "He won't be accommodated," one factional leader said. "No one is supporting him."
However, other ALP sources claimed there was a remote chance of Mr Theophanous making a successful comeback if the case against him was thrown out reasonably soon.
Mr Theophanous stood down from his ministry once it became clear he was being investigated by police over the claims, but remained a member of parliament and is steadfastly defending the allegations.
The ALP's deadline for nominations for state upper house preselections is 5pm today.
It is believed Right-faction powerbrokers are backing plumbers' union official Nathan Murphy to replace Mr Theophanous, while there is also a push for Premier John Brumby's policy chief, Nick Reece, to be accommodated in the upper house, although his supporters are also pushing for him to be appointed state secretary.
In court proceedings yesterday, a former lover of the woman accusing Mr Theophanous of rape said the alleged victim boasted to him that a married man who worked in Parliament House came on to her during a late-night tour of his office.
"She was quite pleased about it -- it was fun. She was also somewhat pleased that she had rejected someone," the man told the court.
He said he believed the conversation occurred at a festival in early 1999. The woman has accused Mr Theophanous of raping her on the night of September 10, 1998, on the red velvet couch in his office.
The ex-lover said he never formed the opinion the woman had engaged in consensual or non-consensual sex with Mr Theophanous that night.
"She said that she didn't go along with it. She was smiling ... I thought that if something did go down, it didn't involve sex," he said.
The committal hearing also heard that the alleged victim would relentlessly call the witness on his mobile phone.
"It started turning weird and creepy when I wasn't having anything to do with her," the former lover said.
The committal hearing before Peter Reardon continues today.
If Theophanous gets deselected do patriots think he will tell the authorities what he knows about Stephen Newnham's $50,000 payment to Landeryou via Ed Dale to fund his stalking, defamation and intimidation of the enemies of the Right?
Someone like Brumby will not want to go to an election next year with a guy who hands over brown paper bags full of thousands of dollars for the use of a criminal as his state secretary.
Having Theophanous as a former minister is already bad enough.
I am not particularly fond of Cait Catt but when she does say something sensible she is ignored, for most of what she says is drivel.
Particularly good advice for a change by Cait was her reference to the unethical behaviour of Jenman Real
Estate agents. Cait said that she had been trying to influence the great man (presumably Landeryou) and he was just too busy to cover Jenman real estate. A story by Marika Dobbin in The Age on Wednesday outlines the dirty tricks of real estate agents. All the dirty tricks listed are the tools of trade of Mr Jenman and his crooked associates. Below is Marika's article:
The favourite tricks of real estate agents
Marika Dobbin
July 15, 2009
Most real estate agents are decent folk. But there are grubby ones too, those who play property like a Monopoly game and love to cheat. Here are some favourite tricks.
Dirty little secret #1
There is an old adage among real-estate agents, ''quote 'em low and watch 'em go. Quote 'em high and watch 'em die". The practice of under quoting is widespread and has surged again in recent months. It is when potential buyers are told a price much lower than a property's true market value and the owner's reserve. Unfortunately, under quoting is rife because it works.
Dirty little secret #2
The reverse of under quoting is over quoting, a ploy some agents use to win business. In this case, agents promise a vendor their house will fetch a price well above its market value, whether to convince them to sell or to beat others for the right to sell it. Once the contract is signed, the agent begins to groom the owner to accept a lower price.
Dirty little secret #3
Vendors can be cheated in another way too. Very naughty agents have been known to withhold good offers made before auction, even those well above the reserve, for several reasons. Sometimes, the offer comes through another agent at the firm and the original agent doesn't want to share commission. So, the bid is never put to the vendor or is put to them but at less than the real offer to be knocked back.
Dirty little secret #4
Now we get to the dummy tricks, used by agents who never outgrew their imaginary friends. Dummy offers are when agents claim to the vendor or buyer they have an offer that is purely fabrication. This tactic is used to make buyers increase their bid in a private sale or expression of interest campaign. It can also be used to groom vendors into accepting a lower price than they want. Remember, the agent wants to sell more than anything, to get their commission. If the agent has promised an unrealistic $1m for a property, a common trick is come back with a fake offer, say $800,000. The vendor will reject it but the process of talking down from their original expectation has started.
Dirty little secret #5
Dummy bidding is another old trick in the magic bag. While in the past it was normal for auctioneers to accept bids cast by street trees and passing pigeons when action was slow, these days it has become more sophisticated. Some very sneaky agents and vendors now enlist friends to cast fake bids that push prices up.
Now the Top Five is done, but there is one last secret worth mentioning, possibly the worst kept secret of all. The visual trickery used in advertising photos is so endemic consumers are wise to it, in a big way. Lounge rooms are stretched, power lines removed and artificial sunlight beamed in, all thanks to some serious Photoshopping.
Putting a pollie in court is like nailing jelly to a tree.
The present unfolding story is seamy and jaw-dropping. It demonstrates, if nothing else, that an attempted coverup by the defendant and his associates occured when this all began in late 2008.
I found the $10 M civil suit to shut the victim up the most reprehensible act in a sea of lies and defamations.
... and now threatening behaviour in court.
When will it all end?
We've had Utegate with a fake email - now it's ROOTgate with fake texts...
The Australian says: "Ms Williams said she did not allege that Mr Theophanous had anything to do with the creation of the fake text messages but he and his wife had relied upon them in conversations had with media.
Mr Richter said the person who had produced the SMS records to Mr Theophanous was perpetrating a fraud on him and this matter is also being investigated by police".
- Was Landeryou involved?
Somebody's lying.
Andy is a shill. His performance this week reflects that.
Bob Richter is sitting on a time-bomb. Perhaps he thought, when accepting the brief, that a Minister deserved the 'Honourable' sppelation. His client does not. He is a devious, crafty piece of work. He is undemocratic (interferring at Brimbank), a standover man in the workplace and, like his discredited brother Andrew, has an unhealthy interest in extra-marital poontang!
Landeryou hasn't realised yet how much peril he is in for earlier recklessly defaming the victim on vexnews and using faked texts and other bodgy nonsense as 'evidence'.
As the vile conspiracy against the victim gradually unravels he, and the defendant, will be shown to be sub-humans. Andrew's libels shouldn't be on the internet. His mate Theo shouldn't be in parliament.
It is increasingly looking as though the worst possible outcome of this horrendous case may come true.
If so, will parliament house have to be demolished to rid it of this execrable taint. How can voters respect a place with such a revolting history - perhaps the first and only parliament in history where a r*pe took place.
Apologist Landeryou's part in this disgraceful disaster needs to be forensically examined in due course.
Misogynist Landeryou forgave the Cronulla Sharks' Christchurch rapefest. He has repeatedly defamed the character of the victim long before the present disgusting case in Victoria.
Why, on earth, is he still permitted to do this!
No wonder ALP is seeking to dis-invest itself of Theo today.
Landeryou, despite being the loosest cannon, biggest liar and fraud, in the ALP armoury, is still un-expunged!
Andy has company - except this guy cooks the food, not just eats it
MASTERCHEF contestant Chris Badenoch, who hopes to go into business after his eviction from the reality TV show on Thursday, has been bankrupt twice, records show.
Melbourne-born Badenoch, 41, said the business failures had left him wiser, the Herald Sun reports.
"These things certainly teach you a lesson and I have certainly learned from my mistakes," he said yesterday.
"I realise (bankruptcies) are something that stays on your record for any financial dealings that you do and obviously that information is out in the public domain," he said.
"But (a beer restaurant) is something that I would love to do so hopefully there are some people who will have some faith in me and my passion for food."
Badenoch has also been fined by the corporate watchdog for breaches of company law and had a run-in with the tax office that ended with a company he controlled being shut down.
Related Coverage
* Masterchef: 'The fix is in?'
* The winner...: Ten risks spoiler
His latest bankruptcy expired in November last year, meaning he is no longer bankrupt.
Badenoch has a fully equipped commercial kitchen at home and has made no secret of his desire to open a beer-themed restaurant.
"My business partner is out there looking for premises as we speak," he said this month.
Sounds like guess who in court?
"State Labor MP Theo Theophanous has been put on notice that one more court outburst could put him behind bars.."
Landeryou has been outed!!
Landeryou is "Fiona of Toorak" who trolls message boards, forums and twitter and posts the tiresome, repetitive crap day after day, week after week, year after year.
Now you are wondering why you never made the connection before.. it's so obvious!
Landeryou is having more fun with the 9/11 party people than all the unionists he tricks into commenting on vexnews.
There have been 91 comments (to date) on the subject, with Landeryou's army of fake commenters having posted over fifty.
People who know the party girl who set it up say Landeryou got the whole story wrong. They point to various obvious errors (what's new) and condemn vexnews for posting tripe. Maybe they weren't as silly as Landeryou claimed!
Who says Landeryou can't do more than one thing at a time?
He is still trying to defend the indefensible Theo, AND he is slagging The Age and one of its female journos!
It's all a storm in a teacup as usual, and Landeryou has avoided tackling the horrible issues in the case that emerged in recent days (with more to come).
Other patriots here have drawn attention to the misleading role Landeryou has played throughout this shameful episode.
What a total schmuck!
I dislike the bully boy tactics of Landeryou and his really creepy mate, Mr T.
Mr T seems to have trouble keeping his hands off the babes. Stay tuned early next week for more ugly revelations. And the phones have been ringing off the hook at OPP...
I am baking a huge Humble Pie for Landeryou. He might eat it or wear it, I haven't decided yet.
Oh, and here is my Humble Pie recipe:
2 buckets of rancid Lard
1 kilo sourdough
1 cup of bile
3 tablespoons fresh vomit
1 cat turd (thanks Cait)
Mix, bake and enjoy, Landeryou!
Ticket sales have tripled for The Phantom of the Parliament hit musical.
The courtroom scene is a hoot with the Phantom and his entourage menacing the prosecution, a QC who smokes openly in court, and a girl chorus that chants "Hi Gorgeous"!
Landeryou deserves jail for his earlier sick and deceptive defamations of the victim in a current case.
The Twentyman month long libels, stalking and lies during the Kororoit election last year were bad enough.
But this is extremely serious. It involves vicious attempts to mislead and deceive people about a criminal investigation that has, despite his pathetic efforts, resulted in the present case.
Landeryou claimed the victim was mad, a liar, a money-grubber, and a whole heap more. He needs to be offered the opportunity to justify these repulsive claims, not on vexnews, but in open court.
Sunday Herald-Sun copy-boy writes:
The Phantom of the Parliament is undoubtedly entertaining. One of the journos told me the Phantom is a real-life character but didn't tell me who it was.
I have scored-out Tim Holding, Lynne Kosky and John Brumby, because no-one would write a hit musical about them!
The Phantom, while being a playful sexual pervert is a bit of a groper and maker of unwanted advances. I heard on the grapevine here that he has also been fiddling in other areas where he shouldn't have.
I know this is the 21st century, but the sexual innuendos worry me a lot. Too much bonking and a thin storyline...
Landeryou is Fiona of Toorak?
It is just AMAZING how he is obsessed with female false identities! When is he going to get the gender reassignment surgery?
Yes - Landeryou is Fiona of Toorak.
Do a google search and you will find the thousands of comments in forums of all kinds. This guy must live online.
If you follow him (@Fiona_of_Toorak) on Twitter you quickly identify the Landeryou giveaways.
What a sick and useless fuck he is
Landeryou's busy secret life as Fiona of Toorak begs the question yet again: what does he do for a living?
Vexnews, like the Blog of Sleaze before it and every other venture Landeryou has been invovled with is a failure.
The $50,000 Victorian ALP state secretary gave to Landeryou via his old business partner Ed Dale as a thank you for his work won't have gone far.
Landeryou has no job and no visible means of support yet lives in a luxury city apartment free to spend his days stalking, smearing and intimidating whoever he pleases and carrying on an active (if largely imaginary) online life.
Where does the money come from? His trustee in bunkruptcy must call him in!
Predator, creep and human octopus Theo ia going to have a bad week.
Predator, creep and human octopus Theo ia going to have a bad week.
If Theophanous gets deselected do patriots think he will tell the authorities what he knows about Stephen Newnham's $50,000 payment to Landeryou via Ed Dale to fund his stalking, defamation and intimidation of the enemies of the Right?
It's all a bit too grubby for my liking.
Landeryou's Theo blog today seems a bit deflated and constrained.
It's his way of saying "Things aren't looking very Rosy"!
Stephen Conroy's mandatory internet filtering plans have earned him the title of Internet Villain of the Year at the 11th annual Internet Industry Awards.
Landeryou is mighty pissed off, even if Stephen was once a close mate. "Everyone knows that I am the biggest Villain on the internet, full stop"!
Mr Landeryou pointed to his chequered background, and his later 'career' as an internet libeller, stalker and liar on pariah blog Vexnews. "I'm a freakin Giant of Villainy! No question!
Sounds like a great block-buster! But who is going to play Landeryou - the Betfair Blimp at the Ashes?
Empty and full of hot air!
Hmmnn, I wonder if Newnham had an opportunity to download the necessary software onto Landeryou's mobile. He needs to keep a close eye on Landy who is a very dangerous loose cannon.
Tubby Internet Marketing Nerd Ed Dale, a former IQ business partner of tubby blog geek Landeryou, probably keeps tabs on Landy too.
Three bottom dwelling blood suckers:
1) Les ‘Leech’ Twentyman
2) Dean ‘She-Male’ Mighell
3) Phil ‘Shit 4 Brains’ Cleary
Posted by anon | July 10, 2009, 14:44
Sir Lesley Twentytonneguts HRH has lined his dirty pockets living of marginalised young people, he is a fraud and gets off on self-promotion and publicity. He is a grossly fat pig with a major alcohol problem, as can be seen from his regular ‘odd’ outbursts at Walters Wine Bar. He is ONLY interested in Footscray so he can get some more media attention and viewing the streets of Footscray from his luxurious town house.
Posted by anon | July 10, 2009, 1:04
awesome, now we can finally have those heroin injecting rooms he promised…
Posted by the outsider | July 10, 2009, 9:21
Special Investigations Unit,
It wasn't just the computers. It was the printers, desks, furniture, heaters, tearoom fittings and hot water service.
Anything that wasn't nailed down disappeared!
The defendant was next seen trying to give mouth-to-mouth resusitation to struggling Landeryou who suddenly yelled out "Stop Tonguing me you Freak! I'm a bloke not a Shiela!
The Beak ordered Mr Landercrue, who was dressed in a large blue frock and grey cardigan, to leave the court immediately...
I saw what I saw!
I would love to shout the poxy crim a pot of arsenic!
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