In the past day, your blog of truth has come under a sustained 'spam based comments attack'.
We are looking into the problem, and the only temporary solution is to individually moderate comments.
We will return to 'unmoderated comments' ASAP. Please continue to comment, and your thoughts and views will be published after a short delay.
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1 week ago
26 Truth On Comments:
Spam is an evil and Slanderyou is correct to remove it.
A comment on the previous threat pointed out the inconsistency of Cait Catt on Facebook supporting the National Party and having Ted Baillieu as her only friend.
Please readers how can this be explained? Landeryou supports Terry Mulder for leader of the Liberal Party yet his alter ego wants Ted.
Slanderyou, did you visit Vexnews recently - the blog has probably been hit with vexnews sponsored malware.
I am somewhat surprised Slanderyou lasted this long without experiencing a concerted spam attack.
All power to you.
REPORTS ARE THAT TRIALS of an Australian diabetes treatment that transplants pig cells into humans have begun.
This may already have happened given Andrew's pork substitution in his halal chicken sausages.
A "jury" of one lets Mr T off the hook.
In time, this will be seen as being the wrong decision.
You should consider moving to wordpress.. much better spam control there
Patriot M
It follows. Fat Andy and his bagman Ed Dale are both adpet at online spivvery.
Patriots presume Landeryou was invovled.
It is only a matter of time before the names of everyone invovled with the prosecution cases and what Landeryou presumes are their addresses and photographs of what the stalker and imtimidator presumes are their homes appear on Poxnews.
Police have confirmed that an investigation is being conducted into Victorian MP Theo Theophanous after he was yesterday cleared of a charge of rape.
ABC TV News has revealed police are investigating whether the MP tried to coerce witnesses in relation to the committal hearing against him.
But Mr Theophanous has denied the accusation.
"The truth of the matter is that there was one witness which I spoke to, but she approached me and she was a friend of mine," he said.
"She had the decency to come and tell me what was going on."
The Melbourne Magistrates Court has cleared Mr Theophanous of a charge of rape because the female victim's case lacked credibility, reliability and truthfulness.
A spam attack on the Blog of Truth? It must have been part of Theo's victory celebrations!
Is this spam attack part of Theo's (alleged) intimidation of witnesses?
Spam attack? I have another sort of attack planned.
So do I.
We say the more people involved the better.
I found Landeryou DNA all over the spam attack on this site.
It was geared to a possible adverse findings in the Theo case. That did not eventuate, but censor Landeryou thought it wise to persist.
Can you believe it, Boss? We got off scot free! That ungrateful nutter got a huge serve from the Beak for being a Complete Nutter!
I really enjoyed the antics of yourself and Mrs T in rubbishing the 'evidence' against us! Boss, I too was jumping up and down in your jocks, screaming "Justice for all us little dicks"!
Now Boss, who are you going to invite for a 'tour of Parliament' next week. I rather fancy Paris Hilton. She's a bit on the scrawny side, but the red velvet couch needs another good celebratory workout real soon!
If not her, what about Tracy Grimshrew, the sultry TV lipstick goddess?
Courtroom disruptor and amnesia specialist Landeryou atrangely has not celebrated the Theo win on Vexnews yet.
Theo meanwhile swelters under continuing examination in The Age:
"The disagreement came as Melbourne lawyers expressed surprise that the case against Mr Theophanous was thrown out at a committal, a hearing to decide whether a case should be sent to trial. "I think it's fair to say we were all stunned," said one senior barrister, who declined to be named. "It is highly unusual for an accused to be discharged in a rape case based on the credibility of the complainant. Usually the magistrate leaves that up for the jury to assess."
"I would not, if I were Mr Theophanous, think the battle over," one barrister said.
But The Age also said Theo had the numbers to just get back into his parliamentary funkhole. I will be closely examining my member's vote out here in the West to see if he voted for this human leech. If so, there goes my vote you asshole!
Mammaries are made of this! I really Lurv a good root!
And so do I.
And so do I.
We would love a bit of "Greek" too.
We won big cash by betting on the outcome of the case. But we reckon Pete the Magistrate will get his arse firmly kicked by history. Mr T. got off this time, but his days are numbered.
He has been a very naughty boy for many, many years!
The Silence of the Lambs on Vexews.
Landeryou is worried that his earlier support of Theo was probably illegal.
When you are up to your ears in shit, it is wise to keep your mouth closed.
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I am somewhat surprised Slanderyou lasted this long without experiencing a concerted spam attack. All power to you.
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