Real bacon sausage retailers are experiencing some difficulties.
However, controversy remains with a halal chicken sausage supplier, who exclusively uses pork as the main ingredient.
(Thanks to Patriot Alice Idris)
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1 week ago
58 Truth On Comments:
Why did Victorian ALP state secretary Stephen Newnham hand over $50,000 cash to Landeryou via his old business partner in online spivvery Ed Dale.
they do look tasty
Whose sausage are your referring to Anonymous?
Landeryou will be forced to swallow my sausage when he comes to play.
The Age says: "A Geelong nightclub has allegedly been serving an ethanol-based moonshine, and passing it off as Smirnoff Vodka.
"Liquor Licensing Director Sue Maclellan said the club, Room 99, was shut by police on Friday and has since agreed to a set of conditions about the alcohol it will sell, without admitting to selling the home-made brew.
"Those conditions include supplying only spirits that have been bought from a licensed wholesaler, providing invoices for the stock, supplying only canned or bottled beer and not running any cheap-drink promotions.
"Ms Maclellan said ethanol, if swallowed, could harm the nervous system".
Sounds a lot like the Landeryou Halal chicken scam exposed by Mrs Alice Idris, where Landeryou has been substituting pig anuses for chicken. Australian troops have been fighting terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq. Landeryou is trying to start WW 3 by purveying kosher-prepared pig anuses as Halal chicken. Our Muslim friends will be outraged by this chicanery and deliberate provocation.
The drinkers at the 99 Room Club in Geelong must be the dumbest veggies in Victoria. Vodka is made from potatoes and not sugar, you idiots!
Can we infer from this, that Geelong folk particularly women, are a lot dumber than people in the rest of Victoria.
No, we cannot! Melbourne University students during the Marbain era were sold fermented cat urine as Dom Perignon champagne. Yes, it sparkled, bubbled and glittered. But it still smelled of cat piss. Andrew knew Uni students were not THAT particular.
I still have a Cait Catt Brut bottle from that period which must be worth zillions today!
Dear Jubbly,
Since Landeryou IS Cait Catt, you have a bottle of Andrew's piss which, of course, is utterly worthless and possibly infectuous.
A wise owner of a bottle like that would flush it down the toilet quickly.
If there were a few more bottles around, the ADF could snap them up to drop them on Osama's secret lair in the Pakistani tribal wastelands.
Of course, Osama's hiding place is well known. But he is a shy fellow these days, and living like a rat. If he shows his loathesome face he might wear a bottle of Landeryou's piss - and then a big, fat guided missile.
The internet may prove to be the most dangerous thing that the West has ever offerred the world. Our culture encourages openness. Many other cltures do not. I operate several websies, but activity on these recently has been a cause for concern.
I'm thiking that the safest thing to do is withdraw from the internet altogether.
Cyber-crime is an armchair activity. We can be robbed by thousands of crooks in dozens of countries sitting in their living rooms.
The cops here are losing the battle.
I have so many new African, Hong Kong and European friends and lotteries who want to cut me in on multi-million dollar scams.
What the hell are local police forces doing about this, for God's sake?
Perhaps, they are taking a cut!
The crims ARE traceable, but police don't seem very interested.
What a surprise. I have never been published on the internet before. My grandchildren will be delighted. Thank you.
A bacon hot dog does sound very good about now.
"The NSW Labor Party has been targeted by a 'cybersquatter' who was also suspected of trying to cash-in on the Beaconsfield mine tragedy..."
I can only assume this is somehow related to Andrew Landeryou and his identity theft scam.
what is interesting is that Andy via one of his multiple personalities has still to deny the sausage chicken-pork anuses substitution scandal.
Landy's mad war on the EPA continues on vexnews. He must had been fined for littering. I seem to remember a case earlier this year where a herd of dead pigs were dumped in Treasury Gardens. The giveaway clue? - All the pig anuses were missing!!!
The Human Rights Charter should apply to the EPA. It encourages false dob-ins aka the German Democratic Republic’s Stasi secret police operation. If someone dobs you in falsely you need to go to court to find out who they are. Sack Gavin Jennings. Jennings is the Leftista Stasiland MP. The Socialist Left should not be allowed to re-endorse Jennings to the Upper House.
Posted by Anonymous | August 21, 2009, 19:02
The EPA Stasi stinks. What did its operations do to prevent bushfires? How many lives were lost because of EPA lack of action. Good at fining people. Bad at preventing bushfires.
Posted by Anonymous | August 21, 2009, 19:03
Those three little pigs should be detectives.
Of course it is obvious that Landeryou's fingerprints are all over that anonymous nonsense.
On the few occasions I visit vexnews, I always come away befuddled. It is like visiting a lunatic asylum!
Poxnews is more like germ warfare on your computer, Insepctor Clousseau! It is full of viruses and other nasties.
Anonymous, you speak truly!
I always leave vexnews with more than I came. But my Shaolin Temple anti-virus martial arts package is holding up for now.
I'm a Scot and rather proud of the practical solution of the Scottish Government for the terminally-ill convicted Pan Am bomber (who incidentally bankrupted the airline).
Lockerbie was a despicable crime against humanity. Terrorists will be remembered forever for their cowardice. They attack the innocent - the easy, soft option.
But eventually punishment is not forever and ever and ever. The fellow was caught, tried, convicted and imprisoned. Legal justice was achieved.
Now moral justice, too, has been served. We can say that, despite the most disgusting and cowardly of crimes, we can also be human towards our enemies.
Those barbarians behead their captives.
They are sad, uneducated peasant madmen.
Nuke 'em!
The Lockerbie bomber may die in his own home now, but history will judge him a disgusting criminal who killed more than 200 hundred fellow human beings for no other reason than the bomber's own mad hatred. Repulsive!
Landeryou exiled in his luxury apartment deserves jail time too.
He has become the Terry Mulder of the internet - a completely useless incompetent. Terry was formerly a carpet cleaner in Colac. As shadow minister for transport he is a dud.
Having said all that, he is probably a sound choice as Opposition Leader. Today's Libs are rather daft.
Vexnews--Landeryou's Tower of Babble--is wasting time today with the Loon's boring lecture about Karl Marx. It includes this gem:
"In Australia, unlike those jurisdictions, we are mostly free to express our opinions, unless they relate to leftist Les Twentyman".
Yep, keep your big trap shut--and those pudgy fingers off the keyboard. Leave Les alone, you rotten cyber bully and stalker!
Landeryou, the Prince of Palaver, has learned the art of mental masturbation by torturing surfers who misguidedly visit vexnews and read his confused rants.
Stockbroker, Kris Knauer, has given evidence in the court examination of the collapse of Melbourne University Student Union. The union went into administration in 2003 amid allegations of travel irregularities, election-rigging and falsification of records. Knauer has told the Supreme Court that Melbourne businessman, Andrew Landeryou, claimed he had $A1 million to invest in the global sharemarket and asked him to establish a nominee company and bank account in Hong Kong. The $A1 million was transferred to Sunrock Limited, in Hong Kong, and then to a bank account in Cyprus.
Theo is on "sick leave" in Cyprus and probably checking up on various bank accounts when he is not feeling too poorly.
The more interesting thing, AFP operatives say, is how the fortnightly disbursements reach the fat crim in Melbourne. Australia Post is monitoring two Melbourne addresses for ATO.
Nutty Landeryou has destroyed Australia's Ashes chances by airfreighting a pallet of "Juicy Halal Chicken" to the team.
Of course, no international team can survive eating pig anuses in sweet chilli sauce (which is what Landeryou's "Halal Chicken really is) for long.
The stupid looney should have sent his package to the England team!
What HAS Freddie Flintoff been chewing for the past few weeks?
He has a few, friendly contacts in the Aussie team.
Since exposure on this site, Halal Chicken sales have plummeted to zero. Luckily, Mr Landeryou is never at a loss sbout what to do. He found that certain Kalihari tribes in Southern Africa regard pig anuses as a succulent delicacy. As part of his marketing campaign he sent a giant poster with a colour photo of his own anus. The poster apparently is worshipped in the new Mbutu Pongo Church (Pig's Arse Church) where Mr Landeryou is referred to as 'The Great White God from beyond the mountains and seas who delivers us fresh pig anuses'.
The three little pigs commented about the criticism of the EPA Stasi on Vexnews.
Vexnews deleted the item. Of course this could be because Andrew doesn't want to give evidence before the Fire Royal Commission about EPA Stasi boss Bourke and EPA Stasi Minister Jennings.
It is true. The EPA Stasi is more concerned with collecting revenue by sending out infringement notices resulting from community dob-ins, just like the Stasi in East Germany, than it is with fire prevention.
The EPA Stasi need to be taken on. People have a right to know who the malicious false informers are so that they can sue them and possibly lay criminal charges against them.
I don't get the above comment. It still sounds like Andrew referring to himself in the third person. Weird.
If wanting to have a go at the EPA, he should find an organisation relying on informers that Aussies can understand. The evil Stasi relied on informers, but many of its victims , er, disappeared.
So far, the EPA does not do this.
Landeryou must be worried reading about this news from the US:
THE BODY of an ex-model found stuffed in a suitcase without fingers or teeth was so badly mutilated that detectives had to identify her through the serial number of her breast implants.
Somewhere is the forensic evidence that will link him to the MUSU and IQ frauds. The money trail was, and is, the obvious line of inquiry.
Since he is now a woman, investigators should some way to check whether his breast implants consist of bundles of hundred dollar bills.
Don't worrry, we will be checking all the obvious internal places where he could have stashed the moolah!
The idea Brutus had some time ago, to fill Landeryou up using the air compressor in the prison workshop was a good one. Landeryou would become the world's first human Whoopee Cushion when Brutus jumps on his head. Maybe we could be showered with banknotes too!
Landeryou the human ATM... You prod your six number PIN into his eyeballs. Give him a couple of biffs. Kick his fat rump - and get a smelly hundred dollar bill. Easy money!
Hot Rodder and Biker 'Jigi-Jigi' has promised he will teach Landeryou to fart in Arabic "to atone for his Islamophobic taunts".
OPP must think the IQ Corp fraud is expiated because Sol Lew got some of his money back from the sale of the Landeryou/Kitching mansion. But that leaves the criminality unpunished. Who can forget the mass amnesia of the Landeryou Clan, most of whom had lucrative jobs in IQ Corp, when questioned in court. All the important company papers had by then disappeared, an offence in itself!
But the earlier Melbourne University Student Union frauds are not in that category. The liquidator asked Victoria Police to take over the investigation. It seems that they have not.
Mr Plod, the statute of limitations is looming! Get after the fat crook and his MUSU Mafia mates! Don't let them get away with it!
Chief Commissioner Simon Overland needs to get the coppers back onto the Melbourne University Student Union frauds and IQ Corp frauds.
By comparison with the recent multi-million corporate frauds and obscene white collar salaries and crime at Board and CEO levels, Landeryou is just an engorged minnow. But back in the late, late 1900s and early 2000s, he was in the big league.
Why is none of this ever on Vexnews?
I'm struggling to enjoy The Ashes SBS coverage despite the woeful, endless Johnny Walker, VB, Swisse and other adverts that feature minimalist music, grinding voice-overs and irrelevant vision. The companies providing this sub-standard advertising need to be punished at the till! I wouldn't buy ANY of their products in a fit!
Cricket coverage on other channels has been ruined by defective advertisements too. The Beer and Whisky oompanies must think all cricket viewers are complete idiots. That was a bad mistake. I can't afford over-priced Johnny Walker whisky and overseas beers taste a lot better than VB. As for Swisse, most experts think that vitamin enrichment products are a waste of money. So do I.
Cricket coverage on other channels has been ruined by defective advertisements too. The Beer and Whisky oompanies must think all cricket viewers are complete idiots. That was a bad mistake. I can't afford over-priced Johnny Walker whisky and overseas beers taste a lot better than VB. As for Swisse, most experts think that vitamin enrichment products are a waste of money. So do I.
Anonymous, you speak truly!
I always leave vexnews with more than I came. But my Shaolin Temple anti-virus martial arts package is holding up for now.
The Age says: "A Geelong nightclub has allegedly been serving an ethanol-based moonshine, and passing it off as Smirnoff Vodka.
"Liquor Licensing Director Sue Maclellan said the club, Room 99, was shut by police on Friday and has since agreed to a set of conditions about the alcohol it will sell, without admitting to selling the home-made brew.
"Those conditions include supplying only spirits that have been bought from a licensed wholesaler, providing invoices for the stock, supplying only canned or bottled beer and not running any cheap-drink promotions.
"Ms Maclellan said ethanol, if swallowed, could harm the nervous system".
Sounds a lot like the Landeryou Halal chicken scam exposed by Mrs Alice Idris, where Landeryou has been substituting pig anuses for chicken. Australian troops have been fighting terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq. Landeryou is trying to start WW 3 by purveying kosher-prepared pig anuses as Halal chicken. Our Muslim friends will be outraged by this chicanery and deliberate provocation.
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