Registry data indicates that Vexnews' domain name registration will end in September.
The ratings for Vexnews continue to collapse. Ratings data shows:
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The new format here is objectionable. I don't like it.
On my email address I am getting heaps of spam in Arabic which I cannot fathom.
I never want to receive any spam from Slanderyou. · 15 years ago
I have decided to bugger off because little Theo got the better of me. I began worshipping my own Priapus! "You have to know in politics when it's time to go. I've made a significant contribution... · 15 years ago
I jet about the net at night, and always visit Vexnews and this site religiously. It is like dipping my toes into the Werribee sewerage farm. Fuzzy, warm and stinky! But Guys, I won't be posting my... · 15 years ago
24 Mossad agents assassinating one Hamas boss in Dubai. It sounds like a Vexnews Scoop! In Dubai twenty years ago, even the cops were driving bullock carts. Obviously. things haven't improved much... · 15 years ago
Just posted a comment on Vexnews WITHOUT having to provide an email address.
But suddenly I have to provide privacy information here. · 15 years ago
The new format is needlessly intrusive.
My phishing software doesn't like it.
Neither do I. · 15 years ago
Brutus Beefcake suggests that sock puppets don't make sense. Name them. Cait Catt, Rita Randles, Catter8, Jenny Jensen-Hansen and possibly Henderson Ross and his Arabic friend make no sense. Brutus... · 15 years ago "A few questions for Andy Landeryou. I saw a picture of you in the paper the other day and I was wondering which of your three chins is your actual chin? And secondly has anyone ever... · 15 years ago
Oh, Slanderyou! Thanks to the new comment tool, you appear to have done to your own site what Landeryou has been unable to do and shut it down. · 15 years ago
How interesting to see that Shirley Landeryou has decided he had better praise former Howard Government hitman Ian Hanke on his failed Poxnews site just days after the morbidly obese thief stole an... · 15 years ago (6 Months ago ) "Landeryou writes his own racist comments on his blog, and passes them off as "discussion". I suspect up to 70% of comments on the vexnews site are written by... · 15 years ago "The best thing to do with the likes of Andrew is nothing at all. Just ignore him. That's what will make him really cranky. I wish more people would realise he's just a... · 15 years ago MichaelDudikoff said about 3 years ago: Andy Landeryou needs to up the meds, methinks. temporarybenbutler said about 3 years ago: The guy who runs... · 15 years ago
If Andy had "takeover" the site, he would have scrubbed it completely. I like this new format, easier to follow conversation threads. · 15 years ago
Me and Bubba and the Hot Rodding Men are suspicious! This new comments system makes it look like Landeryou has taken over this site the same way he took over the first Slanderyou! Me and Bubba and... · 15 years ago
Jeez! Just when I thought Vexnews was the ultimate Nazi censorious site where I have been blocked and banned from commenting. Now all this weird censorship here. Has Landeryou taken over the... · 15 years ago
I've gotten around the email request issue by typing, and unticking the subcribe request - works for me · 15 years ago
See! The valid email address shit is f*cking this blog!
Piss weak! I'm off! · 15 years ago
If Peter Garrett is sacrificed by Rudd, or forced to resign by other means, he can always return to music. One song from him would consign The Mad Monk to oblivion. · 15 years ago
Loved the ABC's Four Corners program tonight! Afdhani pooves and warlords exploiting 'dancing boys'. Lovely! Now they're heading here as refugees because the Taliban shoot them on sight. Australia... · 15 years ago
107 Truth On Comments:
It won't be missed
Landeryou, the world's laziest blogger, is hibernating again this weekend. I guess that means he thinks nothing happens at weekends in Australia or around the world.
So, I'll have to check The Age to find out what's actually happening.
HUMAN CRIME WAVE Landeryou shouldn't have a blog. There are plenty of criminals on the internet, but he is unusual because of his well known earlier major frauds, stalking, libels and electoral interference.
Vexnews, his toxic hate fest blog, still attracts Young Liberals, Unionists, and other non-savvy internet airheads.
Laderyou blocks and banns any comments that warn surfers and commenters that they are entering dangerous territory. His Vexnews malware cookie is well-known here. His former IT expert mates may well have added other spyware software so he can better monitor and thwart adverse criticism.
All Unions in Australia should alert their members to the toxicity and other dangers of the dangerous Vexnews site. When I go there, I triple check all my anti-viral, anti-spyware and other security software is working. My setting is 'Block all cookies!'
But, of course, that still means he still knows your ISP address and, if you visit vexnews often, Landeryou will have a profile of what parts of his blog you visited, what comments you left - and a heap of other personal information. That is why I am permenantly banned from commenting on Vexnews - The so-called 'Blog of Freedom'.
Vexnews is so like Nazi Germany. So much censorship; so much misinformation; so much hate; so much anger; so much stiffling of debate; so many libels; so much stalking; so much criminality.
The comments by Slanderyou are sour grapes. Vexnews is Australia's greatest news site. Slanderyou has been reading Slackbastard or Paula Rizzuto. Vexnews has a growing and large important readership. ASIO is known to read it, a great compliment to its editor, who regularly scoops all other Australian news sources. Who else covered the recent committal in the Magistrates Court when Peter Allan, the infamous hearse driver and former Canberra strip devotee, gave evidence in a politically motivated case involving a former Whitehorse Councillor? Who else covered the Theophanous committal in such detail? Who else covered the recent scanal in Greater Geelong?
We rely on Vexnews. It is a great news source and it will grow in strength whatever Slanderyou and his lackeys say.
Why hasn't someone stomped Landeryou yet?
Landeryou is, as the coppers would say, of 'no fixed abode'. He is not registered as a voter, sheilds his private address and, illegally, the publishing address of vexnews, which purports to offer current political news and commentary.
Sneaky stuff from the crook who nearly wrecked Melbourne University...
Theo is still at it. Now a ploy in parliament to punish his prosecutor in the recent revolting rape proceedings. Theo's questionable exoneration on the charge has left many Victorians unsettled and wondering if there is any justice in Victoria.
The Theophani Brothers are extremely strange, unpleasant characters who seem to thrive on misogyny and mistreatment of women.
Luckily, in saying so, I have far less means than Landeryou and am financially exempt from libel proceedings. You can call my bank manager, if you don't bellieve me!
Theo, if he was wise, would shut up and fade into obscurity quickly.
Michele gave me the shits too!
If Fat Andrew Landeryou keeps eating 15 cubic metres of KFC each day he will expire soon too.
Vexnews is another of Landeryou's dead parrot efforts.
Talking about Dead Parrots, Vexnews is also like Monty Python's Hungarian Phrase Book
I hear that Landeryou has taken bribes from several outlaw bikie gangs to hide their armouries in his flab:
Obese prisoner hides gun in rolls of fat
August 9 2009
Posted 3 hours 12 minutes ago
An obese prisoner in Harris County, Texas, has been charged with illegal possession of a firearm after he was discovered to be hiding a 9mm pistol in between his rolls of fat, local media reported.
George Vera, who weighs around 225 kilograms was originally arrested last week for selling counterfeit CDs, according to the Houston Chronicle newspaper.
A police spokesman told the Chronicle that Vera was searched three times over the course of his arrest and booking at the jail but managed to conceal the handgun with his rolls of fat until it was discovered in the shower.
Vera has been charged with possession of an illegal weapon in a correctional facility, which carries a penalty of two to 10 years in prison, but is currently free on bail of $US10,000.
Murdoch is looking to charge for content on his news sites.
Landeryou will of course do the same, and be broke within a day or so.
That fat guy in Texas is a skinny ribs compared to Landeryou at just 225 kilograms. Fat Boy weighs in at 420 kilograms, almost 200 more. Think how much he can smuggle in between all those folds of fat.
More rooming house shocks in The Age, including death threats...
Are Landeryou's two shonky MUSU Mafia mates (Ray & Cass) still involved with crooked Victoria Student Housing & Student Services International (Australasia)?
Landeryou himself was involved in an earlier dodgy deal involving student housing that led to liquidation of the Melbourne University Student Union.
People need housing and are vulnerable to scams, overcharging and fraud.
I still say that the activities of Landeryou, Ray, Cass and others would make a GREAT MOVIE. All came from posh backgrounds, but were tainted by a fascination with fraud. The dads of several were well-known State and Federal politicians. They used stand-over tactics, intimidation, and some openly asset-stripped the Melbourne University Student Union. This wasn't going through the till at the student cafe. Millions were involved. Millions are still missing.
What a story!
A good crime profiler would note those many criminal associations at MUSU, and the later involvement by Landeryou's family and extended family in the extensive IQ Corp fraud. When in court these individuals all suffered from amnesia. All the company papers had simply 'disappeared'.
These days, instead of reforming himself, Landeryou conducts an occasional hate blog called vexnews, which regularly features disgraceful libels, distortions and political interference.
Landeryou is a well-known stalker. His most recent AVO was earned after his unpardonable persecution of the Les Twentyman family during the Kororoit by election last year.
Landeryou has associations with Theophanous, Conroy and Shorten, among others.
Question marks just keep multiplying, don't they?
WTF! Tell me I'm wrong. That Beak said recently we didn't do it, right?
If so, why does Rita keep cussin and whacking me with a cold spoon from the fridge several times a day? What's her freakin problem?
And here on this site, it's all guilt by association. I don't know anyone named Landeryou, do you?
Remember how patriotic members of Team Slanderyou revealed on this Blog of Truth that Buddha Boy was linked to an international mail order bride/escort agency/white slavery scam called Anastascia International through his corrupt and loathesome father's Russian Mafia links?
I hear Buddha Boy smuggled several Anastascia International girls into Australia hidden between his rolls of fat in exchange for perverse sexual favours.
Mr Slanderyou, when you state 'expire' is that like a used by date for food?
Does anyone know what is the shelf life for pork sausages that are advertised as halal chicken?
Me and my Hot Rodder boys are debating if we should fuck Landeryou in the folds of his flab as part of our violent gang bang assaults on him when he comes to join us here in Barwon.
These assaults will be designed to make him feel degraded and distressed and cause him pain.
Flab-fold-fucking will achieve the fist two but we cannot guarantee the third.
I vote we fuck fat Andy in his folds of flab while he is sodomised with a soldering iron.
We reckon we should fuck fat Andy in his folds of flab while he is sodomised with a soldering iron and having his fingers bent backwards until the bones break.
The Sarge is a “motivational speaker”, isn’t he?
Woman jumped after self-development course, court told
SYDNEY, August 10
A woman who jumped naked to her death from a Sydney office building had been attending a ``self-styled self-development course'' days before, a coronial inquest has heard…
Solomon Lew's Premier Investments, the owner of retailer Just Group, has issued a profit upgrade this morning saying that sales for the 52 weeks ended July 25 were $845 million.
This was a 4 per cent increase over the prior year while Just Group's like for like sales for the year were negative 1.6 per cent.
Meanwhile Vexnews.....................
Even better, Kevin, is the fact that if Poxnews ever makes a zac for El Gordo, Solly Lew will probably win it from him with an injunction.
That domain names registration material is solid gold.
Poxnews was registered in September 2005, but Landeryou took three full years to do anything with it! We all know he is a lazy slob but that is incredible.
With all the talk about paying for online content around at the moment I am surprised that the Andrew Landeryou model has not received more discussion.
It consists of illegally obtaining multi-millions through theft and fraud, stashing it offshore and using it to fund an idle lifestyle of spreading malicious lies and evil falsehoolds on the net while hiding behind bankruptcy.
Vexnews is supporting a push to ressurect Kim Beazley and give him the plum OZ Ambassador job in the US. It is the classic Landeryou 'Kiss of Death'. Who cares what a crook with a blog thinks? Landeryou's bumblings are just embarrassing.
We could do worse, I suppose. If Malcolm Turnbull was in government, Godwin Grech might be the lucky nominee to Washington.
Kim is a nice guy but, ahem, not very representative, having lost two elections.
Well said, Kiss of Death.
What's fat crook Landeryou got against Beazley? Why is he trying to sabotage the career of a decent man?
Kim Beazley is a decent man. That's enough to make Landeryou despise him.
Catholic Archbishop Denis Hart is suffering from the Landeryou syndrome -- AMNESIA.
Landeryou, meanwhile, is doing what he does best -- causing chaos at universities. In this case, he is reeling in the minnows at Uni of Qld.
The poor twits are busy slashing each other as Landeryou injects fake comments to make them froth. Vexnews is a childish toy for the fat moron - but with the dangerous twist of Landeryou's famous malware cookie and his list of IP addresses.
Oh, and Theo is in Cyprus on sick leave.
I was distressed to find a KFC Refresher Towlette on the footpath outside my home today. Was the brain addled and obese criminal Landeryou stalking me? Would I be libelled and intimidated on his little-read hate blog, Poxnews? Should I call the police? Seek to obtain a restraining order? Move the kids in with their grandparents for a few days. The thoughts raced through my head, then suddenly coalesced. I had found a KFC Refresher Towlette on the footpath outside my home. The brain addled and obese criminal Landeryou eats ANYTHING with a KFC label on it. It is well known that he gulps down the packaging his chicken comes in in case it has absorbed any fat. The brain addled and obese criminal Landeryou would have eaten a KFC Refresher Towlette. I breathed a deep sigh of relief.
Malcolm Turnbull is in the middle of a do or die party room meeting but cross-dressing failure Andrew Landeryou is posting gossip about a university Liberal club on the web.
Venxews. Where you go for all the big issues. Not.
Landeryou's is having heaps of fun with the UQ Young Libs who don't seem to realise...
From Vexnews:
"Hey Fools! Google the name of this blogger…
Posted by Cerberus | August 11, 2009, 13:40
For patriotically minded folk who want to save the UQ Young Libs from themselves:
Jeez! Those Young Libs are far dumber than I thought.
They probably deserve Landeryou and Vexnews.
Political paedophile Landeryou is interfering with children yet again!
The malware cookies are already passing on the Internet banking details of all those Young Liberals silly enough to log onto Poxnews to Fat Andy.
He'll be lashing out on KFC tonite.
I'm confused as to Vexnews' legal status.
is it a not-for-profit, or just an entity that can't make a profit?
The University of Queensland Liberal Club, whatever its previous reputation may have been, is now ruined by being suckered into commenting on the toxic vexnews blog. All day today, there were irrelevent, childish, smartarse comments that beggared belief. They sounded more like comments from the St Lucia Kinder.
If these are people headed for future leadership in the Liberal Party, God help us all!
Of course, Landeryou is an agent provocateur in all this. As President of MUSU he nearly brought Melb Uni to its knees with madcap schemes. For some weird reason he loves causing trouble and disruption at other universities even today.
And for some reason, the dumbells he provokes fall for it everytime. This is leading me to question the value of a Uni education. Some of those who comment on his provocative blogs are dumber than shit. They have the street smarts and internet smarts of a brain-dead possum.
All this is devaluing my hard-earned Melb Uni grad dip!
Yep! Membership of the University of Queensland Liberal Club, if the Vexnews blog commentary is any guide, indicates advanced imbecility. The posters today on vexnews were posh airheads that made me wince and groan with embarrassment. I dislike sharing this country with people that are are as dopey as them.
It is time the Liberal Party is dismantled...
Of course, Landeryou's fingerprints are all over the UQLC blog comments on vexnews. But the dumb UQLC commenters wouldn't have known that, would they?
"Leave my boys alone!!
"The crumbs have done alot to “help” me in the past so now I’m coming out to help them.
"I have met with many of them privately to “discuss policy” and I can say they push all the right buttons with me.
"Seriously you guys, leave them alone, I’m living proof that wierdos can get elected into parliament.
"Anyway, gotta run, gotta buy myself a new pair of shoes to impress Malcolm".
Posted by Chrissy Pyne | August 11, 2009, 15:13
"Chrissy Pyne is right up my ‘alley’".
Posted by C Pearce | August 11, 2009, 16:04
Very funny! Very Clever, Andy! You total twat!
If I didn't find Mr Landeryou so odious and offensive, I would turn myself into Barwon Jail to aid the Hot Rodders planned welcome for Landeryou's forthcoming arrival.
My colleagues in Canberra call me a 'big prick' for obvious reasons.
Watched ABCs Four Corners on Monday and the repeat last night. It purported to show that a WA Biker may be in jail on false evidence. But the remarkable thing I noticed was that nearly all the witnesses were obviously lying. They had shifty eyes. What they said didn't add up. I felt embarrassed for the Four Corners reporter.
But my point is this: In Australia today there are far too many layers of lawless sub-culture...
These are not people batting for the Australian XI - they are batting for the Scumbag XI, the Aussie Crooks XI, the OZ Deviants XI, The Aussie Barbarians XI or the XI that represent Religious or Ethnic Differences.
Landeryou's sub-culture is the murky world of the ALP right in Victoria -- but he also represents many of the above sub-cultures.
I try to fit in with modern Australia. Landeryou, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of others, do not.
Landeryou laughs at us Hot Rodding boys using his Crissy Pyne persona.
We want to see when he is on the floor of a cell at Barwon Jail with a little jet of blood spurting from his arse everytime his heart beats and a brace of convict phalluses shoved down his throat if he is still laughing.
Obese thief, fraud and failure Landeryou's homosexuality by proxy through his fake "Chrissy Pyne" and "Ollie" comments is easy to explain.
Obese thief, fraud and failure Landeryou is too fat to fit into a gay sauna, let alone the busy nooks and crannies of some of Collingwood's more idiosyncratic institutions but is dreadfully sexually confused. Hence "Chrissy" and "Ollie".
The UQ Liberal Club twits have finally realised that Vexnews is a trap for the guileless and the unwary.
A stoney silence now reigns in the commentary of Landeryou's UQLC blog...
But Landeryou is already on another winner - this time the Monash Student Assn.
It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Stephen Newmham will pay for the Poxnews domain name re-registration. He will probably give him another $50 grand in used tenners too.
Landeryou's furtive sexual perversions are distressing indeed.
He has a harem of fake female identities he trots out on this site then a secret army of butt plug obsessives he writes comments for on his hate site Poxnews.
Concerned has a good point. Will Newnham and the powerbrokers of the Victorian Right continue to encourage Landeryou's criminal rampage?
I didn't know fat cunt was into stamp collecting.
"A post office licensee has been arrested and charged after allegedly committing Australia's biggest ever postal fraud worth more than $4.2 million..."
El Gordo drools over children in the street.
I'm watching the person Landeryou calls 'Chrissy Pyne' on ABC Lateline. I'm wondering why the Libs allow Pyne, Abbott, Brandis and Hockey to appear on TV when they are among the most hated and reviled of the Howard remnants.
Go figure.
I thought the horrible world of Australian workplace agreements, Work Choices, and the Liberal Party supported thuggery in the workplace were over.
But here is the vile story of the lady who leapt nude from her office building in Sydney after a 'course'.
An inquest into her death at Glebe Coroner's Court is investigating whether the self-help course was in any way to blame for the psychosis that prompted her to jump.
Mr Vittozzi agreed with counsel assisting the coroner Robert Bromwich that the course - which included some childhood regression therapies - was about "loosening people up and breaking down their resistance to change".
The employer that allowed this nasty, wacky course should be pilloried.
What next? Brain washing?
The above remarks remind me that the corporate crooks who brought us the Global Crash, including our own Aussie fraudsters, remain unpunished while politicians, including the PM, tell us that the worst is yet to come.
Politicians, by their misfeasance and malfeasance, caused the Crash continue to protect the legions of white collar criminals.
If Landeryou hadn't blotted his copybook so dreadfully at MUSU and IQ Corp, he might have ended up as a State politician, Minister, Premier?
Yes, I know it makes one shiver with horror and fright!
Thanks to The OC and Vexnews, Landeryou is forever unelectable. He would face inticate questioning daily in parliament about his repulsive libels, stalking and electoral deceptions.
O M G - So we are stuck forever with the world's most libellous blog, Vexnews, run by a crook, stalker and corporate asset-stripper! Great!
Landeryou IS lucky he avoided a political career. People he has libelled over the years would have lined up for hours to box his ears as he arrived for business at parliament.
A politician with a blackeye wouldn't be allowed on ABC Lateline. These days, I wouldn't be so sure... Lateline's standards have dropped dramatically. These days they regularly feature Liberal gnomes like Abbott, Pyne and Brandis.
My tip is that Tasmanian 'Neanderthal Man' Tasmanian Liberal Eric Abetz will be featuring prominently in national news soon. Abetz is a feral Kiwi import with a nasty Nazi uncle from WWII. Judging by his Senate performances, Eric has inherited many of his uncle's attitudes and outlook.
Where on earth do we get them from? Who did the preselection? Ghastly!
Keep your scrawny Maltese trap shut or I will rip off your skull and sh*t in it.
I'm no racist, but I will make an exception in your case.
Ooops, where is this email going?
The AGE reports: A man who poured boiling oil on his sleeping flatmate has been sentenced to six years' jail.
Mohamed Wahani, 24, was angry after a dispute with his flatmate Sahal Said, who criticised him for bringing back a whole takeaway chicken rather than a quarter portion.
If this had happened at the Landeryou luxury apartment, he would have poured burning oil over the sleeping Henderson Ross for only bringing back two dozen KFC Family Feasts to the Fat Cave.
Fat Andrew rolled his little four legged friend Ronnie in an approximation of the Colonel's secret herbs and spices and put him in the deep fryer before scoffing him down, bones and all.
If he had a flatmate in the Fat Cave he may well do the same to this unfortunate individual.
Me and Bubba and the Hot Rodder boys have just hidden away another stash of black-market Viagra. We want to make sure that the welcoming party for Andrew goes for days and days without letting up.
Maybe all Landeryou's fake vexnews commenters were once real people that he murdered, fried and ate.
Identity theft with a cannibal twist!
Has he 'cooked' Les Twentyman who hasn't been heard from for a while? Landeryou already has the illegal Les website ready to trundle out.
I have been completely befuddled by the ETS. What is it? It's a bit like peeping at vexnews 'stories' which are often incomprehensible.
So today I tried to find out. It seems a bit like the three card trick where cards are shuffled about so quickly that you can't follow them. Actually, a better analogy is smoke and mirrors. Weird! Who thought up this gobbeldegook? It is mad. Some people will NEVER understand it...
(and when will the people in South America and Asia stop forest clearing and changing the climate?)
Current Affair has cracked KFC’s secret herbs and spices recipe!
Can't decide if Andy will be delighted or upset?
Thank God the ETS tax didn't pass the Senate (although the vacillating Libs finally passed the abominable new Alcopops excise tax). Politicians are sending my family broke with their new taxes.
ABC-TV's Q&A tonight demonstrated that most Australians don't get the ETS. No-one dared utter the words "carbon credits" which is what discredits the scheme and makes it inoperable.
As for Excise taxes like the Alcopops tax, they are indexed and keep growing. The pollies buggered my Super because they told the watchdogs to go to sleep. There are already many products my family can't afford because of the accompanying indexed taxes. That 38 cents per litre on petrol really sticks in my craw!
Still, I should be grateful that Landeryou is not Victoria's Treasurer. "One dollar for you, and thirty for me!"
So, Sol Trujillo of Telstra got a final payout of $9 Mill. Ye Gods! The guy was a complete DUD!
Patriots will be gratified to learn that Landeryou has sold Sol heaps of shares in his Halal Chicken P/L scam. Mrs Alice Idris has shown that Landeryou's Halal Chicken business is bodgie because the astounding crim has substituted pork for chook in his products.
Chrissy Pyne managed not to mention Vexnews on ABC-TV's 'Q & A' tonight, despite the vile libels endlessly heaped on him by Landeryou, who thinks Pyne is a happy boy!
Nor did Sharon Burrows who, Landeryou recently alleged on Vexnews, is usually indolently absent from her duties overseas.
'Q & A' is becomimg boring and predictable. Maybe Landeryou could be grabbed as a commenter - and us Patriots could be the questioning audience. That would be one l-o-n-g roast. I reckon the missing millions could be relocated under fierce questioning...
The Age says: Sofia Dedes, a spokeswoman for Planning Minister Justin Madden, said the Government recognised the importance of ensuring future housing needs were provided sustainably and in a way that maintained Melbourne's liveability".
Sofia Dedes; whoever she is, is a dope. Melbourne is already CHOCKERS you dumb, overpaid bureaucrat bitch!!!
There is no sustainability, no liveability -- just an enormous political f*ck-up! Melbournians don't want any more weird, unwanted 'refugees'. We're full up already, Sofia!!!
Melbourne is becoming Hell!
fat cunt would wet his pants if he went on Q&A
Landeryou would wet his pants if he knew what I have planned for him.
Thank you Future Fatwa for your kind comments.
You might be interested to know, that I have written to Andrew on the matters concerning his chicken halal substitution with pork sausage controversy, but he has yet to reply.
I have also asked him some questions about the same matters on his website, but the questions were removed. I cannot explain why.
You go girl, Mrs Idris!
Anyone know if the dodgy company mentioned below in an Age story today has any connections to Landeryou's MUSU Mafia?
CONSUMER Affairs has raided the office of a rooming house operator after allegations it collected thousands of dollars in rental bonds but failed to lodge them.
A magistrate granted a search warrant last week for a search of the Berwick office of Student Care Australia, also known as RNSS Enterprises, which operates houses for overseas students, mostly around Monash University in Clayton.
An investigation by The Age has found numerous other cases of stolen money, overcrowded accommodation, and use of free airport pick-ups and iPods to lure students into signing long, expensive leases.
Nope. No ovious connections to the former MUSU Mafia. This is a business owned by an Indian named Reuben S.
Him aside, overseas students in Melbourne are plums waiting to be plucked by the unscrupulous. They are especially vulnerable in the accomodation market.
It is Landeryou's birthday on Wednesday. The fat fraud and failure will be 39.
What must it be like to be almost 40, obese, single, childless, unloved, balding, bankrupt, unemployed and unemployable?
Landeryou must know he will never work again. He must know he is nothing but the object of derision and contempt.
The only thing he has to look forward to is the day the waiting ends, the day the police finally kick down his door and take him off to jail.
Truly, if Landeryou were a man he would have slashed his wrists long ago.
He is not. No wonder he is drunk all the time. No wonder he prefers to be known as Cait or Rita or Jenny.
I looked up the registry data for Landeryou's online identity theft site Can a cyber-savvy patriot explain what it all means?
Domain Name:
Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Status: clientDeleteProhibited, clientRenewProhibited, clientTransferProhibited, clientUpdateProhibited
Expiration Date: 2010-07-14
Creation Date: 2008-07-14
Last Update Date: 2009-07-15
I have a birthday present for Andrew. It is long, thick and throbbing. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Once we meet I will certainly keep giving it to him.
I will give Landeryou a beef injection
We all have presents for Landeryou: a ruptured bowel, a broken jaw and so on.
Food for thought over at The Punch (as opposed to the sort of food that El Gordo gets through so much of)
“Fatsploitation” is the newest entertainment buzzword and producers the Western World over are seemingly haunting the biscuit aisles of supermarkets to trawl for the overweight and insecure for our TV watching pleasure.
Why? Because, right now stuff about fat people sells really, really well, or so the TV executives reckon.
If Australian audiences are fed only half the “fatsploitation” shows being pumped out from both sides of the Atlantic we are going to be in for a very interesting ride.
Last Tuesday night in the US saw the debut of “More to Love”, a new show from the creator of “The Bachelor” that has been cunningly dubbed “The Fatchelor”. Think one lonely guy in search of love and twenty gals keen to attract his attention- plus an additional several hundred kilos.
Is this TV that pushes the envelope and offers a glorious “stuff you” to the near-anorexic broads and their muscled beefcake beaus that have long been the stuff of mainstream reality TV viewing?
Are Paul Conely and his 20 potential future brides helping challenge conventions of beauty and desirability by showing plus-size, media-hungry, lonely-hearts rather than the stock-standard popsicle stick thin, media-hungry lonely-hearts? As the review from the Washington Post put it, “Frankly, the only conspicuous difference [with The Bachelor] is that they squeezed fewer would-be Mrs.Conleys into each limo.”
From all accounts it’s as clichéd and vomit-inducing as any other version of this “love match meets televised drinking game set in a mansion” genre, replete with nauseating ring ceremonies and enough gushing emotion to induce a nose-bleed.
Hungry for more? Even if our networks don’t snap that up there’s still plenty of other shows to choose from. In recent times UK viewers have been treated to “Half Ton Mom”, “Fix My Fat Head”, “Supersize Teens: Can’t Stop Eating”, “Fat Teens in Love”, “Supersize Vs Superskinny” in which overweight and underweight contestants swap diets, and finally it’s never too young to share your weight problems with the world with “Too Fat To Toddle”, a show about overweight pre-schoolers.
Barry Austin, the UK’s fattest man is the star, natch, of “Inside Britain’s Fattest Man” and “Back Inside Britain’s Fattest Man”. Speaking about the experience in a newspaper interview Austin said, “The TV shows didn’t help me. They put me in a hotel and said eat and drink whatever you like. It was like giving a heroin addict drugs.”
In the US, the Oxygen network has screened “Mo’nNique’s F.A.T. Chance” a beauty pageant for plus-sized women who vie for the title of “Miss Fabulous and Thick”.
The debate over exactly why the “fatsploitation” market has taken off like the proverbial hotcakes is mixed. Is it because we are sick of spray-tanned, preening blonde poppets who maintain their toned bodies courtesy of a rigorous regime of laxatives and purging and that this slew of curvaceous and comparatively plump folk are a refreshing change?
Or is that when we watch people who potentially need two seats on a commercial flight we feel comparatively Kate Moss-esque as we undo that straining top button on our jeans as we reach for another handful of Pizza Shapes?
Esther Rothblum, a professor of women’s studies at San Diego State University recently told CNN, “Most people feel too fat in this country and are made to feel very unhappy with their bodies. So by portraying somebody who weighs so much more than they do, it’s almost a way to make the audience feel like ‘I could look worse’ or ‘At least I’m not them.’ “
I hear Landeryou is suspected of being the author:
Leaflets warning of African migrants ``racist scaremongering''
Edwina Scott August 14
Leaflets warning residents of an influx of Africans moving to live in their neighbourhoods have been slammed by Victoria's ethnic council as ``racist scaremongering''.
The first spate of material was detected last week on car windscreens in Mildura, in northwestern Victoria, claiming the local council had tried to ``sneak'' 30 Sudanese refugee families into their city.
The leaflet says Sudanese refugees ``will cause endless social terrorism'' and bring ``a primitive lawless tribal culture and a pack mentality'' into the community.
It also claims people of Sudanese origin are 400 to 800 per cent more likely to commit a serious crime than an Australian national and says ``many of them are infected with AIDS''.
Mildura Mayor Glenn Milne said groups of people from a broad range of backgrounds moved into the community ``all the time''.
``Mildura has a history of welcoming immigrants since it began,'' Mr Milne said.
``It's really sad and disappointing.''
Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria (ECCV) chair Sam Afra described the material - which has no clear author but includes links to anti-African and Muslim websites - as ``racist scaremongering'' of no substance.
Mr Afra said the material had diverted efforts by ECCV volunteers to help African refugee families settle into Australia.
``These kind of leaflets have put us behind,'' he told AAP.
``Australia has been built by migrants looking for opportunities.''
The ECCV has referred the matter to Victoria's Equal Opportunity Commission.
Another anonymous leaflet circulating in Frankston, 40km from Melbourne, is under police investigation after it was found in mailboxes and on car windscreens this week.
It reads: ``Do you want Frankston to become like Dandenong?''
``The levels of violence in Dandenong and Noble Park have risen sharply since the huge increase in the African population.''
It claims 386 high-rise commission flats are due to be built in the centre of the outer bayside suburb, to be ``filled with Africans''.
The leaflet lists gang rapes, machete attacks and smashed shops as crimes associated with African migration.
Frankston mayor Colin Hampton rejected the material as ``absolutely disgraceful'' and said the suburb was comprised of many races.
``It's a mix of people,'' he told AAP.
Mr Hampton said the figure of 386 units earmarked for Frankston was also wrong.
One proposal for 70 social housing units in Frankston is being examined by the Victorian government for construction by December under the federal government's job stimulus, but no plans had yet been confirmed, he said.
Victoria Police released a statement on Friday expressing disappointment at the ``ill-informed assertion'' linking the African community to an increase in violent crime in the Greater Dandenong area.
The pamphlet portrayed an inaccurate and inflammatory perception of the African community and threatens community harmony, the statement said.
``Whilst there have been occasional issues, police and community leaders have worked closely together to improve relationships and minimise conflict,'' police said.
Police will investigate the origin of the Frankston pamphlet and determine whether an offence has been committed.
Multiply the food intake 45 times and who does this remind you of....
Obese Indian girl eating herself to death
Suman Khatun, a five year-old obese Indian girl who suffers from a suspected hormonal imbalance, is so insatiably hungry she is eating herself to death, doctors fear.
In just one week, she devours over 10 kilograms of rice, 24 eggs, six litres of milk and five kilos of potatoes.
Her hunger even leads her to sneak out and pester her neighbours for food in the village of Metiala in the Indian state of West Bengal.
Earning just £6 a week, her parents have reached their wits' end with their daughter who weighs in at almost 12 stone, despite being only three and half feet tall.
"We can not feed ourselves or our other two children, let alone ourselves," says Suman's mother Belly Bibi, 33.
"When she is not fed she cries, shouts, screams and has even thrown rocks at us.
"We give her four square meals a day and two small lunches, but this is never enough.
"She is our daughter and we have no choice but to feed her."
Neighbours in the rural village also expect a daily knock on the door from Suman.
"Every day we open our doors to a smiling Suman," says Faruq Khan, who farms the next rice paddy field.
"She comes to play with our daughter, but always ends up asking for biscuits or some roti (Indian bread).
"It is no trouble at all for us, but it is difficult for her parents."
Crippled by their daughter's appetite, Suman's family has been unable to afford to travel to Calcutta for expert medical treatment.
"We have relied on the local doctor here who believes that Suman suffers from a hormonal problem," says Jalal Khan, 37, Suman's father.
"We are desperate to get her help, because we worry for Suman's health, which is not good."
Suman struggles to walk as she suffers from severe respiratory problems.
"Suman's problems were first noticed when she was three months old," says Dr P C Saha, the local doctor for Birbhum district which includes Metiala.
"I believe that it is a clear case of a malfunctioning pituitary gland.
"But without diagnostic tools I can only treat the symptoms."
Dr Saha, who is assigned to Metiala from Calcutta, which is the largest city in West Bengal, says that he has never seen a case like this in his life.
"Her parents came to me when she was young and told me that she was exhausting her mother through breast feeding and that they were supplementing this with cow's milk.
"They said that she was drinking up to 1 and a half litres of milk a day.
"She weighed seven stone when she was two years old and her weight has increased by up to 15 kilos every year.
"I have told her parents that she will die if they do not stop feeding her or seek expert medical care in Delhi or in Mumbai."
I don't know much about African crime in Australia. My son, who was a branch manager in Campbellfield, received a Nigerian scam letter, personally addressed to him, and hand-delivered to the company's mailbox. The person who delivered the letter was not seen, so logic alone suggest a nexus with Nigeria.
You can click through to a site that purports to suggest that African crime rates in Australia are high.
What part of 'Obscenely high corporate salaries' doesn't the Rudd government understand. Paying public servants million dollar salaries makes me want to spew!
Yes, I know the corporate crooks in the private sector have set a precedent for outrageous salaries. They should all be serving long prison terms for white-collar fraud! Now the Rudd government has joined the Gravy Train for people, most of whom (like Sol Trujillo) turn out to be utter failures.
Australians are being crippled by excessive government taxes. I don't want even one cent of my taxes being spent on the $2 Million dollar salary for the new chairman and CEO of Labor’s National Broadband Network. Sickening!
There is a higher paid public servant, the useless Chief of Australia Post who has just caused dhaos by raising postal rates across the board during a recession.
Lord, protect us from these verminous Fat Cats!
Shadup, I'm counting!
Forty-nine million, eight hundred thousand, four hundred and ninety two dollars... Forty-nine million, eight hundred thousand, four hundred and ninety three dollars...
I'll do the National Broadband Network top job for half the salary.
Judging by the performances of recent top-dollar public servants, my quals and public service experience place me in a winning position for most plum government jobs.
C'mon Kev, this government Gravy Train is one I wanna catch!
So many rip-offs, so many new taxes. This must be the part where my family pay back the economic stimulus packages.
We just knew it was too good to be true. I guess our repayments will be indexed too.
Since then, we've received a new Water Charge from the State Brumby Government.
That must be to fund the Landeryou stimulus package No. 2 from Stevie Newnham.
Landeryou must be a director at corrupt, criminal Channel Nine! You know, the free to air channel that sucks viewers into foolish betting scams and endless ripoffs, especially after 11 pm - the witching hour for porn!
Who can forget Quiz Mania and The Mint, grand 'phone scams that would embarrass Romanian credit card scammers.
Channel Nine advertising people are scum who need the full attention of the TV Watchdog (if it is still alive).
WTF is the CEO doing doing about all these scams and criminality?
According to The Age, ALP State Sec Stephen Newnham is buggered and on the outer.
According to Landeryou on the OC last year, Newnham approved the dirty tricks during the Kororoit by-election including Landeryou's disgraceful month-long tirade against candidate Les Twentyman.
Landeryou will be having convulsions, wondering where his next ALP welfare cheque will come from.
Premier Brumby OK'd the Kororoit dirty tricks too, the undemocratic sod!
The Brumby government is engulfed in sh*t because its Ministers are lazy and incompetent. The Premier himself is arrogant and contemptuous of ideas other than his own.
I'm enjoying a Batman movie on Channel Nine, only to have it spoiled by ads from Motor Finance Wizard. The channel also puts Cash Converters Loans ads to air. Both these companies have exceedingly fat files at Consumer Affairs Victoria because they seem to prey on desperate people down on their luck.
I keep on ringing Motor Finance Wizard to ask why they are not in jail yet. It's a reasonable question, but they keep on slamming down the 'phone. How rude. What's going on?
If shonky companies have been identified by consumer watchdogs as dodgy, why does Channel Nine keep accepting their crooked advertisements that exploit people facing disaster?
Much bigger prisons are needed to cater for all these revolting corporate crooks.
At least the Australia Medical Institute is in abeyance for the time being. They provided Channel Nine with the ludicrous 'Stiff and Stiff' Ad where two loonies, high on the AMI nasal spray, played a piano using only their dongs.
Advertising from AMI was banned by the Australian High Court in 2003 because their product simply does not work. Did that stop Channel Nine from getting their Ads aired on Channel Nine. Of course not. The advertising department at Channel Nine, by association, is as guilty of fraudulent advertising as AMI.
A really smart lawyer, if one exists, could make Channel Nine responsible for its advertisments. If Channel Nine advertises Cash Converters Loans and Motor Finance Wizard, and AMI, it should guarantee and underwrite the claims made in those adverts -- or insert a caveat from the various watchdogs. To do otherwise is organised crime.
Vexnews will expire at the end of September and Landeryou will expire within weeks of his imprisonment at Barwon Jail from rectal haemorrhaging
Vexnews will expire at the end of September and Landeryou will expire within weeks of his imprisonment at Barwon Jail from rectal haemorrhaging
I hear Landeryou is suspected of being the author:
Leaflets warning of African migrants ``racist scaremongering''
Edwina Scott August 14
Leaflets warning residents of an influx of Africans moving to live in their neighbourhoods have been slammed by Victoria's ethnic council as ``racist scaremongering''.
The first spate of material was detected last week on car windscreens in Mildura, in northwestern Victoria, claiming the local council had tried to ``sneak'' 30 Sudanese refugee families into their city.
The leaflet says Sudanese refugees ``will cause endless social terrorism'' and bring ``a primitive lawless tribal culture and a pack mentality'' into the community.
It also claims people of Sudanese origin are 400 to 800 per cent more likely to commit a serious crime than an Australian national and says ``many of them are infected with AIDS''.
Mildura Mayor Glenn Milne said groups of people from a broad range of backgrounds moved into the community ``all the time''.
``Mildura has a history of welcoming immigrants since it began,'' Mr Milne said.
``It's really sad and disappointing.''
Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria (ECCV) chair Sam Afra described the material - which has no clear author but includes links to anti-African and Muslim websites - as ``racist scaremongering'' of no substance.
Mr Afra said the material had diverted efforts by ECCV volunteers to help African refugee families settle into Australia.
``These kind of leaflets have put us behind,'' he told AAP.
``Australia has been built by migrants looking for opportunities.''
The ECCV has referred the matter to Victoria's Equal Opportunity Commission.
Another anonymous leaflet circulating in Frankston, 40km from Melbourne, is under police investigation after it was found in mailboxes and on car windscreens this week.
It reads: ``Do you want Frankston to become like Dandenong?''
``The levels of violence in Dandenong and Noble Park have risen sharply since the huge increase in the African population.''
It claims 386 high-rise commission flats are due to be built in the centre of the outer bayside suburb, to be ``filled with Africans''.
The leaflet lists gang rapes, machete attacks and smashed shops as crimes associated with African migration.
Frankston mayor Colin Hampton rejected the material as ``absolutely disgraceful'' and said the suburb was comprised of many races.
``It's a mix of people,'' he told AAP.
Mr Hampton said the figure of 386 units earmarked for Frankston was also wrong.
One proposal for 70 social housing units in Frankston is being examined by the Victorian government for construction by December under the federal government's job stimulus, but no plans had yet been confirmed, he said.
Victoria Police released a statement on Friday expressing disappointment at the ``ill-informed assertion'' linking the African community to an increase in violent crime in the Greater Dandenong area.
The pamphlet portrayed an inaccurate and inflammatory perception of the African community and threatens community harmony, the statement said.
``Whilst there have been occasional issues, police and community leaders have worked closely together to improve relationships and minimise conflict,'' police said.
Police will investigate the origin of the Frankston pamphlet and determine whether an offence has been committed.
fat cunt would wet his pants if he went on Q&A
Stephen Newmham will pay for the Poxnews domain name re-registration. He will probably give him another $50 grand in used tenners too.
The University of Queensland Liberal Club, whatever its previous reputation may have been, is now ruined by being suckered into commenting on the toxic vexnews blog. All day today, there were irrelevent, childish, smartarse comments that beggared belief. They sounded more like comments from the St Lucia Kinder.
If these are people headed for future leadership in the Liberal Party, God help us all!
Even better, Kevin, is the fact that if Poxnews ever makes a zac for El Gordo, Solly Lew will probably win it from him with an injunction.
A good crime profiler would note those many criminal associations at MUSU, and the later involvement by Landeryou's family and extended family in the extensive IQ Corp fraud. When in court these individuals all suffered from amnesia. All the company papers had simply 'disappeared'.
These days, instead of reforming himself, Landeryou conducts an occasional hate blog called vexnews, which regularly features disgraceful libels, distortions and political interference.
Landeryou is a well-known stalker. His most recent AVO was earned after his unpardonable persecution of the Les Twentyman family during the Kororoit by election last year.
Landeryou has associations with Theophanous, Conroy and Shorten, among others.
Question marks just keep multiplying, don't they?
I still say that the activities of Landeryou, Ray, Cass and others would make a GREAT MOVIE. All came from posh backgrounds, but were tainted by a fascination with fraud. The dads of several were well-known State and Federal politicians. They used stand-over tactics, intimidation, and some openly asset-stripped the Melbourne University Student Union. This wasn't going through the till at the student cafe. Millions were involved. Millions are still missing.
What a story!
HUMAN CRIME WAVE Landeryou shouldn't have a blog. There are plenty of criminals on the internet, but he is unusual because of his well known earlier major frauds, stalking, libels and electoral interference.
Vexnews, his toxic hate fest blog, still attracts Young Liberals, Unionists, and other non-savvy internet airheads.
Laderyou blocks and banns any comments that warn surfers and commenters that they are entering dangerous territory. His Vexnews malware cookie is well-known here. His former IT expert mates may well have added other spyware software so he can better monitor and thwart adverse criticism.
All Unions in Australia should alert their members to the toxicity and other dangers of the dangerous Vexnews site. When I go there, I triple check all my anti-viral, anti-spyware and other security software is working. My setting is 'Block all cookies!'
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