The Startup Australia website discusses Vexnews.
Well, its not so much a discussion, as much as it says a thousand words without saying anything at all.
Vexnews' "timeline" - blank
Vexnews' "funding" - blank.
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1 week ago
49 Truth On Comments:
The "funding" was all obtained through theft and fraud.
Perhaps Startup Australia leaves that detail blank as it was all spent on KFC, cheap yet potent fortified wine and jumbo-plus sized female attire and not invested in the website, as even the most cursory glance at Vexnews shows.
Startup Australia was vague on the Poxnews timeframe because when Landeryou picks himself up off whatever part of the floor he passed out on he never knows if it is day or night let alone what day of the week it is.
Landeryou will be "blank" after me and my hot rodding men have finished with me
Startup Australia can provide no details of the hate blog Poxnews as Fat Andy claimed "privilege".
Then he said Ronnie ate them.
Here is a further sign that the state government is distancing itself from Landeryou ahead of next year's election. I reckon they will want him behind bars before the poll.
Retired judge to consider need for hate crimes offences
Dec 9
A retired Supreme Court judge will consider whether Victoria needs specific hate crime laws.
The Victorian government has appointed former judge Geoff Eames to review existing laws to determine if they adequately deal with hate crimes.
New laws requiring judges to take motivations of hatred into account when sentencing offenders were passed in the Victorian parliament last week.
But Attorney-General Rob Hulls said there was scope to consider introducing specific offences for crimes motivated by hatred based on race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
``Crimes that are motivated by hatred for a person's race, their sexual orientation, their disability are totally abhorrent and ought be dealt with by the force of the law,'' Mr Hulls told reporters on Wednesday.
``But it's important that we have modern laws in place to deal with these matters, so that's why Geoff Eames has been asked to conduct this review and report back to the government by September of next year.''
Mr Eames will review current criminal offences and penalties and consider whether changes should be introduced to the way in which hate crimes are prosecuted and if civil remedies, like restraining orders, could be applied.
He said hate crimes were particularly insidious but it was difficult to know how prevalent the problem was in Victoria.
``In recent months there have been a number of reported instances of attacks on people, especially Indian students, which have plainly been identity assaults. So whether that is the tip of the iceberg or not is very difficult to say,'' he said.
``It's the sort of criminal behaviour which is particularly dangerous because it can spread very widely through a community and it can cause people to be cast out from free participation in society.''
Landeryou hates blacks and Asians and commits hate crimes against them on his sleazy site all the time. He hates women too.
It's amazing how many transvestites hate women.
A photo of Kim Kitchen at Whitlam's 91st Birthday. Does she like KFC too?
'Student Accounts' in 2005 reported:
BUSINESSMAN Andrew Landeryou has admitted he was behind three companies that landed lucrative deals with the failed Melbourne University Student Union, but claimed he hid his involvement because of his wife's political position and his own political ambitions.
...During several hours of evidence by Mr Landeryou, the court heard about online gaming business interests, bank accounts in Hong Kong and Cyprus, several transfers of funds from those accounts, and a denial by Mr Landeryou that he forged the signature of his brother-in-law Mathew Mason.
...Mr Landeryou said he authorised the transfer of $1.2 million from Australia to a bank account in Hong Kong in 2003, and for $885,000 of that money to be transferred later to the Cyprus bank account of one of his companies, Avonwood. The funds represented the windfall proceeds when one of his companies sold a lease for a bar inside the student union building. Mr Landeryou owned 50 per cent of a company called Marbain which, in late 2002, secured the bar lease from MUSU for nothing.
There is a great movie or TV series about these pampered students who mercilessly scammed their Uni, fellow students, and anyone with a buck.
TALES continue to trickle in about the fabulous filly-fest that was the spring racing carnival. Baby-faced Drake exec Kimberley Kitching was asked for ID in the members' (she gets younger and more exuberant by the day after dumping blogging bozo Andy Landeryou).
The Age in 2005 reported: "So how is former Melbourne City councillor Kimberley Kitching, bankrupted and levered from her Parkville palace by Solly Lew's merry men in their hunt for the $3 million allegedly lent to her estranged hubby Andrew Landeryou, the Debt Man Walking? Going great guns, by all appearances, in her new role as consultant to the giant Drake organisation. She roped together a dinner party for the Drake-sponsored Oklahoma! at the State Theatre last month. That was where Production Company chief Jeanne Pratt commented that the chirpy KK looked "golden with grief".
You'd be happy too if you had got rid of 405 kilos of ugly FAT (Andrew).
DIARY'S heart skipped a beat upon hearing internet loony Andy Landeryou and estranged wife Kimberley Kitching may have rekindled their epic romance after several sightings of her scurrying from his Southbank apartment in the morning. Alas, it isn't so. Kimbo begrudgingly pays Andy a visit to drop off pooch Ronnie when she ventures interstate for her Drake job in government and corporate relations. Plus, she'd rather have the dog. Andy can stay in the doghouse.
Does making chicken halal sausages, substituted with pork meat, count as a failed start up business?
I am busily writing my memoirs. They will include when Andrew forced me to chew up the IQ Corp company papers, his attempted murder of moi using his industrial fryer at his Southbank luxury apartment,
There are three chapters about Andy's weird sexuality. Don't forget I witnessed many of these disgusting episodes of Onanism myself. During his marriage, Kim used more than 3000 aspirins for her frequent migraines and headaches. I don't think Andy got a look in!
I listened in on lots of whispered conversation between Andy and Theo about Cyprus bank accounts. Andy's old Uni friends were a wacky bunch who loudly boasted about past scams. I couldn't follow all that. A few well-known politicians 'phone occasionally, but the calls are usualy short when Andy demands funds.
Sergeant Sasha is a new friend who drives Andy around and runs errands for him. Sasha was a former military hero who served with much distinction as an admin clerk.
I'm just hoping that, after chomping the IQ Corp papers, I am not charged with being an accessory after the fact.
Increasing media hysteria about climate change is like the TV advert for the ANZ bank in which the orchestra plays faster and faster. It's all a bit mad.
Maybe, to escape this obsessive climate change fixation, we will be forced to get our news from Vexnews - where this subject has never been raised or mentioned, and never will be! Landeryou thinks global warming occurs when Ronnie curls up on his feet at bedtime.
Do we really need people like this in Australia today?
I'd hate to be living next door to 'Captain Dragan'. Unfortunately, there are lots of war criminals in Australia like him.
Has this country become a hiding place for vermin including German war crims from WWII?
I just took a look at that photo of Dimberley Ditching. I remain more firmly convinced than ever that Dimberley was really a man dressed as a woman. What a phenomenally ugly couple he/she and the incontinent and obese Andrew Landeryou must have made!
Kimberley is certainly a good actor. She was very lucky to escape serious issues with the law with her "I'm just the poor little wifey" act when the fat fraudster Landeryou fled overseas.
If Kimberley was a dumb as she pretended to be over he ex-husband's criminality, she would work as a cleaner rather than in a series of high-flying roles.
Sol Lew let her off the hook.
There is a particularly revolting criminal libel on Vexnews today. There is a stolen image of a teenage couple with dreadlocks - and the heading underneath reads "THIEVING GREENS: Study shows Green-product enthusiasts more likely to cheat and steal". The imputations are very clear.
Oh, and Stephen Mayne is getting a bollocking too. What a suprise.
Yawn. Snore.
The Age reports: "JUST three months ago, the Westpac Bank boss, Gail Kelly, was named the world's 18th most powerful woman by the influential Forbes magazine - outranking US first lady Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, talk show queen Oprah Winfrey and even real royalty, her majesty the Queen".
The corporate parasite, human leech and airhead gets a $10 million salary - and this week her her annual cash bonus of $2.6 million. How freakin OBSCENE!
Even Rita Randles, Landeryou's dead fake commenter, could do better and wouldn't cost a dime...
"CHARGES have been laid against a gang of [European] pensioners who kidnapped and tortured their financial adviser when their fortunes dipped due to the global crisis". (Age)
Maybe IQ Corp's Channel Islands sharholders, and MUSU should take note and biff the crap outa the fat, fraudulent fiend!
The corporate watchdogs do nothing because they all earn grossly inflated salaries too.
Nowadays, white collar crime in the boardroom really pays off big time!
I see potential for a whole new range of meat substitution scandals involving Andrew Landeryou. Do you, Mrs Alice Idris?
Australia's ban on xenotransplantation to lapse Transplants
By Danny Rose, Medical Writer
SYDNEY, Dec 10 AAP - Australian scientists can soon resume their research into the controversial field of animal to human transplants, because the nation's five-year moratorium will be allowed to lapse.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) announced on Thursday that it would not extend the xenotransplantation research ban, which was due to expire at the year's end.
``After careful consideration, the council is of the view that, although there is a wide range of community views on the topic, xenotransplantation research was acceptable in Australia when there are robust regulations in place,'' NHMRC chair Professor Michael Good said.
The moratorium was introduced in 2004 based on concerns that research in the area could prompt animal viruses - particularly pig endogenous retrovirus - to jump the species gap into humans.
Prof Good said the NHMRC had taken into account developments in science and technology since then, in particular evidence relating to the risks of transmission of animal viruses.
Research would be allowed to resume in Australia once new guidelines for researchers and ethics committees involved in animal-to-human studies were put in place, he said.
A man from Melbourne transplanted the mind of a pig into a human body, and not just any pig but one of the pigs from Animal Farm. His name was Big Bent Bill Landeryou. He put the pig mind into the body of his son, Andrew.
Judging by their weak performances, the millionaire CEOs could easily be replaced by trained chimpanzees.
Now that the stock market and other financial mechanisms are completely unpredictable, Chimps could make decisions that might be profitable - and, of course only require a daily feed of BANANAS. Inevitably, some Chimp CEOs would demand banana bonuses, but that's monkey business!
I wrote the tongue-in-cheek banana smoothie and banana shortages guff produced by Westpac.
The Westpac Execs could write all they know about home loan pain on the back of a postage stamp.
I also moonlight writing blogs for Nexnews.
Landeryou isn't clever enough to be a corporate chimp CEO.
A corporate chump, maybe. But there are millions of them.
Vexnews has next to nix news.
It's nice to see that Victoria's draconian road laws are biting the pollies back. Andrew Olexander and Carolyn Hirsh got done for drink driving. But for some unknown reason, Vexnews is defending latest casualty Adem Somyurek who drove while disqualified. Vexnews says Somyurek "messed up his paperwork on his drivers’ licence and as a result unwittingly drove without a licence for some time until he was pulled over by Victoria Police".
Messed up his paperwork! Oh, come on! And, Andy, he was busy chatting on his mobile while driving too!
Landeryou messed up his paperwork at MUSU and IQ Corp. And he is still free as well.
Had Hirsh been driving in the USA, she would not have reached .08 which most U.S. States apply. Victoria's .05 is probably unrealistic. Dunno, but maybe we need .08 too?
Landeryou's mad lonely crusade against the Victorian Ombudsman, defamatory and misleading as it may be, continues. His understanding of the powers of the Ombudsman is terribly shallow.
Vexnews claims that the Ombudsman's Brimbank report has been thrown out as baseless. Landeryou's evidence for this is a letter from the Chief Municipal Inspector which simply states there is insufficient evidence to support a breach of the Act in relation to recommendation 3. Landeryou has blocked out the whistle-blowing addressee of the letter, but it is likely to have been Theo. If it was Theo, this is the second time recently he has benefitted from insufficient evidence.
Landeryou rants about "Brouwer’s malevolence and lack of accountability" and his "scandalous misconduct". These are extremely serious allegations, not backed up--as usual--by any evidence whatsoever.
Landeryou is sailing into dangerous, deep waters where sharks much bigger than him lurk. I encourage him to persist with his mad crusade on behalf of the disgusting, undemocratic disease at Brimbank that the Ombudsman wisely exposed. The Council and the ALP heavies that interferred there should be drenched with Dettol and courses in the benefits of democracy.
The ALP has been taken over by nasty right-wing looneys who love selling off public assets, buggering unions and cravenly ass-kissing the top end of town. They eschew the roots of the ALP.
Landeryou represents a tiny maverick, extreme right-wing element that has taken all this a big step further. Robbing the poor via casinos and online gambling is OK, playing dirty tricks on electors (the disgraceful Kororoit campaign last year), and stalking and maligning candidates is what he does best.
What an Asshole!
Hundreds of people, probably including the Ombudsman by now, Stephen Mayne, Les Twentyman, Phil Cleary, Dean Mighell, etc., etc., are hoping he will get his just deserts sooner rather than later.
Somyurek, the naughty disqualified driver and mobile 'phone chatter while driving, sits next to Theo Theophannous in the Council (as I saw on TV news last night). Does he have a possible defence sitting next to a person against whom so many question marks exist? Could it all have rubbed off? No, he can't blame Theo. Just cop it sweet Adem, like the rest of us poor f*ckers have to, And thanks for all your ludicrous road laws!
Landy hates the Ombudsman as he grew up with sleaze, nepotism and corruption.
We now know what Landeryou is planning to style himself as...
'Fake witch' to face court on Christmas Eve
Posted 2 hours 58 minutes ago
A Canadian woman is to appear in court on Christmas Eve for posing as a witch in order to defraud a grieving Toronto lawyer, in a case that invokes a century-old law, police said.
Vishwantee Persaud was charged under a rarely used section of Canada's criminal code for allegedly pretending to practice witchcraft to convince a man that she was the embodied spirit of his deceased sister.
She did so, police say, in order to defraud him of tens of thousands of dollars.
"Witchcraft is how she got her hooks into him to commit a larger series of frauds against him," said Detective Constable Corey Jones, who investigated the case.
"She claimed to have come from a long line of witches and could read tarot cards, then told him his deceased sister's spirit had returned and inhabited a feminine form close to him - intimating it was her - and that she was going to guide him to financial prosperity and business success."
This allowed her to befriend the victim and become involved in his business dealings, setting the stage for the fraud that was to follow, including fictitious expenses for law school tuition and cancer treatments.
The ruse fell apart after the last in a year-long series of business schemes failed in September.
"Like coming out of a hangover, the victim finally realised something was wrong and contacted police," Detective Jones said.
The bogus witching law was enacted in 1892 when witchcraft was no longer a punishable offence in Canada, but fears persisted that it could be used as a cover for fraud.
It makes it illegal for anyone to fraudulently pretend to exercise witchcraft or sorcery or enchantment.
Detective Jones conceded the law is "obscure... but it's still on the books" and it captures what he believes transpired, "preying on a man's sensitivities" to commit an "absurd" fraud.
"The law is not directed at witches, but rather at using the pretence of witchcraft to separate someone from their money," he said.
If convicted, Persaud faces up to six months in jail and a possible fine of 2,000 Canadian dollars ($2,075) for sham witchcraft. She also faces two fraud charges, which carry much heftier penalties.
kevin Rudd seems to have taken lessons from Landeryou about acountability and truth and deniability. His comments about the Howard stripper are classic.
Own up to your hardon kevin!!!
Anna, you will find, if not recall that Landeryou used to sign off his rants with "Hard on".
Useless arse-wipe and tiresome blog bore Landeyou is already putting together his 2010 New Year's Resolutions. I spied his list while he was in another stupor tonight. Here is his list:
1. Steal 1500 copyright images.
2. Invent 30 new fake commenters.
3. Disrupt union activities.
4. Attack the Ombudsman.
5. Defend crooked mates like Theo.
6. Stalk people I don't like.
7. Attack the Ombudsman and staff.
8. Indulge in dirty electoral tricks.
9. Make up looney blogs on Vexnews.
10. Interfere in bye-elections.
Plus subscribe to plethora of transvestite mags and concoct Halal food products that will offend our new Muslim chums.
Vexnews this year again missed out on the prestigeous Walkely Award. But I want to give Landeryou an award of some sort. This is it:
Vexnews's 'Suleyman Cleared' blog and its comments are defamatory to the Ombudsman. A close reading of the comments show that Landeryou has been very busy as a fake commenter. Even Rob Hulls, a frequent Landeryou target, scores several big hits.
But Landeryou has gone well over the top this time. He says on this blog that the Ombudsman should be whacked. His actual words, which you can check on Vexnews, are "It’s time that head was lopped".
For Christ's sake, Landeryou, seek urgent psychiatric assistance. Help is available.
Making death threats to the Ombudsman will land you in mountains of trouble. You deserve to be in trouble because you are a malicious twat. The Brumby government can't keep protecting you as you madness reaches its penultimate stage.
Vexnews's 'Suleyman Cleared' blog and its comments are defamatory to the Ombudsman. A close reading of the comments show that Landeryou has been very busy as a fake commenter. Even Rob Hulls, a frequent Landeryou target, scores several big hits.
But Landeryou has gone well over the top this time. He says on this blog that the Ombudsman should be whacked. His actual words, which you can check on Vexnews, are "It’s time that head was lopped".
For Christ's sake, Landeryou, seek urgent psychiatric assistance. Help is available.
Making death threats to the Ombudsman will land you in mountains of trouble. You deserve to be in trouble because you are a malicious twat. The Brumby government can't keep protecting you as you madness reaches its penultimate stage.
The Age reports: "JUST three months ago, the Westpac Bank boss, Gail Kelly, was named the world's 18th most powerful woman by the influential Forbes magazine - outranking US first lady Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, talk show queen Oprah Winfrey and even real royalty, her majesty the Queen".
The corporate parasite, human leech and airhead gets a $10 million salary - and this week her her annual cash bonus of $2.6 million. How freakin OBSCENE!
Even Rita Randles, Landeryou's dead fake commenter, could do better and wouldn't cost a dime...
TALES continue to trickle in about the fabulous filly-fest that was the spring racing carnival. Baby-faced Drake exec Kimberley Kitching was asked for ID in the members' (she gets younger and more exuberant by the day after dumping blogging bozo Andy Landeryou).
She initiated the area grocery-bag-crocheting group the 2009 March, meeting twice each month at the downtown.
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