Andrew Landeryou has begun issuing press releases; of all things!
Very strange, given that Andy has nothing to say!
What is also interesting is the question: has 'homeless' Andy advised the Electoral Commission of his new address? His new address doesn't appear on his blog!
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
1 week ago
6 Truth On Comments:
Slanderyou concerns itself too much with trivia. Like media releases on topics that are not of great concern to Slanderyou readers. Slanderyou should be concentrating on some of the underperforming Ministers in the Bracks government. Like Transport Minister Kosky, who doesn't know whether trains run on time or not. On 774 her statistics were inaccurate and do not present anything other than a glossy report only gullible partisan ALP voters could accept. Slanderyou readers know how bad the train network is. Don't put up with Labor Ministers who can't run their portfolios. Vote Liberal. Read our media release:
Author : Terry Mulder MLA
This morning on radio's Melbourne 774, Minister for Public Transport Lynne Kosky got it wrong again about the timekeeping performance of Melbourne's suburban trains.
Despite Labor's suburban trains failing to meet timekeeping targets in January, February, March and May 2007, Minister Kosky claimed that 'punctuality is about 92 to 93 per cent.'
"If this was true, Connex would not have to be paying compensation to commuters, because its monthly system-wide punctuality target is for no more than eight per cent of trains to run six minutes or more late", Shadow Minister for Public Transport, Terry Mulder, said today.
"The timekeeping on some train lines is abysmal, month after month.
"In May 2007, 23.7 per cent of Pakenham line trains were at least six minutes late, 18.2 per cent on the Cranbourne line, 16.9 per cent on the Frankston line, 10 per cent on the Watergardens and Hurstbridge lines and 9.5 per cent on the Sandringham line.
"The late running is worse during weekday peak periods."
Mr Mulder said that on a system-wide basis, 9.4 per cent of Melbourne' trains were at least six minutes late in May 2007, 9.5 per cent in March 2007, 9.3 per cent in February 2007 and 9.4 per cent in January 2007.
"Minister Kosky's solution will be to give the trains even slower timetables later this year, instead of insisting that an 'on-time culture' is the key to our public transport operators' performance.
"Minister Kosky does not want to receive emailed complaints about public transport, but she should admit that Melbourne's trains constantly run late on many key lines, even with a six minute allowance before a trip is counted as officially late.
"Melbourne's rail commuters are paying more, getting less and travelling more slowly", Mr Mulder said.
Contact: Terry Mulder 0408 377 316/ 9651 8394
I was just about to press the send button and what should come up but a Liberal Party media release. I think it a bit suspicious the way the Libs keep putting their material on way out blogs. Will have to get Diane Anderson to complain to her Congressman. More seriously I'm very upset the way the student unionists waste our money. Taxpayer money and not money from voluntary student union payments. I'm very angry at the money grabbing by the Leftista student unionists, who spend money like it grows on tress. I read about this on the Landeryou blog. Where else? First with the latest from the great Walkley blog award inaugural winner. That's Andy. Who else would expose the National Union of Students as being on the very verge of collapse? Now read his brilliant comments about our disgusting student unionists:
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
AHEM: Student Leftist Reveals True Colours Red
The Socialist Left operative Zoe Edwards may have escaped takedown due to the OC's embarrassing abundance of compassion, but she has not entirely escaped scrutiny.
One observer keenly observed that she said while defending the payment of a huge affiliation fee in the tens of thousands of dollars that "NUS isn't about what students get out of it."
Which does make us wonder what it is meant to be about.
Some of her growing number of critics point to a potential conflict of interests involving her position as Victorian state president of NUS making it inappropriate for her to railroad funding through to an organisation that appears on the brink of collapse.
Game on.
Great work Cait. I much prefer to read from you than those Libs who get it wrong half the time. Not quite as bad as Carbone and Money but they are gossip writers and you expect it from them. You don't expect it from a reputable political party that has in the past had such leaders as Sir Henry Bolte and Sir Robert Menzies. True statesmen. The present Liberal Party is not my preferred web interest. I much prefer Andy and also Cait. Keep up the great work Cait.
Andy must be so lonely in the early morning hours.
very lonely
trying to divert attention by mulitple postings under split personalites
the "anonymous" liberal party poster at 3.33 reckons that Slanderyou should be concentrating on the bracks government
Slanderyou exists to expose Andy - why should his readers be interested in reading posts from Catter8, Cait Catt, and "anonymous" liberal party posters
I have to laugh at the absolute nerve of Andrew Landeryou (and his pseudo friends Cait Catt, Catter8 etc who exist only in Andrew'sd sad little mind). Andrew, you looted the Melbourne University Student Union by corrupt actions stealing over A$1 million and swinging into a Hong Kong bank account, then on to Cyprus. You had the Union enter into fraudulent arangements designed only to benefit yourself. You sent the Union bankrupt by having your friends enter into uncosted and insane real estate dealings set up to benefit yourself. You then have the nerve to slam student unions for waste. You are not just a crook, but a very thick skinned odious hypocrite!
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