Andrew Landeryou can't quite keep out of the news; well, almost!
Darren Ray's (Andy's colleague from MUSU days) company Victorian Student Housing has been ordered by VCAT to pay $6700 to landlords, because clients of his rental services company left a Hawthorn house in a "disgustingly dirty" state.
No link to the Melbourne Times (which is running the story hard) was available.
The Victorian Student Housing website is here.
Ray was also the author of More on here.
Also read about another of Andy's friends here.
We are very sure you won't read about this on Andy Landy's blog.
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1 week ago
154 Truth On Comments:
Of course, this is not Andy's only link with international student housing. The slumlord himself sent Melbourne University Student Union bankrupt and into liquidation with ill-conceived and corrupt deals related to international student housing. His stooge company, Optima Property Development group, signed a contract with MUSU, a deal so unfavorable and risky to MUSU that the University was forced to liquidate the Union. Andy is a scab and a crook!
Union wrecker. Poison to everyhing he touches. A nasty piece of work.
Slanderyou needs to concentrate on serious subjects, like the failure of the Bracksward government to adequately fund Victoria'a hospitals. Vote Liberal. Read our latest media release about the parlous state of the Williamstown Hospital:
Author : Helen Shardey MLA
Premier Steve Bracks yesterday in Parliament refused to commit to the continued operation of the Gynecology Unit at the Williamstown Hospital, according to Shadow Health Minister for Helen Shardey.
In response to a question from Ms Shardey, Premier Bracks failed to support the continued provision of gynecology services at Williamstown Hospital. It's a message consistent with that being delivered to the gynecologists themselves.
Gynecologists providing services to the Williamstown Hospital have already been told their Unit will be closed in three months. They estimate that the unit presently treats approximately a thousand cases each year.
The decline in services at Williamstown Hospital is a direct outcome of the financial crisis facing the Western Health Network. It is claimed that Western Health needs to find savings of around $15 million in the next financial year - this translates to a cut of some 2000 elective surgery procedures.
Other areas already cut at Williamstown include obstetrics, pediatrics, ear, nose and throat, stroke, heart and asthma services.
Health Minister Bronwyn Pike is on the record three years ago saying that maternity services would be restored, but this has not happened. She has also said there would be an increased focus on health services for older women - clearly contradictory given the pending closure of the Gynecology Unit.
There is a fear that the Williamstown Hospital is being closed by stealth, Ms Shardey said.
"If a hospital cannot provide emergency and inpatient services to children, pregnant women, women in need of gynecological services and older people suffering stroke, heart conditions and severe asthma, it is not likely that such a hospital will be able to continue as a facility providing medical and surgical services to the community."
This is a view shared by Williamstown Hospital gynecologist, Dr Russell Soppitt. According to Dr Soppitt the reduction in funding to Williamstown Hospital has caused such a drastic decline in services that its like "death by a thousand cuts".
Dr Soppit made the further observation that after the retirement of the senior medical physician at the hospital, a geriatrician was appointed in his place. This has led hospital staff to believe that the future of Williamstown Hospital is under a cloud, and that the hospital is more likely to become an aged, geriatric and palliative care facility than continue as a hospital offering medical and surgical services to the Williamstown and broader community.
"Bronwyn Pike as Minister for Health has failed to fund Western Health in a sustainable way to ensure the continuation of services at Williamstown Hospital. Her failure to properly run the Victorian health system grows daily and Victorians are tiring of her lack of capacity," said Ms Shardey.
Media enquiries: Helen Shardey 0438 459 985
Below is the list of 2006 Walkley Award winners. Where is the reference to the blog award won by Cait Catt? Is there a conspiracy to delete reference to the award?
2006 Walkley Award Winners
Liz Jackson, Lin Buckfield & Peter Cronau, Four Corners, ABC TV, “Stoking the Fires”
Michelle Grattan, political editor, The Age, and political commentator, ABC Radio National, Breakfast
Colleen Egan, investigative journalist, The Sunday Times
Kate Geraghty, The Sydney Morning Herald, “Lebanon”
Neil Chenoweth, Allen & Unwin, “Packer’s Lunch”
Michael Beach and Viva Goldner, Daily Telegraph , “Marcus Einfeld”
Warwick McFadyen, The Age, “Heads and Tales”
Jack Marx, Fairfax, “I was Russell Crowe’s Stooge”.
Chloe Hooper, The Monthly, “The Tall Man”
Alan Moir, The Sydney Morning Herald, “There’s a Cartoonist on the Bus”
Karl Hilzinger, The Australian Financial Review, “DVD Piracy”
Craig Greenhill, The Daily Telegraph, “Cronulla Race Riots – Train Bashing”
Angela Wylie, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, “A Windy Oaks Day”
Phil Hillyard , News Limited, “Giving Your Best”
Kate Geraghty, The Sydney Morning Herald, “Lebanon”
Tim Palmer, ABC Radio, “Bali Suicide Bombings”
David Hardaker, ABC Radio, “The Israeli Wars”
Antony Funnell, Background Briefing, ABC Radio “Financial Abuse of the Elderly”
Robert Penfold, National Nine News, Nine Network, “Hurricane Katrina”
Stephen Dupont and Jacques Menasche, Foreign Correspondent, ABC TV, “Brothers of Kabul”
Neil Harms and Dave Ollier, World News, SBS, “East Timor Crisis”
Olivia Rousset, Dateline, SBS TV, “Abu Ghraib”
Matthew Absalom-Wong, Darren Connell, Paul McGeough and Kimberley Porteous, The Sydney Morning Herald, “The Iraq DVDs and the War of Ideas”
Anthony Radford, Bendigo Weekly, “Every Drop Counts”
Mark Simkin, ABC News, ABC TV, “Hurricane Katrina”
Liz Jackson, Lin Buckfield and Peter Cronau, Four Corners, ABC TV, “Stoking the Fires”
Morgan Mellish, The Australian Financial Review, “The Robert Gerard Tax Scandal”
Caroline Overington The Australian and The Weekend Australian, “AWB Kickback Scandal”
Nicolas Rothwell and Ashleigh Wilson, The Australian, “Aboriginal Art”
Ben Cheshire, Jessica Daly and Kristine Taylor, Australian Story, “One Perfect Day”
Danny Weidler, National Nine News, “Russell’s Rabbits”
Steve Pennells, The West Australian, “Halls Creek Crisis”
Paul McGeough, The Sydney Morning Herald, “Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran”
Steve Cannane, Hack, Triple J, “Petrol Sniffing, Pill Testing and the Cost of War”
For further information about the Walkley Awards please contact The Walkley Foundation
I'm getting confused. In my last post I referred to the Walkely Blog Award won by Cait Catt. I meant to saw the Cait Catt references to the award won by Andrew Landeryou.
Another great piece of investigative journalism Slanderyou.
I'd nominate you for a Walkley bog award, but of course there is no such thing.
You are right Slanderyou
Andy has still to paost anything on this story!
Surprise, surprise
Seems Andy-Cait-Catter8-Delia has run out of materials as a multiple personality poster to rehash Liberal Party media releases as a spoiler.
Andy-Cait-Catter8-Delia's conversation to the dark side is almost complete and the conservatives are most welcome to have him.
Wrong Anon 3:24pm,
Landeryou's the one posting the Liberal Party press releases. Again he tries to sidetrack the comments focus.
Nice work Slanderyou, on both this post and the previous. A few facts in a short post tend leave more of an impression than the acres of blogspace Landeryou fills up with hollow diatribes.
The Dark Rider
TWO former presidents of the failed Melbourne University Student Union have been accused of ripping off international students, threatening future visa applications and claiming debt collectors would chase them back in India.
Benjamin Cass and Darren Ray, along with others, are also subject to a separate $5 million Supreme Court civil suit after the liquidation of Melbourne University Student Union in 2003. They intend to fight the claim.
The student union went into administration after an inquiry into its management and a $40 million subleasing deal for student accommodation.
A website for Victoria Student Housing (VSH), which is operated by Mr Ray and is soon to be merged with Mr Cass' company Student Services International (Australasia), claims to have an "enormous client base throughout Melbourne and regional Victoria", and to provide "low-cost rooms" to international students. The website also says the business is supported by Austrade, which is denied by Austrade.
Students claim, and documents show, that intimidatory tactics were used against them over visas, credit rating and debt collectors who sublease properties from VSH. Mr Ray denies the claims, and says VSH complies with the Residential Tenancy Act.
The tenants say they intend to apply to break their lease through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Meanwhile, Consumer Affairs Victoria has urged them and the Tenants Union of Victoria to come forward with the alleged breaches.
Through VSH, Mr Cass and Mr Ray hold leases to nine houses, which are subleased to Indian students for $38 to $75 a week.
Tenants Union of Victoria spokesman David Imber said the advisory service had studied leases and tenancy agreements held by one group of three students and believed there were several breaches.
Mr Imber said the tenants had not received entitlements such as condition reports, and Consumer Affairs Victoria tenants rights and responsibilities booklets. He said there were also invalid tenancy terms, false and misleading information and bond lodgement irregularities.
Mr Ray denied there were invalid terms in the tenancy and argued that students had more rights under VSH conditions.
In regard to the alleged visa threats, Immigration Department spokesman Sandi Logan said civil agreements between two private parties had "no bearing" on a person's ability to meet character requirements in visa applications.
Three friends, all students from India, have told The Sunday Age they are angry that they signed a contract for a house, sight unseen, based on a floorplan that was not for the house they rented. In an emailed response, Mr Ray admitted the wrong floorplan was sent in error, although he denies all the other claims.
The tenants, Ankur Bhateja, Mohit Pachauri and Rajnish Jethi, all masters of accounting students at Deakin University, say they had been living in a backpacker hostel and signed up for the Brunswick house without an inspection because they were desperate to find a place to live during their final exams.
Mr Ray confirmed this. He said a condition report was sent via regular mail, and the tenants rights book left on a kitchen bench. He also denied there were invalid terms in the tenancy and argued instead that students were allowed more rights under VSH conditions. Mr Cass made no comment on the allegations.
SLEAZY STEVE article posted on Landeryou site is a disgrace.
Landeryou refuses to post similar articles about his mates on the Right.
Suggest we start here.
Who has the goss?
Well, lead the way then anon 8:32. Funnily enough, that was what the first incarnation of slanderyou did. Quite effectively.
However, I would imagine the ALP hierachy couldn't have been too happy about the dirty laundry being aired. And Eric Locke did cut and run as soon as his name was revealed.
All that tells me is, like the mainstream media, all you're likely to get is agenda driven, innocuous trivia on this blog and Landeryou's. While Slanderyou doesn't appear to censor the comments content, few posters have any really juicy info to contribute.
The Dark Rider
The inaugural Walkley Blog Award winning Landeryou blog is first with the latest news again. About Diane Anderson and Margot Carroll, two Higgins ladies who were honoured by a reference to them by both Barbara Norman, ALP candidate for Higgins, and Peter Costello, federal Treasurer, incumbent member, and a great fan of Diane.
Read all about the dynamic duo below:
HIGGINS HANDICAP: Tell 'Em They're Dreamin'
Higgins ALP socialistas Diane Anderson and Margot Carroll, the ALP's own "Kath 'n' Kim" have been honoured through an acknowledgement of their vital role by the ALP's federal candidate Barbara Norman.
The candidate was pole-axed as being a snob for the reference by those who think the ABC's inner-suburban attacks on those outside the Latte Curtain are sniggeringly good for a chuckle. Peter Costello, the grateful Liberal incbumbent, has condemned the stereotyping.
Laugh at them and their obsessions are you've probably already been labelled a racist or homophobe or whatever. They throw these epithets around like confetti til they have no meaning left.
Comrade Norman denies being snobby about the parts of Higgins that allegedly are similar to outer suburbs. And she probably didn't mean it that way but that's because she's been seduced by the dominant ABC latte lefty paradigm. They look down their noses at the excluded, those who'll never get an Australia Council grant or get to wear black and rub aginst Virginia Trioli at cocktails. They mock those who dared vote "No" to Malcolm Turnbull's republic.
And of course leftard Labor's Diane Anderson and Margot Carroll have little in common with Kath and Kim other than bitchy dialogue. If it were technically possible to broadcast their nasty exchanges, with Tourette's style profanity edited out, they would clearly be pay per view.
Diane Anderson is often referred to as the Queen of Higgins. I heard she was expelled for heresy from the Unitarian Church. Why don't we hear more about Diane on Slanderyou?
Dark Rider?? "innocuous trivia on this blog"
are you sure?
where else, for eg, would you have heard this story about Landeryou's mate?
get real
The fact of the matter is that none of these gusy - landeryou, ray, cass etc could keep their stunted hands of students - it was probably the only time they felt important and can't keep their hands ou of the cookie jar.
They all need to grow up and get real jobs and lives. How can Landeryou possibly talk about other people - he seems to have never worked in a job, or run a real business, or had kids or had a real relationship (in his own words) that I can work out.
he simply exists to try to vanquish the ghosts of his (and his fathers) past. His father at least had the guts to stand up for what he believed in and face the people in real life. Andrew is perhaps his Dorian Grey.
Seriously who thinks they can live in a cave (or attic) banging on (and stalking) his enemies and think that it is a life at all - let alone a healthy one.
I'm sure he feels brave and angry!
The fact that anyone reads his stuff is more a testament to their own vouyerism and it does no-one an service - let alone Andrew.
I hope one day he posts a list of his readers so we can see exactly who they are - it will say as much about them as it does about him.
Andrew is a very sad figure, and if anyone really knows him they shoudl help him out of this rather than into it.
t's so baby bearish that Andy Pandy is asking himself whether you can have true sexual consent if a woman's future economic security is at stake
me thinks he understands the question more than he is letting on
dont worry though all will come out in the end
Anon 12:17:00, I would have read about it in the Melbourne Times, which is where Slanderyou indicated the article was posted.
And having now tracked it down, it is a bit innocuous. The Melbourne Times' idea of 'running hard' with a story can't be a 7 para article on page 8 of the news section, when the Melbourne Council parks bunfight gets no less than three articles, all ahead of the VCAT story. But it is interesting info.
You are right in that I wouldn't have known to look for the story without this blog, but as I've already indicated, this is one of the better efforts.
It's not like Slanderyou has the resources (or time) to properly investigate Landeryou's current activities, such as where he is currently living, or what he is currently doing work wise. Or the connections to debunk or dissect the motivation behind why he writes what he writes, giving us an insight into how the ALP functions (which was one of the original slanderyou's strengths).
Nothing wrong with that, I just think maybe you should 'get real'. And stop carrying on like this is genuinely making a difference. All it really is is lightweight entertainment for a small group of people, Landeryou (and myself)included.
The Dark Rider
Actually, while I think of it, why did Ben Cass pull down the makemcveighpay website? And nothing more has been said about his company, Student Services International, 'merging' with VSH.
Never mind Student Services International is a remarkably similar name to a legitimate organisation that provides accommodations for overseas uni students studying in Australia, much like VSH is trying to do.
An interesting pattern with all the trademarks of a Landeryou con. I wonder if anyone has any updates on his movements?
The Dark Rider
I think that much of the commentary on Slanderyou is firmly tongue in cheek. And for that i think it has merit.
It should certianly be taken far more seriously, especially when compared to Landeryou's gimmicky blog.
Rather than criticisn Slanderyou, whe should get behind him/her/them, and support them.
I agree with Dark Rider, they probably don;t have access to the large reserves than Landeryou has.
Dark Rider,
What would you like to know?
Benjamin Cass
The only large reserves Landeryou has are time, hatred and petty jealousies. The rest of us have work, studies and social lives to occupy our time.
What happened to ssi?
Ok Benjamin.
Why exactly was Make McVeigh Pay pulled down. It was very sudden, a complete contradiction to your supposed 'crusade' to bring McVeigh to 'justice'.
SSI. That was supposedly being merged with VSH. However, there is no mention of it on the VSH site at all. In fact, there is nothing indicating that former entity of yours is now part of VSH at all.
Thirdly, what are you doing with yourself these days?
Given your Landeryou-esque behaviour on the McVeigh site, I'm curious where you've landed. And if you're still involved with Darren Ray, who apparently has all manner of troubles at the moment if scuttlebutt is to be believed.
The Dark Rider
*who figures he'll take a punt on the anon. actually being Cass*
Dark Rider,
Thank you for your questions.
1) The website makemcveighpay was pulled down as part of settlement with Dean McVeigh to drop all proceedings in the Magistrates Court (stalking allegation that never went to trial) and of course the famous civil suit that never even got to Discovery. I was in absolutely no doubt that I would win both proceedings but you will appreciate they took a large portion of my time over the past 3 years and both matters would have taken an additional year or two. That time could have been better used in my other endeavours. Post the Supreme Court decision about the website and whispers of ASIC and the Auditor General taking action against the University of Melbourne (for breaches of the Tertiary Education Amendment Act having provided funds to the Union/Liquidator taht were not of direct interest to students under the set criteria) and Dean McVeigh, McVeigh was keen to wrap up the proceedings and to state the obvious it suited me to finalise the matters and move on.
That 'settlement' I speak of did not cost a cent and hence seemed a very attractive offer. All that was required was the removal of website and not to go within 100 metres of McVeigh.
Of course the real question that should be asked by enquiring minds should be, if not one cent was recovered, what was all this really about?
2) SSI. Our team were very proud of our efforts in establishing and running the company here in melbourne, Sydney and with offices throughout India. In the context of the MUSU proceeding, I am particularly proud of our ability to establish the first business of its kind in Australia. Austrade were very supportive and placed us onto the New Exporter Development Program providing a raft of benefits and contacts. In early 2007 I left the company assist in Darren Ray's establishment of Victorian Student Housing. Different parts of SSI were sold off to existing providers and the company has since been wound up.
IDP and Seek recruitment are now performing many of the same tasks SSI initiated back in 2005.
3) As to my current activities, I retain a number of interests overseas. I am now pleased to call India my second home and very much enjoy my time working there with different companies and government. Much of the work has also meant I spend a large amount of time in Sinagpore and Malaysia.
I trust this answers your questions.
Thank you.
Benjamin Cass
It does Benjamin.
While I still wonder about a few of the details regarding SSI and in particular Austrade's 'support' of it, I'll check into that myself if I get the chance. I'm also surprised to hear there were a number of offices in India, as I was unable to find little evidence of that when I first checked out some of the details contained in the Age's VSH article some time back.
Of course, my searches comprise trawling the internet in spare moments at work, so I don't consider them to be at all comprehensive.
'A website for Victoria Student Housing (VSH), which is operated by Mr Ray and is soon to be merged with Mr Cass' company Student Services International (Australasia), claims to have an "enormous client base throughout Melbourne and regional Victoria", and to provide "low-cost rooms" to international students. The website also says the business is supported by Austrade, which is denied by Austrade.'
Although, while we're at it, can you clarify what this paragraph from the Age article was alluding to? I'm not so interested in the 'enormous client base' line, as I understand the point of hyping a business, but the Austrade comment and the merger comment are of interest.
The Dark Rider
Dark Rider,
The Age said the two businesses merged; I didn't. I also note that The Age claimed a few weeks back that VSH has actually shut down! News to me and the hundreds of clients the business services. The fact is The Age is comprised of some very lazy, albeit highly politically motivated individuals. It is for that same reason two complaints are currently being investigated by the Press COuncil of Australia against The Age for its reporting of VSH and the many inaccuracies and/or outright lies contained in its articles.
With respect to Austrade, again, taking advice from The Age is not the best move....SSI was a member of the New Exporter Development Program. Either that or a very elaborate ruse by the Commonwealth government which included fake exhibitions throughout SE Asia and the subcontinent, fake offices in fake embassies, fake business cards from fake ambassadors, etc etc get my point.
Anything else I can help you with, please let me know.
Thank you.
Benajmin Cass
Dark Rider,
To further assist: please find below.
I await an apology from The Age but i suspect I will be waiting for a while!
Thank you
Benjamin Cass
Thanks Benjamin,
I had seen that site. So, a more considered take on your response.
The Age said the two businesses merged; I didn't. I also note that The Age claimed a few weeks back that VSH has actually shut down
OK. So the businesses had not and have not merged. So the VSH website claiming AUSTRADE’s support was not correct. Which would support the Age’s statement.
When did the Age indicate VSH had shut down? I must’ve missed that one. (no tongue in cheek here, if you can point me in the direction of that article, I’d be interested to read it)
News to me and the hundreds of clients the business services.
OK. As I said, I don’t necessarily believe the numbers, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility.
The fact is The Age is comprised of some very lazy, albeit highly politically motivated individuals. It is for that same reason two complaints are currently being investigated by the Press COuncil of Australia against The Age for its reporting of VSH and the many inaccuracies and/or outright lies contained in its articles.
And here’s where I really have to congratulate you. It’s been a while, so I’d forgotten the level of manipulative language both you and Landeryou like to use. In your case, it’s a bit more subtle and more difficult to technically disprove, but essentially the same strategy. The Press Council has no doubt received two complaints from yourself and probably Darren Ray regarding the Age’s coverage. Whether or not they are investigating them is another matter.
But thank you for clarifying that point. VSH is not supported by AUSTRADE at all, correct? It has no involvement with AUSTRADE at all, if I understand you correctly. (hence the logo being removed from the website)
And that ‘grey’ area or inaccuracy of reporting you attribute to the Age, muddies the water a bit about whether VSH’s claim of AUSTRADE support is inaccurate or not. If it is indicated SSI is merging with VSH, then technically, someone could post the logo on the site and argue the validity of the move later, thus creating the illusion and attributing undeserved credibility to the VSH site.
What does this matter in the greater scheme of things? Nothing. I just think it’s an excellent example of creating a false impression that evades scrutiny because few people can be bothered to wade through the necessary minutia simply because it seems so petty. And of course, it’s a year later that the truth comes out, so well past its use-by date. I’m dredging it up because I have a particular dislike for the technique, particularly when employed by people hypocritically claiming to be crusaders for truth.
I did enjoy reading a lot of what was on the Make McVeigh pay site, particularly in relation to the judgements. There were a few facts disseminated there that shed a different light on proceedings. Of course, looking at some of the other minutes kept of meetings (published elsewhere, such as MakeLanderyouPay), it suggests there was quite a lot of questionable activity on all parts.
But anyway, thanks for your responses. Given how busy you are, I’m surprised you have time to monitor the Slanderyou website.
The Dark Rider
*who’s remembering why he gave up enquiring about this crap*
Dark Rider,
Thank you for your continued interest in my life and my business affairs.
I do however need to correct you on two points; namely your characterisation of the VSH/SSI/Austrade relationship and the "questionalable activity on all parts" referring to the MUSU liquidation.
With respect to the first issue, I am somewhat weary of people who pose a question and then within the next sentence answer that very same question. In our first set of 'dialogue' you seemed to ask genuine questions of which I provided a genuine response. Your second set of 'questions' make a series of conclusions which are not accurate. I attempted to answer your questions in good faith given you seemed genuinely interested in the answers, I will no longer bother to do the same.
With respect to the issue of MUSU I want to make one point perfectly clear to you and any other readers: there has been only one - ONE - judgement concerning MUSU. That judgement absolutely caned the Liquidator and categorically stated his motives and credibility were "highly questionable". Take the time to read it because you will probably never read a judgement that critical of an 'officer of the court' ever again.
I make this point because everything else that has been claimed about MUSU or my dealings or that of present, former or whatever associates is just that...a claim, an allegation, a theory....but never tested. Why was it never tested? Ask the Liquidator but I think you already know what my answer would be - BECAUSE THE ALLEGATIONS WERE FALSE.
Benjamin Cass
Hi Readers,
I have an update that may help in this debate between Cass and Dark Rider.
A retraction appeared in last Friday's Age about one of their VSH stories.
I think Cass was right.
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