We have interrupted our Landeryou free week to bring you this story.
Tim Blair is running an article about the issue of online comments and editorial policy matters.
We are reminded of the many hundreds of people who have posted comments on Andrew Landeryou's blog of sleaze, only to have them summarily scrubbed, without explanation or for that matter application of editorial or free speech consistency.
And of course, there is also the threat of litigation that the "bankrupt" Landeryou throws about like confetti.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
1 week ago
2 Truth On Comments:
We in the Liberal Party welcome comments on Slanderyou about Bracks government operatives and the sleaze with which they conduct themselves.
Another example. The Bracks government is planning to rob punters. New legislation authorises an increased "takeout" commission from some of the most common bet types. Punters are robbed. Tabcorp, a wealthy company, is the beneficiary.
Read our media release:
Author : The Hon Dr Denis Napthine MLA
Shadow Minister for Racing Denis Napthine says Victorian punters are being robbed by the Bracks Labor Government's changes to gambling legislation.
Dr Napthine said Labor's increases in commissions on many bet types would put more money in the pockets of Tabcorp and the State Government at the expense of punters.
"Under the current wagering legislation, Tabcorp cannot take more than 16 per cent of gambling revenue every year.
"That means for every $100 invested over a year, $84 goes to the winnings pool, or dividend, and $16 comes out in commission, which is shared, using a set formula, between Tabcorp, the State Government and the racing industry.
"Under the proposed changes, the 16 per cent rule will be abolished and replaced with specified deductions for each bet type. The popular and growing betting types, such as exactas, trifectas, doubles, quaddies, first 4s and Mystery 6 will now attract a commission above 16 per cent and as high as 25 per cent.
"Under these changes, which will reap in more than $4 million for the State Government and Tabcorp, punters will have to pay.
"Tabcorp wins and the Government wins. But guess who loses? The punters!
"Labor is intent on introducing legislation that is going to rip more money off the punters of Victoria. The people who will lose out under this legislation are the ordinary punters who have a bet through the TAB on the horses, harness racing or the dogs."
"With the heavy promotion of the exotic bet types, and with higher takes for the Government and Tabcorp, Tabcorp and the Bracks Labor Government are going to make a lot more money. But the punters of Victoria are going to lose out."
Denis Napthine, pager: 96251445
The refusal of Mr Thwaites to disclose his taxpayer funded holidays shows he holds parliamentary standards in contempt. Stop Labor sleaze. Vote Liberal. Read our media release on Mr Thwaites:
Author : The Hon Louise Asher MLA
Environment Minister John Thwaites' refusal to declare his multiple taxpayer-funded holidays in his register of interest declaration shows he holds parliamentary standards in contempt, Ms Louise Asher, Shadow Minister for the Environment, said today.
Ms Asher said that recent news reports have revealed that the Minister has received thousands of dollars worth of free luxury accommodation and hospitality at Falls Creek and Wilsons Promontory.
Mr Thwaites' refusal to declare this shows his disregard for the Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) Act 1978 and Regulations.
Part One - Code of Conduct for Members, Section 3 (1) (C) requires that A Member shall not receive any fee, payment, retainer or reward, nor shall he permit any compensation to accrue to his beneficial interest for or on account of, or as a result of the use of, his position as a Member.
Furthermore, Schedule 2 of the Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) Regulations 2003, Ordinary Return, Point 9, states: Any gift of or exceeding $500 received by you from a person other than a relative by blood or marriage' should be declared.
Ms Asher said that strengthening the Code of Conduct for MPs was also a key feature of Labor's 1999 election policy 'Integrity in Public Life - Labor's plan for proper standards', which also called for MPs not to 'abuse the benefits of office'.
"Over the past seven years, Mr Thwaites has declared one gift exceeding $500 in his register of interest declaration, that being a wetsuit that he received in 2006," Ms Asher said.
"Mr Thwaites has refused to declare the multiple taxpayer-funded holidays, despite three of his colleagues doing so. Mr Holding, Ms Marshall and Ms Darveniza have all declared free accommodation that they received at Mt Buller and Mt Hotham alpine resorts."
Ms Asher said Mr Thwaites also refused to answer questions in Parliament yesterday and today on this issue.
"Victorians have a right to know what has been going on and I have written to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly asking her to investigate this matter," said Ms Asher.
Media inquiries: Louise Asher, 9592 9799
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