Apologies patriots, but we had a number of not so pleasant technical difficulties. We will be publishing again shortly.
Keep up the good work.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
6 days ago
11 Truth On Comments:
Busy losing Corangamite...
dough boy must have been unhappy and tried to cut the feed
he has a track record with this
Rev Danny Nalliah of Catch the Fire Ministries has annointed John Howard as the election winner and Peter Costello as the PM in waiting.
Rev Nalliah has also congratulated Mr Landeryou as the winner of the inaugural Walkley Blog Award, and said it was God's will.
Is Rev Nalliah passing on a message from God about the federal election?
We will soon see.
I must agree, Landeryou does suffer from cranial gigantism. His head will soon explode, especially given that it is so full of &^%&
Only on the Landeryou blog do we find anything original. That's why the Rev Nalliah is full of praise for the Landeryou blog's Walkley success, saying it is God's work.
Today the OC tells us about a novel approach to debt collecting by Christian Kerr. Read on:
INDULGENCE: Bankrupt Email Newsletter Used As Debt Collector
Collecting legitimately arising debts remain a big issue for many Australians.
Painting contractors dealing with billionaire obnoxious offspring Stevie Lew's Toorak home renovation a few years ago found themselves royally shafted by the Stevie and then had the pleasure of dealing with Stevie's "mama" Rosie over the alleged flaws in the work which the Lews claimed justified withholding payment. The unpleasant and expensive prospect of having to get legal with the Lews was enough for them to walk away with a fraction of their considerable bill paid.
Despite having a vast fortune, Solomon Lew and family are probably a greater credit risk than the average hobo, most of whom are pretty honourable people.
In today's edition of the bankrupt email newsletter Nameless, we see an innovative approach to debt collection adopted by the lowly paid National Affairs correspondent and baby-daddy-to-be Christian Kerr.
He writes a long and scathing attack on Quadrant, a publication of conservative opinion, hardly worthy of republishing here.
He wrote, presented in the form of a disclosure but probably should have been marked "TAX INVOICE":
Disclosure: Christian Kerr contributed a book review to Quadrant in 2003. The cheque is yet to arrive.
A bit like former Nameless owner Stephen Mayne's co-founders who are still waiting for Mayne's cheque from his sale of the Nameless business.
Game on.
UPDATE: In further weirdness, Kerr opines in Nameless today:
It’s save the base vote time. When a conservative government starts chucking money at pensioners, carers and the disabled, you know the government is really in trouble.
Pensioners, carers and the disabled are part of the conservative base? Since when? Many oldies are pensioners and they are inclined to be more conservative but carers and the disabled? It is amazing that Kerr is paid money for these dubious insights.
Great insight Cait. I wish I had your brains. I'd be able to run my cattery myself then. I'm hungry this morning and I'm looking forward to eating Mr Slanderyou. When is he paying a visit to my cattery? Then there will be no more Slanderyou blog and that will be to the great benefit of humanity.
Looks from Catters comments that SLanderyou has got under Landeryou's skin! Well done Slanderyou
Acutally, Landeryou has quite a lot of skin, so perhaps its not that difficult!
Andy-Cait-Catter8-Delia must be suffering sleep deprevasion from his late-night blogging.
He should spend the time more productively like coming up with some news for his blog, which seems to be losing the interest from his few readers.
Or perhaps he's losing sleep over his court appearance next week.
Will he turn up for his court date or skedaddle to Costa Rica, which has been his past form?
Did Fat Andy sit on your server? That's a very difficult technical issue to deal with.
On another note, why does Fat Boy rant and rave against The Age and Crikey yet clearly read every word in the two publications? Why does he while away so much time here? We know he doesn't have a job and doesn't have any friends and needs to fill in the time he doesn't spend in meetings with his legal aid lawyer preparing for his court case but still what a weirdo!
Did Fat Andy sit on your server? That's a very difficult technical issue to deal with.
On another note, why does Fat Boy rant and rave against The Age and Crikey yet clearly read every word in the two publications? Why does he while away so much time here? We know he doesn't have a job and doesn't have any friends and needs to fill in the time he doesn't spend in meetings with his legal aid lawyer preparing for his court case but still what a weirdo!
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