By Liberty Larry
Who says Buddha Boy will be out of bankruptcy next year? Look at the Insolvency & Trustee Service Australia webpage (
It says that "an objection to discharge will extend the bankruptcy to either 5 years or 8 years". Buddha Boy has scarcely been open and frank about his financial affairs.
The guy lives the life of Reilly even though he has no job. He still faces civil and criminal actions.
These will uncover the location of his stashed funds and reveal his lies over his financial arrangements.Buddha Boy's bankruptcy trustee is certain to demand an extension. I forecast that Buddha Boy will be bankrupt at the next two federal elections.
He will also be in prison. Both of these considerations will rule him out of running for parliament.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
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6 days ago
42 Truth On Comments:
Why did Slanderyou prevent the OC being considered for a Walkley on SBS tonight?
The BLOG OF FILTH continues.
That's a bit of a stretch, even for you Fatboy.
So now it's all a conspiracy against you, is it?
Although, I'm sure Slanderyou won't mind being accredited with such influence, it's just another episode in your sad, mediocre little existence.
Much like you forlornly fronting up to the Imperial on election night.
'Putrid' was one word I heard used to describe you. 'Slimy' was another. I can see why you stick to blogging. It blocks the smell.
Type on with your little 'aliases' as company. Rita, Cait, Catter8, and Freddy all love you, just for who you are.
Team Slanderyou, we have a breakthrough! Fat Andy (or Cait, anyway) has learnt how to spell "Walkley".
It was pretty damn funny when the fat fraudster gave himself a Walkley last year, but got the spelling wrong. "Walkely" Blog Award? Andrew, you fool! With that lack of attention to detail no wonder you are bankrupt, disgraced and facing all those civil and criminal actions.
Who is Landeryou's trustee in bankruptcy?
Patriotic citizens who wish to protect innocent citizens and see justice done for the victims of crime should contact the trustee with their concerns about Landeryou and his stashed cash.
The bloke has no visible means of support yet he continues to live well. Something very fishy is going on.
Eric Beecher got a real Walkley last night. What did Landeryou get? A visit from the bailiffs or the process servers?
Landeryou deliberately misspelled references to his Walkley, because he created the blog site that 'awarded' it to him.
He created a fake site to give himself an award to try and convince people that he was relevant, or even competent at what he does.
How much sadder can you get?
Oh, hang on. He created several 'personas' to praise himself on this blog and on his own and make it look like he has friends...
The award of the journalist's trade union award to a serial plagiarist is disgusting. The OC covers it all. Read on:
JONATHAN GREEN: Big Bald Thug Attempts To Silence OC On Plagiarism Scandal
Bankrupt email newsletter proprietor Eric Beecher last night received a journalist's trade union award for innovation and investment (ie absorbing losses) in the future of journalism.
And yet his publication Nameless has been busted this week for serial plagiarism. Is this what counts for innovation? It's certainly low cost journalism just to paraphrase the work of others without acknowledgement.
At this rate, Beecher will soon be proposed for an Order of Australia for services to paraphrase.
When the OC corresponded with Nameless editor Johnny John Green complaining of Kerr's intellectual theft, he responded at 1.14 in the morning yesterday, barely able to contain his rage at being caught out.
He refused to discipline Kerr despite clear evidence of it being laid out in front of him, in the OC's recent posts on the subject.
An OC source at Nameless told us yesterday that Green had quite independently noticed Kerr's paraphrase plagiarism issue and that he is a "serial offender". But it's still not nice to be caught.
Disgraced plagiarist and King of Unacknowledged Paraphrase Christian Kerr was said to be in tears after seeing him represented as the Kerr-burglar, a homage to the Hamburglar of the McDonald's family.
Even more amusingly, when the OC revealed that a series of stunts of publicity generation would occur out the front of the environmentally unsound manicured lawns of the grounds of his multi-millionaire proprietor's estate, what was the response of these self-anointed free speech crusaders?
Did they enjoy the jest? Have a chuckle about the blogger who so regularly outdoes them catching out one of their thieving staff and proposing to draw attention to it by means of legitimate public protest ?
Ah no.
He threatened to call the Police.
Perhaps he meant Sting's band, popular back when Johnathan had hair and before his proprietor Eric had sold out (so to speak). Or perhaps they just meant to suppress legitimate freedom of expression. Funnily enough we haven't heard from either representatives of the old pop group or the constabulary.
Shocking as it might be, Jonathan Green might turn out to be a lying liar who lies.
It's a far cry from the dinner party sanctimony of these nasty leftard self described free speech crusaders.
Johnny John Green professes lefty idealism in his hypocritical preachy writings and yet since he's left The Age where he was "once a contender", he has been reduced to presiding over a den of intellectual thieves owned by a filthy rich crook who barely survived an extensive ASIC investigation in insider trading in shares in his company Text Media (which just happened to double over the space of time when he was negotiating the sale of the company to John Fairfax as it then was).
If that's the future of journalism in this country, it's a very bleak one, where the rich and powerful attempt to invoke the Police to silence critics, where plagiarism by paraphrase is rampant and where a once crusading bankrupt email newsletter is now fully representative of the problems of which it once complained.
Little wonder paid subscriptions are way down. Is it wrong to wish for the bad old days when swashbuckling swindler Stephen Mayne was large and in charge slagging off all and sundry?
Game on.
What do you think of Rita catter8? I think she is equally worthy of a blog award. Not Slanderyou. Not Diane Anderson. The worthy recipient is Rita Randles.
btw who is talking of plagiarism. What about Liberty Larry? That's a play on words to rival Cait Catt, Rita Randles and Freedom Freddy.
And Delia Delegate.
The OC is again first with the latest news. It appears there were four ineligible Libs who voted in the party room ballot. Read on:
Friday, 30 November 2007
PARTY ROOM CARNAGE: Turnbull Contemplates Challenge To Liberal Leadership Result
Supporters of Malcolm Turnbull say that as many as four votes in the federal party room leadership contest were not eligible to vote and that the defeated candidate is contempating formally challenging the result on the basis that it is illegitimate.
Turnbull received 42 votes, while Brendan Nelson received 45. The four disputed votes all voted for Nelson, Turnbull supporters say.
Only Liberal MP's who'd been re-elected or were ahead in the count in their seats were meant to be able to vote.
Liberal sources say that several Liberals who'd lost their seats - where they were still technically in doubt - and were behind Labor opponents in the count were told not to attend the party room meeting.
Turnbull supporters point to one example of the four, Stewart McArthur, the member for Corangamite was way behind his Labor leftard opponent Darren Cheeseman at all material times, with no real prospect of winning.
The OC understands that the pugnacious and litigious Malcolm Turnbull is actively contemplating formally challenging the result of this week's contest because of the four dodgy Nelson votes but is under strong pressure not to in the interests of party unity and to protect his reputation (or perhaps rebuild it) as a team player.
But his supporters are unhappy not just with the result but with the process and are not being shy in complaining about it in Canberra drink-pits. Most agree that it would be very high-risk low-reward politics for Turnbull to be seen to destabilise the party's new leadership so early in the game. An OC source remarked it would be "political suicide" for him to do so.
Another told the OC that "all Malcolm has to do is wait. The opinion polls will eventually kill Nelson without Turnbull needing to get any blood on his hands."
Also, the Victorian Liberals seem to be muscling up for the mother of all faction fights with Ted Baillieu personally appearing on the ABC's Stateline programme telling his rivals Costello/Kroger faction to "let go" of their previous control of the administrative machinery of 104 Exhibition Street.
Baillieu group member Senator Judith Troeth slugged it out in an ugly spat with Senator Mitch Fifield from the Costello group.
Internal Liberal elections are due in April next year and could give the Baillieu "wets" a big opportunity to snatch back power from the faction that seemed primarily to exist to elect Costello. The group seems to be splitting asunder, evidenced by the fact that Costello voted for Nelson and Costello numbers-men like Tony Smith, Michael Ronaldson and others voted for Turnbull.
The Liberals are living through the Chinese curse of "interesting times."
Game on.
liberty larry is more real than freedom Freddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing. Mention the word "police" and the big mouth bully Landeryou suddenly starts saying it was all a joke and whimpering. He's probably hiding under the pot plants.
Dear Fat Andy
Your Turnbull vote "exclusive" was in a couple of newspapers.
You are a fraud.
Yours sincerely
Sane people with an interest in politics
not many postings over the weekend by the fat fraudster or his sock puppets
has fat andy had the power cut off or the computer repossessed
Why pay for a subscription to the barren ezine Nameless (I mean Crikey). The OC costs nothing and its content is far superior.
Nameless also plagiarises. I think its disgusting Slanderyou promoted the Nameless owner for a Walkley, while denigrating the OC and successfully preventing the OC from even being considered for an award. Read the latest expose below from the OC.
JONATHAN GREEN: Big Bald Thug Attempts To Silence OC On Plagiarism Scandal
Bankrupt email newsletter proprietor Eric Beecher last night received a journalist's trade union award for innovation and investment (ie absorbing losses) in the future of journalism.
And yet his publication Nameless has been busted this week for serial plagiarism. Is this what counts for innovation? It's certainly low cost journalism just to paraphrase the work of others without acknowledgement.
At this rate, Beecher will soon be proposed for an Order of Australia for services to paraphrase.
When the OC corresponded with Nameless editor Johnny John Green complaining of Kerr's intellectual theft, he responded at 1.14 in the morning yesterday, barely able to contain his rage at being caught out.
He refused to discipline Kerr despite clear evidence of it being laid out in front of him, in the OC's recent posts on the subject.
An OC source at Nameless told us yesterday that Green had quite independently noticed Kerr's paraphrase plagiarism issue and that he is a "serial offender". But it's still not nice to be caught.
Disgraced plagiarist and King of Unacknowledged Paraphrase Christian Kerr was said to be in tears after seeing him represented as the Kerr-burglar, a homage to the Hamburglar of the McDonald's family.
Even more amusingly, when the OC revealed that a series of stunts of publicity generation would occur out the front of the environmentally unsound manicured lawns of the grounds of his multi-millionaire proprietor's estate, what was the response of these self-anointed free speech crusaders?
Did they enjoy the jest? Have a chuckle about the blogger who so regularly outdoes them catching out one of their thieving staff and proposing to draw attention to it by means of legitimate public protest ?
Ah no.
He threatened to call the Police.
Perhaps he meant Sting's band, popular back when Johnathan had hair and before his proprietor Eric had sold out (so to speak). Or perhaps they just meant to suppress legitimate freedom of expression. Funnily enough we haven't heard from either representatives of the old pop group or the constabulary.
Shocking as it might be, Jonathan Green might turn out to be a lying liar who lies.
It's a far cry from the dinner party sanctimony of these nasty leftard self described free speech crusaders.
Johnny John Green professes lefty idealism in his hypocritical preachy writings and yet since he's left The Age where he was "once a contender", he has been reduced to presiding over a den of intellectual thieves owned by a filthy rich crook who barely survived an extensive ASIC investigation in insider trading in shares in his company Text Media (which just happened to double over the space of time when he was negotiating the sale of the company to John Fairfax as it then was).
If that's the future of journalism in this country, it's a very bleak one, where the rich and powerful attempt to invoke the Police to silence critics, where plagiarism by paraphrase is rampant and where a once crusading bankrupt email newsletter is now fully representative of the problems of which it once complained.
Little wonder paid subscriptions are way down. Is it wrong to wish for the bad old days when swashbuckling swindler Stephen Mayne was large and in charge slagging off all and sundry?
Game on.
Gee, with the kiddies at uni doing exams or on holiday, if Jabba The Butt wasn't lifting stories from newspaper or criticizing Crikey his blog would be blank.
He's probably been concentrating on his court appearance today.
What is Fat Boy in the dock for this time?
More details about El Gordo's court appearances, please.
just went googling
what is happening to fat boy
Landeryou Jnr is due in the Federal Court tomorrow (not today) to answer questions under examination by his trustees in bankruptcy. His father is due to appear as well.
dearie dearie dearie me
will they ask him how he lives without any visible means of support
Peter Allan is back in the news. Only on the OC. A real scoop.
Monday, 3 December 2007
RORT: How A Suburban Councillor Screwed His Local Community So His Mates And Family Could Cop A Free
Whitehorse councillor, one-time Labor member, then People Power candidate, now Liberal endorser Peter Allan is said to be facing an Australian Electoral Commission investigation following the distribution of an election letter by him that was not correctly authorised as required by law.
Allan is a controversial councillor with OC sources indicating that he recently misused Council resources at a mayoral ball in his municipality. Each councillor is permitted to invite nine guests at an approximate cost of $1200. They are expected to invite community workers, volunteers and contributors to the local area.
Instead, the sleazy political operator Peter Allan, as revealed in the photograph above invited family members including his wife Sue, son Dean, his corpulent shrew, a mate Marty, his mother-in-law and several friends of his wife.
Locals were upset at being snubbed by the Whitehorse councillor and replaced with his entourage of family and hangers-on.
One of his mates Marty has also been the recipient of the councillor's largesse before when the shifty councillor Allan arranged for a major and unnecessary upgrade of the facilities at a local cricket club where Marty and the councillor are known to knock back a few. How they celebrate afterwards would be enough to crack a mention in that famous journal The Daily Planet.
Game on.
That's earth-shattering, fat boy.
Lame on.
Speaking of lacking endowment.
Once a former girlfriend (yes unbelievable I know) of your infamous Fat Boy confided to a group of friends and I that Landy's package was rather lacking. In fact he was quite derided in his youth as 'pencil dick' or more often as 'Mr Squiggle'. She didn't stay with him long - his bouts of jealousy were as bad as his ability to satisfy. We saw a lot of this temper during the period that he was being driven from office at Melbourne Uni Student Union - little did the student body know that it was more from impotence than incompetence at keeping his job.
I can provide more - including pictures - on this and other sites Landeryou, if that's what it takes. You KNOW what I'm talking about.
Gee, is that all U did 2day, Andy-Cait-Catter8-Delia-Rita? All that free time and it's so lame!
when fat boy goes to prison will he be sharing a cell with delia and cait and catter8 and freedom freddy and rita
who do we ask
a lawyer or a shrink
Why isn't there anything anywhere on the ASIC site about the "investigation" into Beecher or the sale of Text? If Landeryou is going to make up wild allegations he should at least make sure that they stand up to a cursory check. Is all of Landeryou's material invented and lies.
Where is the Landershonk bankruptcy hearing today? Can anyone get down there with a camera? Have The Age, The Herald Sun and The Australian been notified?
I hear that this is Lew chasing money from Bill as well as El Gordo
Can't imagine Lew would be wasting money on lawyers and chasing money from Jabba The Butt pere et fils unless there was a fair chance of getting it.
Pitcher Partners are well known for getting debtors who use loopholes to "hide" and transfer assets to family members in order to avoid paying debts.
Solomon Lew wants access to the Landeryou blog records in the Federal Court. The OC has an exposure of all the dirty and hypocritical members of the legal profession. Read on:
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
SURPRISE, SURPRISE: Sol Lew's Secret Agenda Unmasked
In the Federal Court today, the real mission of Solomon Lew's bankruptcy trustees has been revealed for all to see.
Amazing as it might sound they have obtained a court order - at least on an interim basis - to access the back-end of the OC - your blog of freedom - via its secret password.
In an outrageous request and blatant abuse of process, the order they have obtained which itself will be discussed and reviewed next week, would have the effect of permitting the corporate crook Solomon Lew full access to the blog, an ability to censor it, edit out references to himself and members of his crime family and so on.
All of my cats are scared of Solomon Lew. He may mistreat them.
Wonder what Rita thinks about this? I haven't heard from her lately. Hope she hasn't fallen down resulting from an attack by Mr Lew's hit squad.
And Delia too. She's very sick from all this abuse of process by Mr Lew.
Fat Boy comes home from court and puts up four posts about himself under four false names. He is not bearing up well under all the stress.
Funny family those Landershonks. My Dad used to take me fishing, to the movies, sometimes to his work and things like that. Nowadays I take him out to dinner, once even to a strip club, or the beach and the theatre. But I never mired his name and legacy through the media or dragged him in the bankruptcy court with me. Andy-Cait-Catter8-Delia-Rita's dad must be really proud of his son-daughter.
Good post. I am facing some of these issues as well..
Here is my blog - bankruptcy florida
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