Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Federal Court continues anal-probe of Landeryou & other KFC nuggets

Last Friday, Andrew Landeryou was subject to his now regular anal-probe appointment with the Federal Court.

Numerous sightings and coverage of the events were reported by patriots.

Meanwhile in other unsavoury developments:

  • Landeryou makes the news in The Ukraine. What is it with Landeryou’s fascination with exotic countries such as The Ukraine and Costa Rica – lack of extradition treaties?
  • Landeryou comments on Macquarie Bank. Since October 2007, Macquarie has lost nearly a 1/3 of its share price. Losing shareholders money is something Landeryou knows how to do, very well.

2008 looks a lot like 2007, and 2006 for that matter!


Anonymous said...

Fat Andy's going DOWN!

Anonymous said...

Anthony van der Craats is just one member of many in the Proportional Representation Society. He is entitled to his views.

Anonymous said...

Yet another morning has almost gone by, and still there is nothing new on the Blog of Sleaze. The unemployed don't have summer holidays. Has the fat boy been sent off to a Work for the Dole project?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, where is Landeryou - mid afternoon Monday and nothing from Landeryou. My guess is that he is hanging out with Corey Delaney, see link or click through my name http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/party-boy-goes-global/2008/01/15/1200159414201.html

Anonymous said...

Corey is way too cool to be seen with a toolie like Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Still nothing from landeryou on his sleazy blog.
What's going on?

I am starting to believe he was held in custody after Friday's court session

Anonymous said...

With Ray Williams of HIH infamy being released from prison this week, it is now a good time to ask what sort of sentences Landeryou will get for both the IQ Corporation and Marbain scandals.

Williams was sent down for four years and six months. He was released early for good behaviour.

In contrast, Landeryou has shown no remorse. His conduct has put him in contempt of court and demonstrated a complete disregard for the law and ethical conduct. Any judge will regard this in a very dim light.

Andrew Landeryou can expect a lengthy term of imprisonment.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday morning and still nothing on Landeryou's blog.

KFC must be worried he's skipped the country.

Anonymous said...

the fat crim must be on a plane to costa rica

Anonymous said...

48 hours since the Blog of Sleaze was last updated. Good to see that Work for the Dole projects keep running over summer.

Anonymous said...

DEWR should be on top of this. Why haven't they sent out their auditors?

Anonymous said...

I still think Landeryou is hanging out with Corey Delaney.

Anonymous said...

Neil Mitchell has reported that Corey has been taken into custody.

Perhaps Fat Boy IS with him.

Anonymous said...

The fat crim is not only not updating his own sleazy site, but he and his split personalities have not made any postings at this popular and reputable blog for almost a week. Something is going on in the weird world of Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Yep Corey was arrested. see http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,23060916-2,00.html, however, what's his name, the no-show blogger .....well....isn't

Anonymous said...

There's a lesson from Corey's story, kids.

If you are going to do anything wrong in Victoria, make sure you have impeccable connections with the Labor right. Like Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well. With El Gordo abandoning his hobby jottings and no new news or sightings, let's just replay his greatest hits. This is from The Age 10 years ago.

On the crest of a new career

IT has been six years since last Spy heard of Andrew Landeryou, chip off the old Bill, but he has surfaced again. Young Landeryou is on the campaign team for Labor Mumbler of Parliament Michael Danby, now pitted against Fiona Snedden (chip off another old Bill) for the seat of Melbourne Ports. In 1992, Andy Landy, as he was known on campus, figured in a sensation at Melbourne University when a letter bearing his name, under the Victorian Parliament crest, was found in the student union office files. The note called one student-union navvy a ``cockroach'' and another a ``hunchback''. These days Andy is given to stirring prose. An epistle bearing his name recently decreed that ALP politics ``kicks up an amazing mix of candidates for public office. The sincere and the fake. The brilliant and the mediocre''. But no cockroaches, we hope.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well. With El Gordo abandoning his hobby jottings and no new news or sightings, let's just replay his greatest hits. This is from The Age 10 years ago.

On the crest of a new career

IT has been six years since last Spy heard of Andrew Landeryou, chip off the old Bill, but he has surfaced again. Young Landeryou is on the campaign team for Labor Mumbler of Parliament Michael Danby, now pitted against Fiona Snedden (chip off another old Bill) for the seat of Melbourne Ports. In 1992, Andy Landy, as he was known on campus, figured in a sensation at Melbourne University when a letter bearing his name, under the Victorian Parliament crest, was found in the student union office files. The note called one student-union navvy a ``cockroach'' and another a ``hunchback''. These days Andy is given to stirring prose. An epistle bearing his name recently decreed that ALP politics ``kicks up an amazing mix of candidates for public office. The sincere and the fake. The brilliant and the mediocre''. But no cockroaches, we hope.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is missing; and a Japanese whaling ship has disappeared.

You don't think?


Maybe, the Japanese will turn up here searching for Landeryou! They say whale tastes like beef; Landeryou surely must taste like chicken.

Anonymous said...

The Japanese Foreign Ministry have realised that their nation will be applauded by all Australians if they start firing explosive tipped harpoons into Andrew Landeryou.

The Japanese whaling fleet has now split in two.

Half the ships are headed towards Melbourne. The rest are steaming off on the long journey towards Costa Rica.

KFC supplies in the Asia-Pacific are dwindling as Japanese fisheries officials stock up on bait.

"We hear that the Landeryou eats its own body weight in fatty foods every 24 hours," a spokesperson told Reuters. "We are hunting a truly terrifying creature."

Anonymous said...

It's Thursday lunchtime, but the fat fraudster Landeryou hasn't updated his sleazy site since Monday morning.

Which rock is he hiding under? Why?

Anonymous said...

its 1 pm and still no new news on the Blog of Sleaze.

Either the blog is indeed bankrupt and landeryou can't pay his bills or the japanese whalers are hunting landeryou.

Both sound reasonable to me.

Looks like the Team Slanderyou news service has outlived Landeryou's fake Walkley award winning diatribes.

Congratulations Slanderyou and Co

Anonymous said...

Somehow I do not think Landershonk is off attending a course at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Landeryou is on one of his 4 to 5 day KFC eating binges.

Anonymous said...

Anybody checked Lamb's at Carlton, home of the "patriotic snack"?

Anonymous said...

I for one miss Cait - he/she/it was by far the nicest of Landeryou's personalities.

Anonymous said...

Bill Landeryou thought only the little people had to pay their credit card bills. When the process servers came calling, he hid in the Parliamentary Library. Where can Andrew L be? It is not as if it is easy for him to hide. There is a lot of him.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone looked inside the Exhibition Building? That's only a few blocks from Lamb's and big enough to even fit Fat Andy. Perhaps he is hiding there.

Anonymous said...

In lieu of Landeryou's usual sock puppet theatre, more of Buddha Boy's greatest hits. This from The Australian, four years ago.

`Stooge' won bid for uni contract

A LABOR insider and a former president of the Melbourne University Student Union allegedly used a shelf company with a "stooge" director to win union contracts.

Andrew Landeryou, son of long-time ALP powerbroker Bill Landeryou, and former MUSU president Benjamin Cass used the "Marbain Group" to win leases for the university bar and other food and drink outlets, the Victorian Supreme Court heard yesterday.

Gary Bigmore QC, on behalf of the liquidators of the now defunct union, said once Marbain had won the leases from MUSU, the company sub-let them to other companies -- pocketing $1.2 million.

Mr Bigmore said the leases had been signed for 15 years even though the union was supposed to give out only five-year leases.

During a meeting on November 12, 2002 between Mr Cass and his lawyers about Marbain, Mr Cass allegedly indicated he and "his business partner Andrew Landeryou" did not "wish to be the frontmen of their operations".

The memo, written by one of Mr Cass's lawyers to another, went on: "To that end they established Marbain Group ... they intend to appoint Matthew Keats as director of Marbain Group, who will in effect be the `face' of Marbain Group as far as MUSU is concerned.

"Ben and Andrew, however, wish to retain ultimate control of the operations."

As part of the liquidators' examination yesterday, Mr Bigmore asked Mr Cass: "He (Matthew Keats) was just a stooge, wasn't he ... Marbain wasn't his at all.

"No ... he was a director in every sense of the word," Mr Cass replied. Mr Cass said he had been simply a consultant to Mr Keats.

The Supreme Court ordered the $14 million Melbourne University Student Union be dissolved in February after a damning liquidators' report recommended police investigate the union over the falsification of records, awarding of contracts, election rigging and travel rorts. Nobody has been charged with any offences.

Mr Landeryou, a long-time member of the ALP Right, was president of MUSU in 1991 but was sacked after allegations of mismanagement. Late last month, when the liquidators' examination began, it was revealed that both Mr Cass and another former MUSU president, Darren Kenneth Ray, ran their own companies, often using false names to win contracts at the union because they feared their political affiliations would work against them.

Mr Bigmore told the court yesterday that the change-of-directors form for Marbain -- sent to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on the same day Mr Cass met his lawyers -- cited Mr Keats and "Andrew Jackson" as directors.

He said the address provided for "Mr Jackson" did not exist but, had it, would have been next to the office of Mr Landeryou's wife, Melbourne City councillor Kimberley Kitching.

Anonymous said...

Pigs are usually slaughtered after 4-7 months. Pigs intended for pork are usually slaughtered 1-2 months younger than pigs for bacon. Over 9 million pigs were slaughtered in the UK in 2006 (1).
Pigs are stunned first then killed by being shackled and hoisted before having the blood vessels in their throat slit (sticking). The animal dies by being bled to death. Pigs are usually stunned electrically whereby an electric current is applied by means of two electrodes in the form of tongs. These are placed on either side of the brain, usually either side of the neck behind the ears so that sufficient current is passed through it. The current should induce a state of immediate epilepsy (electroplectic shock) in the brain, during which time the animal is unconscious (8).

A survey of pig slaughtering procedures was carried out in the UK by Anil and McKinstry in 1993, Bristol University (9). The factors affecting slaughter included the placement of tongs on the animal, the average current strength passed through the animal’s brain and also the length of time that the tongs are in place for. The survey showed that a significant percentage of the tong applications observed in the traditional stunning pen did not span the brain. This would result in animals not being stunned adequately and also lead to many pigs regaining consciousness during bleeding out or even before throat-slitting. Some pigs may be re-stunned due to the initial stunning failure and to suppress the spontaneous kicking to aid the hoisting and shackling of the animals. This also reduces the interval of the stunning-to-sticking and helps prevent the incidence of inadequate sticking as it is more difficult to stick a kicking/convulsing animal.

Anil & McKinstry’s Survey found variations in the methods and effectiveness of sticking. Sometimes the first attempt at sticking the stunned pigs on the shackle line did not always result in a rapid and profuse loss of blood with a second sticking attempt required for 2.3% of pigs. Some pigs showed signs of recovery during the bleed out. The results of a study carried out by Anil et al (2000) (10) showed that following head-only electrical stunning, a relatively long sticking wound by a thoracic cut (chest sticking) should result in humane slaughter and provide better welfare in slaughter pigs. Other factors which should be taken into account regarding the welfare of pigs at slaughter includes; operator error as a result of high throughput, tiredness, insufficient instructions, animal position and inadequate knives.

Some pigs may be stunned using carbon dioxide gas. This is less common in the UK but widely used in other countries such as Denmark. Approximately 1/3 of pigs in the UK are killed by this method (11). Pigs are passed through a well containing an atmosphere of carbon dioxide (70-90%) and air. The pigs are rendered unconscious due to the acidification of the cerebrospinal fluid upon inhalation of the carbon dioxide. This method eliminates the human element required in electric stunning but has been strongly criticised by scientists as inhumane, with pigs suffering from breathlessness and hyperventilation

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gun, or string him up and slash his throat I don't know

Anonymous said...

Instead of mocking this guy and making fools out of yourselves you should pay attention to the issue at hand which ultimately is the way animals are being handled. But that wouldn't be convinient, would it? Let nothing come between me and my bacon...like an uncomfortable feeling.

Anonymous said...

I would cattle-prod that F*ck and say:


Anonymous said...

There’s no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They’re all animals.

Anonymous said...

Slanders I agree with you about Andy: "2008 looks a lot like 2007, and 2006 for that matter!"

Anonymous said...

Instead of mocking this guy and making fools out of yourselves you should pay attention to the issue at hand which ultimately is the way animals are being handled. But that wouldn't be convinient, would it? Let nothing come between me and my bacon...like an uncomfortable feeling.

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