Monday, May 05, 2008

Monday’s Mania’s Massive Reveal

In past weeks/months we have revealed the inner workings of Andrew Landeryou’s Fat Cave. Courtesy of TS regular, Dark Rider, we can reveal the exact location of the Fat Cave. (Right click into a new tab/page to view larger version)

And it’s a very interesting location, with a KFC restaurant just metres around the corner in Bourke St.

Now where is that AEC enrolment form, so we can complete Andrew Landeryou’s electoral roll details?

Landeryou previously lived in a $1.8 million Parkville mansion, and then after returning from online gaming spivery haven, Costa Rica, he moved into the high rise living of Southbank, and exclusive pictures here.

Landeryou later was forced out of his expensive Southbank squat, and gave patriots the run around suggesting he moved to patriot haven Brunswick.

But Dark Rider has revealed that Landeryou lives in Russell St.

Landeryou must have got his taste for inner city living from his time as the guest of the Melbourne Custody Centre, where he made “ astonishing move to stay in custody indefinitely”. Landeryou is so far the only inmate to have put on weight after eating at the MCC.

We would counsel TS readers and patriots to avoid the area; especially when Landeryou is feeding on KFC, as strange noises have been reported, best described as sounding like “Bjork possessed by Satan”.

In other related matters, we can report that Landeryou’s Blog of Sleaze has been explained by this story.


Anonymous said...

here's the website if interested Slanders

Anonymous said...

So Landeryou admitted hitting the bottle when he went uninvited to the Logies!

next he'll be saying he won a Logie for blogging

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's admission of excessive drinking at the Logies comes only a week after he admitted to being a "drunk". All the alcohol intake will do nothing for his waistline.

Perhaps his alcohol abuse, not his KFC addiction, is to blame for his obesity.

Anonymous said...

i hear that fat boy says he has to live in a luxury apartment because only a very select few buildings can support his weight

its not called the fat cave for nothing

Anonymous said...

So Landeryou waddled down to crash the Logies. Well done fattie. Still stalking I see!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the Logies at the Casino? If so, isn't there a rule that bankrupts aren't allowed near the gaming tables? Was this rule not applied to Landeryou?

Anonymous said...

Last November, Fat Andy claimed on his sleazy site that he had voted in the electorate of Wills.

Soon after the election, a patriot revaled on this site that he wasn't even on the electoral roll.

The Dark Rider has now told us that Fat Boy lives in a prime city apartment in the seat of Melbourne.

So... Fat Andy says he voted when he wasn't on the roll in a seat he wasn't entitled to vote in.

Is anything on his Blog of Sleaze true?

Anonymous said...

Money today revealed that the various allegations about him came from Robert Ray What is interesting about this is that Landeryou has parroted the claims without every sourcing Ray, and therefore suggesting the claims from his original research. Landeryou is a con in every respect.

Anonymous said...

Anon Tuesday, May 06, 2008 8:37:00 PM "Is anything on his Blog of Sleaze true?"

The answer is yes: well to a point. the only thing that is truthful is that it is written by Andrew Landeryou. Anything apart from that is false.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou and Robert Ray: two fat standover merchants and gutless wonders through and through

Ray hides behind parliamentary privilege and Landeryou hides behind bankruptcy. Ray won't have that shelter for much longer, but its a sure bet Landeryou's trustees in bankruptcy will want his bankruptcy extended.

They will want to know how he can afford to live in a flash CBD apartment, how he can afford to hire an intern, how much he is raking in from advertising by people like the escort service Anastasia International on the Blog of Sleaze ... the list goes on.

Landeryou's old man thought he didn't have to pay his credit card bills. His brat also thinks the law doesn't apply to him.

He's been behind bars once already. Will the fat fool ever learn?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Landeryou used his lapsed membership card of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance to crash the logies.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone held their nose and taken a look at the Blog of Sleaze this morning? Buddha Boy has put up a post about Kate Ritchie and written at length about fake tans.

Is he trying to turn the OC into a celebrity blog? Does he think he is Perez Hilton? Or is it just a desperate effort to mislead a few dumb Google user and boost his pathetic hit rate?

Anonymous said...

All decent minded people everywhere were shocked last month when this patriotic site revealed Fat Andy had advertised on his blog of sleaze for an intern.

How a bankrupt could pay for an intern was an issue, let alone how a bankrupt could offer the indemnity from prosecution for defamation etc that all reputable publishers provide immediately become matters of hot debate. There was also widespread disgust at Landeryou's hints that the successful applicant would have to provide him with sexual services.

If you click on the name on this post you can see the original ad. You will also see that Landeryou promised to make the announcement on May Day, nearly a week ago. Nothing has happened. Was this yet another landeryou lie?

Anonymous said...

Another landeryou lie - I think Landeryou ended up employing Cait Catt, or Freedom Freddie or another one of his made up friends/personalities.

Explains why Cait hasn't posted here for ages

Anonymous said...

Bjork possessed by Satan, eh?

Anonymous said...

Bjork posessed by Satan? I though when Landeryou eats KFC he makes Troy Buswell-like "sexually satisfying noises".

Anonymous said...

Hi patriots!

I thought I'd do a bit of study on the Fat Cave and its proximity to KFC outlets.

There are four KFCs just a waddle away from Landeryou's hideout on the corner of Russel and Little Collins street:

Bourke St
201-203 Bourke St
Melbourne 3000

Swanston Street
37 Swanston St
Melbourne 3000

Qv2 Food Court
Level 1,Shops 23-25 Urban Market
210 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne 3000

Melbourne Central
Shop LG 05 Melbourne Central,Lonsdale,
Swanston,Latrobe & Elizabeth Street
Melbourne 3000

I called these KFC outlets to see when they closed. The news was not good

Bourke St
Closes 11 pm

Swanston Street
Closes 11 pm

Qv2 Food Court
Closes 9 pm

Melbourne Central
Closes 9 pm

Poor Landeryou! he must miss his swanky digs at Southbank. Look at the closest KFC to there:

Crown Casino
Shop 102, 8 Whiteman Street
Southbank 3006

Best of all for the fat weirdo it closes 5 am. KFC for fat Andy almost 24 hours a day. That's the way he likes it,

Anonymous said...

The KFC at Crown explains why Landeryou was trying to crash the Logies.

I heard that he tried to crash it, like The Chaser, but the security guards forced him out.

Anonymous said...

It wasnt security guards. Landeryou did try to crash the Logies but couldn't fit through the door because he had stopped at the KFC at Crown on the way in.

Anonymous said...

Surprised El Gordo didn't claim a Logie - for inspiring The Biggest Loser? - to go with his fake Walkley.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou did try to claim a Logie for inspiring The Biggest Loser. The panel of judges examined his political career, his record as a businessman, his marriage to Dimberley and the bitter and twisted content of the Blog of Sleaze. They concluded he was a loser, a very big loser indeed. However they pointed out to him that the program was all about losing weight and that he had gained over a hundred pounds since he moved into the Fat Cave by scoffing several KFC Family Feed buckets with extra gravy each and every day. In fact the Logie judges told Landeryou that they had never seen such a big loser and that he had also lost out on a Logie too.

Anonymous said...

I hear Landeryou is gearing up for an almighty spray against the Socialist Left-Green controlled Logies.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Landeryou plans to personally petition the Pope on his visit to Australia for World Youth Day with the request that Colonel Sanders be made a saint.

Anonymous said...

If El Gordo gets anywhere near the Pope I am sure the Holy Father will remind him of two of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not steal and Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neightbour

Anonymous said...

If Andy wants to see the Colonel made a saint he will have to produce evidence of two miracles.

Anonymous said...

Two miracles have happened. Andy hasn't died despite eating nothing but KFC and drinking nothing but KFC gravy and he hasn't yet gone to jail.

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