The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
1 week ago
16 Truth On Comments:
Fascinating! A video of fat failure Landeryou and his only friend!
it looks to me like landeryous so called friend is acting under duress
Morris Iemma has gone, the Carpenter government is on a knife edge, the Greens have come within a handful of votes of taking a blue ribbon Liberal seat and the Nationals have been humiliated in Lyne. It's been an incredible 48 hours in Australian politics.
Yet with all of this going on Poxnews has received a grand total of three - three - comments since Friday.
Landeryou has not bothered to update the site. Perhaps even he is too embarrassed.
The reasons that landeryou's so called friend is acting under duress is that Landeryou has his hand up its butt!
Four PM on Sunday afternoon and no "news" on El Gordo's latest hate site. Perhaps something is wrong with his PC and it will not let him cut and paste from the Herald-Sun.
I thought this was Landeryou's vodcast. It is so like him.
The puppet makes more sense than Landeryou!
You sure its not a Landeryou vodcast?
I thought Landeryou stopped his podcasts. No one was downloading them because it was impossible to understand a word of his ranting because he refused to stop eating KFC while he shouted.
A weekend chokkas with politics but no new postings whatsoever on
Interesting video. So Landeryou has grown a beard in an attempt to avoid the process servers and bailiffs
I would rather hear more from the puppet. It seems to make more sense than Landeryou!
What is the rat puppet's name?
I am proud to be Master Landeryou's fave sock puppet!
- Sasha Uzunov
The real Sasha Uzunov
When am I going to get my 15 minutes of fame? I have been Landy's ventiloquist's dummy for years - even though I've been retired since the tragic shutdown of the OC and collapse of Vewnews...
"Byron from Wahroonga"
Four comments on Poxnews today! Business is looking up and Landerflop must be treating himself to an extra three or four Family Feed buckets of KFC tonight to celebrate.
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