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1 week ago
59 Truth On Comments:
The intelligence of Mr Slanderyou is not very great.
Surely there are better things to talk about than KFC.
Personally I never eat there, but obviously Mr Slanderyou likes the place.
The content of Slanderyou today contains some real gems. About how the Age newspaper were fooled about James Hird.
Read it on Vexnews. I won't repeat it here.
I meant in my previous post the content of Vexnews today. There is nothing about Mr Hird on Slanderyou.
That's because everyone here is interested in YOUR demise and not James Hird's.
A friend of mine used to teach in a technical school and the boss of the techs used to be a Mr Alan Hird. He is related to James Hird.
The then teachers union, the ultra corrupt Technical Teachers Union, didn't like Mr Alan Hird and they called him "Hird the turd." Alan Hunt was the Education MInister at the time and the union called him "Hunt the c__t." Hunt was in fact a good Minister. Hird was just his lackey.
Interestingly, and the corrupt technical teachers union didn't pick it up, the name of the secret police in Quisling's Norway was, guess what? The Hird.
I can imagine Landeryou talking like this - and ordering like this
Landy's life is a long running soap opera about a bludger going nowhere fast. Creditors lurk in every cranny. Landy on the OC regularly defamed great Australians like Les Twentyman, OAM, Victorian of the Year, and heaps of other worthy people. Now he has created a Leper Colony called Poxnews where the defamations still occur but with, so far, slightly less obvious malice. A born-again character assassin is still a character assassin. He will revert to type. Its only a matter of time...
Why is Landeryou constantly visiting this site talking up Poxnews?
Crikey is three trillion times better (sorry about the huge number, but everyone these days is talking about billions and trillions), and is animated and active and covers everything.
Poxnews is a pale, sanitised imitation and a bit lean on 'news'. Landeryou needs to start cracking the whip on Team Uzunov, his one man media army!
You are one big, funny dag Landy!
The late Rita Randles has a comment on Vexnews but unfortunately she has plagiarised from this site.
Please be original in your choice of news Rita.
Vexnews is Melbourne's second most popular news portal, after the great Herald Sun. I am sure Rupert Murdoch is looking on it favourably, especially so soon displacing The Arse into a distant third! Who knows, maybe Mr Murdoch will make a friendly takeover for VexNews.
"Vexnews is Melbourne's second most popular news portal, after the great Herald Sun," alleges 1:40:00.
Prove it. Show us some figures from a reliable source.
While we are waiting for them, patriots may like to be reminded why the Herald Sun is so popular, let alone great. It is, of course, because the paper accurately and succinctly described fat failure Andrew Landeryou as "a rat".
Fat Andrew Landeryou's alter ego catter8 writes "Surely there are better things to talk about than KFC."
Once again Fat Andy is dishonestly splitting hairs.
Fat Andrew Landeryou does not talk about KFC. Instead he writes about the foul fatty foodstuff incessantly. Fat Andy does not talk about KFC as he rarely is able to talk due to the vast quantities of KFC he has stuffed in his mouth every moment of his waking hours.
The ABC reports "A Japanese company says it has invented an airbag to prevent elderly people from injuring themselves when they fall."
Landeryou says his built-in personal padding - what other people call fat - is designed to do the same and that his gross consumption of KFC is a sensible safety measure.
Rita (or El Gordo-Catter8-Cait-Delia, wishever U prefer), your obit never said anything about being an "old tech tradie."
How many lies have U - Buddha Boy -told in the past three days and been found out?
I'd love to read from Cait Catt again. I heard she'd been investigated by the police over the fake Liberal Party blog but the police investigation has now ended and Cait is not going to be charged.
I heard about the cops investigation first on Slanderyou after a snout repeated a conversation by Bill Shorten at an ALP Conference. Bill told a journo last week Cait was in the clear, so he still has a very keen interest in Cait, in the same way Evan Thornley and Race Mathews have a keen interest in Diane Anderson. Perhaps Bill Shorten has an interest in Diane Anderson too. We suggest you stay away from her Bill.
Kennett did but no longer. Word got out that Kennett was planning to make Diane his campaign manager for Lord Mayor of Melbourne and he couldn't handle the criticism he received, mainly on the Slanderyou blog. Slanderyou has changed history. Kennett won't be running for Lord Mayor. Congratulations Slanderyou. We all wanted him to run nevertheless. He'd make a terrific Lord Mayor. Slanderyou gets all the credit from those who never wanted Jeff to run.
You are free now to post again Cait. Please come back. We love your purrrrrring. We don't support your lover but we love you.
As long as landeryou continues to put speech bubbles on the graphics at poxnews, no-one will ever take him seriously.
As a side note, Geoff Baxter is still waiting to be interviewed by police for breathing near Landeryou.
Most of the photos are stolen and involve breach of copyright.
[Judge Roy Bean]
That extremely large object of contempt and derision Andrew Landeryou is attacking a journalist today for making a minor error, yet he makes major errors and is guilty of misrepresentation day in, day out.
Yesterday Landeryou attacked the Melbourne Age when it revealed one of his Poxnews reports was innacurate. Note that. Attacked for being exposed.
He has made no effort to correct the record.
Can this sleazy blog claim the same high standards as, Melbourne's second most popular news portal?
No it cannot.
As an impartial reader, I find Vexnews to be of outstanding journalistic quality. I can't remember where, but I do recall reading that it is Victoria's second most popular news portal. Ratings don't lie.
Where does Andrew Landeryou get his great stories and scoops from? He is well networked.
I am appalled. You would never find this on Vexnews. I am pointing my browser back to Vexnews. At least there truth is paramount.
The Other Cheek was a great news source. But Vexnews is a step beyond.
Judging by the last five comments, it looks as if a lunatic asylum is having an 'internet day' for patients.
Go back to Poxnews looneys, and leave us alone!
Who are you calling a loony, dumbell?
I am getting overtime from Andrew for making up all these fake comments.
Sasha Uzunov
Is it true that Landeryou keeps his KFC warm by inserting it into a certain bodily orifice only associated with eating by practitioners coprophagia?
There is plenty of room in said orifice for Landeryou to store even the quantities of KFC he ploughs through. He somehow manages to combine enemas with bluetooth technology to remove vast amounts of shit from his fat arse which he then posts on the net at Poxnews.
Anonymous above is typical of the standards on this blog! The few well mannered readers should switch over to Vexnews, where the Editor in Chief is always polite, well mannered and articulate - unlike the commentator above.
So many positive comments about Vexnews on this blog. Vexnews must be a great if not important read. I will check it out now.
I've always found vexnews to be a well written and ethical blog.
A great read, and I like the comments too. I disagree with many but they do present a wide variety of divergent ops.
Go vexnews. A great blog.
The OC has evolved from a mere blog to a great news web site.
Vexnews is I understand Australia's second greatest news site, after News Ltd.
Yes. Cait is back. She thinks Bill Shorten should have kept his mouth shut in front of Slanderyou snouts. If he had I would have been back a lot sooner. The cops have nothing on me.
Landeryou's tedious comments to this blog are driving up visitor and comment stats. The ratio seems to be at least 4:1 in favour of Slanderyou.
Keep visiting and commenting, Landy!
If Poxnews is so wonderful, why is Landeryou posting here to talk it up?
The internet is great. There are always new suckers who know nothing about Landeryou's chequered past. They don't know his site is sending out data mining cookies and that he can check IP addresses.
Strangely tonight, my comment on Poxnews was 'spiked'. So Landeryou has imported banning, editing and spoofing to Poxnews. Poxnews is just the OC with another skin.
Landeryou persona 'Right Said Fred' turned up yesterday on Poxnews as a commenter. Luckily 'Byron from Wahroonga' has either died or retired.
It's just like the good old days on the OC. Same old fake comments by Landeryou. He writes the blog and adds all the comments too. Blah, blah, blah!
Banned on Vexnews. Hooray! I'm the first.
You useless prick Landeryou! Your new blog is hopeless. What's the point of having a blog that censors commenters?
We went through all this endlessly on the OC. Now Poxnews is censoring comments. You are not even a blogger's breakfast you piece of shit!
Mind your language commentators. That's why you are censored on Vexnews, a blog your family can read.
The language on Slanderyou is so bad I would not want my children to read it. Also I am not a member of Family First.
Fat failure Landeryou is preparing his big story for Grand Final Day.
About half an hour after the game finishes he will cut and paste the results from some other site and put them up on Poxnews labelled WORLD EXCLUSIVE.
Poxnews is a great news site - if you believe Julius Streicher was the greatest newspaperman of the twentieth century.
Poxnews is Australia's and Melbourne's second-most popular portal? What sort of Bizarro world/parallel universe did I wake up in this morning?
These comments were published by Rita Randles on Vexnews:
The other blog of course makes the nastiest and untrue allegations against this blog. It even calls this blog poxnews.
How can one sue the author of the other blog for defamation? The author will not give his real name, but hides under a pseudonym. Not so Vexnews, where the name and telephone number of the publisher is openly displayed.
The other blog is newspeak for Slanderyou. Rita's comments make sense. Slanderyou does nothing but denigrate the great man.
Landeryou is back to writing stories about penises. What's with that? Penis Envy maybe?
The article in Vexnews is legitimate. The doctor botched an operation in Kentucky and Vexnews is to be commended in bringing it to our attention.
There is a risk in any operation and Vexnews is clearly alerting people to this fact.
There's something ironic - or is it hypocritical? - about El Gordo sock puppet, the late Rita Randles, complaining about the use of pseudonyms.
", Melbourne's second most popular news portal."
Really? Show us the proof, Landeryou.
What's that? Really? You don't say! The same thing happened to them as happened to the IQ Corporation books?
Here is a warning for Landeryou. Another Melbournian of low morals is being questioned by officials for bankruptcy fraud:
Sept 26 AAP - Former Qantas hostess Lisa Robertson, famed for her mid-air sexual liaison with Hollywood actor Ralph Fiennes, is being investigated for bankruptcy fraud.
Federal government investigators and Victoria Police raided the 40-year-old's home in St Kilda, in inner Melbourne, at 6am (AEST) yesterday.
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (ITSA) fraud investigators seized a laptop, $8,000 in cash and other items from the Barkly Street home.
ITSA fraud investigation unit national manager Jeff Handley said his officers would question Ms Robertson today in relation to allegedly failing to disclose assets or income while bankrupt.
Even less on Poxnews than usual or so it seems. Has Landeryou spent the day out fencing forged Grand Final tickets?
The Lisa Robertson case should come as a terrible warning to Landeryou. It looks as if he can look forward to spending a long, long time as a bankrupt. Patriots, read on...
ITSA's investigation was triggered by Ms Robertson's trustee, Foremans, of Cairns in Queensland, which alleges she had ``completely failed'' her bankruptcy obligations.
``There was a whole range of things in relation to her conditions and her obligations as a bankrupt,'' Foremans partner Peter Morris told AAP...
Ms Robertson declared bankruptcy in 2004 and Mr Morris said that while normally her obligations would have been discharged after three years, he had objected on the grounds of her alleged failure to comply with conditions.
Her bankruptcy was extended to 2012.
sorry but I was the first to be banned on Vexnews. Mr Landeryou did not me taking his photo or breathing near him outside Sunshine Court
Andy may have had the day off today from Vexnews - it was an eating day!
ANIMAL protection groups are seeking better regulated animal transport practices following the death of 1000 chickens in a truck crash in Melbourne.
A semi-trailer carrying 4000 chickens overturned on Pakenham Road at Mt Burnett last night.
Police said several crates broke open and chickens spilled from the truck.
A front-end loader removed the dead birds.
Another truck was called in to re-crate the surviving chickens for onward transportation and heavy haulage equipment removed the overturned truck.
Handle With Care, a coalition of animal rights groups, wants states and territories to pass animal transport legislation to complement federal laws.
"All animal transport journeys must be as short as possible in terms of the time and distance travelled,'' said Handle With Care spokesman Hugh Wirth.
"Where animals need to be transported we must ensure that these journeys are kept to a minimum.''
It was the second accident in three days involving animals in transit after 400 sheep died in a a road crash in southern New South Wales, Dr Wirth said.
Why don't you just turn yourself in to the cold case fraud squad and fess up where the millions went?
A Current Affair or Today Tonight might get their cheque books out too. You could make a fortune!
Until you make a full public confession, Poxnews is doomed.
Anyone who watches Parliamentary Question Time already knows our 'representatives' have no idea about the present world financial crisis. What a dreadful bunch of duds.
Nine months ago, we were told there's nohing wrong. Last week, we were told there is nothing wrong. Now Wayne Swan's has suddenly injected $4bn for small lenders to prop up small home investors.
Government has deregulated the finance market, and allowed the appalling situation where finance markets preyed on the the poor and allowed the CEOs to wallow in unprecedented multi-million dollar salaries.
Where is MacQuarie Bank's Allan Moss? Why isn't he in jail? Why aren't all the corporate crooks in the slammer?
My Super funds have lost $ 30K already. When is Wayne Swan going to bail me out?
This is an interesting detail, patriots:
"Ms Robertson declared bankruptcy in 2004 and Mr Morris said that while normally her obligations would have been discharged after three years, he had objected on the grounds of her alleged failure to comply with conditions. Her bankruptcy was extended to 2012."
The fat failure Landeryou was finally forced in bankruptcy in 2006. He has lied and lied and lied since then. His bankruptcy is bound to be extended.
Going on the Robertson precedent, it looks as if this patriotic website will still be playing a vital role in 2014.
Has Landeryou been in Adelaide?
Police seek fat flasher in balaclava
September 26, 2008 06:50pm
AN OBESE flasher wearing a balaclava is being hunted by police after exposing himself to a woman in Hyde Park today...
Sleazy and boring.
That's Slanderyou.
The debate between Obama and McCain is much more interesting than reading Slanderyou.
Cait, since you seem very close to Landeryou you'd better pass on this warning: his trustees in bankruptcy will want to know just how he affords all his interstate flashing trips
No wonder Landeryou wears a balaclava when he goes flashing! If I was the publisher of the Blog of Sleaze and Poxnews I'd be way too embarrassed to show my face in public.
No wonder Landeryou wears a balaclava when he goes flashing! If I was the publisher of the Blog of Sleaze and Poxnews I'd be way too embarrassed to show my face in public.
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