It's time to vote Patriots.
Who is the worst Australian blogger?
Which is the worst Australian blog/website?
Please answer in comments below.
We will table the results Wednesday next week.
Good luck to all candidates.
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When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
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6 days ago
141 Truth On Comments:
I nominate Slanderyou. The laziest and filthiest blog ever, let alone 2008.
I second Henderson's nomination of this blog.
Add me too
Worst person and blog, Slanderyou.
I nominate Slanderyou
Slanderyou for both categories
Looks like Slanderyou has taken an unassailable lead in both categories. Congratulations NOT Slanderyou. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson I think this vote is rigged. Slanderyou is trying to win his own award.
The Age and Slanderyou - a dead heat
Lawrence Money, the age, and Slanderyou - triple dead heat
Mimi has a passion for whales - let's hope she didn't mean Landeryou.
"The sister of former supermodel Elle Macpherson has declared herself bankrupt.
Mimi Macpherson was due to appear in the Federal Magistrates Court in Melbourne on Thursday for a bankruptcy hearing, but the court heard she declared herself bankrupt on Wednesday.
Omiros One, a Queensland property company, was seeking money from Ms Macpherson, with a brief court hearing on Thursday awarding costs to the company.
Ms Macpherson is known for her passion for whales and has appeared as a presenter on the Discovery channel."
Slanderyou x2
Slanderyou in a landslide
Big Bent Bill won't have a hope of getting Mimi Macpherson if she loves whales. Andy will be the fellow member of Club Bankrupt she'll go for.
Someone was busy today!
Vexnews and Andy!!!
Fat cunt is going to be busy today filling up this thread and defending his mate Steve
Just amazing! Fat failure Landeryou is so dishonest that he is trying to rig the results of a poll on this the Blog of Truth.
The answer to Team Slanderyou's question is so obvious people do not even need to write it down.
However, for people with issues of the kind Sergeant Sasha suffers let the record show that the worst Australian blogger is Fat Andrew Landeryou and the worst Australian blog is a tie between Vexnews, The OC and the criminal cybersquatting site, soon to feature prominently in both contempt of court and identity theft matters.
What a failure Landeryou is. His full suite of multiple personalities, make that entire portfolio of invented characters that make up Landeryou, come out to vote to ward off devestating failure and imminent nomination of Vexnews as Australia's worst Blog.
Vexnews is truly awful. I nominate and second Vexnews as Australia's crappest Blog.
Just as in 1991 over 6000 Melbourne University students came out to vote and 89% voted to sack Andrew Landeryou as President of MUSU, I am confident that all honest citizens of Australia (excluding the Fat Boy and his cast of imaginary friends) will vote for Vexnews as the Worst Blog of the Year.
Slanderyou & Slanderyou
It could be argued that Landeryou is not even a blogger as all he does most of the time is just cut stories from elsewhere and paste them into
The fat crim Landeryou is hoping KFC launches a fragrance that smells of rancid chicken fat in the wake of this news from the US:
Still can't think what to get him for Christmas? Socks don't seem to cut it any more? Fret no longer because Burger King is here to help.
The mass purveyor of grilled meat is offering, for a limited time only, something even better than its usual piles of beef patties. This week, American men were given the chance to smell like their favourite meat snack with the launch of Flame, Burger King's contribution to the perfume market. The company describes Flame as "the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat".
Astonishingly, this elixir costs a mere $US3.99 ($5.75). By contrast, one of its competitors, Chanel No.5, costs $US80.
Flame, a body spray for men, was launched this week online and in a selection of US stores, the list of which can be found on the perfume's website, which is named, appropriately enough,
Andy doesn't need a fragrance from the Colonel as he already smells of stale KFC
I wish that useless oaf Landeryou would use a spelling and grammar checker on his occasional blog.
It is almost unreadable with missing words diverting readers' attention. You have to stop and think what word Landeryou has missed. He is a lazy slacko too bored to proof read his own 'work'.
Poxnews is the MOST LIBELLOUS BLOG in the known universe!
We have an award of our own for Landeryou when he arrives.
I vote landeryou.
His insistence that I stalk Les Twentyman has ruined my career
Sasha Uzunov
Freelance Warmonger
Yeah, it's Barwon's Biggest Asshole Award!!!
I'm with the Sarge! I vote Landeryou too!
Landy's human zoo of fake commenters is a freakin' joke!
Dead people like me often vote in real elections.
I vote for my boss Landeryou.
Landeryou's mad outbursts on Poxnews have nearly ruined my Theo's chances in getting a fair shake from OPP.
Me read Vexnews every day. Me like how Mr Landeryou rubbishes other people and makes them look stupid. Me think Mr Landeryou is very smart.
Me vote for him!
Melbourne Journos vote for Landeryou, who isn't a journo. He writes a tedious gossip column that is usually out of date, rarely maintained and full of horrible libels...
I haven't yet appeared on this thread but I vote for Landeryou and Vexnews as his poor personal hygiene gave all the cats in my cattery rabies.
I'd vote for Slanderyou, but I am not a Leftard.I am Henderson Ross.
Great comment Henderson.
I too will vote for Slanderyou
Six in the evening and Landeryou is already in his cups and rambling.
What a disgrace!
Landeryou is a contemptible, deranged and deluded sot.
He is by far the worst blogger in Australia and Vexnews the online equivalent of an open sewer.
I also vote Paula Rizzuto's blog. I am Henderson Ross.
Ignore Andy. He is already more than half-way through today's 20 litre catering cask of cheap red.
The three KFC Family Feed tubs he has had have done nothing to help because all the fat blocks the absorbtion of alcohol.
Cybercrime baron Landeryou loads malware cookies onto all visitors who visit the Vexnews Blog without notifying them or asking their permission.
Luckily I kept the copy I found on my system after a visit there, and have sent it to Symantec, Microsoft and AVG for analysis. I would like other IT savvy patriots to post the contents of their Vexnews cookies here for comparison purposes.
McAfee Site Advisor already carries a phishing warning about the Vexnews Blog.
I guess Vexnews wins this comp hands down. It is a dangerous site to visit. It will compromise your security settings, and can track your activites on the internet including which comments you posted and where and when.
Slanderyou remains the BLOG OF FILTH.
The OC remains the best and most trustworthy blog on the net.
The OC was justifiably the winner of the inaugural Walkley Blog Award.
Andrew Landeryou is honest and ethical.
Slanderyou is dishonest and a rat.
Go back to Sleazeland Slanderyou. Stop publishing dishonest lies.
Slanderyou remains the BLOG OF FILTH.
The OC remains the best and most trustworthy blog on the net.
The OC was justifiably the winner of the inaugural Walkley Blog Award.
Andrew Landeryou is honest and ethical.
Slanderyou is dishonest and a rat.
Go back to Sleazeland Slanderyou. Stop publishing dishonest lies.
Slanderyou remains the BLOG OF FILTH.
The OC remains the best and most trustworthy blog on the net.
The OC was justifiably the winner of the inaugural Walkley Blog Award.
Andrew Landeryou is honest and ethical.
Slanderyou is dishonest and a rat.
Go back to Sleazeland Slanderyou. Stop publishing dishonest lies.
Henderson, I too will also vote for Paula Rizzuto's blog.
The internet is becoming increasingly unuseable because of cyber criminals. It's not only the tiresome Nigerian scammers. It's organised criminals like Landeryou who are using exploits to compromise people foolish enough to visit his blog and leave a comment. It is possible, thanks to the warning from McAfee Site Advisor, that he is also involved in identity theft.
Even more dangerous is the current trend where criminals link to popular searches. Their sites carry viral exploits for the unwary legitimately searching the net. It will be impossible to stamp out this practice unless we download hundreds of MB per month in security and malware updates to avoid this curse. Asia has millions of people capable of turning the internet into a No Go Zone!
Landeryou has hogged the bandwidth of this Blog to post silly, repetitive, irrelevant nonsense here. He has every right to be defensive. Vewsnews is appalling, libellous, gossip.
But I can't post comments on Vexnews because I have been banned.
I hope Sen. Conroy, in protecting Aussies on the Internet, has a weather eye on the increasingly libellous and criminal blog Vexnews.
Loathesome Troll Landeryou, using his 'Henderson Ross' persona besmirches Paula Rizzuto's Blog. A less offensive blog you couldn't find in a month of searches. In fact, as usual, it is a libellous attack on a fine person in Coburg.
Trust Landeryou to attack another defenceless victim. What a Bully! What a wanker! what a useless piece of sh*t!
Jeez, when Landeryou is not on the piss, he is on the net! A bit sad, really!
A Pro Bono case of libel on behalf of Paula Rizzuto might shut up the repulsive libeller Landeryou once and for all.
Not another attack on a defenceless, community minded woman? Surely not!
By my count, Poxnews wins the "Team Slanderyou 2008 Awards" by a huge margin.
I have discounted all the fake comments here against the Slanderyou blog. That's because they all originated from Landeryou's PC.
So the final score is:
Vexnews is the worst = 4,576,034.
Slanderyou is the best = 17,690,223
Back to the drawing board, scumbag!
Cybercrime baron Landeryou loads malware cookies onto all visitors who visit the Vexnews Blog without notifying them or asking their permission.
Luckily I kept the copy I found on my system after a visit there, and have sent it to Symantec, Microsoft and AVG for analysis. I would like other IT savvy patriots to post the contents of their Vexnews cookies here for comparison purposes.
McAfee Site Advisor already carries a phishing warning about the Vexnews Blog.
I guess Vexnews wins this comp hands down. It is a dangerous site to visit. It will compromise your security settings, and can track your activites on the internet including which comments you posted and where and when.
The internet is becoming increasingly unuseable because of cyber criminals. It's not only the tiresome Nigerian scammers. It's organised criminals like Landeryou who are using exploits to compromise people foolish enough to visit his blog and leave a comment. It is possible, thanks to the warning from McAfee Site Advisor, that he is also involved in id theft.
Vexnews. Trash blog of the year. Landeryou, lowlife of the year. Andrew & Bill, tied for Corporate Bankrupt of the Year.
Human wastage all of them.
Solly Lew, Man of the Year.
Vexnews. Irrelevant Blog of the Year. Suburban gossip no-one wants to know, written by Landeryou and his multiple personalities that no-one wants to know.
Crap, crap, crap.
Landeryou, a wasted life.
Slanderyou is a great blog. I fully support your efforts.
I hope I have done my bit ;-)
Have a great Xmas Andy and pass my regards to Bill.
I'll be over with the Bailiffs to confiscate the turkey.
You don't need it and I own it.
Andrew Landeryou. Worst Blogger
Vexnews: Rubbish Blog of the Year
Bill Landeryou. Newest Bankrupt.
Andrew Landeryou is a crook and a bankrupt. His blog is dreadful.
Andrew is a rotten blogger.
Vexnews is dross.
Christmas with the Landeryous:
Bent Bill in the poorhouse;
Fat Andy in the big house!
Cait Catt is lovely 5.12. I rarely agree with her but she writes so well. Would she make a good root?
Andy wrote this today: As one key player observed “They are running the party like Al Capone.” That might be a charitable description, as Capone at least convened meetings of and discussions with his colleagues, even if occasionally encouraging greater “teamwork” by means of baseball bat."
How come Andy knows so much about Capone?
Andy writes glowingly of him.
"Cait Catt is lovely 5.12. I rarely agree with her but she writes so well. Would she make a good root?"
We're all about to find out with Fat Andy!
Brutus Beefcake &
The Barwon Jail Hot Rodders Club
Nothing on Poxnews about the latest claims surrounding Landerfatcrook's role model Graham Richardson.
How can the fat fraudster claim to run a news site when he refuses to even acknowledge news that does not concur with his own bizarre view of the world?
No wonder Poxnews has become just the latest entry in the long, sad list of fatso's failures.
Fat conwoman Jody Harris, the "catch me if you can" thief and fat conman Andrew Landeryou, also the "catch me if you can" thief.
Who else thinks they'd make a great (if extremely fugly) couple?
Landeryou and Harris sounds like a great idea at first, but remember that Harris is part-Aboriginal and Landeryou runs a racist blog. It would not work.
May I also take this opportunity to nominate Landeryou as Australia's worst blogger and Poxnews as our nation's worst blog.
Melbourne criminal lawyer Peter Faris QC says the new information against Graham Richardson could lead to perjury charges.
“I would imagine if they can get the evidence together, they'd be looking at this with relation to a perjury charge, for giving false evidence before ASIC when he denied he had Swiss bank accounts - if they can prove it,” he told ABC radio on Friday.
Mr Richardson would be at risk of going to jail if perjury were proved, Mr Faris said.
Mr Faris' comments were regarded as bad news for his sometime client Andrew Landeryou.
Mr Landeryou already faces imprisonment for fraud, theft and contempt of court.
The alcohol addicted Andrew Landeryou posted on this thread "The OC remains the best and most trustworthy blog on the net."
Andrew was so drunk and so deranged he was unable to recall that he had shut down his Blog of Sleaze five months earlier.
Paula Rizzuto and Slanderyou's blog will be joint winners of this noxious award. I am Henderson Ross.
Landeryou continues his libels on the righteous, saintly Paula Rizzuto site. He is one hell of a sick SOB!
What a FANTASTIC year 2008 has been for Slanderyou Patriots!
So many Landeryou personalities and fake commenters UNMASKED!
A few months ago the ingnominious finale to Landeryou's latest stalking exploit, of the Les Twentyman family, ended up in Sunshine Court. The silly loon meekly signed an agreement to desist. But his mad pal, Sasha Uzunov, broached court orders just signed by Landeryou, by taking photos of the Twentyman family. Victoria Police got Uzunov to delete his photos on the spot!
It's all rapidly unravelling, Landy! You're buggered, bro!
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the MUSU Crime Crew, and the IQC organised Fraudsters got big jail time in 2009.
Justice delayed is justice denied!
C'mon prosecutors! Your reps are in the gun!
Hmnn. Don't forget Landeryou's dirty tricks during the Kororoit bye election, taken up and authorised by ALP Sec Newnham and Premier Brumby.
Syringes! Heroin Shooting Rooms in Kororoit! The Liberal Preferences Rort!
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap!
Democracy destroyed!
Poisonous Poxnews, with its vile malware exploit and ISP address identification logs, is a blog TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS. Don't go there!
Can blogs like Vexnews be sued for libel?
Increasing evidence suggests they can be sued.
But at the moment Cyber criminal and libeller Landeryou is relatively safe. But he will need to dust off his dancing shoes.
As Andrew's multiple personalities only have one vote (on the principle of one person, one vote no matter how corpulent or deranged), the tally coming in clearly indicates Vexnews trending towards Worst Blog of the Year and Andrew Landeryou as Worst Blogger of the Year. Of course, with days to vote, I encourage all patriots to make their views known.
The VEC will be overseeing an entirely impartial vote count.
A patriot says "It's all rapidly unravelling, Landy! You're buggered, bro!"
You soon will be by me and the rest of the Barwon Jail Hot Rodders, fat boy
Where are you Cait Catt? You are sweet and loverly. I want to root you.
Is it wrong of me to find Andy very attractive?
fellow creditors, there is hope yet.
Aussie repays fellow traveller... 39 years later: report
* December 20, 2008 - 10:17AM
A Briton who lent 5 pounds sterling ($11) to a cash-strapped Australian while travelling through Europe has had his loan repaid - nearly 40 years later, a report said on Friday.
Jim Webb, 72, was in the Belgian coastal town of Ostend in April 1969 with a friend when he met Gary Fenton who asked for a loan to pay for a ferry journey back to Britain.
Fenton promised to repay Webb and noted down his address when the trio landed in England.
Last Sunday Webb returned to his home in Sheffield to find a hand-delivered package with 200 pounds sterling ($439) - five pounds for each year the loan had not been paid - and a note that read: "To Jim Webb, a good man. From Gary Fenton, a tardy payer of debts."
"I was quite emotional when I read it," Webb told the BBC.
"In this day and age promises are made and promises are broken and you lose your faith in human nature.
"This was a lovely gesture. Forty years is a long time - it must have been preying on his mind that he hadn't repaid his debt."
Webb said that Fenton, who now lives in Sydney, had explained in his note that he had come across the Briton's address while looking through old papers, and decided to repay the debt while on a visit to London.
Fenton left only an email address and Webb said that though he had tried to contact the Aussie he had not yet heard back.
Andrew, time to repay the cash you looted. We know there is still plenty of it stashed away overseas in those hidden accounts. You probably used the same Banks as your idol Grahame Richardson. Swapped notes with your fat master on hiding the proceeds.
MUSU deserves the money back. You sent a great Student Union bankrupt you arsehole. How do you sleep at night?
Hey Theo!
Looks like we got away with it after all!
Patriots watching the Cricket Test against the South Africans in Perth would be well-aware of the endless saturation advertising of 'SOLO Strong' aimed at youndger men.
Landeryou is hopelessly addicted to Guarana.
Guarana contains a form of caffeine called guaranine, which is 2.5 times stronger than caffeine found in coffee and tea. It also continues to be administered for chronic diarrhea, and as a colon cleanser. It has extensive livestock applications of the same kind.
The Ad apparently is based on Landeryou and his mini-me "Henderson Ross". Thus when you see the man with the midget strapped on his chest achieving a huge throw, you will know who they are. Or at least, that is what I have figured out.
Cadbury-Schweppes which produce this strange drink with 'its manly kick' turned out to be a weird institution when I telephoned last week. All the relevant managers were either absent or on leave. I rang seven times hoping to get through to a real person to complain to rather than voice-mail. No luck. Even the brand manager for 'Solo' was missing. It was a shocking experience. They can supply a drink with questionable ingredients to young men. Australian governments are supposed to be protecting young people. What a joke. Send the Cadbury-Schweppes managers to the Chokey along with Landeryou.
Landeryou must be providing management advice to Ikea in Richmond too. I rang to make a complaint after a visit there yesterday. The Manager there is called 'Katrine' but she does not respond to customer complaints.
Hmnnn. A manager who doesn't want to know what customers think. Cool!
Ikea and Cadbury-Schweppes products won't ge getting another cent from us.
Oh, I forgot.
Landeryou and Vexnews are the most appalling, abominable and libellous blogger/blog on the net!
Slanderyou is well ahead in both both categories. Not surprising. However, looks like Paula Rizutto is making up ground.I am Henderson Ross.
Slanderyou will win both awards convincingly.
Slanderyou 1 and 2.
Reading this, I was reminded of Slanderyou. Sick.
A JILTED husband last night branded his wife “sick and beyond belief” — over claims she was having a fling with her own son.
The shattered ex-squaddie was left disgusted after returning from a foreign work trip to find his 38-year-old missus had fled the family home with the lad, who’s just 18.
He told how her sister broke the sickening news — claiming the pair were caught in a compromising position on the living room sofa.
Outrage ... husband called cops
Outrage ... husband called cops
Another member of his family insists they found the mother and son lying naked in bed.
Last night, the 35-year-old husband said: “My whole world has been shattered. It is sick and beyond belief. What mother could do such a thing?”
The lorry driver revealed the pair fled to England on Thursday last week before he got home from France.
And he revealed he has already called in POLICE to investigate.
Incredibly, the mum-of-three, of Fife, had not seen her estranged son for 14 years — after he was taken into care with a sister.
It was only four months ago that they finally made contact again through the social networking website Bebo.
The lad had been living with foster parents in Ayrshire.
It did not take long for the teenager to strike a close relationship with his natural mother.
And the hubby — who has several tattoos of his wife’s name on his body — said he had no idea their bond was anything other than totally innocent.
He added: “When they were reunited she was overjoyed. Within a couple of months he had moved into the house with us.
‘ The pair of them jumped up. He was lying on top of her with just a robe on.. she had nothing covering her bottom half ’
“I thought he was a nice boy and like any other lad his age he was into playing his games consoles and stuff.
“My wife and the lad became really close as you might expect.”
But it’s claimed his wife and stepson started to get intimate while he was working abroad for two weeks driving his lorry.
One family member revealed how she caught the pair in a steamy clinch on the living room couch three weeks ago.
The woman — who was living in the family home but does not want to be named — said: “I came downstairs and both of them were on the couch.
“The pair of them jumped up. He was lying on top of her with just a robe covering him and she had a top on but nothing covering her bottom half.
“I was shocked and ran upstairs. I came back down and asked her what was going on.
“She told me it was a drunken mistake. It is unbelievable.”
The husband returned home from work last weekend to discover his unemployed missus had fled — taking all her clothes.
And he was left outraged when his wife’s 37-year-old sister spilled the beans over the alleged illicit fling with the teenager.
He said: “I was flabbergasted. In hindsight, they were far too touchy-feely and were always stuck to one another.
“It then came out that someone else has found them in our bed lying naked together.
“I was then told that another person walked in on them in my kitchen. I’m sickened. However you don’t think that a mother and son will be having an affair. He added: “I feel sick to the bottom of my stomach.”
The hubby — who has two children of his own — claims he was left repulsed when he went to watch a DVD and someone had left a porn movie in the machine.
It was called Desperate Mothers and Wives.
Whirlwind ... couple married in 2000
Whirlwind ... couple married in 2000
The devastated father — who got married in October 2000 — added: “My head is in a spin. I thought we were so happy and I would do anything for her. Now I just want the truth out.”
Last night, her sister, also from Fife, revealed the scandal has torn apart her family — who cannot be identified for legal reasons.
And she has vowed never to talk to the mother again.
She said: “I had my suspicions for several weeks. They were always together and just the way they acted together was unnatural for a mother and son.
“She had been acting suspiciously and she gave me a cover story that she was having an affair with an 18-year-old boy who was a friend of a friend.
“But when it came out in the open I was horrified.
“Her son is only 18 but should still know right from wrong.
“However, he has missed out on his mum for most of his life and has been showered with emotion the last few months.
‘ In hindsight, they were far too touchy-feely and were always stuck to one another ’
“I fear he has been getting his emotions confused. She should be ashamed.” The spurned trucker met his missus in 2000 after they placed ads in a lonely hearts column in the local paper.
And they married after a whirlwind romance six months later.
The dad — who got divorced from his first wife in 1995 after three years — said: “When we first met she was nice, friendly and had a great personality.
“The person she has become is not the person I met and fell in love with. When I got married to her I was so happy and thought we would spend the rest of our lives together.”
Before he met her, she had three kids to three different lovers. She had only married once — to her son’s dad.
Two of her children — the teenage boy and another girl — had been put up for adoption years before. Her other daughter, aged 22, was living with her.
But the mum is guardian of the 22-year-old’s two children. She was given a residency order after her daughter fell ill with depression.
Yesterday, The Scottish Sun tracked the mum — who has also fled with her two grandkids — and her 18-year-old son to their English hideaway.
All four were holed up in a £50- a-night room at a village hotel.
But the mother insisted she and her teenage lad had done nothing wrong. She told us: “It’s all a pack of lies. My son and I have a totally normal relationship.
“This has all been made up by my husband who’s just a very bitter, petty man.
“The idea that we’re having an affair is ridiculous. I’m happy to speak to the police about it to clear my name.” She added: “I know the police are looking into this because I’ve spoken to them. But we’ve done nothing wrong.
“I don’t think we’ll get into any trouble over this because it’s just not true.
“My husband has got it all wrong but I don’t want to say too much at the moment. We just need some time to ourselves.”
Last night, a spokesman for Fife Constabulary said: “We can confirm that we have received a complaint and are currently investigating the matter.”
Other Cadbury-Schweppes Ads getting a huge million-dollar Xmas workout are the boring, bursting balloons. They were fun six months ago and a yawn now.
Here is what someone had to say about the Ads on an advertising site a long time ago:
"That is uber impressive Slo-Mo footage. Cool!
"There’s a small technical glitch though. Schweppervescence causes bubbles and not cascading droplets of water (or whatever the liquid was in the balloons).
"In order to fully capture the eruption of Schweppervescence bubbles theme, I imagine a large swimming pool filled with thousands of advertising executives after a free lunch. It’s sort of like the ‘Blazing Saddles’ campfire scene except underwater…".
Thank God, Landeryou is not an outdoors sort of guy!
Not unusual!
Uh-oh! The madman is on the loose again and quoting from 'The Scottish Sun'.
Landeryou has far too much time on his hands if he can surf and quote obscure Scottish sites. What we are interested in on the Slanderyou blog is where Landeryou has hidden his stolen millions, when he will face justice, and what he intends to do to ameliorate his disgraceful libels on ordinary Australians.
SOME of Melbourne's biggest bars and nightclubs face closure and big fines as Victoria Police and Liquor Licensing Victoria clamp down on rogue operators in the lead-up to New Year's Eve says 'The Age'.
Does this include 'The Fat Cave' operated by obese HRH Andrew Landeryou? 'The Fat Cave' provides industrial-style deep-fat fried meals accompanied with 'free' alcoholic drinks.
Victoria Police and Liquor Licensing Victoria vote that Laneryou is the world's most repugnant blogger and that Vewnews is the Universe's most tiresome blog.
While surfing tonight I found out why Landeryou keeps on trolling here. My searches kept on turning up Slanderyou blog references to Landeryou and Vexnews that are much less than complimentary.
The more negative posts there are about Vewnews, the more worried Laneryou becomes...
The Union movement votes Vexnews as the Worst Blog and Landeryou as the worst blogger. Landeryou and family are a disgrace to the labour movement and parasites upon it. Andrew looted MUSU sending it bankrupt through contract scams. Jail him now.
Sad Andy trolls the site with his multiple personalities voting so many times. Against the rules Fat Boy. You only get one vote. Though you have cheated in so many elections, Slanderyou won't let you get away with this.
Vexnews / OC: The Worst Blog of 2008.
Andrew Landeryou: Foulest, nastiest and worst Blogger of the Year.
Enjoy Xmas with your bankrupt family. What does dad have to say about that? Full of understanding and love for your youthful mistakes? Not likely. Hopefully you'll be able to drop a few $ in his account, Richardson-style, to ease the pain of bankruptcy in old old age.
Great son! Great husband!
A failed life not worth living.
Where is Paula Rizzutto? I understand she is a friend of Cait Catt. Perhaps Paula could tell me where I could find Cait? I want to root Cait, not Paula. I heard that Paula ate her husband Stephen Ho. I wouldn't go near her for she might want to eat me.
Toxic Andrew poisons everyone around him and always will.
Vexnews is the worst blog and Landeryou the worst blogger.
By a big margin.
The low IQ moron needs to get a job. But not even Big Bill with his employment agency can assist with that. Lost cause.
Unemployed, unemployable, almost 40, friendless and divorced. Bankrupted MUSU, his dad, his wife and his own companies.
Andy what's your measure of success?
"The OC remains the best and most trustworthy blog on the net."
"The OC was justifiably the winner of the inaugural Walkley Blog Award."
Andrew, your self-glorifying comments above, from imaginary friends about imaginary awards demonstrate what a failure you are.
No-one reads your Blog. Lots read Slanderyou because they hate you. No-one comments on your Blog (excl. you and your imaginary friends) because there is nothing worth commenting on.
So you troll Slanderyou looking for attention and readership.
You are the Worst Blogger of 2008.
Cait Catt wrote those comments. She is a good lady. I want to root her.
Cait Catt is a figment on Landeryou's imagination. She does not exist. Rooying Cait is in fact rooting Landeryou.
While the Barwon Hotrodders are looking forward to that ugly act, the rest of us prefer to stay at least a block from the obese fiend.
Be warned.
Keep a clear distinction between reality and Landeryou's grotesque personality disorder.
Vexnews. Not worth $10. Worst Blog ever.
Landeryou. Worst human blogger ever.
Landeryou = Worst Blogger of 2008.
Vexnews, really rotten. Has to be the Worst of 2008.
I vote for Vexnews and Andrew Landeryou.
What was Andrew doing posting that weird incest story above? I mean the guy is creepy, but why post it here?
No happy families at the Landeryou's this year! With Bankrupt Bill Bill carving up the turkey, Andrew slobbering over the gravy bucket, and Solly Lew waiting with the Bailiffs to reclaim the Landeryou's ill gotten gains. What a lovely family scene.
Vexnews get my vote.
Sunday, 2:40:00 AM
The IKEA manager at the Richmond store is taking the easy Landeryou way out. Refuse to answer any questions.
Memo to: little Theo
From: Big Theo
Yep, it looks like we are home hosed, and I can soon get back to buggering Victoria full time.
Now I'm in my sixties, I may not use you as much as I would like. But we have shared tremendous, exciting and lewd moments together.
I am still capable of quite a few surprises for lazy unemployed women. What about you, little Buddy? Are you still up for it?
While Landeryou was doing periodic detention this weekend, he missed a miniscule state politics story which is what newless Vexnews thrives on:
"The Sunday Age understands that former state Liberal president and party powerbroker Michael Kroger late last week told a wide range of senior state and federal Liberals that long-serving shadow ministers should be cleaned out and replaced with younger MPs.
"So many of them are either depressed or just in a comfort zone," a senior Liberal source close to Mr Kroger said. "They are not going to find another job paying them anything like $150,000 a year, so they are just going through the motions. It's like a club."
Jeez, are all those useless twits getting $150,000 a year. So that's where all my hard-earned tax dollars have been going. If they took a hike, would anyone notice?
Poor old Terry Mulder is ancient enough to be in the Kroger cross-hairs.
Bye bye Choo Choo!
The Health Services Union is happily self-destructing on Vexnews while puppetmaster Landeryou tells lies in his blog and libels officials as a fake commenter.
The farcically named 'Blog of Freedom' is anything but. Landeryou bans criticism, blocks adverse comments and provokes more carnage with his own nasty fake comments.
The naive unionists didn't know their posts are being scrutinised for ISP identity, and that malware cookies were being loaded as an exploit onto their computers.
Landeryou needs to be comrehensively SHUT DOWN PERMANENTLY.
Landeryou is one dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, vile, piece of lowlife scum!
The unionists and Young Libs are easy prey. They are dumber than shit and utterly computer ignorrant. They post to provocative 'stories' on Vexnews without realising that Blogger Landeryou is breaching their internet security with his malware cookies and monitoring their ISPs.
They are like the Pure Blonde Beer hippies on that stupid TV ad.
Who knows where all those details end up. Landeryou is a criminal who has so far managed to evade justice. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. Being as fat as he is now, that wouldn't be very far!
I nominate Cait Catt for the laziest blogger of the year. She hasn't updated her blog for over twelve months, and she refused to reply to my invitation for her to have sex with me.
Cait Catt for the lazy blogger award.
Andrew: You have our grateful support after your successful efforts to shut down the Les Twentyman Kororoit campaign, and the robust defence of ALP Uber-Figure Theo Theophanous. Thanks to all our efforts, Theo will soon be returning to the fold.
Monday, 3:03:00 AM
The reason Cait Catt doesn't update her website is because she is as dead as Landeryou fake commenter 'Rita Randles'.
Why doesn't Landeryou update his blog more often? He is by far the laziest blogger on the internet. He libels outstanding Aussies, even though he is himself a repulsive crim awaiting justice.
Bring Mr Landeryou before me at once.
Come along, gentlemen of the jury, let's get him hung before breakfast.
Oh Dear! So many Landeryou bankrupts...
Andrew, Bill, Kim, MUSU, IQC and there are lots more.
Lotsa brown paper envelopes being shoved under doors...
The AFP surveillance team are puzzling over all this?!?
The money trail is still there Dumbos! Get after him! Hong Kong is just the starting point. Geez, do we have to do it all for you, porcine Victorian prosecutors?
I suggest they look at all ATMs located near the Fat Cave, in particular for withdrawls from tax haven credit and debit cards (HK, Seychelles, Virgin Islands, Cypress etc). Match them up with Customs entry and exit details. Funny how many non-existant foreigners there are withdrawing all this cash when they have never even entered the country.
Maybe they can even inspect the secuity camera footage to see if the show images of anyone they know.
We can presume Landeryou won't waddle too far to get his loot.
What do you think Santa will bring Andrew this year? C'mon folks suggestions please.
1) Writs. Lots of them.
Now over to you....
2) A reduced fat Zinger burger
For his own good.
Santa will bring Andrew season's greetings from the Barwon Gaol Hot Rodders Club!
3) How about Santa brings Andy a genuine news story not cut and paste from other Websites. That would be nice.
Vexnews. Worst Blog of 2008 with nothing new or original.
I think Andy is the one wanting to root Cait Catt. Just a distraction. The sad git thinks his imaginary friends are real.
4) Santa will bring Landy a copy of 'Basic Blogging for Nincompoops'.
Poxnews worst blog ever.
5) Santa is going to deliver seven tonnes of reindeer dung to The Fat Cave on behalf of those libelled on the OC and Poxnews in 2008.
The libelled include, among others, laudable Aussies like Les Twentyman, Dean Mighell, Catherine Ng and the VEC Commish!
Months of scrubbing won't help. Reindeer eat things that BAM and other products can't cut through! Have a Happy New Year you detestable scrubber!
Holy Reindeer Dung!
I've just scrubbed Landeryou off my Xmas and New Year 'first footing' visiting lists!
Awful Vexnews. Worst of a bad lot.
6) Santa is going to give Landeryou a dose of his own medicine. On Slanderyou in 2009, Landeryou will be treated to shocks, exposures and constant reminders of his fraudulent past.
2009 is going to be a shocker Landeryou. OPP and ATO finally catch up. Your Ass goes to Barwon!
6) Santa is going to make sure Landeryou shares a cell with Theo in 2009. Everyone knows they don't actually get on - especially after Theo said he wouldn't mind rooting unemployed Cait Catt. Landeryou is worried this is getting a bit close to home.
Landeryou, world's worst blog and blogger!
This is a bit strange.
The HUN is starting to retire Landeryou pages. This story has now disappeared:
Landeryou wants out of jail | Herald Sun
Why aren't the Libs asking questions about why Landeryou is free to libel one and all?
There's something about all this that smells.
Geez, they're on to us Boss!
8:55:00 PM was spot on.
Unfortunately, Landeryou is not top of the surveillance list. He's there, but not top.
Luckily, the transactions will remain until they get around to him, but don't hold your breath.
A very merry Christmas to all at Slanderyou. That includes Slanderyou himself for keeping such a wonderful blog open. I like the goss, plus the opportunity to express myself, although I have been unsuccessful in my dating attempts. Any advice fellow Slanderyou bloggers?
I especially enjoy Cait Catt. I love her even if she's a lazy blogger and she hasn't turned up for a while on Slanderyou.
A merry christmas also to all you say are alternate personalities. I think that includes Henderson Ross, the late Rita Randles, the man from Bunyip (can't remember where he's really from) and everyone else.
Happy New Year also to Slanderyou bloggers.
I am still waiting for the police to interview me over my "vicious assault" LOL cough cough, on Mr Fat Landeryou outside Sunshine Magistrates Court.
I am still waiting for the police to interview me over my "vicious assault" LOL cough cough, on Mr Fat Landeryou outside Sunshine Magistrates Court.
Where is Paula Rizzutto? I understand she is a friend of Cait Catt. Perhaps Paula could tell me where I could find Cait? I want to root Cait, not Paula. I heard that Paula ate her husband Stephen Ho. I wouldn't go near her for she might want to eat me.
Other Cadbury-Schweppes Ads getting a huge million-dollar Xmas workout are the boring, bursting balloons. They were fun six months ago and a yawn now.
Here is what someone had to say about the Ads on an advertising site a long time ago:
"That is uber impressive Slo-Mo footage. Cool!
"There’s a small technical glitch though. Schweppervescence causes bubbles and not cascading droplets of water (or whatever the liquid was in the balloons).
"In order to fully capture the eruption of Schweppervescence bubbles theme, I imagine a large swimming pool filled with thousands of advertising executives after a free lunch. It’s sort of like the ‘Blazing Saddles’ campfire scene except underwater…".
Thank God, Landeryou is not an outdoors sort of guy!
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