By Liberty Larry
While Team Slanderyou takes a well earned break, I thought patriots would be interested in cat and rat love.
Patriots will recall how Landeryou is a Labor Rat, and how he posts, frequently on this blog, as alternate personality Cait Catt. It is love at first sight.
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6 days ago
70 Truth On Comments:
Rat and cat love? I hear that Landeryou loved Ronnie the dog in a way he never, ever, ever loved Kimberley.
Just where is Cait Catt?
We need to know just what is happening in the ALP at the moment. The Right is badly split and one group, apparently supported by Vexnews, has done a deal with the enemy the Socialist Left.
Please explain it to us Cait. We need someone of your depth and intellect to let us know just what is going on.
Where are you? Why don't you grace us with your purrrrring.?
Cait has had too much catnip, or rather fat Andy has had too much from the catering cask.
Hey, I'm a high visual imager. Go easy on the talk of Landy n' Kim in doggystyle!
She prefers Woman on Top, and remembers that it was like riding on a mound of triffle during a minor earth tremor.
If patriots can remember the OC days, they will recall that Landeryou is very knowledgeable about a sex aid called a butt plug. Objects which are inserted into the rectum can potentially travel up into the bowel: and thence, as in Landeryou's case, to the brain.
This explains Landeryou's madness. Anyone who has a large rubber or plastic butt plug in their brain isn't going to be functioning well. Apparently Sasha Uzunov has been forbidden to take any portraits of Landeryou because Cait Catt said he looks like a unicorn.
Landeryou's cranial protuberance has allowed us to get much closer, and for us to enjoy many loving moments of intimacy. I feel as if I am f*cking Landeryou's brain. The best part is he gets an eyeful as well. I get a bit of peace and quiet because he can't hear anything as my thighs are wrapped tightly around his ears.
I hope this explicit post satisfies sll my new fans on this blog. I just wish they would admire my mind and not just my nether regions.
You can sit on my face anytime catholic Cait.
Cadbury-Schweppes promotes Guarana products for caffeine-starved addicts like Landeryou. Guarana is also a well-known veterinary diarroea inhibitor.
This is a chemical butt plug that really works.
Why aren't the Cadbury-Schweppes execs in jail yet? They are drug-dealers.
So let me get this right, Andy is the rat that chases the cat?
Please keep it clean fellas. I want to read about politics, not the sort of stuff SBS produces.
I want to know where Ms or Mrs Catt is hiding, for we all want to know her views about the state of the ALP.
The Cait Catt who posted this morning about sex is I suspect a different Cait Catt to the one who always posts, like Henderson Ross, in defence of Comrade Andy Landy.
Why isn't Landeryou in jail yet, 3:14:00?
Liberty Larry if I find out who you are I will sue you.
Is it you who called me a lesbian in a previous comment in which you were only prepared to post anonymously?
Slanderyou is the blog of filth and lies and everything posted on the current topic so far (or at least almost everything. I agree with one almost supporter) is pure filth. Not even the old Truth newspaper would print it.
Also I do not work at the Daily Planet and never have. I am a good Catholic Convent girl. My mother wanted me to become a nun so that I would be protected from the likes of Slanderyou filth but I decided not to become celibate and to fight.
There are some comments about the Daily Planet in today's Herald Sun but I won't repeat them as I don't wish to give that establishment any free publicity. There is apparently a secret door between the brothel and the house next door, which provides liquor for clients, according to an investigator from the Glen Eira Council. That's apparently illegal. I disapprove of Councils entering brothels. That's a police job.
There was a Councillor out Whitehorse way who was exposed on the great man's web site, and he was too frightened to stand for re-election. He claimed his credit card account for going to a strip joint as a council expense. Vexnews, as I mentioned, blew the whistle on him. Vexnews fighting for accountability and justice.
The best thing you could do Mr Slanderyou is to close your filthy blog down. As as for using my name to attack the great man. My namesake is an imposter.
Vexnews is Australia's greatest news site and it will remain so. If it wasn't for the evil influence of Slanderyou it would win a Walkley.
Please sue Cait. Slanderyou is filth.
Tudor Constantin
Great stuff Cait. Congratulations. You show Slanderyou up for the evil filthy person that he is.
As for Liberty Larry. He at least acknowledges your existence Cait, even if he does call you bad things.
Lovely pictures of the cat and the rat. Not at my cattery though. We don't want rats or mice. Our cattery is a clean cattery.
I just love reading your comments Cait. They are purrfect. Only Henderson Ross is your equal. He's got more sense than to contribute to this crap. You had to respond Cait as you have been called awful things. As for Liberty Larry calling you a lesbian. That is the pits.
Slanderyou is not very consistent. On the one hand he allows contributors to call you a lesbian. On the other he defames you by claiming you have worked at the Daily Planet. I'm not supposed to know what it is but I think everyone in Melbourne knows its a brothel. It's even listed on the Stock Exchange. I wouldn't buy its shares though. An immoral activity. My priest would not give me confession if I said otherwise.
Thank you Catter8 for your kind words. I return the compliment. I am Henderson Ross.
And thank you Rita. I am Henderson Ross.
And thank you Landeryou for imagining all of us and posting comments from us even if we are imaginary or dead, as in the case of the loquacious Rita Randles.
Don't forget Vexnews earned the worst blog award on the net from Patriots on this site, and Landeryou the worst blogger.
Kororoit voters will remember him forever as the duplicitous person who stole their votes away from the rightful candidate with a dastardly, month long campaign of misleading lies. VEC shoulda got him jailed for his undemocratic interference in the election.
Hmnn. Isn't a friend of Landeryou due for committal proceedings shortly?
I'm expecting a huge bevy of taxpayer-funded SCs and QCs on hand for the prick.
Landy could probably get a job with the shonks at the Advanced Medical Institute. They're the people who offer "longer lasting sex" and the ludicrous 'Stiff and Stiff' piano performers in TV ads. The High Court in 2003 ruled the treatment misleading because it did not work.
Toothless watchdog, the Advertising Standards Bureau banned the 'Do you want longer lasting sex' on freeway adverts years ago, but they were still up and running until late last year.
Advanced Medical Institute is like Landeryou and is lawless and flagrantly disregards community opinion and legal rulings. The High Court ruling in 2003, one would think, should have stopped this scam in its tracks. But the TV channels loves AMI cash. Get them all into clink!
Channel Nine in Melbourne is run by shonks too. Who can forget Quiz Mania and the Mint? They were quizzes where you coughed up money whether you played or not. Now it's Betfair during the cricket. After 11 pm, the channel descends into the dark recesses of porn and scams.
What are the TV watchdogs doing? Are they dead?
Channel 10 and Channel 7 need to take a very close look at themselves too. They are no slouches is grabbing crooked advertising dollars either.
What part of the global meltdown don't the Melbourne free to air channels understand? Their news services completely missed the meltdown. And all the channels want to milk any missing dollar they may have missed. Fug them!
Six comments in a row late on a Saturday night from fat failure Andrew Landeryou, including one by a NEW false identity.
The fat failure was clearly very drunk and very lonely.
Patriots should take a look at this story from Melbourne's most reputable news source, The Age.
Theo Theophanous appears to have just one friend, Andrew Landeryou. He might as well give up now.
Secret search of Theophanous' office
Melissa Fyfe
January 18, 2009
POLICE detectives secretly searched the office of then cabinet minister Theo Theophanous while he was overseas on holiday last October, after upper house president Bob Smith granted them access — without the knowledge of Premier John Brumby.
Mr Smith yesterday defended his actions amid accusations that he not only betrayed Parliament and his friend, but did not follow due process.
Mr Smith has confirmed that about two weeks before Premier John Brumby announced police were investigating Mr Theophanous, who was later charged with rape, he granted police access to the MP's office in a secret arrangement known only to himself, police and lower house Speaker Jenny Lindell. Under law, Mr Smith was not required to inform the Premier of the search.
Mr Theophanous, who denies the rape charge, is due in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court this Friday for a hearing to set the date for his trial. He reacted angrily yesterday to the news that his office was searched without his knowledge or permission when he was on holiday with his wife, Rita.
"This is another example of the Keystone Kops approach to this investigation," Mr Theophanous said. "Police have time to search through my office, but didn't have time to hear my side of the story prior to charging me, despite repeated requests from my lawyers."
Mr Smith's admission comes amid the growing concern and bewilderment of senior State Government figures over Mr Theophanous' determination to return to Parliament when it resumes on February 3.
They fear his return, which is expected to attract huge media interest and comes three months after he went on leave for the duration of the investigation, will overshadow Mr Brumby's annual Statement of Government Intentions to the lower house and could be an ongoing embarrassment for the Government.
Mr Smith has told The Sunday Age that police had a search warrant, but one was not necessary under an existing memorandum of understanding struck between police and the Parliament. The rules of parliamentary privilege did not apply either, he was advised. The Parliament's serjeant-at-arms was present while police searched Mr Theophanous' office, Mr Smith said.
Some Liberal Party figures have suggested privately that it was wrong of Mr Smith to allow access to a minister's parliamentary office without his knowledge, while it is understood some Government members see the act as a betrayal of Mr Theophanous, a breach of due process and of his privacy. They insist the president should have at least called a representative of Mr Theophanous' office to be present during the search.
Others have raised concerns that such police searches of ministers' offices could breach cabinet confidentiality and the serjeant-at-arms would not be equipped to identify and protect secret documents from scrutiny and seizure.
"The fact is I have very limited powers to stop (the police) and I think it is outrageous for the Opposition to criticise the presiding officer for co-operating with a police investigation," Mr Smith said.
Upper house Liberal leader David Davis said it was difficult to know if the president's actions were appropriate without knowing what police said to him. "This is a serious development, which, until now, has been covered up by the president and the Brumby Government. It beggars belief that John Brumby did not know the police were searching the premises of one of his senior ministers."
Meanwhile, The Sunday Age believes that some of Mr Theophanous' colleagues have counselled him not to return to Parliament and to consider taking his superannuation and benefits, thought to be about $2 million after a 20-year career. These benefits would be lost if he is convicted.
"Theo's presence in the house will be a source of ongoing embarrassment for the Government," said one senior Labor figure.
But his supporters say Mr Theophanous should be able to work while he defends his innocence through the courts.
Last year, Mr Brumby said that under the memorandum of understanding, the Speaker and the president were the first to be notified by police of the investigation into Mr Theophanous.
Cait, nee Landeryou, I would never call you a lesbian. A deranged personality, yes. A lesbian no.
So I am not a lesbian but I am a deranged personality.
I accept any criticism from you Liberty Larry as a badge of honour.
You tell them Cait. You never called Liberty Larry a poofter yet he says you are deranged. Not very nice by someone you have never called dirty names.
What one would expect from the blog of filth.
Well said Cait. Well said Rita. Liberty Larry has more than a deranged mind.
The unholy trio of fake Landeryou commenters Cait Catt, voodoo woman Rita Randles and Catter8 continue to post irrelevant posts here. How lucky are we?
Oh, and silence from the Bile Blog Poxnews on The Age's Theo story. Even Landeryou has realised he was flogging a dead horse. When you are up to your ears in shit, it's hard to swim very far. The Keystone Cops quote wasn't very smart. They still got their guy in the end.
If Theo takes the superannuation and benefits escape route, thought to be about $2 million after a 20-year career, I, as a taxpayer, will spew big time.
However, compensation for the victim, if the story is true, could easily amount to that figure. The Parliament of Victoria is also culpable in that case.
I hope that Rita, who dislikes grubby, unemployed allegers of rape, has a lot of cold spoons in the fridge.
A big cup of tea with bromide is the answer...
Where are Landeryou's millions?
Yes Cait, you would have noticed I called you a "A deranged personality" not a deranged person!!!!!!!!!!
Also Cait, you write "I accept any criticism from you Liberty Larry as a badge of honour."
How is it possible to pin a badge onto someone who doesn't exist!
Cait exists when Landershonk is drunk enough, which going by all her posting and those by Landershonk's other imaginary friends and false identities is pretty damn often.
Interesting error message on Poxnews today -
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\Domains\\wwwroot\wordpress\wp-includes\comment-template.php on line 579
Utterly Fatal.
All of Andrew Landeryou's career has been a "fatal error".
Cait Catt is not Landeryou. How many times do I have to tell you. Cait is the great man's best admirer. She is not the great man himself.
And, if so, a member of the smallest fan club in the world.
Wow! Landeryou was already drunk enough to have adopted Cait's persona at 6.21 pm Melbourne time last night. Talk about going downhill fast.
100,000 sperm, and Landeryou was the fastest?
Go figure.
He queue-barged!
The Keystone Cops was a series of silent film comedies featuring a totally incompetent group of policemen produced by Mack Sennett for his Keystone Film Company between 1912 and 1917.
Theo, if Victoria police are "totally incompetent" like the Keystone Cops, as you say, what has the Brumby government done about them? Your previous portfolio didn't include the cops, did it?
Landeryou's business career was Keystone Kops stuff.
Slanderyou continues to be the blog of filth.
Watch your language Slanderyou. That's why no one reads your blog. That's why it's unfit to open your blog in front of the children.
The only web site that's fit to read is Vexnews. Australia's greatest web site.
Jesus H Christ! Landeryou was drunk enough to have slipped into Cait mode before lunch today!
I think I saw Landeryou at the tennis today. Seriously.
I thought the police were taking a tough line on undesirables at the tennis.
Fatso must have been somewhere today other than the Fat Cave. He didn't put up anything new on Poxnews.
Perhaps he was at the tennis. Perhaps he had passed out.
How coulda bankrupt afford several seats at the tennis? (He wouldn't fit on one seat).
Interesting. Would love to know more about Andy at the tennis.
Serial photo thief Landeryou has stolen an image of the JFK funeral to use on his loathesome blog. No credits. Nothing new. He steals most of the images used on that godforsaken website.
If Landeryou was at the tennis he must have got his Young Liberal compatriot to write under the name of the cat person.
Can't believe Cait is a real person. She is either Landeryou or writing under direct orders from Landeryou. The style is Landeryou through and through.
This item just appeared on Poxnews. Its copied below in case it disappears. It criticises Landeryou and is awaiting moderation. If a comment contains keywords and the author is not known as a Slanderyou writer the comment is moderated. It seems Feeney who was formerly a best mate of Landeryou has had a falling out with him. The ALP factional shenanigans are impossible to work out. At least when all factions were leaking to Crikey under various names (Delia Delegate was one name) we could work out who was up whom. Now we don't know.
Just another day in the saga that is Labor Unity ! And to think that Feeney and Shorten were once allies in the fight against Osama Tim Holding and the NUW extremists! I recall that even Andrew Landeryou himself was part of the anti-NUW forces. Senator Conroy must be thinking “WTF?” for having supported Feeney for so long, only to be stabbed in the back. Apparently as it turns out, Senator Feeney is just another careerist willing to sell out former friends and allies to further his own political ambition.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Landeryou has hired a corporate box at the Australian Open. His guest list includes "Cait Catt", "Byron from Wahroonga", "Real Politik", Henderson Ross", a new pal called "Tudor Constantin", and many other imaginary celebrities. There is an empty seat for a person named 'Theo' and a coffin in the corner with a brass plaque "Rita Randles, RIP"
Waiters keep carrying KFC Family Feasts and wine casks into the corporate box.
But when Channel 7 cameras pan the box, only Landeryou can be seen munching into the feast and muttering to invisable 'friends'. It all looks a bit dull. Glad I'm not there.
We could sure liven up the scene in the Landeryou corporate box!
Wish we were there!
Everyone in modern Labor must be wishing they never heard of Landy, never met him, never had dealings with him.
He was poison as a corporate asset-stripper and fraud.
Today, he is poison as a libellous blogger and image lifter. Somewhere, Labor pollies protect the prick from prosecution. Time is running out, though. Landeryou has the biggest mouth in Victoria. All we need is a bigger CORK!
It pays to be a Labor mate. It pays to be on the winning side. Such luck. Landeryou must have won Tattslotto.
Wonder if Cait Catt will ever win Tattslotto?
I don't think the late Rita will. Unless she's reincarnated.
Not so sure about catter8 or Henderson Ross or Byron from Wahroonga.
Are they for real?
Sorry to keep posting one after the other, but that's how my mind works tonight. It's quite late. I'm keeping Landeryou hours.
Must make a comment about Barack Obama. I'm going to watch his inauguration in a minute. Poxnews is slipping tonight. There is nothing about the new Prez on what is supposed to be Australia's greatest news site according to Ms or Mrs Catt.
Still, the Republican Party were posting regularly on both this blog and I think it was then the OC urging US citizens living in Australia to vote for McCain Palin. I think Andy Landy had a crush on that lady from Alaska.
This new "Tudor Constantin" fraud of Landeryou's is puzzling.
Why did the fat failure steal the identity of a Romanian blogger?
Fat boy works with that weirdo van der Craats who hides out in the Ukraine to undermine local government in Melbourne. Perhaps that is the link with the Romanian.
The stress of eluding jail and the alcohol abuse is frying Landeryou's brain.
The fat failure writes on Poxnews today (using his Nick Mack persona) that Malcolm Turnbull will win the next election if he attacks Red China.
It worked so well for the DLP!
Andy has this to look forward too, except that he may well eat all the food, then what?
Boy George serving food to fellow inmates
Boy George jailed for harming escort
Boy George sentenced to jail
Subscribe to Archivestuff
Disgraced pop star Boy George, who is serving a 15-month sentence for falsely imprisoning a male escort, is working in the prison canteen.
The Culture Club singer, who is serving his sentence at north London’s Pentonville Prison, has landed a £6-a-week job serving food to his fellow inmates.
A source said: "It won’t go down well if he’s seen to get special privileges. People have to wait weeks before they’re given good jobs."
Prison life has come as a shock to the system for the 47-year-old singer, who enjoyed microwaved fish, chips and mushy peas for his first meal behind bars.
The source continued: "It was bland. It must have been a shock. Conditions here are poor and so is the food, nothing like he’s used to. Prison is a great leveller. George has been very quiet.
"He’s not been crying but seems to be in another world and sleeps a lot."
The openly-gay singer, who has been photographed writing a letter inside his prison cell, is believed to be terrified he will be attacked in jail because of his sexuality.
Richard Lyttle, who was kept in a holding cell with George before he was sentenced on Friday, revealed: "He kept sobbing, ‘I can’t go to jail. I will be killed'."
Landeryou's business career was Keystone Kops stuff.
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