Friday, January 23, 2009
by Liberty Larry
Over on fat cave central, Andy claims he has a captured rat texting all the goss on the Unity and Left faction meeting.
Why are rats attracted to Andy?
So far all the texts and associated comments concern the food.
Over on fat cave central, Andy claims he has a captured rat texting all the goss on the Unity and Left faction meeting.
Why are rats attracted to Andy?
So far all the texts and associated comments concern the food.
92 Truth On Comments:
Rats smats.
Rats are attracted to cheese.
I have a pet rat.
Is KFC on the catering menu?
Rats are people too, don't forget.
Apparently, when roasted they taste like chicken.
And from Glen Waverley:
A GLEN Waverley woman is worried rats are breeding in her quiet neighbourhood, living off food scraps from residential properties.
Mulgrave St resident Vivienne Boxall said she and her husband, Rence, saw at least one rat a night scampering along their back fence and their cat regularly caught rats as well when prowling in daylight hours.
She has urged residents in the area, which is next to the Glen Waverley North Reserve, to ensure they do not leave out food scraps or other rubbish that Mrs Boxall says may be enticing the animals to stay.
“This has been going on for the three years that we’ve been living here,” Mrs Boxall said.
“I would like people to be aware that they must put all their rubbish and scraps in the bins that are provided by council to prevent them (rats) moving in too much.”
The Boxalls sent flyers to 50 residents in their neighbourhood asking people to “please bin all your rubbish”.
Mrs Boxall said other residents she had spoken to also regularly saw rats running through their properties.
“And they’re not just the normal-sized rats, they’re super-sized ones,” she said.
Monash Council provides free rat baits to residents to control the rodents and a pamphlet on controlling rats and mice in the home.
In a written statement issued by council spokeswoman Karen Conrad, Mayor Paul Klisaris said due to safety and environmental concerns, the council could not bait open spaces or drains - leaving the task up to individual residents.
Rat baits and pamphlets are available from the Monash Civic Centre and the Oakleigh service centre.
Not a thing worthwhile on Slanderyou today Liberty Larry.
You are keeping up the work of Slanderyou Liberty Larry in ensuring that the Slanderyou blog remains the BLOG OF FILTH.
I will leave it to catter8, Rita or Henderson to comment appropriately, when of course they get around to it and with the proviso that they might feel posting on this blog about rats is a waste of time energy and space.
Rats are attracted to the smell of decay, and everything about Andrew Landeryou just REEKS!
Well spotted Cait. Some say no news is good news. However, with Slanderyou, no news is indeed no news.
If it wasn't for Vexnews, Melbourne's second most important and popular news source, thousands of Victorians would not be kept up to date on the issues that matter.
Liberty Larry is obviously an unemployed fraud. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, you are too kind and polite. Much worse could be said about Slanderyou and Libelous Larry.
I agree with you Henderson.
isn't Russia near The Ukraine????
Doyle's Russia trip blows out to $50,000
* Dan Salmon
* January 23, 2009 - 4:02PM
Melbourne City Council has admitted that Lord Mayor Robert Doyle's controversial trip to Russia will cost ratepayers almost $50,000.
The five-day trip to St Petersburg will come to a grand total of $47,003 - the cost of over 800 parking fines.
This includes provisions for events and functions during Cr Doyle's stay.
Cr Doyle will be accompanied by colleague Jane Sharwood, the council's business and international manager.
Expenses include $14,936 for business class airfares; $4030 for unspecified incidental expenses; and $2281 for transport.
Other expenses include $8000 set aside for the City of Melbourne to host a networking function, and costs associated with translations, venue hire and catering for business material of up to $6000.
Earlier today Cr Doyle said Australia-Russia relations would suffer "very serious damage" if he does not go on a week-long trip to St Petersburg next month.
Cr Doyle, who banned junkets by council members as an election commitment last year, said he was persuaded to go after receiving advice from Australia's ambassador to Russia about the damage his non-attendance could cause.
"I was very clearly advised by our ambassador to Russia and the consul-general in Russia that there would be very serious damage if I did not go to St Petersburg, and they have written that to me in the firmest of terms," he told Radio 3AW.
He quoted from the ambassador's letter: "Damage is likely to occur if the Melbourne City Council is perceived to retreat from 20th anniversary plans, especially at this late stage.
"The broader Australia-Russian bilateral relationship, including Australian trade interests in St Petersburg, will have to bear this."
The Lord Mayor will travel business class with Ms Sharwood to attend the "Days of Melbourne" 20th anniversary celebration of the Melbourne-St Petersburg sister city relationship from February 16 to 19.
While the St Petersburg local authority will pick up the costs of accommodation, the trip is still likely to cost at least $14,000, Cr Doyle said.
He denied it was a junket, saying he would have "wall-to-wall meetings for four-and-a-half days" to strengthen the ties already improved following a recent meeting between St Petersburg Governor Valentina Matvienko and Trade Minister Simon Crean.
He said a performance by Victorian College of the Arts students in the Russian city had been threatened if he did not attend.
"It isn't a party ... I will be there for a week. A 30-hour flight into minus 15 degrees so it is not the sort of junket where I will be sunning myself on a beach," he said.
with Sherrill Nixon
Is he going to Romania? That is where Landeryou's latest stolen identity comes from.
Big Bent Bill was linked to the Russian mafia. I sincerely hope for his sake that he does not also owe them money.
Theo was talking big, and looking small today.
A tsunami of piffle from the usual crowd of time-wasting Landeryou mouthpieces.
Mayor Robert Doyle and Jane Sharwood - who is the chaperone and how much will that cost?
I have sent Henderson Ross an explosive butt plug. For Cait Cant, I disguised a stick of dynamite as a dildo. When the switch is flicked, the dynamite goes off.
Rita Randles is already dead, so I crossed her off my hit list.
I see Landy is still experiencing difficulties with 'site advisor' over his Vexnews blog. It says there is a Phishing scam on the site. Landy tried to get rid of the warning by resubmitting the site, and renaming it. Worse is to come though!
Can't come quickly enough for all the silly unionists who keep posting on Vexnews and getting loaded up with the Vexnews malware.
I hear that that lunatic Sasha Uzonov was involved in the racail violence at the tennis yesterday.
Tell us ore about 'site advisor'
John Fairfax is getting a gong in the Australia Day Honours, one of the bigger ones.
Since Landeryou posts on this blog under various pseudonymns, I can't discuss site advisor much. It is a free download from McAfee, and once installed on your PC advises about the security status of sites before you visit them.
I am a humble reviewer of sites.
Google is becoming involved too.
John Fairfax getting a gong? We don't get news like that from the fat man. All he does is tell lies about nobodies from subarban councils.
Did Cait Catt write this and post it on Poxnews? A very revealing account of how Landeryou deals with perceived rats. Unlike Slanderyou who does not censor. Read the below and you'll be wary of posting on Poxnews:
It’s worth thinking about it carefully. It’s worth reflecting on some of the vile invective poured out in our VEXNEWS comments section, from people our technical investigation has revealed to be from computers that have previously posted pro-Left or strongly anti-moderate comments here. They have regularly masquerading as feuding moderates here in past days. Some of them were immediately deleted, some were sinister in the extreme, racist, homophobic and in other ways very ugly. It’s not nice to think people who write such things are playing such an active role in public affairs, whether it be in the Left or wherever.
All of them were clearly designed to fuel the raging bushfire many believe was sparked by a group of incompetent buffoons in the Premier’s office who ought to have left well enough alone.
We didn’t start the fire, insists all corners of the Labor Unity globe. And when they look around to blame folks, many point to the squat tower of power at 1 Treasury Place where the personal ambitions of several people - in our view - conflicted with their duty to their Premier, the party and the government they are paid well to serve. It was a shameful episode, made all the more outrageous when you ponder how little many of them seem to understand about what they were messing with. Not-so-clever media management advice given by some know-alls to the plotters against State Secretary Newnham. They were as wrong as they were certain.
It’s always nice to be able to find the arsonist who lit the devastating fire. This was a more complicated situation than that of course, but the colours of VEXNEWS are black and white for good reason. We seek the comfort of simple explanations. We not unreasonably blamed Party President NUW boss Charlie Donnelly for calling on the crazy Admin Committee meeting a few days before Christmas but possibly by giving him the boot as we did made matters worse. The truth is clearer now. Initially at least, Donnelly was doing what he thought he was being asked to do by people he presumed to be responsible and competent in positions of authority. It rapidly descended from there in a way that reflected no credit on anyone involved. It was the wrong thing done for the wrong reasons at the wrong time. It was the first significant thing done by the NUW since they returned to the Labor Unity fold. It was not a good start. Whether progress can be made beyond that we’ll see soon enough. Many of the senior players on all sides VEXNEWS that - with patience and goodwill - it could well happen.
Does Landeryou know that he'll get bashed before Brutus and the boys rape him?
I hear that Fat Andrew and the corrupt and criminal Big Bent Bill have a similar arrangement, particularly given the speculation Fat Andrew's true father is Gouging George Seitz (Big Bent Bill forced his wife into prostitution to raise money for illegal branch stacking):
Kim Jong-Il to decide on successor
From correspondents in Seoul
Agence France-Presse
January 24, 2009 09:35pm
NORTH Korean leader Kim Jong-Il will decide on the future leadership of the Stalinist state, his eldest son said today amid reports on the likely succession, according to Yonhap news agency.
The South Korean news agency, quoting "well-informed intelligence sources,'' reported earlier this month that Kim had nominated his third son, Kim Jong-Un, as successor and had informed the ruling communist party leadership of his choice.
But Kim Jong-Nam, 37, told reporters at an airport in Beijing after arriving from North Korea: "No one can say positively (how Kim will decide on his successor)... only my father will decide,'' according to Yonhap.
He was at the airport with Wang Jiarui, a senior Chinese Communist Party official.
Kim Jong-Il held talks with the Chinese envoy Friday, state media in Beijing and Pyongyang reported, his first known meeting with a foreign visitor since a reported stroke last August.
"Don't just ask me (on the succession plan), ask Mr. Wang Jiarui too,'' Kim Jong-Nam said in an apparent effort to dodge questions on the question of the succession, according to Yonhap.
The succession is a subject of intense interest, notably after South Korean and US officials said Kim Jong-Il suffered a stroke in mid-August.
Kim Jong-Nam declined to comment on his father's health, Yonhap said.
Kim Jong-Un, 25, was born to the leader's third wife, Ko Yong-Hi, who reportedly died of breast cancer in 2004.
Kim Jong-Nam, who was born to a different mother, is thought by some to have spoiled his prospects after being deported from Japan in 2001 for trying to enter the country with a forged passport.
Anonymous Sunday, January 25, 2009 2:10:00 AM, this is very alarming.
Landeryou is still busily kicking the bejesus out of the r*pe victim in the Theo saga.
Landeryou preaching about justice makes me want to puke.
I hear that as it is Australia Day Landeryou is experimenting with deep fried lamb. And pavlova.
What happened to all the criticism by Rita Theo of the rape victim being unemployed. Now the victim's good for a $10 million civil action. What gives?
Theo wants the coppers to keep on interviewing him until they get bored and go away.
Warning for Victoria Police: If a pollie's lips are moving, they are probably lying!
On Vexnews, Landeryou stupidly keeps on supporting useless time-server Terry Mulder with fake comments from 'Choo Choo' and 'railyard worker'.
Doesn't the fat fraud have a TV? Ted Bailleau has taken over the opposition commentary on the vast failings of the ALP's public transport system. Ted's comments have been hard-hitting in comparison to Terry Mulder's lame, timid complaints.
Victorians are seething about a public transport system that doesn't work. Terry Mulder just sits snoring in Parliament.
Go Ted! Sack sadsack Terry, and get a real shadow Transport Minister who works!
OK, I'm just a naughty little Greek sausage.
Hungarian sausage - George Seitz - fathered Fat Andrew. Bill Landeryou forced his wife into prositution to pay for illegal branch stacking. George was such a good customer he got a share of the proceeds.
The forces that gave rise to rubbish like Landeryou in the ALP are at fault for this.
THE ALP faces extinction because of an ageing and declining membership and a destructive culture of personal and factional advancement, one of the party's elder statesmen has warned.
In a letter to leaders of Premier John Brumby's dominant Right faction, former cabinet minister Race Mathews reveals the party's national membership has plummeted to about 50,000 — down from about 370,000 immediately after World War II — and the average age is about 50.
Dr Mathews' letter, dated last Thursday and obtained by The Age, says there are fewer than 13,000 ALP members in Victoria and most are inactive.
He says this is "a recipe for extinction, and places the party in the category of an endangered species".
"Sooner or later we will again find ourselves in opposition at the state or federal levels and maybe both, and our predicament at that point in the absence of a numerous and active rank and file will be truly pitiful," he says.
Dr Mathews' reform-or-die call to arms has been prompted by splits in both the Right and Left factions over Labor preselections for next year's federal and Victorian elections.
He says the party is in "crisis" and accuses Mr Brumby's Right faction of spending too much time and energy on "who gets what, at the expense of ensuring that we have an effective party".
"Nobody — and least of all the people whose needs and interests we are meant to represent — will get anything if the deterioration of the party remains unchecked," he warns in the letter.
"Too much squabbling over spoils ends up ensuring there are no spoils to divide."
His warning comes as Mr Brumby returns from holidays today with Victorian Labor in turmoil after a damaging month for the Government.
Veteran minister Theo Theophanous resigned from cabinet on Christmas Eve to fight a rape charge that is likely to be before the courts for much of this year.
Mr Brumby was then embarrassed when his choice to fill the cabinet vacancy, former internet entrepreneur and "star" Labor recruit Evan Thornley, decided to quit Parliament for a lucrative private-sector job.
One of the Premier's main tasks at a two-day state caucus retreat in Ballarat starting tomorrow will be to calm the nerves of ministers and backbenchers who fear the internal factional brawling and the global economic crisis will undermine the prospects of Mr Brumby and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd retaining office at next year's elections.
Dr Mathews was chief of staff to former prime minister Gough Whitlam before becoming a federal MP, a minister in John Cain's state government, and a long-time head of Australia's oldest left-leaning political think tank, the Fabian Society.
His letter was distributed to key Labor figures on Friday by one of Mr Brumby's strongest supporters, former ALP state president and high-profile union leader Bill Shorten, who is head of the Victorian Right and a rising star in the federal Labor caucus.
Dr Mathews writes that while it may be true that Victorian Labor is in no worse shape than the state Liberal Party, at least the Liberals are taking their problems seriously and have done a comprehensive review of the way their party runs itself and connects with the community.
A special meeting of about 1000 Victorian Liberals last October endorsed a radical reform package after a report from party president David Kemp warned that Liberal membership in Victoria had slumped to fewer than 14,000 — down from more than 45,000 when Robert Menzies won government in 1949 — and that more than a quarter of the members were over 75.
In his letter, Dr Mathews calls on Labor leaders to begin work urgently on a "party renewal charter" to try to ensure the ALP retains its rank-and-file members, attracts new ones and forges closer links to its affiliated unions.
"To paraphrase an old saying, all that is necessary for the party to die is that good members do nothing," he writes.
Dr Mathews, who joined the ALP in 1956 and the Victorian Right in 1976, declined to comment last night.
Concerned, I agree 100%.
The blog of filth continues. The remarks about George Seitz in particular.
As for Race Mathews, he is no longer an MP, having been removed from the Cain and Kirner Ministries by his own faction after having been Cops Minister and Minister for the Arts. His remarks should be seen in this light. Mathews was told to run a dummy candidate in 1992 and he refused to take advice, and as a result lost his seat. Even Diane Anderson wrote this in Higgins News and this is one of the rare occasions I agree with the former heresy expellee from the Melbourne Unitarian Church.
Jeff Kennett was planning to make Diane his campaign director for Lord Mayor, so the gossip has it, but the OC told Kennett he was stupid and he took the OC's good advice, and I hope he remembers this in the future.
As for the bile on this blog, it is getting worse.
Well spoken Cait. You speak the truth. Too much filth on this blog.
Well spoken Cait and Rita. Liberty Larry is the pits.
Only you Cait and Henderson keep this blog from going overboard with its continuous filth and lies.
Keep up the good work Cait Rita and Henderson. We need you to protect impressionable minds from Liberty Larry and Slanderyou filth.
Andrew... GET A JOB!
Vexnews is like Foxtel - zillions of repeats, irrelevant stories, pedestrian presentation.
Why does Cait Catt sound like Landeryou after he's taken a bottle of laxatives?
Tiresome trivia from a tired tart.
At least Cait ain't dead like Voodoo Woman commenter Rita Randles. Another figment of the fat fraudster's fantasyworld.
Landeryou libelled just named Australian of the Year Prof Mick Dobson recently on Vexnews, didn't he? C'mon, you remember the article that didn't attract ONE single comment. Everyone was just appalled and embarrassed.
He doesn't seem to like eminent Australians very much does he? But he has left former Victorian of the Year Les Twentyman alone for a while. Long may it last.
The indigenous brothers here can't wait to get their hands on Landeryou. Bubba doesn't like white trash much. He will make your eyes pop! A couple are mates of Les. They think Landeryou is f#cked when he gets here!
Theo wants the police to keep interviewing him ad nauseum until they believe his story about tripping over Hansards in his office, falling heavily, and accidentally bonking his friend.
That's heaps better than his other story about how he magically produced 'Little Theo' out of thin air as part of a tour of his parliamentary office.
Methinks there might be other victims of his magicianship out there. I hope the cops have interviewed the parliamentary cleaner who caught him 'chockers' on an earlier occasion.
I don't want to frighten commenters here, but 'chockers' means what it says. If you're an adult, you will know what it means.
Andrew is unemployable. Anyone stupid enough to give him a job would be robbed blind. The little crook can't sleep straight.
Andrew and his imaginary flunkies are tiresome. Go away and play on Vexnews. A site written by no-one for no-one.
McDonald's posts 80 per cent profit rise
27/01/2009 6:01:18 AM
US fast-food giant McDonald's says its 2008 net profit soared 80 per cent from a year, lifted by growing demand from consumers seeking low-cost meals in a deepening global recession...
KFC are terrified their profit will collapse once Landeryou is jailed. The company is making contingency plans.
how long be this out as an excuse?
Scientists suggest obesity can be caught like cold
By Fiona MacRae
The Courier-Mail
January 27, 2009 12:01am
New theory ... almost a third of obese adults carry the virus compared with 11 per cent of lean men and women
* Scientists say obesity just like a virus
* Can be spread by dirty hands
* Virus causes fat cells to multiply
OBESITY can be "caught" from another individual in the same way as a cold with the virus spread by dirty hands, scientists suggest.
The condition has been linked to a highly-infectious virus that causes sniffles and sore throats.
The adenovirus apparently attacks tissue and causes fat cells to multiply - leading to massive weight gain, The Courier-Mail reports.
Previous studies have shown that chickens and mice infected with the bug put on weight more quickly than uninfected animals - even when they do not eat more.
Now human studies show that almost a third of obese adults carry the virus compared with 11 per cent of lean men and women.
Professor Nikhil Dhurandhar, who led the research, said the bug continued to add weight gain long after those infected recovered from their cough or cold.
Related Coverage
Your Say
Interesting! So now we know that one third of obese people have this rare virus, one third have a 'glandular problem' and one third have two all beef patties special sauce l...
(Read More)
Kalan of Brisbane
"This virus goes to the lungs and spreads through the body," he said.
"It goes to various organs and tissues such as the liver, kidney, brain and fat tissue. When this virus goes to fat tissue it replicates, making more copies of itself and in the process increases the number of new fat cells, which may explain why the fat tissue expands and why people get fat when they are infected with this virus."
The professor, from Pennington Biomedical Research Centre in Louisiana, said victims could remain infectious for up to three months.
"But people could be fat for reasons other than viral infections, so it's really pointless to try to avoid fat people to avoid infection," he said.
Learning more about adenovirus's role in weight gain could speed the development of an antiobesity vaccine, or drugs to tackle the condition.
Obesity experts, however, dismissed evidence of a link with adenovirus as "sparse". Tam Fry, of the Child Growth Foundation, said: "You are much more likely to pick up the flu than obesity.
"In general, obesity is down to eating more than you need and not exercising as much as you should."
Dr Ian Campbell, a GP and medical director of the charity Weight Concern, said: "A virus will never be the reason for why we have an obesity epidemic.
"There are far too many other factors, starting with our calorie intake exceeding our expenditure, and that's because we live such sedentary lives.
"Our dietary habits have changed beyond belief and I don't believe that's the effect of a viral infection. It is the fault of the commercial expansion of companies making unhealthy foods."
Obviously I should have said: how long beFORE ANDY TROTTS this out as an excuse?
Fatso wrote today: STORY BEHIND THE STORY: How the Sunday Age steals stories from rivals without checking them and invents quotes
Is fatso kidding. His whole Vexnews is theft, and invented quotations!
Vexnews' exclusive on The Age today is utterly compelling.
I suspect that Stephen Conroy will soon have to step in and take The Age's publishing license away. Then again, he may not have too as The Age is literally minutes away from liquidation.
Fortunately, Vexnews is around to step in and save news publishing in this country. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, you beat me to it. I thought The Age was trading as an insolvent business anyway?
The Age is dead. Long live Vexnews i say.
Slanderyou can only minutes away too from disappearing.
Great work Henderson.
Why is Cait Catt, the greatest patriot contributor to the Slanderyou blog, down from 155 to 154 contributions?
Is this meant to gradually increase the contributions by Liberty Larry, who is not a patriot?
Slanderyou will never win a Walkley. Vexnews should but Slanderyou and Liberty Larry influence are likely to prevent a rightful win.
"The Age is literally minutes away from liquidation," writes Fat Andrew Landeryou or one of his false identities.
Fat Andrew Landeryou's business incompetence has lead to the worse than liquidation of himself, his wife and his dear old dad.
Failure, fraud and incompetent Andrew Landeryou runs some interesting lines from The Sunday Age on his Poxnews site:
"A creature of vicious ALP politics, who admits to using 'dirty, grubby' tactics he knew would 'hurt' opponents, revenge and retribution have always been part of Theophanous’s political armoury."
Presumably this explains why Landeryou is such a staunch defender of Theophanous.
Dirty, grubby, out to hurt, out for revenge and out for retribution. It sounds just like Landeryou himself.
Theo Theophanous is a great MLC and a great Minister.
He deserves to remain so.
When Theo visited our cattery last year there was great excitement. Most MPs think we are not worth their while. Theo didn't.
Theo you are a great cat lover, and we cats salute you.
Get back to your cesspit and don't foul this site, Landeryou!
Every time there is criricism of Landeryou or Theo here, the Catalepsy Chorus (Cait Catt, Catter8 and dead meat Rita) pipes up.
So many fake Landeryous posting here - just another fraud...
I'm not surprised Theo visited Catter8's cattery last year. He is rather fond of pussies apparently.
I hope she's checked there are no new kittens with spectacles or goatees!
As patriotic folk have already observed, the Theophanous brothers are likely to be the only sibling pair of parliamentarians to both go to jail. Andy will be joining Theo sooner or later. He's just sucking up in the hope Theo will protect him from Brutus and the boys. Stiff chance I reckon. Andrew Theophanous was the tough one.
The Fat Cunt himself is back on the Twentyman Attack, running a disgusting story about Les going in for lap-band surgery in an effort to improve his health.
2 Comments so far:
This was the same pisspot, obese, gross, slob complaining last weekend about the wages of CEOs in NFPs.
The hypocrisy of this obsese uncouth slob is staggering.
Posted by anon | January 28, 2009, 10:34
I wouldn’t such a prick about it
You are a bankrupt and one KFC Bucket away from lap-band surgery yourself.
Posted by Obsessed Much? | January 28, 2009, 12:06
Landeryou is a "pisspot, obese, gross slob" himself.
Cait Catt is now down to 152 comments. What is happening? It won't be long before Liberty Larry exceeds Ms or Miss or Mrs Catt. I don't know that I want that.
Fascinating material on Vexnews relating to the DPP, Mr Jeremy Rapke QC. Read on:
CONTEMPTIBLE: DPP silent about Fairfax’s tsunami against Theo but cries foul when he protests his innocence
By Andrew Landeryou ⋅ January 28, 2009
jeremyrapke The Victorian taxpayers pay the Director of its Office of Public Prosecutions over $6000 per week to assist the “fair and effective operation of the Victorian criminal justice system” by “offering a high quality independent prosecution service.”
The OPP’s website proclaims its vision is to “make a difference in the justice system and the wider community.”
Making a difference. How very social workerish.Mmm. We’d really just rather they’d keep the streets safe by helping send villains in jail.
Instead, increasingly we see its Director - and this phenomenon is worse in other states - playing politics and playing games.
His past antics have prompted the Chief Justice of the state’s Supreme Court to publicly rebuke the current Director Jeremy Rapke for having inappropriate private conversations with judges in an attempt to influence their decisions and behaviour. Chief Justice Warren condemned him for risking the independence and impartiality of the criminal justice system.
That’s polite talk for being stunned that he would try to nobble judges with private conversations.
Another shameful example of the DPP acting like he’s a US style District Attorney running for election and desperate to get high-profile scalps regardless of the truth played itself out yesterday when he launched an attack on MP Theo Theophanous for daring to publicly deny the charge made against him by a forty-five year old woman from Greece.
When the accuser paid out on Theo in The Age in the most outrageous and vile way last year, complete with references to body odour and other unpleasantries, the Police and Office of Public Prosecutions were silent.
When the Victoria Police - in what many see as a cruel, brutal and despicable act of intimidation and thuggery - after an eighteen month long investigation into a complaint made related to an alleged incident ten years - charged the parliamentarian on Christmas Eve, the office of Public Prosecutions was silent.
When that occasionally irritating blowhard Neil Mitchell who works for Fairfax’s Evil and Shrinking Empire that now includes 3AW attacked the accused “for a form of jury tampering” yesterday (for daring to publicly deny the charges made against him). The DPP said nothing about that very serious and highly irresponsible claim. He wouldn’t dare mess with a shock-jock for fear of being perpetually slagged. Mitchell thought it terrible Theo was putting up a public defence. He was silent about his colleague Derryn Hinch who was recently falsely accused of rape and also maintained his innocence, loudly, on his own radio show on that same station that employs Mitchell.
But when the accused put forward not much more than a denial and a series of statements complaining about the predicament he is in, that prompts the well-paid DPP to investigate whether the accused had committed a contempt of court.
Again, this is clearly designed to intimidate the parliamentarian into silence.
Silence about a case that already has many in Melbourne shaking their heads in doubt. A case we don’t yet know much about but many suspect it will boil down to a question of whether we believe the accused’s story or the accuser. A case that should cause a shiver to run down the spine of every man, especially those in positions of prominence. Every relationship in their past, even from ten years, sexual or otherwise, could be a time-bomb.
Some say - no doubt his lawyers say - the parliamentarian should be silent to remove the chance of him saying the wrong thing.
We say he’s entitled to put his side of the story, inside and outside court. Particularly when the accuser has so much to say, in the most colourful and odious terms, cloaked as she is by anonymity.
Only two people can be certain of the truth in this case.
But there’s another truth too. The truth contained in the free and frank discussion of what goes on in our community and in our legal system. And that’s worth fighting for.
And if this case goes horribly wrong for the Police and DPP, it might well also be worth fighting for people with sounder judgment in these important offices of public trust.
It isn't fair that the greatest parliamentary friend of our cattery has his name blasted all over our gutter press and blog of filth. Why should an accuser be able to do so anonymously, yet the accused is treated so badly.
In the UK an MP was falsely accused and his accuser received a jail sentence. Should be the case in Victoria too.
AAP reports - Police have issued a nation-wide alert for a woman wanted in six states and territories for crimes including fraud and identity theft...
She must be Landershonk's latest squeeze.
Mad serial stalker Landeryou has got it into his head that Les Twentyman expects taxpayers to pay for his lap-band surgery.
No evidence whatever is presented for the "story" on Vexnews. Just another gigantic libel on Les.
Landeryou has a short memory too!
This just in from Vexnews:
"I warned you once before that the other person in that [Les story]photo will give you a good biffing if he sees it. You wisely took it off. Now it’s up again, this time with a speech bubble. I hope for your sake, he doesn’t see it".
Posted by Lay off Les | January 28, 2009, 20:51
DPP Jeremy Rapke 'looks like Hobbit, acts like Bully', according to big-mouth Landeryou on Poxnews. It's part of his looney defence of Theo...
Oh, goodie! Maybe he's going to Barwon Gaol sooner than expected.
Propagandist 'Lord Haw-Haw' Landeryou libels several people a week on Poxnews - sometimes several in one day.
Most of the libels are absolute lies, some the result of stalking. All are disgraceful attacks on people who find from their lawyers the internet is not regulated. Disgraceful swine like Landeryou can say almost anything they like.
But you don't have to be Einstein to figure that sooner or later he will attack someone that will bite back - very, very Hard! Soft targets like Les Twentyman, Jeremy Rapke, Sol Lew and Dean Mighell are all nice people.
It's the "biffings", mentioned above, that Landeryou may not enjoy. It's all very cool to have a bigmouth, but not when someone it going to knock your teeth down your throat.
Hey Theo,
What are we going to do with the ten million bucks we are going to get from that [deleted] that we [deleted] ten years ago? Rita said in the papers she was unemployed. Does she have the mullah, or are you just putting ten million frighteners on her?
Theo, I'm sixty too and can't get it up like I used to. I'm only a little feller, but I think I'm going to need a lotta pep from Viagra if we're going to team up again for any more parliamentary capers.
"When the accuser paid out on Theo in The Age in the most outrageous and vile way last year, complete with references to body odour and other unpleasantries, the Police and Office of Public Prosecutions were silent". [Vexnews}
OMG. Far too much info on the Theo case. Little dick, body odour - a great night out in Victoria's grand parliament building.
In Theo's own words, he used 'dirty, grubby' tactics he knew would 'hurt' opponents, revenge and retribution have always been part of Theophanous’s political armoury." [The Age]
God help the victim!
Theo is a great man. A great MP. A great Minister. A friend of catter8's cattery.
The vile filth of this blog is disgusting.
I'm pretty broad minded but I did go to a convent school and I am disgusted at the things I read on this blog. The language is that of the gutter.
Watch your language contributors to this blog if you want to be taken seriously.
To reduce the number of hits Cait gets is just jealousy. Cait is brilliant. Not so most contributors to this blog of filth.
Well said Cait and Rita.
Henderson too is a great man.
Cait and Henderson are the dynamic duo who answer and repudiate the vile filth of this blog.
Keep up the good work Cait and Henderson. And you too Rita deserve a special mention.
Thank you for all who support my cattery.
That includes Theo. A great friend of my cattery. I concur with the remarks made by Cait also.
Andy and his imaginary cats are back again. Sad, sad, sad. Having bankrupted himself, his father and his ex-wife, as well as MUSU and IQ Corp, Andrew won't get a job to pay back the many, many creditors. Instead, he spends his days stalking imaginary enemies and defaming competent and sane people. An utter failure of a human being. A cesspool of decomposing prejudices.
Landeryou Crime List
• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
Landeryou Crime List
• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
OK, I'm just a naughty little Greek sausage.
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