Andrew Landeryou is actively commenting on the Victorian State Election.
Good Luck to him!
However, as a number of readers have noted, here and here, as a commentator on the election, Andy needs to advise of his current address in order to comply with the Electoral Act.
So what is it 'Flight Risk' Andy? Is it South Bank or Brunswick?
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6 days ago
5 Truth On Comments:
Dear Team Slanderyou 2,
You have hit the nail on the head and should report this matter to the Police.
If Mr Landeryou has moved house and within 21 days of taking up a new residence has failed to inform the Victorian Electoral Commission of this, he is guilty of an offence.
I refer to the Electoral Act 2002, Section 23 (4) which states:
(4) If a person who is enrolled on the register of electors changes the address of his or her principal
place of residence, the person must notify the Commission in writing of the person's new address within 21 days after becoming entitled to
be enrolled on the register of electors in respect of living at that new address.
Penalty: 1 penalty unit.
So a penalty applies (ie a criminal sanction) for Mr Landeryou if he fails to update his electoral enrolement.
hmmm. Not sure about 'Make Landeryou Pay' whether its bona fide.
It says it will push for a prosecution of Landeryou and then reprints the 'prosecute landeryou ' email but leaves off the direct addresses. It asks people to send an email directly to the site administrator.
Anyone genuinely interested in getting Landeryou prosecuted is better off seeing the email printed on this site AND WRITING TO THE AUTHORITIES (IE POLICE TAX OFFICE MELBOURNE UNI) DIRECTLY. The correct addresses can be easily verified.
Give it a go. But in the meantime avoid 'make landeryou pay' unless it starts printing the direct addresses to write to.
Here is the full, proper version of the Landeryou email WITH THE DIRECT CONTACT ADDRESSES.
I am writing this about a person you (unfortunately) probably know a lot about.
Andrew Landeryou has offended many with his appalling weblog. He gives the impression that he can continue with his behaviour and nothing can be done.
But something can be done.
Landeryou several years ago set up a company called 'Marbain' at Melbourne University. This company obtained a cheap lease, and onsold it for a profit of 1.2m, which was funelled overseas, and is very possibly being used by him now to fund his lifestyle.
To read a good summary of the Marbain and other allegations go to's excellent summary and scoll down to the story about Marbain:
This transaction is being investigated by both the Carlton Police and the Fraud Squad.
The tax office should also be taking an interest.
Things might happen, but there’s always a chance that our system will let nothing happen.
Concerned citizens (and its perfectly just to want to see these things prosecuted) should take 20 minutes out of their schedule, and write to the below authorities to see something is done.
If enough letters are written ar this time to the below authorities, something should happen. People are writing if enough do it will happen.
Give it a go, feel free to tell others, here are the details:
Carlton Police
Currently investigating as I understand it . Seeking to get them to lay fraud charges against the MUSU crowd.
330 Drummond Street
Carlton 3052
Victoria Police Fraud Squad
Also investigating, hoping they will present a brief to the DPP
Victoria Road Police Complex
412 St Kilda Road
St Kilda 3004
Australian Tax Office
Marbain never paid any tax on its ‘profit’ , and I’m not sure about the other companies. At the very least tax and penalties should be paid.
Michael D’Ascenzo – Commissioner of Taxation
1st Floor, Casselden Place
2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000
Glyn Davis – Vice Chancellor of Melbourne University
Needs to keep up the pressure on Landeryou in the liquidation, to trace the money owed to MUSU.
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010 Australia
If thats the case makelanderyoupay, why dont you allow anonymous commenting on your blog?
And also why dont you post the direct addresses on there?
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