A trigger for thought may be Landeryou's continuing claims to being a journalist. Seems that this slur on the journalist profession just won't go away.
A respected blog, Club Troppo, tries to explain Landeryou, stating "I don’t like the extreme defamation and seemingly malicious personal smear campaigns".
And in response Landeryou continues to push KFC down the throats of his readers. It's all very sad.
But it it does explain his eating disorder.
And another thing, how does a bankrupt afford a $50 voucher of KFC?
90 Truth On Comments:
This site is pure shite. Only Carbone and Money could equal it.
I love Andrew Landeryou. He's handsome. Love his blog. First with the latest, and he won an award into the bargain.
Rev Nalliah has had a victory of sorts in the Court of Appeal. The racial villification case against him must be re-heard.
Rev Nalliah was attacked on the Landeryou blog, yet he still had some nice things to say about Andy Landy.
Might not agree with him, but he's a compassionate man and he will go to heaven.
A Catholic Priest from Broady told a Rod Quantock night which he gatecrashed that he's spoken to St Peter and there was no room for any of us in heaven as Andrew Bolt and John Howard were some of the few people who qualified. Also the Rev Nalliah, of course.
Would Andrew Landeryou qualify?
The Father from Broady was not referring to Andrew Landeryou. Rev Nalliah said his blog award was God's work, so perhaps entry to the golden temple is also God's work. The reason I suspect that Father from Broady told the audience at a Rod Quantock function that there was no apace for them in heaven is probably because those attending Quantock performances are mostly latte drinking Godless lefties.
God Save Landeryou. Long may his blog reign.
Andrew Landeryou. The best blog on the net. Winner of the inaugural Walkely Blog Award.
God Save Landeryou.
Anon 10.42 is that Landeryou?
Handsome? Not with cranial gigantism, antisocial personality disorder (abbreviated APD or ASPD), is delusional, narcissism, and is fat, and so very very lonely.
Slanderyou et al
Congratulations on a fine blog, and standing up to the jackboot tactics of Landeryou
You are a true patriot
all the best
Is there any reason Landeryou pushes KFC?
Didn't advertise MacDonalds on his blog a while ago?
Scribble, scribble, eh, Mr Landeryou? Where does he find the time? Three years without a job would help.
"He's handsome" - only to another balding hippo. "Winner of the inaugural Walkely Blog Award" - doesn't matter how long and how loud he says it there's still no tangible proof it exists.
Carbone & Money are great. They're how I found this blog. Leonie Wood, Louise Perry, David Elias and Michael Bachelard are good journos too. Just read their court stories are Landeryou's failed adventures in business. They all should get Walkley awards.
Landeryou should get a real Walkely award. He keeps us all informed and entertained. Not like Carbone and Money. They print crapola.
Rev Nalliah "will go to heaven" - Landeryou has a God complex too now?
Are you saying 8.24 the blog award is not a real Walkely award? Blog awards are not the same as awards for print media or television, but they are recognition nevertheless. The blog award Andrew got is very deserving.
Why does Landeryou sue The Age if he's been defamed? The truth hurts so lap it up, porky.
Andrew got a great deal of criticism from the official North Korean news agency. They are jealous as hell he won an award.
Surely the North Korean news agency is not interested in Landeryou? I suspect they don't even know who he is.
Show me proof of the Walkley blog award, Anon 1:10:25pm. I remain resolutely skeptical.
Andrew once published about the North Korean site publishing something about the great leader farting.
I didn't believe it but it's true. I suspect the North Korean site, the Pyomgyang Times, is in fact a beat up. I heard it's published from somewhere in the former Soviet Union with CIA funding.
The real North Korea I'm quite sure couldn't care less about anything Landeryou publishes about them, especially trivial pieces about the great leader farting that denigrate the regime and make fun of a person the real North Korea says is a great man.
Rev Nalliah says the award is God's work. That means it's real. Rev Nalliah is a good and compassionate man.
I'm skeptical about God too, Anon. 1:21:15 PM. Still waiting for evidence from outside of the realms of fantasy about this Walkley blog award. Waiting ...
Anon 1:35:09 PM, you'll be waiting a long time for any evidence proving the veracity of the Walkley Blog award claim
we agree with Slanderyou that sure the Walkleys Trust need to sort out Landeryou legally
Still waiting ... (yawn!) ...
You must be a lawyer Slanderyou. The evidence is plain to see and only a fool would doubt it. Yet all you say is where is the evidence? You keep up a lie and eventually everyone believes you. It is not a lie. There is clear evidence in cyberspace that the Walkley blog award is real. Stop the crap and get on with writing about something else. Like the important decision in the Vifification case which was partially won by Rev Nalliah yesterday in the Court of Appeal. Why have we not heard anything about that in Slanderyou, especially since the Landeryou blog was very critical of Rev Nalliah.
Diane Anderson, who is accused with Erik Locke as being behind this blog, is a lawyer, and she is a very competent one too. Pity the Labor Lawyers Cartel will not give her briefs. If they did she wouldn't write so much crapola (if I can plagiarize Rod Quantock) on this site.
Lets hear about what happened in the Court of Appeal yesterday Slanderyou. Was Landeryou there?
how many times can landeryou think of nothing better to say call people fat or ugly - it's so schoolyard
he must have a terrible self-image problem
perhaps we should run a tipping contest
Anon Friday, December 15, 2006 2:49:58 PM let us hope that Slanderyou is a lawyer, so he/she/they can assemble a breif to that will see Landeryou convicted of defamation, IP theft and countless other crimes
A google search on fat+landeryou returns 600 results.
He's got a real problem
And a search on ugly+landeryou returns 12,500 results
so he definately prefers to talk about ugly people in preference to fat people
Still waiting ... Where is the evidence is plain to see, Anon. 2:49:58 PM? "There is clear evidence in cyberspace." Not @ www.walkleys.com, which would be the obvious place for an official Walkley award.
Happy to wait all day ...
This is fun
corrupt and landeryou returns 890 although it's hard to tell whether it's him calling other people corrupt or other people calling him corrupt
It's clear that he hates socialists more than he hates crooks, fat or ugly people anything else
socialist+landeryou 14,500 references
I think we're building a picture
what he's really been trying to tell us all this time is that he hates socialists and that they are all fat, ugly crooks. (and don't forget hairy)
interestingly labor unity fat ugly crooks doesn't seem to to come up with anything
he really could have saved himself the effort - we knew that's what he thought to begin with.
This site gets better by the day
Slanderyou - you should start a 'on this day in history'
Exactly one year ago today Landeryou was banging on about the usual subjects of Mikakos, student politics and Iraq
nothing much seems to have changed
he really needs to spread his wings
yeh - we might also be able to use it to predict what he'll write about tomorrow
On the 16th of December he wrote about
Maria Vamvakinou
Student politics
Muslim extremists
His got to hit at least one of these hotspots tomorrow - my bet is that it's student politics
Oh dear and on the 17th he got stuck into Sol Lew
Still waiting, Anon. 2:49:58 PM. ... Must be at lunch ... KFC, no doubt. Buckets of KFC.
28.05 you are a defence lawyer. I've given all the proof and I'm not giving you any more. I suggest you remember the Queensland Royal Commission into Dr Death. The Chairman was a top Queensland defence barrister, but he treated witnesses as if he was cross examining them. He should have left this to counsel for the victims group. As a result the Bananaland appeal court said he denied two medical administrators, Leck and Keating, natural justice.
A great pity the Royal Commission was aborted. So if you want to prove the blog is not a real blog don't nag. In the end you will get nagged yourself. Have you stopped beating your wife?
Still waiting, Anon. 5:48:45 PM. You have provided no proof whatsoever. www.walkleys.com refutes your claim Landeryou has won a Walkley award - "clear evidence in cyberspace."
Kimberley Kitching to The Herald Sun about Landeryou (19 April 2005).
"My husband told me he was going to Sydney on a business trip. He has not returned. I have not seen him since," she wrote in a statement.
"Over the last couple of months, I have been forced to accept that my husband has gone. I have no indication of his whereabouts or whether he intends to return.
"I fully trusted my husband and accepted his word that he would meet the financial commitments he had asked and advised me to enter into."
Dear, oh dear. There's a special circle in hell for that sort of behaviour.
Maybe Rev Nalliah will pray for Landeryou.
I rang up the Walkley phone number and was put through to an answering machine. The fact that there is no mention of a blog award on the Walkley site doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. There are several blog awards in Ireland and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the blog award Andrew won. After all he did support the DLP, and that's an Irish party.
Racist crap. The DLP is not Irish. It is Australian.
I heard that bloke someone is looking for on the Landeryou blog named Lyle on radio 774 a couple of days saying it was.
Lyle is a Tibetan moron.
Andrew Friday, December 15, 2006 7:09:21 PM
so what is the phone number?
can't can you
Game over ... The simple logic is the fact that there is no mention of a blog award on the Walkley site means that it doesn't exist.
it does so exist - in Andy's mind!
Long live Mikakos. Defender of freedom. Opponent of Landeryou. Never won a blog prize in her life (she hasn't got a blog). Has staying power. Likes to see Pontian Turks get beaten up.
That's the second racist comment on this blog. Why do people have to do it? Rev Nalliah might forgive them but not many voters will.
Landeryou's blog might be the best for information (don't know I don't read it) but this blog is the best for entertainment.
Why does Landeryou defender Lyle write crap. I know his style and can understand why people get so upset about the things he writes. I concur with previous comment about his intellectual abilities.
Always thought Lyle was stupid. Like Race Mathews and Andrew Landeryou he's infatuated with Diane Anderson.
They all must be stupid.
I Lyle thinks there's a Walkely Blog award he realy must be stupid
I never heard him say that. Have to ask him what he thinks.
Lyle aint stupid. He is not a moron. He does not live in Tibet. He does not live in Higgins. He is not (at the moment) infatuated with Diane Anderson. He has never been out with Suzy Carbone. Stick to Landeryou and leave him alone.
Don't deal with side issues, like where one might look for Lyle.
The Landeryou blog contains a lot of good things. It's a pity it's made to look so frivolous in this blog.
I want to know the web site where I can probe the existence of the Walkely Blog Award. I tried the Walkely site and it aint there. I tried the Catch the Fire Ministry site and it aint there. I found a reference to it on a blog but my French teacher told me that it isn't necessarily so if it's on a blog.
Sixty hits in twenty four hours. Must be a record for interest in a blog. I reckon Landeryou won that award, if he did win it, on false pretences as he has never got anywhere near that number of comments on anything, except once when he wrote something about Diane Anderson, and she's always a hot topic of conversation in the ALP.
Previous comment crapola. Landeryou did win that award. That so Lyle?
I do too have a Walkley award ... it just went missing with the IQ Corp. records, the money I defrauded Solly Lew and MUSU, my political career, my marriage, my credibility and my once svelte figure.
- Andy
Landeryou failed to cover the Catch the Fire Ministries decision in the Court of Appeal as he was taken up with the state elections. He has however received a message from Rev Nalliah about the decision.
Rev Nalliah, who has forgiven Landeryou, has a prayer for Slanderyou readers:
Dear Friends & Family in Christ,
I wish to take this opportunity, along with my family and all at Catch the Fire Ministries, to thank you personally from the bottom of our hearts for your moral, prayer and financial support during this long trial. We certainly give God all the glory for this great victory!
The battle for Freedom to express Truth is far from over, as a retrial at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (with a different Judge) is expected sometime next year. We continue to prayerfully trust the Lord for even greater victories in the future!
I believe the Lord will continue to use this case to further awaken His Church, our nation of Australia, the nations of the world, and to discredit the vilification laws in Victoria.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and God’s richest blessings in the New Year!
Sincerely Thanking & Blessing You, Danny Nalliah
Thanks Rev Nalliah
While researching the topic I found the item below on the Saltshakers web site. Saltshakers are a group of evangelical Christians who are opposed to homosexuality on religious grounds. Mr Landeryou is at present preoccupied with the Gay dominated Port Phillip Soviet (as he terms it, but he calls it Left dominated rather than gay dominated). The following from the Saltshaker website is below for you to make up your own mind. I have not sent it to Mr Landeryou as there is too much political content on the site at present, but if he covers the issue I will certainly write to him.
Melbourne City Council - ‘Relationships Declaration Register’
Melbourne City Council has announced that it plans to establish a ‘Relationships Declaration Register’ to allow homosexual couples to register their relationships.
The register would be ‘non-homosexual specific’ as it would ALSO allow heterosexual de facto couples to register their relationship.
The relationships will need to be registered by signing the register in front of witnesses, probably at the Town Hall. A 'ceremony'?!
Openly homosexual Deputy Lord Mayor Gary Singer is behind the proposal and the register is being supported by Lord Mayor John So - who was recently nominated as 'Community Supporter of the Year' in the homosexual community's Rainbow Awards (MCV, 29/11/2006).
Mr Singer said this register would not have the status of "marriage" – he said it was largely symbolic but "may be used to demonstrate the existence of a de facto relationship". He outlined the use of the register as part of the homosexual lobby’s overall strategy, saying “This is just the first step toward social equality for all relationships - it is now up to the State and federal Governments to introduce legislation that will provide for official recognition of civil partnerships,” he said. [emphasis ours] The proposal has been supported by all the homosexual groups lobbying for recognition of homosexual relationships.
The proposal was endorsed in principle by a narrow majority of the Council at their meeting on 28 November. It will now be considered by the February Community Services Committee, which will consider the administration of the Relationships Declaration Register including legal implications, policy and procedures and the ongoing maintenance of the register.
Because this is non-homosexual specific it will directly undermine marriage by allowing a second tier relationship structure.
We oppose the establishment of the ‘Relationships Declaration Register’.
ACTION: Please write politely to the Melbourne City Council and ask them NOT to establish a 'Relationships Declaration Register'. Tell them that their role is not to be endorsing or promoting homosexual relationships; that registering heterosexual de facto relationships will undermine marriage and that few homosexuals actually proceed to 'register' their relationships even when such a scheme is available. See below for details on each of these points.
Send your letter to City of Melbourne, Town Hall, PO Box 1603, Melbourne Vic 3001.
Or you can email your letter to enquiries@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Ask that your letter be passed to the Council, to Lord Mayor John So and to the Community Services Committee.
Why should we oppose this 'register'?
First, it gives formal legal recognition to same-sex relationships. This is part of the strategy of the homosexual lobby, to get a form of recognition in their effort to have their relationships considered equal to marriage. It is, as stated above, a tool to get the states to adopt a more formal relationships register/civil partnership scheme that has more 'rights'.
Secondly, it is a form of ‘marriage lite’ – since it allows heterosexual couples to have a formal registration which is much easier to get out of than marriage. This will undermine marriage.
Thirdly, few homosexuals actually use such registers or civil union schemes.
* Sydney - The Sydney City Council has a similar scheme to the one proposed. It includes a formal ceremony where couples can bring along their own celebrant, who can actually be a regular federal marriage celebrant! [When the ACT government proposed the use of these federal marriage celebrants to do civil unions, the federal government protested and the ACT decided to remove that provision and have separate celebrants!]
In the first year of the Sydney register, only 22 couples registered their relationships!
* Tasmania- A Relationships Register was established in Tasmania in January 2004. Only 65 relationships were registered in the first 2 years and 3 months (to 1 April 2006.) 52 of these were same-sex and 13 were heterosexual. Although the register allows 'caring relationships' there were NONE of these sorts of 'caring' relationships registered.
* New Zealand - In the New Zealand Civil Union scheme, the Department of Internal Affairs figures show that there were 458 civil unions in the first 12 months (to April 2006) - 178 male homosexual, 199 lesbian civil unions and 81 heterosexual. This means that around 7.5% of the 5070 same sex couples (as recorded in the 2001 census) had a 'civil union'.
City to open register for same-sex couples
The Age, November 18, 2006.
Melbourne City Council Media Release:
29 November 2006.
Author: Jenny Stokes | Modified: 11 December 2006
66 postings is a record. Landeryou wants to know how Slanderyou does it. Thank you Rev Nalliah for increasing the Slanderyou hit rate.
It is truly God's work. Like the "Walkely Blog Award" in cyberspace, even if it aint so. Something I learned from Paul Keating. Never let the facts stand in the way of a good story. It's entertaining too.
Spoke to Andy Landy last night while I was playing the pokies. Sorry Rev Nalliah. I know you don't approve. But I lost, so God wasn't with me last night and don't say serves you right.
Andrew told me he has a Walkely Blog Award in pride of place in his house, and he is very proud to have won it.
So there doubters. From the horses mouth. He did win the award.
It seems, 12:36.04, that you are full of blarney.
Andy's blog is the best on the web. Read today for example. All the latest gossip about Rev Nalliah is there too.
Wonder what Rev Nalliah thinks about the Holocaust denier conference in Iran at which Lady Renouf (not Susan Peacock, the one after her) attended? Andrew's blog has a very good coverage. Seems this world is full of nutters, but these nutters are dangerous and need to be exposed. The Landeryou blog has done a sterling job doing this.
It's not Susan Peacock. I went to school with her and she was Susan Rossiter. Then she was Susan Peacock, then she was Susan Sangster, and then she was Lady Renouf (he wasn't good enough for her but she loves the title).
Susan has just joined the committee of the Royal South Yarra Tennis Club. Would love to be a fly on the wall there. Landeryou won't be too happy about it but Money and Carbone love to write about her as much as they love to write about Andrew and Andrew loves to write (exposes) of them.
And what a horse Landeryou is!!
He is gutless as he hides behide bankruptcy to prevent defamation suits.
However he needs to be careful as along the way he has upset the Melbourne underworld
We all know he has hidden away all his ill gotten gains from Marbain.
Scott Crawford will come forward to protect his own hide.
Long Live Andrew Landeryou.
I love him.
Andrew is STILL the best blog on the net.
Anon Sunday, December 17, 2006 11:55:52 PM
I had to look up lmfao on google. It p produced an urban dictionary. It means (I'm not typing the f word - this site is read by children and men of the cloth):
laughing my effing ass off
76 comments - wow! Andy has never got close to this on any of his inane ramblings!
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