Andrew Landeryou and his ever decreasing circle of mates, is ramping the line that he received a Walkley Award for his blog.
Of course, there is no such award, and even if there were, there is little doubt that Andrew would never be seriously considered for nomination.
As testimony to that fact, here is the list of nominees for the 2006 Weblog Awards. Andrew isn't mentioned.
The full list of Australian blogs nominated include: Tim Blair, John Quiggin,, Observation Deck, Andrew Bolt, All Men Are Liars, David Farrar, Not Bean, Staralicious, and The Bartlett Diaries.
What is it like to be so lonely Andrew?
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1 week ago
24 Truth On Comments:
Why does this blog parrot such nonsense. Rev Nalliah even said it's God's work that Andrew Landeryou won the inaugural Walkley Blog Award. It says something that a forgiving man of the cloth who has even been pilloried on the Landeryou blog can come to praise him. Rev Nalliah even invited Landeryou blog readers to several prayer meetings.
Surely if Rev Nalliah thought the award a hoax he would not have said its award to Andrew was God's work.
Andrew Landeryou's blog is a blog like no other. I get more information from that blog than from any of the four daily newspapers circulating in Melbourne - the Herald Sun, the Age, the Australian and the Financial Review. It says something that Landeryou can be so informative.
The award to Landeryou was deserving and apposite.
Long live the Landeryou blog. Beats the Anderson Locke blog anytime.
Who is looking for Lyle? No one who contributes to the Landeryou blog seems to know where he is. I heard he lives in Tibet.
The Landeryou blog is not as good as some people think it is.
the Landeryou blog is not as good as Andy thinks it is...
Get real. The Landeryou blog is the best blog on the net. Winner of the inaugural Walkley blog award so it must be OK. Rev Nalliah even said the award was God's work. Right?
the battle of the blogs!
If the Walkley committee did award a prize for blogs, why didn't Landeryou go to the ceremony to collect it. I would pay good money to see Milne decking him. Naah, Landeryou's a coward. He'd probably skip off to Costa Rica and send the ex-wife to deal with his crimes. Sad guy - lives in a fantasy world, thinks he was a successful pollie and businessman. We all know how that ended!
I will be nominating this blog for next years award. That will stuff Landeryou up!
there was one person who won a Walkley award for blogging - his name is Jack Marx and he writes for Fairfax
methinks lnaderyou is jealous that a Fairfax scribe gets the accolades while he gets nothing
Wich blog award is Slanders actually claiming to have won. The spelling keeps changing. Some days it's "Walkley". Other days it's "Walkely".
This confirmes talk from sources close to the OC (ie the Fraud Squad, the Tax Office and ASIC) say Slanders is infected with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and rapidly plunging into a mental twilight.
Anon December 08, 2006 3:34:34, Slanders has never taken credit for winning any award
you dill!
its Andrew Landeryou who is claiming to have won a Walkley
Landeryou is taking his lead from Ernest Saudners, one of the men convicted in the UK in the nineties over the Guinness fraud. He pretended to have alzheimers and got off light. He's back in business now. Landeryou is aiming for a defence of insanity.
Anonymous 2:57:00 PM, 100% agree with you. We should generate a campaign to have this blog nominated for some blog award
Could you imagine Landeryou's face if we were successful?
Landeryou isn't insane
He has antisocial personality disorder (abbreviated APD or ASPD)
is a psychiatric diagnosis recognizable by the disordered individual's impulsive behavior, disregard for social norms, and indifference to the rights and feelings of others.
Sounds just like Andy...
Don't forget body odour, obesity and gout.
Actually, my money's on Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- a grandiose sense of self-importance,
- is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love,
- believes that he is "special" and unique and can only be understood by other special people,
- requires excessive admiration, strong sense of entitlement,
- takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends,
- lacks empathy, is often envious or believes others are envious of him, and
- arrogant affect.
Having clicked on the link "Click To See Milne Say The OC Made Him Attack Steven Mayne During Nationally Televised Event" I was most disappointed to see the only reference in the entire article was in a response: "The OC website now mocks you and Mayne:" being the only mention of Mr Landeryou's site.
Now I am happy to admit i might of missed something (I only reread the article twice and used "Find in article" option after all) but how is this evidence that Milne attacked mayne due to the OC? Am I missing something or is this another of Mr Landeryou's imaginings?
I even went so far as to look up Brian Pacman (who was the only mention of the OC on the page) in the White pages, surprisingly no listing for any Pacman in Victoria, or in Australia for that matter.
I don't know what this means (it might be a botched link) but I refuse to subscribe to his site to ask him. Maybe one of your readers could help? (Some of them seem to be Landeryou Sycophants so they might have an answer.)
Also: can you locate any of the podcasts mr Landeryou released? I understand they are of the same high comedic quality as his site. Thank you.
Have you looked up lyle? Someone is looking for him on landeryou. a person by that name used to be in the alp in batman. I heard that like diane anderson he also got upset he wasnt condidered for a walkley
i saw him this morning in the northcote plaza and he told me he heard landeryou had won a walkely. he must be a bit thick if he believes that.
I'd like to nominate Slanderyou for a Walkley Blog Award.
Landeryou did win the Walkley blog award. The link is
There is no mention of Diane Anderson on the site. This suggests it's genuine.
It's a blogspot address - what a joke
"There is no mention of Diane Anderson on the site. This suggests it's genuine."
lol Andy
"There is no mention of Diane Anderson on the site. This suggests it's genuine."
lol Andy
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