Andrew Landeryou is amazingly trying to claim credit for printing sleaze.
His narcissism knows no bounds.
He in particular is pointing to a sewerage of gossip he printed about Glenn Milne.
Isn't this contrary to the Australian Journalists' Association Code of Ethics?
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1 week ago
11 Truth On Comments:
Got to agree - its very remarkable that Andy is somehow contriving to take credit for all this
the man is really trolling the gutter
Previous post is unfair. Andrew Landeryou is one of the best journalists in Australia. He has just won a Walkely Blog award and justly so. Below is what the Walkley award page says. I know Andrew is too humble to publish it himself but I am as I think all blog readers ought to be aware why he won the award. He won it for excellence and the award is well deserved:
This award is given in recognition of the best and most well informed election commentator/blogger during the 2006 Victorian State Election.
The number of award winning news breaking stories published on Andrew Landeryou's web site is unsurpassed in quality and quantity. Andrew has set down the challenge taking on the main media and online media and surpassing both in news and content. His editorialising is funny, witty, amusing, and informative. One of the best reads on the Internet.
bravio andy for this award
to the anonymous poster of 11:16:48 PM (Andy), this orgy of self congratulatory posturing is sickening
Its one thing to make up an award and present it to yourself but to associate it with the Walkey Foundation is beneath the law
I wonder what the Walkley Foundation have to say about this blatant misrepresentation and misuse of their name?
11.16 aint Andy. It is an admirer of Andy's blog who thinks that Andy thoroughly deserves the award as a great contribution to internet journalism in particular and Australian journalism in general.
Slanderyou prints nothing but rubbish. Slanderyou is defamatory, and like I said in another blog it is the type of humour you would expect to be written on the wall of a lavatory.
Go Andy.
Long live Andrew Landeryou.
Where else would I read all the gossip about Diane Anderson, Queen of Higgins, Heresy Expellee from the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial (with Che on the wall) Church.
Bite me 2:28:20 AM
Andy prints nothing but rubbish
Using the words "admirer" and "Andy" in the same sentence is sickening...
how ridiculous
Landy is not a journalist - the vast majority of his stuff is jus payback, school yard bullying and lies
The people who read his stuff probably also like watching people stand on cat tails and pull wings off flies
If his stuff ever appeared in a newspaper he would have the sh*t sued out of him
If he had to stick by the journalist code of ethics he would have nothing to say - simple as that
Results are in for Rudd - but where's "andy first with the news" landy?
Nothing can be believed on the Slanderyou blog. Erik Locke and Stephen Mayne are both behind it. Both are disreputable.
Andrew Landeryou is a patriot and has the finest blog on the internet.
Who was first with the news of the Queenslander winning the Labor leadership? Kim was the better man but he got done and Andrew correctly and accurately printed the result, without vindictive. Congratulations to Andrew Landeryou for being first with the latest news, as always.
Remember, you heard it first on the Landeryou blog.
Andrew Landeryou, a fitting winner of the inaugural Walkely Blog Award.
Nothing can be believed on the Slanderyou blog. Erik Locke and Stephen Mayne are both behind it. Both are disreputable.
Pot. Kettle. Black. With just a hint of yellow.
Andrew Landeryou is a patriot and has the finest blog on the internet.
LOL!!! Apart from the fact you’re the only one who classes himself as a ‘patriot’, the rest of that sentence has all the trademark Landeryou delusion. Why didn’t you sign your name? Perhaps you’re not as fearless as you make out and are reluctant to converse with anyone on a forum where you can’t alter, edit and delete posts.
Who was first with the news of the Queenslander winning the Labor leadership?
Pretty much anyone in the ALP organisation who knew anything about it. And of course, one of them decided to tell you, on the strict instructions you don’t sink the boot in on Beazley. Which, demented little lapdog that you are, you were more than happy to do.
Kim was the better man but he got done and Andrew correctly and accurately printed the result, without vindictive. Congratulations to Andrew Landeryou for being first with the latest news, as always.
Here’s the giveaway. ‘Without vindictive?’ Andrew, when have you ever printed anything not designed to be vindictive or self aggrandising?
Remember, you heard it first on the Landeryou blog.
Uh, no, as a matter of fact, we didn’t.
Andrew Landeryou, a fitting winner of the inaugural Walkely Blog Award.
Ah, so you’ve resorted to making up new blogs to give yourself awards? Another standard ploy. I’m guessing you needed this ‘Walkley blog site’ to try and create the erroneous perception you got a Walkley Award. You're right though, it is fitting.
Seriously Andrew, just between us, you’ve given up all pretence of working towards noble goals, haven’t you? Your rants of late have had a more desperate, shrill tone to them. Despite the election being on, you’ve pretty much stalled in ‘expanding your influence’ haven’t you? You’re commonly accepted as nothing more than a Unity mouthpiece.
And banning me from your site suggests you can’t handle ‘detractors’, which also suggests to me you know you’re posting bullshit.
Must be fulfilling for you.
The Dark Rider
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