It certainly seems to be the weekend ALL THE TIME in Andy's world.
Never having to work, living in expensive digs, travelling to far off and exotic locals as Costa Rica and Sydney.
And to celebrate the near arrival of the weekend, we present this open forum for your commentary and enjoyment.
So comment away.
PS: Now that the Zanzibar is closed in Collins Place, where is Andy drinking now?
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
1 week ago
13 Truth On Comments:
Andrew Landeryou. Winner of the Inaugural Walkely Blog Award. Beats the Slanderyou blog hands down.
Drinking out of the toilet - literally!
Andy (12:05:48 PM), fuck off and go back to your own blog you deluded hack
$100 bux to the first person to find Andy's latest watering hole and grab a pic of him drowning his sorrows as his blog readership falls...
Antisocial personality disorder (abbreviated APD or ASPD)
is a psychiatric diagnosis in the DSM-IV-TR recognizable by the disordered individual's impulsive behavior, disregard for social norms, and indifference to the rights and feelings of others.
Sounds like Andy...
My guess is the Peel, in Collingwood. Be just like Landy's old prison days...
He was at the cricketer's club on friday night not too far back
he was with a couple of guys
Pastor Danny Nalliah congratulated Andrew on his blog over his award, and then invited readers of his blog to a couple of prayer meetings. Must be very forgiving, Rev Nalliah, as Andrew did a job on him. I did a copy and paste below of the comment on the Landeryou blog. Wonder if Slanderyou readers are invited too?
Pastor Danny Nalliah congratulates Andrew Landeryou on winning the inaugural Walkely Blog Award. This was God's will. Pastor Danny Nalliah invites Landeryou blog readers to the following events:
Sunday December 31st at Glen Eira College (Performing Arts Centre) - Caulfield South, Victoria. 10.00pm to 12.30am Open to all Christians who want to proclaim “AUSTALIA FOR JESUS” as this fresh new years unfolds. Pastor Danny Nalliah says, “Let’s rebuild the walls and restore the gates of our Nation in 2007 to see her arise into her destiny as the Great Southern Land of the Holy Spirit.”
Australia Day United Prayer Meeting 2007
Christians from many far away places will converge at Festival Hall, Dudley Street, West Melbourne, Victoria this January 26th 2007, to spend time in agreement prayer and worship. One purpose is to uphold our nation of Australia in prayer - that her heritage and destiny shall be evidenced. Many thousands are expected to seek the Lord for His favour and blessing.
John 17: 21 – 22 Jesus Prays for All His Believers… that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one…
bible believer | 12.07.06 - 9:35 am | #
Landeryou's blog only exists for his demented and childish sprays. In his mind, he is magnificent, the winner of an award that doesn't exist and an unimpeachable "journalist". Sadly for him the world knows the truth - a failure in marriage, business and politics and he's not even 40 yet.
I cannot understand Rev Nalliah. Landeryou is very critical of him, yet he congratulates Landeryou on his being awarded the Walkely blog prize. It does not make sense. Perhaps he is a masochist. Perhaps he's afraid of Michael Danby, Andrew's best mate. Perhaps he's had an inspiration from God himself (or herself, in case God is female). Some things I read on the various blogs just do not make sense.
Andrew posting on this blog doesn't make sense either.
So what is the url for the Award Andrew?
haven't created the website yet?
Wasn't Andrew moving to Brunswick????
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