Sunday, June 17, 2007
Paris Hilton's prison diary - where's Andy's (part 2)
We thought this was a rather interesting statement concerning Paris Hilton, which has a connection to our Andy Landy:
"The goal was to make her the Martha Stewart of her generation. It just didn't work out that way." - Paris Hilton's ex-agents.
Do you think that is why Andy decided to come back to Australia?
Any way, we are taking the week off.
Please comment at will.
See you all next Monday, when we will publish some more interesting bits and pieces.
"The goal was to make her the Martha Stewart of her generation. It just didn't work out that way." - Paris Hilton's ex-agents.
Do you think that is why Andy decided to come back to Australia?
Any way, we are taking the week off.
Please comment at will.
See you all next Monday, when we will publish some more interesting bits and pieces.
12 Truth On Comments:
Slanderyou may be taking a week off but the Liberal Party will still be around fighting for Victorians against the Bracksward government. The racing industry is yet another example of Bracksward incompetence. Read our media release:
Author : The Hon Dr Denis Napthine MLA
Shadow Minister for Racing Denis Napthine says Victoria's Racing Industry is being duded by the Bracks Labor Government's changes to gambling legislation.
"The Government's decision to increase the gaming machine levy will impose an additional impost of $4.5 million a year on the racing industry, but the Government is only willing to give it an additional $2 million a year, meaning it will be $4 million out of pocket.
"Under the agreement between the racing industry and Tabcorp, the racing industry gets 25 per cent of revenue from gaming machines in Victoria, but this means it also bears 25 per cent of the increase in the gaming machine levy.
"This now means $15 million is taken out of the racing industry by the electronic gaming machine levy, but only just over $11 million is given back to the industry in compensation.
"This extra $4 million should be available to increase stake money, giving greater returns to owners, trainers, and jockeys, and also used to improve racetracks in regional Victoria.
"But instead, this much needed money is being hived off by a greedy Bracks Labor Government and placed into consolidated revenue.
"The Bracks Government is killing the racing industry."
Media enquiries: Denis Napthine 5562 8230, pager 96251445
Landeryou has posted a pic of his fridge of all things on Tim Blair's blog.
Who would have thought: doesn;t Andy eat out at KFC all the time - why would he need a fridge!
U.S. Internet defamation suit tests online anonymity
Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:25AM EDT
By Jason Szep
BOSTON (Reuters) - It bills itself as the world's "most prestigious college discussion board," giving a glimpse into law school admissions policies, post-graduate social networking and the hiring practices of major law firms.
But the AudoAdmit site, widely used by law students for information on schools and firms, is also known as a venue for racist and sexist remarks and career-damaging rumors.
Now it's at the heart of a defamation lawsuit that legal experts say could test the anonymity of the Internet.
After facing lewd comments and threats by posters, two women at Yale Law School filed a suit on June 8 in U.S. District Court in New Haven, Connecticut, that includes subpoenas for 28 anonymous users of the site, which has generated more than 7 million posts since 2004.
According to court documents, a user on the site named "STANFORDtroll" began a thread in 2005 seeking to warn Yale students about one of the women in the suit, entitled "Stupid Bitch to Enter Yale Law." Another threatened to rape and sodomize her, the documents said.
The plaintiff, a respected Stanford University graduate identified only as "Doe I" in the lawsuit, learned of the Internet attack in the summer of 2005 before moving to Yale in Connecticut. The posts gradually became more menacing.
Some posts made false claims about her academic record and urged users to warn law firms, or accused her of bribing Yale officials to gain admission and of forming a lesbian relationship with a Yale administrator, the court papers said.
The plaintiff said she believes the harassing remarks, which lasted nearly two years, cost her an important summer internship. After interviewing with 16 firms, she received only four call-backs and ultimately had zero offers -- a result considered unusual given her qualifications.
Another woman, identified as Doe II, endured similar attacks. The two, who say they suffered substantial "psychological and economic injury," also sued a former manager of the site because he refused to remove disparaging messages. The manager had cited free-speech protections.
"The harassment they were subjected to was quite grotesque," said Brian Leiter, a professor at University of Texas Law School. "Any judge who looks at this is going to be really shocked, and particularly shocked because these appear to be law students."
The suit is being watched closely to see if the posters are unmasked, a step that could make anonymous chat room users more circumspect. It also underlines the growing difficulty of protecting reputations online as the Web is used increasingly to screen prospective employees and romantic partners.
"They can't hide behind anonymity while they are saying these scurrilous and menacing things," said Eugene Volokh, a professor of law at the University of California, Los Angeles.
He said the site was not liable under federal protections that are more lenient on Web sites than TV and newspapers. Prosecuting the manager could also be difficult because he did not write the posts, Volokh added. But the anonymous posters look liable and their careers could be jeopardized, he said.
"This ought to be a warning to be people that if you say things that are not just rude but arguably libelous and potentially threatening and perhaps actionable on those grounds then their identity might be unmasked," he said.
Finding and identifying the posters -- including one called "The Ayatollah of Rock-n-Rollah" -- could be tough but is not impossible. The process involves subpoenas issued to Internet Service Providers for records, and then more subpoenas to companies, institutions or people identified on those records.
"I've said in my blog the most vile posters on that board are two subpoenas away from being outed," said Leiter. "This led to much amusement by the anonymous posters on the board.
"But they are about to find out that this is how it works."
uh oh said...????????
So what is your point??
Any irony you posted anonymously?
Just as well we posted first. These comments come from a staffer in the office of a Bracks minister and are designed to deflect from any comment on Slanderyou critical of the Bracks government.
Vote Liberal and end Bracks incompetence.
Last time Slanderyou went away, and he went to Costa Rica, we heard a lot of crap on this site about the Manchukuo Temporary Government.
That site is apparently put up by Japanese nationalists who yearn for the days of Kamikaze pilots and the divine Emperor.
Monday, June 18, 2007 1:39:00 PM Last time Slanderyou we learnt about Landeryou's trip to Costa Rica, and the high incidence of unregulated online gambling that goes on there!
You were the only one posting stuff about Manchukuo!
More crap from Andy's bog (sorry Blog)
Landeryou threatens story on Zoe Edwards.
Edwards is a wreck.
Landeryou then 'defers' the story without explanation.
Mysteriously a story on Zoe's frenemy Mat appears a couple of days later.
*eyebrows raised*
Zoe's conscience | 06.18.07 - 12:03 pm | #
Andrew you do us all a great public servis by exposing these dreadfull lefty's thank you very much and keep up the good work
Rather Dead than Red | 06.18.07 - 12:13 pm | #
Jesus Porter enough already!
Anon | 06.18.07 - 12:16 pm | #
Good times for the MSA...
The Hairy Guy | 06.18.07 - 12:21 pm | #
We should all remember that this guy will be running his factions election ticket this year. We should worry about how far this corruption goes in Go!
ano | 06.18.07 - 12:27 pm | #
Why is Andrew Porter's name always deleted from comments here.
Labor Unity can dish out criticism but does not seem to be able to take it.
Stalin's Airbrush | 06.18.07 - 12:33 pm | #
Jesus Porter stop this. It is ridiculous you clearly hate the MSA so stop this.
ano | 06.18.07 - 12:33 pm | #
This story reeks of Kastelan
Anonymous | 06.18.07 - 12:33 pm | #
Never heard of the wannabe.
Brian Daley | 06.18.07 - 12:33 pm | #
Why do these people think they have the right to give out money like its their own personal trust fund when its student money.
Jail or disembowel the corrupt Harikiri.
Outraged | 06.18.07 - 12:35 pm | #
Anonymous | Homepage | 06.18.07 - 12:40 pm | #
I didn't leak it. I support the proposal.
Zoe Edwards | 06.18.07 - 12:56 pm | #
If the person who cannot be named leaked this story, it would be a masterstroke. Which is right because he's a masterstroker.
The Unmentionable | 06.18.07 - 12:57 pm | #
My name is Luke. I am a member of Young Labor Left. So where is MY Landeryou feature story?
Luke Francis Hanily | 06.18.07 - 12:59 pm | #
Some young idealistic students want to support a migrant welfare initiative. Why is this corrupt?
Disgusted | 06.18.07 - 12:59 pm | #
Landeryou's disappointed he didn't get his cut.
I KNOW | 06.18.07 - 1:01 pm | #
The Left swamp comments here and focus on who leaked the story. No defense of what they do because what they do is sleazy and crooked.
Unity 4 Eva | 06.18.07 - 1:04 pm | #
Naomi and Dara are much more than friends.
Lovaz | 06.18.07 - 1:04 pm | #
Porter is all man.
Zoe Edwards | 06.18.07 - 1:09 pm | #
Wow I could totally do worse in this organisation!
Dara | 06.18.07 - 1:11 pm | #
Thanks Dara! I hold you in high esteem also...
Naomi | 06.18.07 - 1:16 pm | #
hey hot times in the lots office
ano | 06.18.07 - 1:20 pm | #
Haydn Steel will rescue all of them
Pirates of Penzance | 06.18.07 - 1:20 pm | #
I'd be up for some of that action
Andrew Porter | 06.18.07 - 1:21 pm | #
why would i rescues them from hot times arrrrr they be fine
Pirate's arrr us | 06.18.07 - 1:22 pm | #
Tongues wagging in the Lot's Wife.
Pirates of Penzance | 06.18.07 - 1:30 pm | #
Oh guys stop it Zoe and Mat are such lovely people and they don't deserve this! Everyone knows that they're always concerned with what's best for students, and nothing else, so why do you have to go out and say all this stuff!
Go! | 06.18.07 - 1:55 pm | #
Just another example of what happens when you let hippies run the show
Die Hippies Die | 06.18.07 - 1:58 pm | #
A hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer and what is on his finger?
Anon | 06.18.07 - 3:04 pm | #
What nonsense.
Why won't the mental health establishment release the files revealing how mad Landeryou really is!
My guess is that Andy isn't in fact "MAD" afterall!
hi every person,
I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]
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