While your Blog of Truth suffers under the weight of discarded KFC being thrown at it, and being a victim to porn attacks, patriots remain alert.
Our attention was drawn to this story. Like commentator Kevin, we agree that "Tim (Blair) isn't too bad. Andrew Landeryou is the worry. His new scandal involving interns is outrageous."
Blair in the past devoted precious bandwith to highlighting Team Slanderyou for special mention for its monitoring of Andrew Landeryou.
No wonder Blair no longer links through to Landeryou.
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1 week ago
14 Truth On Comments:
No no Cait/Landeryou this morning. Having a sleep in this morning Landeryou at the taxpayers expense?
The Fat Cave dweller never gets up before 10 am.
be fair Kev! Landeryou via Cait is up late at night - obviously sleepless nights - commenting on this blog
"While your Blog of Truth suffers under the weight of discarded KFC being thrown at it..."
Discarded? Discarded? Since when did Fat Andy discard KFC?
Is Fat Boy's link up with online prostitution racket Anastasia International earning him so much money that even he can't eat all the KFC it buys?
Buddha Boy wrote something the other day about The Age dropping Channel 31's schedule from its TV program guide. Every time I see consult The Age and the Green Guide I see Channel 31's still there. Did just imagine it or did El Gordo just make it up?
Cait Landeryou has gone walkabout. Any truth in the rumour that Landeryou plans to replace Cait and Catter8 and the late Rita with a new multiple personality?
How many gullible readers fall for this nonsense and truly bellieve all theses characters are real?
Quite a lot I suspect. Just like Delia Delegate, another of Landeryou's multiples. Even some members of parliament who one would have thought had some brains were fooled that Delia was either a real person or someone else?
For someone with Landeryou's IQ it's remarkable how street smart he is. Any problems and he disappears into the bowels of the fat cave.
Thursday and still no Cait Catt Landeryou. Where are you kitty? In the kitty Litter perhaps?
Please, Trevor from Crown, please!
You said "For someone with Landeryou's IQ it's remarkable how street smart he is. Any problems and he disappears into the bowels of the fat cave."
Never, ever, ever put the words "Landeryou" and "bowels" together. The mental imagery is simply too distressing!
Another scandal on the Blog of Sleaze that will have Fat Andy's trustees in bankruptcy investigating.
Not only is Fat Boy recieving profits from prostitution thanks to his tie in with sex site Anastasia International, not only is he wealthy enough to employ staff, but now he is cashed up enough to be bribing journalists.
"[T]he first of many God fearing Gloria Jeans gifts for patriots that we will make available from time to time will be arranged for Messrs Hannan and Wallace today," Fat Andy boasts on the Blog of Sleaze this morning, promising largesse for two journalists with The Australian.
How does a bankrupt afford "many... gifts"? His trustees in bankruptcy and many creditors will want to know much, much more.
You can see the whole sordid story on Fat Andy's sleazy site if you click on the name above.
Puts a new spin on 'never looking a gift horse in the mouth' - or in Landeryou's case is that arse!
So fat boy has been stalking Sharon Burrows?
Or was Landeryou also at the restaurant gulping up all that very very expensive deep fried sea food!
the oyster bar is in King St isn't it?
May explain why Andy was there.
the oyster bar is in King St isn't it?
May explain why Andy was there.
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