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When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
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1 week ago
65 Truth On Comments:
I am Henderson Ross, and I don't approve of this.
Whoever Henderson Ross is, he sounds very sensible.
Henderson Ross. Fat failure Andrew Landeryou's latest false identity. When you add all the false names he has used when he has forged legal documents, all his sock puppets and his online identity theft at I wonder just how many different names this notorious fraudster has hidden behind?
Anonymous immediately above distorts the truth - as so often here on this Blog of Sleaze! I am Henderson Ross.
You are Andrew Landeryou. You are a thief, a fraud, a serial defamer, a corrupter of Australian democracy, a bankrupt and a failure and are regarded with utter contempt and derision.
And so say all of us!
I second 1:37!!!!!!!!!
Landeryou loves a one-sided fight because he is a bully.
He posts irrelevant, madcap comments here - but edits, blocks and bans any comments to Poxnews he doesn't like.
Abominable behaviour from a devious crook, isn't it?
Fat crim Landeryou hasn't updated his own hate site today but keeps posting here. he must know its the only way he gets any readers.
Interesting spin from Andy today.
But the truth is far more interesting, with Consumer Affairs Victoria finding: (click my name for the link)
CAV spokeswoman Heather Abbott said the authority obtained an audited set of VERF accounts, bank statements, cheque books, invoices and receipts.
“The entire amount of donations and other income of almost $440,000 was accounted for in the audit, with the exception of approximately $300,” Ms Abbott said.
Only $55,000 - 12.9 per cent - of money raised had been distributed to the nominated beneficiaries, with the rest spent on “consultancy fees”, reimbursements, rent and administration costs.
Most of the $183,041 administration costs went towards mass-mail outs of letters soliciting donations.
Good to see that Buddha Boy hasn't posted here since 1:37 told it like it is. In the hopes of keeping him away let's repeat the message again...
"You are Andrew Landeryou. You are a thief, a fraud, a serial defamer, a corrupter of Australian democracy, a bankrupt and a failure and are regarded with utter contempt and derision."
That Banyule mate of Landershonk seems to have run the most ineffective charity since fatso's very own Citizens Against Poverty.
This vid was brilliant. I especially thought the woman's commentary was so accurate. How do you do it Slanderyou?
The eldest son of North Korea's leader Kim Jong-il is believed to have visited a Paris brain surgeon who apparently flew to Pyongyang to treat his father, Japanese television has reported.
Unconfirmed reports say the same specialist visited Australia in secrecy to see if he could treat the brain seizures and delusions suffered by the Melbourne-based would-be despot Andrew Landeryou but declared him to be "a hopeless case".
This video is patently untrue. And a brain surgeon in question did not visit Australia.
I am Henderson Ross.
The fat crook clearly has a serious brain disorder as you can tell from the twisted syntax in his comment above. Perhaps it is BSE.
El Gordo's latest pseudonym should get ASIC, the ATO and his trustees in bankruptcy very busy. Henderson Ross is an accountancy firm in Christchurch New Zealand. Perhaps they helped El Gordo stash some of his stolen loot.
Landeryou's malaise sounds more like MCD (Mad Chook Disease)!
Noted organised crime figure and asset-stripper Landeryou is a sociopath.
He does not see others as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, he has victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means.
Only rarely in difficulty with the law, he seeks out situations where his tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired. Poxnews is a opportunity to libel, defame and attack his enemies.
Wot happened to his mate, alleged parliamentary rapist Theo?
Landeryou is tres pissed off that the Australian government won't guarantee his stolen millions imperilled overseas.
Apparently, Lib deputy leader Julie Bishop also is being actively head-hunted by Landeryou as Poxnews's new Canberra correspondent to replace lamebrain Nick Mack. Landeryou said "Julie seems to be a talented plagiarist - not as good as me, mind you, but gifted nonetheless.
"Pownews relies on plagiarism, imagination, stolen images and photos. I then add fake comments because the real commenters are boring drongos", Landeryou said today.
Julie Bishop, uses ghost writers who can be blamed for pesky things like plagiarism.
Her chief of staff, Murray Hansen, claims he forgot to provide footnotes to the publisher.
So many people are so forgetful.
But Landeryou doesn't care. He is an outlaw. Copyright and ownership of other people's rights don't apply to him!
Cheats don’t and shouldn’t prosper.
Looks like Conroy has been taking lessons from Landeryou about web censorship.,25642,24569656-5014239,00.html
or click through my name to the link
When did the ALP inveite Landeryou back into the fold? Did I miss something.
COncerned just read your comments.
I am not surprised that the Australian Christian Lobby yesterday welcomed the Government's proposals on web censorship.
They were probably taking time off to comment, preoccupied praying for Andy's Christian redemption.
Peace be with you.
Landeryou is a drunkard
"Japan's Prime Minister says North Korean leader Kim Jong Il is likely in hospital but able to make decisions, fuelling speculation over the reclusive dictator's health..."
What about Melbourne's reclusive would-be dictator and his health: mental and physical? That must be very poor indeed.
ABC News reports that NSW Assistant Health Minister Tony Stewart, a member of the Trogs sub-faction of the NSW Labor Right, has pulled out of a public engagement this morning amid allegations he abused a staff member:
"Mr Stewart attended a charity dinner last Wednesday night. The next morning a female staff member complained about the Minister.
"There are reports that Mr Stewart verbally abused the woman and touched her leg."
We can expect Landeryou to say she was asking for it.
I am surprised that there is no coverage here of the emerging collapse of The Age. Vexnew has the full explosive revelations. No wonder so many Australians have turned to Vexnews for independent, impartial news coverage. I am Henderson Ross.
There is plenty of coverage here of the matters that will lead to your conviction and imprisonment Mr Landeryou. It is not a good idea to to take the name of your offshore accountants for your latest sock puppet.
Outlaw Landeryou will get his just deserts someday soon!
Let Freedom Ring! But not on Poxnews.
I am still banned from commenting there (as usual). Landeryou is a tiresome, timewasting, daft bugger. He should be in gaol!
Just been to the vexnews site. Lots of information there. And a news portal that all the family can enjoy. I am Henderson Ross.
I notice that the growing news portal Vexnews is not sacking staff like The Age. Must be a credit to its terrific management. Wish I worked there.
Two observations:
A patriot says "Outlaw Landeryou will get his just deserts someday soon!" These will be very similar Coogee Bay Hotel deserts, ie shit sandwiches.
Andrew Landeryou posting as Anonymous says "I notice that the growing news portal Vexnews is not sacking staff like The Age." That is because it has no staff other than the fat fraudster himself. The use of the word "growing" is interesting spin from loony Landeryou as well. It can only be applied to Poxnews in this context: "Vexnews is a growing embarrassment to Landeryou as a massive failure even by his own standards."
The thought of working for Poxnews makes my flesh crawl.
You would be working for a dangerous madman who currently thinks his name is Henderson Ross. Don't expect any pay, and the chances are he will fleece you and stab you in the back.
You will become a laughing stock; your writings will be lampooned; people will think you strange. Worst of all, you and your home will be staked out by fraud cops, ATO and ACCC agents gradually closing in on your fat boss.
let us know the truth about ALP scum
If I understand it properly, Vexnews is employing staff; while The Age is mercilessly sacking staff. I am Henderson Ross
If Poxxnews is employing staff, where is the money coming from? Fraud mobster Landeryou, even in his present mad persona of 'Henderson Ross' is a supposed bankrupt.
Maybe ALP staff chief Stephen Newnham is funding a new dirty tricks department which will operate from the Fat Cave. As mentioned on this blog earlier, Landeryou did a thirty-day hatchet job on Les Twentyman and helped devise mailouts that misled and deceived Kororoit electors. More recently he mounted a hysterical defence of alleged parliamentary rapist Theo.
Landeryou's Barmy Army of looney personalities like 'Henderson Ross' is a big worry. Far too many Landeryous!
Even with so many helpers - including Sasha Uzunov's One Man Media Army - the output of Poxnews is, well, lamentably slim.
It's a kiddies version of a real blog. Landeryou is too lazy to attend to it properly. It's predictable as well. Student Union, real Union and low-level state and council politics is of moderate interest to a tiny readership.
The serial stalker, organised crook and finance magician. who can make millions disappear, is a loafing blogger pretending to be a normal person.
Do Landeryou's visits to comment on this blog constitute provocation? He blocks comments on Poxxnews but posts freely here.
As usual, the leftards who read and comment on this Blog of Sleaze are throughly confused, and wrong. I am Henderson Ross. I am sure Andrew Landeryou can respond for himself. I am Henderson Ross.
Readership (always low) has collapsed on this Blog of Sleaze. I sometimes feel I am the only one here!
I will point my browser to Vexnews. A website that upholds family values - unlike this blog! I am Henderson Ross
Here's hoping that the Conroy ordained clean-up of the internet will include cleaning up this sleazy blog.
Like minds, Anon above. This blog is very dirty, and not family friendly. Senator Fielding wouldn't read this blog.
If Vexnews isn't sacking staff, what happened to Sasha, the one-man media army and cat-fancier photographer? Did he go the same way as Ronnie and IQ Corp.?
Wow, one story a day, no stories on weekends.
I'd work there but there's no guarantee I'd ever get paid, that El Gordo won't forge my signature on dodgy documents or be eaten like Ronnie.
I am Denny Crane.
This family unfriendly blog is going the way of Kevin Rudd's Government. Hijacked by the socialist Left. I am Henderson Ross.
I am one.
But I am many.
We are all Landeryous!
Is there a lot of difference between the Toll management group and other corporate asset strippers, and Landeryou. He liberated millions from MUSU and Lew et al?
Deregulation of the financial markets made white collar crime OK. The CEOs and boards, including those of many Australian companies, embraced deregulation because it allowed them to rob and carpetbag publicly listed companies.
Like Landeryou, they all need to be brought to public account. Drug dealers nowadays have their ill-gotten gains confiscated by the State. Why not corporate criminals too?
The robber barons, including Landeryou, should be in the jug!
All of a sudden, thanks to the world financial meltdown, so many new ex-corporate millionaires who scooted before they got caught.
Maybe Landeryou is providing a service to those disgusting corporate criminals by advising them of off-shore stash opportunities. Maybe there is honour among corporate thieves?
Landeryou, the tainted shyster, dares to comment on this blog among normal peers who loathe and reject everything about him.
Fly specks on a gigantic Pavlova!
Get lost, Landy, you silly prawn!
The comment attributed to me at Friday, October 31, 2008 12:27:00 AM is not me. I am Henderson Ross
I am looking forward to a great weekend curled up with some family friendly reading of Vexnews. I assume correctly that the degenerate readers of this blog will be up to their usual debauchery!
Madman Landeryou - he of the multiple and myriad personalities - is now posing a lover of animals. This has been up on his cyberbullying site Poxnews for days: "Three evil Russian brats have been busted for bashing a kangaroo to death in a zoo. Seven remaining kangaroos are in a state of 'deep psychological stress'."
It is clearly another attempt by the morbidly obese criminal to cover his tracks. Clearly the RSPCA are onto him for coating his little four-legged friend Ronnie in an approximation of the Colonel's secret herbs and spices, bunging him in the deep fryer and eating him whole.
Has anyone noticed that that other delusional stalker mad Sasha Uzunov also likes going by false names? His website says "I also run Luke Leon Media, which supplies photographic/video images to the media." Having a few names must make it easier to get around restraining orders or something.
Yet another Landeryou persona - one yet to be christened by the notorious criminal - says on this site: "I am looking forward to a great weekend curled up with some family friendly reading of Vexnews" yet Poxnews does not update on weekends. Landeryou must be drinking even more than patriots have feared if he is posting such utter drivel.
Baiting Landeryou's wacky personalities has mild therapeutic benefits. But the main job is to get the beastly slob into jail. Reminders like the one below demonstrate why:
Anonymous said...
You are Andrew Landeryou. You are a thief, a fraud, a serial defamer, a corrupter of Australian democracy, a bankrupt and a failure and are regarded with utter contempt and derision.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:37:00 PM
Vexnews is carrying the heavy load over the developing plug the pipes controversy. I notice there is no mention of that story here. Back to Vexnews for real news.
My real name is Andrew Landeryou. I am obese and balding and suffer from gout because I refuse to eat any foodstuffs that have not been deep fried.
My life is a ruin. I have failed at everything I have attempted.
Around the turn of the decade I managed to successful steal a few millions dollars in various scams. These ill-gotten gains have kept me afloat but will soon run out.
I am unemployable and despised around the nation and avoiding so many authorities and so much litigation I cannot keep track of it all. All I do is sit in front of a computer in a luxury CBD apartment scoffing KFC and posting lies and smears on the internet and indulging in cyberstalking.
My mental state is such I take refuge in multiple false identities.
I am an abject, miserable failure. My name is Andrew Landeryou.
At last, a Scots four letter word that describes Landeryou:
Lacking purpose or vitality; feeble or ineffective. Careless and irresponsible.
Andrew Landeryou pretends to be many people; be they Delia Delegates, the names he forged on various legal and corporate documents or the sock puppets that infest this Blog of Truth and his own failed Poxnews site.
But now you too can be Andrew Landeryou without being a 180 kilogram KFC-grease stained wanted criminal.
Go to "Leave your comment" on this fine blog and add your comment.
Click on the "Name/URL" button and write "i am henderson ross." in the Name section. Leave the URL blank.
Hit "Publish Your Comment".
You will have published an Andrew Landeryou comment as false as anything on Poxnews or all the perjuries he has uttered in his various court appearance over the years.
"I am an abject, miserable failure. My name is Andrew Landeryou."
That's OK, Andy. You're not beyond redemption. You've taken the first step.
My prescription is diet, get a wig and lay off those million-dollar in scams, which have gotten you into so much trouble.
Dr Henderson Ross
The real one
"Former Federal Court judge Marcus Einfeld has pleaded guilty to lying on oath to a court and attempting to pervert the course of justice" according to news reports.
Now its Landeryou's turn.
And so is my wife, Mrs Henderson Ross.
We're all Henderson Ross...
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