This may explain why Andy may now not become an astronaut.
Imagine if space smelled of KFC!
Another occupation we can cross off the list.
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42 Truth On Comments:
Lol Slanders. But it would also be an interesting physics problem. Imagine the level of thrust needed to get him into space. It would go counter to the laws of physics.
We won't have to worry about Landeryou for much longer.
The ABC has reported today that men whose waists measure more than 94 centimetresare at risk of diseases like diabetes and cancer.
Landeryou's waist is up near the 940 centimetre mark. He's as good as dead.
I hear Landys giving Theo quite a a bit of advice on how to handle the situation. He reckons he's pretty good and that type of thing. He was the first one to come out and say that the woman was just in it for the money which is a pretty good line in the circumstances
From what I understand his wife works for Theo so he's probably also trying to save his missus job. They probably need the money.
Slanderyou continues to be full of filthy lies.
That included a comment that wanted my cats to be put down. Disgusting and evil.
No cat lover ought to read Slanderyou.
If Slanderyou ever enters our cattery we'll eat him.
"I hear Landys giving Theo quite a a bit of advice on how to handle the situation..."
Destroy all the evidence? Sheez, that could be painful for Theo!
Theo is a great MP and a great Minister. The comment below just appeared on It refers to the other blog. Could that be Slanderyou? No mention of cats. Read on:
Great article Andrew.
Vexnews is to be congratulated.
I met two people in Northcote today who praised Theo. Said what a great MP he was and how he’d helped many of his contstituents. I’ve never heard anyone say a bad word about him.
The Age and the other blog should stop dishing dirt on Theo. He’s probably the most able member of the Brumby Cabinet.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Posted by Jack Jones | October 17, 2008, 17:29
If space smelled of KFC the entire universe would have vanished into a black hole: ie Fat Andrew Landeryou.
Luckily it doesn't, but Fat Andrew has still caused several million dollars of other people's money to vanish.
Citibank has made some changes to its media sector preferences after cutting their earnings expectations on the sector. They upped Fairfax Media (FXJ) to BUY from HOLD.
I would trust Citibank over Andy
If you are obese and have enough money for ciggies you don't need charity.
All cat lovers should read Vexnews.
The greatest news site on the net.
I am sick of reading the filth Slanderyou regularly publishes, like putting down cats.
An utter disgrace Slanderyou.
Slanderyou never apologises. He's like a public service boss seeking to protect his or her arse.
We cats want an apology Mr Slanderyou.
Vexnews is a great blog. I love reading Jack Jones whoever he is pointing out the lies on "the other blog" which is almost certainly the Slanderyou blog.
Pigs in space!
Theophanous has now tried every political trick to divert the police investigation, including dragging out his family.
Landeryou has worked overtime on Poxnews attacking the victim.
Now all the squibs have been fired, I guess we'll have to wait and see if Theophanous is charged.
Labor needs to jettison Theophanous quickly to avoid total disaster.
My cat growls like a dog everytime Landeryou's name is mentioned in the house. If only she could speak like Landeryou's imaginary 'Cait' and 'Catter8'.
Lunatic blogger Landeryou loves teasing the Libs, University Unions and unions like the National Union of Workers into a tizz of comments. Luckily for NUW posters this appeared tonight:
"This blog logs your ISP and sends out data mining cookies. You might be smarter if you used someone else’s pc or posted from an internet cafe or airport".
Posted by You have been warned | October 18, 2008, 0:31
That post lasted five minutes before being eradicated from Pownews. Patriots could re-post it endlessly to warn the NUW people being set up by Landeryou and Poxnews. The prick is abviously reporting back to someone. Landeryou is human scum!
Sub-human, you mean!
Love the way patriotic folk are flocking to this site -- and how fat failure Landeryou and his myriad sock puppets has to post here if he wants to have any readers.
Congratulations Slanderyou!
The police interview of Theo should be televised. I want to see how he wriggles his way out of this one.
Besides, if it isn't televised, Landeryou will just make up dodgy stories about it in his kiddies blog.
At least I got a big laugh from reading Poxnews's pathetic attack on the Age editor today. Poxnews attacking The Age is like a flea trying to judo toss an elephant. Julian Burnside should know better than to grandstand on the Theophanous affair too.
Theo has at least been smart enough not to hire Landeryou as his legal clerk. The amnesia defence works for Landeryou, but most people don't have the front to try it on.
The Victorian TAB is operating tonight on a horse race meeting at Catterick Park. Sounds like our beloved cat who writes so much for this blog.
Any tips catter8?
Make sure your tips are better than they were for last year's Melbourne Cup. I lost all my money on them. The OC, the predecessor of Vexnews, even said your tips were no good and that's saying something.
I did a google search and catter8 park (I mean Catterick Park) is a small hamlet in North Yorkshire with a population of 200.
Last time I searched for a hamlet on Google that I read about on the OC I looked up f__king (no joke) in Austria. I really exists and it has a population of 200 also. Imagine if you lived in Australia sending a letter to Austria to that hamlet. The letter would probably never arrive.
Don't expect reactions from Landeryou's cats. The lazy fat oaf has taken the weekend off again, together with his crowd of 'multiple personalities'. He makes group bookings for travel and accomodation these days.
But he has booby-trapped the comments sections of his blog, so your comments might not get on. A bit daft really because he is blocking comments from whole ISPs not just the mischief makers from this site wanting a bit of fun.
Isn't it time Theophanous and his decrepid cocktail frank took a permanent holiday?
How quickly a blog like Poxnews can dry up when something like this is posted:
"This blog logs your ISP address and sends out data mining cookies. You might be heaps smarter if you used someone else’s pc or posted from an internet cafe or airport.
"Malicious cookies can find out where you have been on the net, what you posted on a blog and all kinds of other information. On most web browsers you can block malicious cookies altogether. On IE7, for example, go to Tools> Internet options> privacy and block all cookies. Of course, if you do internet banking, etc., you will need to turn off this setting.
"But here, on this blog, believe me, you need EVERY security setting you can muster. Who knows what the blogger is sending back to whom. It might be your employer. It might be your union. It might be your political party. Stay safe. Avoid this blog altogether.
Posted by SAVVY | October 18, 2008, 23:31
All of a sudden, all the posts ceased. Dummies need to be warned about crooks like Landeryou. He is a shyster and an abominable fraud. Who knows to whom he is feeding his databases?
A commenter has asked Poxnews a straightforward question:
Have any degenerate state politicians been recently interviewed by police and arrested for sex offences?
Posted by Rita | October 18, 2008, 23:19
What the hell is this?
I give group discounts for tours of Parliament House.
Posted by Theo | October 19, 2008, 0:40
Greek friendship includes lotsa spinach, cheese and heaps of dick (well, in my case, tiny things mean a lot). Rita wasn't 'loyal' in the end, was she?
Landeryou has banned any references back to this site. He and his multiple personalities post claptrap here often, but he doesn't want Poxnews posters finding out about his crooked past on this site.
But even for the blindest researchers, Landeryou's calumnies arw obvious to all. Google the creep here.
This is a story about Landeryou mate Theophanous that is on the WA today web site. Bachelard is an enemy of Landeryou. It is also in the Sunday Age today but is not on the web from that source, as Landeryou has prevented its web publication in Victoria.
Power and persuasion
* Michael Bachelard
Known in Labor circles as a powerbroker and a branchstacker, Theo Theophanous has had a colourful and controversial political career.
Known in Labor circles as a powerbroker and a branchstacker, Theo Theophanous has had a colourful and controversial political career. Photo: Penny Stephens
FORMER Labor kingpin Greg Sword laughs ruefully at the memory of a robust late-night discussion at a party in 1975.
In the heat of a typical, Whitlam-era debate, Sword persuaded the Theophanous brothers, Andrew and Theo, to join the Labor Party.
"Yes, I get the blame for that," the retired union official said.
"We were at a function and Andrew was trying to tell us all about what the ALP should do. I was on the administrative committee at the time, so I said, 'Well, are you a member?' And he said, 'No'. So I said, 'What the f--- do you know?' "
Andrew, then a university lecturer, joined the party, followed later by his younger brother, Theo, then a gas heater salesman. In the 33 years since, their mark on Labor's operations have been indelible and, their critics say, sometimes malignant.
In 2002, Andrew became the first federal MP to be convicted and jailed on corruption offences after he was found guilty of a cash-and-sex-for-visas scam. He is still campaigning to clear his name.
Theo went into state politics and became a frontbencher in both the Cain/Kirner and Bracks/Brumby governments.
While remaining virtually unknown to the public, he became infamous within the party for his scheming. If he did not invent the phenomenon of ethnic branch stacking, he certainly refined it into a method for buying and selling influence and positioning himself and his allies for preferment.
He'll need all the allies he can get. For now, it is Theo Theophanous who is facing serious allegations about his behaviour. He is accused of raping a woman inside Victoria's Parliament building one evening in 1998, and has stepped down as minister for industry and trade, major projects and IT while the alleged incident is investigated by police.
Theophanous is robustly protesting his innocence and his wife, Rita, and four children are standing by him. He is portraying himself as the victim of a smear campaign, and has suggested his accuser is after money.
Theophanous believes that if no charges are laid against him, or he is found not guilty at a trial, that Premier John Brumby must reappoint him to his old positions.
Most political observers, though, say his career is almost certainly finished. While the rape allegation has been spectacularly public, his political career has been mostly played out behind the scenes. It has, however, never been far from controversy.
CHARALAMBOS Theophanous was Cypriot, a cobbler, a socialist and a frustrated intellectual, prevented by his family's grinding postwar poverty from finishing high school. In 1952, Charalambos, the father of Theo and Andrew Theophanous, left his family, boarded a ship and joined the stream of migrants from Greece flooding to Australia in search of a better life.
After just four years, he had accumulated enough money to bring out his wife, Mareka, and three children to join him.
For Theo, then aged eight, one of his strongest memories is of walking off the gangplank of the ship in Melbourne and "looking around for the father I could not remember".
In Australia, the poverty continued. Theophanous senior found no call in Australia for his shoemaking skills, so he went to work at the Holden factory at Fishermans Bend, later training as a welder.
The family lived in a housing commission house in Broadmeadows and the boys, who learned English quickly, became the interpreters for their parents, translating the idioms of both language and life in this strange land. Mareka worked as a fruit peeler at a jam factory in Prahran, until she was left deaf in one ear and seriously injured when a conveyor belt fell and hit her. The young Theo, terrified by the task, interpreted for his mother during a court case in pursuit of a compensation payout he later described as "measly".
At the age of 14, Theo, desperate to start earning an income, lied about his age and began work at the same factory lugging boxes of cans.
He and Andrew went to Glenroy High School, where they hoped to get the education that would help drag them from a life of scarcity and toil. Theo recalls being taunted — he was called "wog", "greasy" and "dago" — and threatened with violence. He remembers the particular humiliation of having his grilled eggplant sandwiches stolen, ridiculed and destroyed by the local ham-sandwich-eating schoolkids.
"Let me tell you that those pressures were phenomenal," he said in Parliament in 2002, while offering his vote on the Government's Racial and Religious Tolerance Bill.
The aim of the family was to better themselves. But, unlike Andrew, Theo did not graduate with high enough marks to go to university. He went instead to work for the state's Gas and Fuel Corporation selling appliances. He also married young and had a son, Matthew.
In 1979, the marriage fell apart. Devastated, he was persuaded by Andrew, who was about to enter Federal Parliament as the member for Burke, that he should sit a mature-entry test at La Trobe University. He did and, in 1980, he started studying and also embarked on his second marriage, to Rita. He graduated with first class honours and in 1984 was offered a job at the university as a tutor in sociology.
By then, political activism was beginning to take over his life.
In the mid-1970s, around the time the Theophanous brothers first joined Labor, Gough Whitlam opened the party's internal processes to allow non-English-speaking branches to be formed. Under the influence of local Greek activists such as Socrates Papadopoulos and Theo Sidiropoulos (Victoria's first Greek MP) around Richmond, Collingwood and further north into Northcote, a number of Greek branches had opened and had begun to assume some power in Labor's internal processes.
According to close observers, the Theophanous brothers quickly discovered the potential of all these votes, and immediately began to exploit it.
"The Theophanous brothers came along and inherited this base and turned it into a currency," one former ally said.
They established a modus operandi that, party observers say, Theo uses to this day, and which has been adopted by others.
First, they identify a disadvantaged ethnic group, then recruit them to the party by stoking both their hopes and resentments. They make themselves indispensable to this group, which is often made up of newly arrived people naive about Australian politics. The ethnic group supports the recruiter and is loyal to him. He directs them on how to vote, which allows him to use Labor's democratic processes (one member, one vote) to get what he wants.
When quizzed about this, Theo Theophanous takes the high ground: he is merely empowering ethnic groups to have a say in the forums of the party and the government; he is balancing out the power of the trade unions in party forums.
Observers realise, however, who is really being empowered.
"The Theophani singlehandedly destroyed the concept of multiculturalism," said one former MP, "because it's branch stacking."
At one point, in the early 1980s, Greek members made up about 10% of the entire party. Once the Theophanous brothers had succeeded in dominating there, Theo continued making alliances and becoming mentor and confidant to other local ethnic leaders — Lebanese, Spanish speakers (mainly from South America), Vietnamese and, later, through intermediaries, even traditional enemies of the Greeks, such as Turks and Macedonians. All were cajoled into his sphere of influence and kept there with promises of council seats, then state parliamentary seats, for their "warlords".
Factional hard man George Seitz, South American MP Telmo Languiller and Vietnamese former MP Sang Nguyen have all benefited from the Theophanous method.
"It's like he packaged up all these ethnic votes and securitised them and sold them off," one observer said.
In all this, ideology has played no apparent part. At times Theophanous has been in the Socialist Left (which expelled him in 1996); part of an independent faction, the Labor Renewal Alliance; and the Right faction, Labor Unity, where he remains an influential player. His key allies in this faction are federal MPs Bill Shorten and Senator Stephen Conroy.
He has been influential in almost every party ballot since the 1980s but, despite two serious attempts, has not been able to win a federal seat for himself. In his first attempt, in 1995, he ran into the campaign of former ACTU president Martin Ferguson, who wanted the seat on Theophanous' home turf of northern Melbourne, in the seat of Batman.
Theophanous tearfully withdrew on the eve of the preselection when it became clear that the national executive would intervene and defeat him.
He missed out again in 1997 when he split the Right, attracting insufficient votes to take the seat of Maribyrnong from the then incumbent, Bob Sercombe.
Confined to State Parliament, Theophanous' relationship with John Brumby has been rocky. In 1994, Brumby angrily dropped his frontbencher's mobile phone in a jug of water after it rang in a caucus meeting.
But after being kicked out of the Left faction in 1996, Theophanous lined up with the then leader to purge from the party his own enemies from the Left, including Tony Sheehan and Eddie Micallef, in the name of "renewal".
"He ingratiated himself with Brumby by misreporting everyone else," said one enemy. "He knows how to manipulate people."
But three years later, in 1999, Brumby forced Theophanous to resign his position as opposition leader in the upper house after comments that Labor needed a "new direction". Only a few months later, with Theophanous' support, Steve Bracks ended Brumby's tenure as state opposition leader, and Bracks won the subsequent election by defeating Jeff Kennett.
Theophanous did not make a return to the ministry in the first Bracks government, but was successful after the next election, in 2002. He told friends he was "surprised Brumby had let me back".
There is no doubt that Theophanous has talent and intelligence: one supporter said that "very few people can match him intellectually in the Government".
But his policy performance has rarely shone. His ministerial portfolios — such as small business, manufacturing and consumer affairs — have been mostly solid, never stellar. The twin high points have been his stints as minister for major projects and as former energy minister, where he was entrusted with the long, sensitive negotiations over access to new coal resources for the environmentally unfriendly Hazelwood power station. Jim Kouts, the corporate affairs manager for Hazelwood's owner, International Power, said Theophanous was a "tough negotiator" who "worked hard".
More recently, as major projects minister, most of the larger projects, with the exception of the 5000-seat convention centre, were put under the control of other ministers.
In recent times, as industry minister, he has attracted criticism, particularly from the manufacturing union for the unexplained two-year delay in producing a manufacturing policy in the midst of an economic downturn. Australian Industry Group chief Tim Piper said that although business was also disappointed at the lack of an industry plan, Theophanous had been one of the most accessible and intelligent ministers, adding: "He probably had to be intelligent to work the factions the way he did."
He has also attracted controversy for other reasons. In 1999, he ran into a Liberal MP's car in a car park and failed to leave a note. In 2001, he won the "inebriation award" in The Age's Christmas honours list for removing the bust of Sir Rupert Hamer from its plinth and replacing it with a statue of a naked Jeff Kennett. In 2003, the diminutive Theophanous gave Kennett an "almighty whack" on the back of the head and threatened to "smash" him after an altercation at a Greek business function. And in 2007, a sniffy Myer publicly wondered if it was going to get back the $2000 suit and tie it had lent him to wear at Melbourne's fashion festival.
More seriously, he is regarded as the "biggest leaker in cabinet". It's thought he trades information to selected journalists in return for protection from bad stories.
He also has been attacked within the party for organising fund-raising events in which the money has apparently not found its way back to the party itself. He has denied any impropriety.
Then, three years ago, he was forced to publicly deny allegations of sexually harassing a parliamentary worker by persistently asking her to go out with him. While the woman never made a formal complaint, Theophanous issued a public denial of any wrongdoing after the story was leaked to the media.
In other words, he has not always lived up to his own dictum, enunciated on his brother's conviction in 2002, that: "The lesson for people in public office, I guess, is that you should always act, even in private, as though you were in public."
When he was thrown out of the Left in the 1990s, his reaction was swift, strong and effective.
"He went to everyone, and even went to people's wives and their mothers, and he wept … about how he had been victimised, how hard it was on his family, how they were all racists," said one long-time adversary. "He's as cunning as a shithouse rat and he knows how to play up to people."
Theophanous denies the rape allegation, and it may never result in charges or be tested in court. But his defence has begun in earnest.
He went public with the case when he protested his innocence last Monday, flanked by his wife, Rita, and son Harry. By Thursday, he was accusing the alleged rape victim of being a money chaser. On Friday, Harry — in a show of support — fronted the media to speak on his father's behalf.
Theophanous' long-time foe says the MP's campaign against his accuser is just beginning.
"This woman will be subject to enormous pressure. He'll go around and weep and say, 'Think of my family'. She is going to have to fight this all the way."
Landeryou backs a man who has corrupted a great party and corrupted democracy. Surprise, surprise!
The British National Health Service has just released figures saying obesity was a 4.2 billion quid drain on their nation last year. Wonder how much Landeryou cost our nation.
The British National Health Service has just released figures saying obesity was a 4.2 billion quid drain on their nation last year. Wonder how much Landeryou cost our nation.
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