Andrew Landeryou was caught defending Liberal cyber-bullies. (Safe third party site)
Enough said. Background here. (TS blog)
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6 days ago
34 Truth On Comments:
Yet more evidence that all of Landeryou's problems can be blamed on his toilet training.
Many psychologists from Freud onwards have believed that toilet training is among the most formative events of the human psyche because it is the child's first introduction to the fact that social imperatives can take precedence over bodily desires.
They believe a child can have problems later in life if the toilet training does not go well.
Landeryou defended a band of silly little kids with toilet training issues of their own in this case.
Emotional and other incontinence all round!
Yet again it is pretty clear that in his twisted psyche bodily desires take precedent over social imperatives.
Andrew Landeryou has a very odd obsession with excrement that is clear in every aspect of his life. Landeryou eats shit (KFC), writes shit (poxnews), looks like shit (fat and bald) and is a shit (demonstrated by all his dishonest and unethical conduct).
Andy seems upset he wasn't invited to the Liberal PArty piss up. he seems desperate to trash the event.
His isolation is telling.
Fat Boy has put up just one story on Poxnews in the last three days. He might have an obsession with excrement but also seems to be constipated
Anon 2:18:00 PM - i agree. Looks very petty of Landeryou. Maybe the Liberals didn't invite him as they knew he would eat all the canapes and finger food. Very sensible if you ask me.
No doubt Landeryou felt slighted.
When I saw this headline I thought Buddha Boy had found a new belle but then I read on...
Crane brings world's fattest man to the altar
Even the young Libs are distancing themselves from Landeryou.
The Young Liberals are down on members. Maybe Andy has eaten their membership?
Beware any offers of ice-cream, Landy, especially if it smells of sh*t!
Guess it makes a difference from a s&%t sandwich that Andy usually offers!
This "Jason" moron from Gatewatching clearly knows fuck all about politics and even less about journalism and the media. Click through and read his lines on Landeryou and you will see what I mean. "Jason" is so fucking stupid that if Landeryou and his mates from Unity circulated a shit-sheet before a preselection assassinating a decent candidate with a pile of lies he would call it "a vibrant new addition to local media".
At first when I saw this headline on Landertheifandfrauster's cyberbullying site I though it was one of his many sock puppets praising him:
"World's fattest man weds on television, after dropping 230 kilos"
Landeryou has a headline on today that says "Stop theif!"
When I saw it I thought he had decided to turn over a new leaf and had turned himself in to the authorities and confessed to theft, fraud, serial defamation, intimidation and stalking, breaches of electoral, tax and corporations law and so on and so on.
who knew Swan had prostrate cancer! should he be even working?
And doesn't Rudd have a dickie heart?
Swan needs to give me back my money - now.
Kohler has had this too say:
"Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan don’t seem to understand what is happening, or what they have done.
Unless they are to go down in history as bumbling fools who wrecked the Australian economy, they must instantly, this morning, put a universal price on the deposit guarantee that was announced on October 12. "
By contrast, the Liberal swill are throat-cutting, weak-kneed, lost, and live in a policy vacuum.
We should use this blog, as its Golden Age, to advance this issue
I'll drink to that!
Sorry, I've been drinking and thinking outside the scope of this article.
Landeryou has a drinking problem, as evidenced by the shambling comments he posts on this fine blog and random nature and complete lack of any content of the smears he publishes on his own shameful site.
Landeryou's weird posts here are part of his overall strategy of disinformation. Disinformation is the deliberate dissemination of false or misleading information. It includes the distribution of false stories (like those about Les Twentyman) forged comments, and faked, stolen photographs on his blog. This is just an extension of his alleged previous criminality, which includes frauds, forgery and theft.
Flim-flam man Landeryou has managed to speedily expunge all warnings to commenters wanting a say about the Poxnews NUW union story. The warnings were about the way Poxnews identifies ISP addresses of commenters, and sends out data mining cookies. Some of these cookies today pose a serious threat to internet security and can require specialist removal.
Who knows where fraudster Landeryou is peddling this data. Is he selling details about the commenters slagging NUW to a faction therein?
The only thing we can be absolutely certain about is that he is up to no good! Why is he blocking warnings about the dangers Pownews poses to readers and commenters?
You people are crazy leftards! I am Henderson Ross.
Isn't sending out data tracking cookies a kind of browser exploit?
Browser exploits can insert viruses and malware into your computer using Activex, scripts or by access via Microsoft security issues.
Modern cookies, which can also be inserted on your computer without your knowledge, are becoming increasingly sophisticated in terms of what they can find out about YOU, where you have surfed, what you did, what comments you left on blogs like Poxnews. Frightening isn't it?
It's like having Landeryou looking over your shoulder while you compose your comments...
Cookies are what you eat, you idiot. I am Henderson Ross.
Brandis 1 Conroy 0
Landeryou loves a one-sided fight because he is a bully.
He posts irrelevant, madcap comments here - but edits, blocks and bans any comments to Poxnews he doesn't like.
Utterly pathetic isn't it?
Let Freedom Ring!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Poxnews: The beastly, bluster, blather, block, ban, bugger blog for blockheads!
Lunatic Landeryou's 'I am Henderson Ross' posts point to a ABC site where his mate Steven Conroy matches wits with Lib loony George Brandis. Wet fireworks. So many loonies, so little time!
It means something to Landeryou. Probably of less interest to normal people like us. Who cares what politicians think or, even less, what loathesome crook Landeryou thinks?
I'm looking forward to meeting Big Andrew!
Is there any room for me in there?
Is there any room for me in there?
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