Given the difficult economic circumstances we find ourselves in, it is important to obtain sound financial planning information.
While we do not encourage the following approach, it is a rather ‘innovative’ 10 step plan.
- Run a company
- Source the capital from one of Melbourne’s billionaires
- Wreck the company
- Head off overseas – but don’t tell anyone where you are going
- Come back when the Supreme Court asks you to
- Be declared bankrupt for a laughable amount
- Don’t work for 3+ years
- Not be enrolled in the work for the dole programme
- Spend countless hours a day playing pretend journalist, and set up 2 insolvent blogs/websites
- Eat lots of KFC
83 Truth On Comments:
Works for some I guess!
Slanderyou Filth. The usual lies.
Vexnews is Australia's greatest source of news.
Slanderyou, if it were a newspaper in the 1940s, would not be fit to wipe you know what.
Great stuff 1.25.
Slanderyou is not fit to be read by anyone after its comments about us cats.
Slanderyou wants to put us all down and has never ever apologised.
How about an apology Mr Slanderyou?
I'm not interested in the filth and lies repeatedly told by Slanderyou.
I'm interested in United States Presidential politics.
I want the Republican ticket to win, and I understand so do the cats at catter8's cattery.
American patriots living in Australia vote McCain-Palin.
Start a bodgy company; suck in rich investors; disappear overseas with the loot; get pet dog to eat company papers; develop amnesia for courtroom appearances when you return; declare yourself bankrupt; lie endlessly and thumb your nose at heaps of enemies.
I object to the comments on this blog last night claiming that I have a racecourse named after me and that I have links with a hamlet called f__king in Austria.
I don't use filthy language and neither do my cats. We also didn't fall for the bait yesterday and give some tips for the meeting at Catterick Park or whatever that the Victorian TAB operated on. The person who wanted us to give tips called the racecourse catter8 park, which it isn't.
We might give some tips for the Melbourne Cup as everyone else does, but Slanderyou has to be of good behaviour and apolosise for wanting to put us down before we'll do so.
1.33 is offensive to us cats. No mention of Cait. No mention of me. No mention of my cattery.
It's a shame we cats always get forgotten about by the slimy creatures who write self-serving and sycophantic comments on this blog.
The crowd of Landeryou multiple personalities have just arrived here from a weekend off. Hooray! Up go the comments stats!
Sasha Uzunov is the one man media army.
Landeryou is the one man army of fake commenters.
I lurv pussy!
I wonder what the coming week holds for Theo and his wayward dick?
Years ago, Theo's mini-wee would have been put through the ringer in the laundry at D24, Russell Street!
Hasn't Theo resigned yet?
Filth Filth Filth
Slanderyou Filth
Theo is a great MP. A great Minister.
Stop your puerile childish comments Mr Slanderyou.
They fool no one.
Poxnews is the web's kiddies' version of Channel Nine's "60 Minutes" - boring, pompous, irrelevant, and crap!
Theo is well past his use-by date. He has accomplished bugger-all. He was a liability for Labor, who suddenly has become a MAJOR liabilty for Labor. Dump the useless prick!
I've got a gut feeling he will do the right thing this week. Let's see.
Channel Nine is planning a new crime series called 'Big Belly' which features a KFC-addicted crook who rips off big business and survives courtroom encounters with forgetfulness. A sub-plot involves the crook's dog which eats vital evidence. The crook's ex-wife is a former city councillor, who also suffers from amnesia. With everyone forgetting so much, the show takes us into uncharted waters.
Sounds like a Star Trek for crooks.
I wonder if Landeryou will defend the hoons that tried to kill 10 cyclists! see http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,24521812-1243,00.html or click through my name
"I wonder what the coming week holds for Theo and his wayward dick?"
What about the boil on that dick, AKA Fat Hate-Filled Failure Andrew Landeryou? How many posts will he put up here so he can have some readers?
Ten fifteen on a Monday morning and hard-working, honest, taxpaying, patriotic folk are hard at work.
Not Fat Andrew Landeryou. He is still sleeping off last night's orgy of KFC guzzling and (unsuccessful) internet-porn onanism and his cyber-bullying site Poxnews is yet to be updated.
Lucky no one bothers to read it.
I wonder how Andy's share trading is going!
If you read "VEXNEWS Headlines" you will see that Landeryou is claiming headlines in The Age, and The Australian as his!!!!!!!
Tim Blair's blog no longer links to Vex News - wonder why that would be?
How soon before Blair ends up on Landeryou's hate list?
Andrew Landeryou is often described on this site as a failure.
From a mainstream point of view this is true. Landeryou has failed completely and utterly as a politician, a businessperson, a husband, a blogger and now as the proprietor of a supposed news site.
However, Landeryou has been a remakable success from the point of view of the criminal milleu he now belongs to.
So far Landeryou has escaped prosecution for theft, fraud and embezzlement and a massive range of associated crimes including forgery and destruction of documents, along with perjury.
He has not been held to account for committing defamation day in and day out, nor for his contempt of court over the rulings following his stalking of Les Twentyman and his family.
Landeryou is a very successful criminal, or successful at getting away with it, anyway.
The item below is posted on Vexnews. It is true. Thank you to all the cats at my cattery for your defence. Read on:
Theo is innocent.
The material on the other blog is disgusting.
Thank you cats for your defence.
The other blog wanted to put you down. That’s attempted murder in my view and that’s a criminal offence.
The patriotic cats who post on the other blog are true Australians. Not like the author who posts nothing but filth.
Posted by Jack Jones | October 20, 2008, 15:16
Thank you Jack Jones, whoever you are. You are a kind and compassionate man. Not like Slanderyou who has yet to apologise for his suggestion that the cats who post on this blog should be put down.
You are a great man Jack Jones and may you go to heaven. May Slanderyou go to hell. Together will all his accolades.
Does Landeryou have a drug or alcohol problem? No-one clean and sober could post the rambling rants he keeps puttin up on this patriot site.
I used to read Andrew Landeryou's "news" site vexnews. No more. Slanderyou has opened my eyes.
What I now need to ask you all is - how is he walking the streets a free man? Where is the justice? How can a fraudster be allowed to stalk and harass other citizens without punishment?
There is no news on Poxnews today -- as always. What there is is an attack on journalist Michael Bachelard. Why? Easy.
Back in 2004 he co-authored what is arguably the best expose of Landeryou's criminal delusions. It clearly hurt the fat fraudster. Landeryou has mercilessly attacked Bachelard ever since.
Here it is in its entirety once again for Slanderyou readers:
The big man on campus
Louise Perry & Michael Bachelard
The Weekend Australian 18.12.2004
The son of a former Labor powerbroker is on the run amid allegations of missing millions. Louise Perry and Michael Bachelard trace his story
IN Victorian Labor's Right faction circles, there was just one table to be at last March for the pre-election fundraising dinner at Collingwood Football Club.
Deputy Senate leader Stephen Conroy was there to hear Mark Latham speak, as was Bill Shorten, the Australian Workers Union secretary sometimes touted as a future PM, and Steve Bracks's strategy director David Feeney.
Also in this powerful and impeccably credentialled group were Andrew Landeryou and his wife, then Melbourne city councillor Kimberley Kitching. A Labor scion, Andrew is the son of Bill Landeryou -- a minister famously ousted from the Cain government's cabinet over conflict of interest allegations.
The son played hard in student politics, then rode the tech boom to millions, bought a Victorian mansion in swish Parkville and associated with the rich and politically powerful.
While keeping himself in the background, he introduced business to politicians, politicians to business, and he peddled influence internally, allegedly funding union takeover attempts and branch stacking.
Nine months later, though, it has all come crashing to earth. Andrew Landeryou has a warrant out for his arrest and he appears to have fled the country, though sources are divided on whether he has gone to China or Los Angeles. Kitching's whereabouts are likewise unknown.
At 35, he suffers from painful gout, and he is being pursued by the courts after failing to show up to liquidators' hearings into the collapsed Melbourne University Student Union.
This extraordinary story starts in 1991 when Landeryou defeated the entrenched left-wing leadership to become president of the student union.
The Left never forgot and did not forgive his move to commercialise aspects of the union's service delivery. Rumours quickly began about vote-rigging and other misbehaviour, and a group called Students Against Corruption launched a fierce battle against him. In May of that year, a referendum of students voted overwhelmingly to sack him. But he did not go without a fight.
``He changed the locks on the returning officer's office on the night of the referendum, he used a loophole in the constitution to call off a student general meeting that was called to discuss his sacking, and he hid under pot plants and in the basement when he was finally sacked,'' one former student politician says.
After that experience, Landeryou retreated to the business world. He helped his father with some of his business dealings, which included forays into the rough-and-ready post-communist Russian Federation.
The younger Landeryou set up some software companies in which his partner Ed Dale was the technical expert and he, according to a former business associate, was salesman-businessman. ``He turns it on when he wants to turn it on. He is charming,'' the the former business associate says.
But according to some who did business with him, he took a similar approach to them as he had to his enemies in student politics: ``Either you are with him or against him. And if you are against him you are an enemy.''
Another former associate says that when he tried to sever ties with Landeryou's company, Andrew, backed by Bill, went ``completely feral'': ``They made bizarre demands, called my investors in New York.''
This associate says he was told to come, alone, to a meeting, then taken to a darkened room and threatened.
In the mid-1990s, Andrew Landeryou made a return to the Labor Party, trading on his success, touting himself as a business connection for the party and acting as a mentor to young, Right faction men who wanted to do business and peddle influence.
He made good money in small-time property development and sold part of a software company, IQ Education, to an internet business for $3 million during the technology boom.
But the trouble with business associates continued. One senior Labor member recalls somebody trying to serve a writ on Landeryou at a meeting of the Labor Unity faction. Landeryou ran away.
Earlier this year, though, Landeryou took on a big fish. Retail tycoon Solomon Lew began chasing Landeryou in court for a missing $4 million. In 2000, Lew had pumped $4 million into a Landeryou company, IQ Corporation, and plans were afoot to use the money to build a sports statistics and online gaming group.
Investors from Britain and Switzerland had contributed another $4 million, and Landeryou and Dale planned to float the company. No one knows how the $8 million was spent because -- as the IQ liquidator pointed out in court -- most of the books and records appear to have vanished.
On the stand in the Federal Court, Landeryou, Kitching, who was briefly company secretary, Bill Landeryou, who was also on the board, and Andrew Landeryou's sister Anne-Marie Landeryou-Mason, bookkeeper and personal assistant, could remember little about the $8 million.
Andrew Landeryou and his wife were particularly indignant, with Landeryou saying it was ``contempt, utter contempt'' that his wife had been dragged into the liquidators' examination. The two had declined to turn up for summons and fronted only when counsel for the liquidator asked the court to consider issuing arrest warrants.
(In avoidance tactics, the son appears to follow the father. Wanted by creditors for an unpaid credit card bill in 1996, process servers pursued Bill Landeryou to the doors of the parliamentary library, where they were stopped because it was not a public place. Bill Landeryou refused to come out.)
In Andrew Landeryou's fight with Lew, the liquidators ceased their inquiries after a closed-door deal was reached. It is believed Lew secured a caveat over the impressive Parkville house owned by Kitching. Lew, through his representative on that company, Michael McLeod, declined to comment to Inquirer.
But in 2002, Landeryou made the play that was to become his undoing. At 33, he returned to his training ground -- the Melbourne University Student Union. He knew he could make big money from the privatisation of student union-owned property. His dealings with MUSU are now under the spotlight in the Victorian Supreme Court as liquidators of the defunct $14 million union begin the arduous task of tracking down the missing cash of at least $1 million.
The liquidators' investigation into MUSU has unearthed a tale of shelf companies, stooge directors, allegedly forged signatures, missing cash, a Hong Kong bank account and nonexistent tendering processes. A common thread among all of the players is the ALP Right faction, Labor Unity.
Melbourne liquidator Foremans and its team of QCs, investigators and lawyers has been attempting without success to get Landeryou into the witness box since October. They have now issued a warrant for his arrest and documents they have received in the course of their examinations have been handed to Victoria police for a criminal investigation.
Also regulars in the witness box in the Victorian Supreme Court have been Darren Kenneth Ray, MUSU president in 2002, and Benjamin Cass, MUSU president in 2000. Both are members of the ALP Right and both are described by various sources as connected to Landeryou. Cass co-controlled at least one company with Landeryou, Marbain, which was given the lease to the student bar for a minimal amount of money with what appears to be a nonexistent tendering process. The lease was 10 to 15 years, even though five years was the maximum allowed. Marbain quickly sublet the bar for $1 million, which was then paid into a Hong Kong bank account. The money was removed after 24 hours and not seen again.
At about the same time in 2002, Landeryou had lent office space to another Labor Unity associate, Nick Church, to launch an expensive campaign to take over a key left-wing union, the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union. The office space was at the headquarters of the IQ company and reports of Landeryou's involvement in the campaign vary.
LHMU secretary Brian Daley believes Landeryou bankrolled the campaign to the tune of about $500,000 in an effort to get his hands on the bloc of party votes the LHMU controls.
Taking over a union, especially a large left-wing union, and redirecting its vote to the Right could have changed the entire factional balance of the Labor Party. Had it succeeded, the plotters would have been heroes to their faction and villains forever within the Left.
``We always knew that Church was closely involved in companies associated with Andrew Landeryou and we have no reason to believe that funding for his campaign could have come from anywhere else,'' says Daley.
Church worked on the LHMU campaign with another ALP member, Andrew Rigby. Rigby says that in return for lending them office space, Landeryou asked him for a favour: to be a stooge director of Optima, the property development company that won a $46 million contract from MUSU to build student housing.
That contract relied on 265 apartments being at full occupancy at $165 per bedroom -- something described in court as ``ridiculous'' and ``highly unlikely''. Auditors of MUSU in mid-2003 reported that the deal could send the union broke.
Rigby told the court that the signature above his name was not his and that it had been forged.
``People warned me to be careful in business dealings with [Landeryou]. They said with him, nothing was for free, and they were right,'' Rigby told Inquirer.
Shortly after the auditor's report, a liquidator's report was released that recommended police investigate the union over the falsification of records, awarding of contracts, election rigging and travel rorts. Nobody has yet been charged with any offences.
``I feel a little bit used,'' Rigby says. ``My trust was betrayed. He took advantage of me helping him out. There was nothing in return at all, just silence, and the next I thing I know I've got summons and I'm in court.''
Rigby was informed by Inquirer that he was also listed as a director of another company, Citizens Against Poverty. While Landeryou is not a director, it was based at his office and his accountant set up the company.
Citizens Against Poverty's objective was to combat poverty through means including property development, share trading and the receipt of donations. Among the directors is John Eren, an upper house Right faction MP renowned for his energy in recruiting new ALP members.
Rigby says he can't remember being asked by Landeryou to be a director of the company. ``I certainly never signed anything on behalf of the company,'' he says.
Landeryou is an elusive character. There is scant information about him and few photos available from the past 10 years. But a former associate from student politics says he is ``not the kind of bloke you would want to cross''.
``Andrew is a complex person,'' the former associate says. ``He can be absolutely charming when he wants to be. He is driven by a strong sense of resentment about his father being dumped and about him being dumped as president in 1991. He has a desire for revenge and a belief in entitlement. He believes that he deserves and is entitled to all sorts of things and if anyone gets in his way, woe betide them.''
Classic stuff! Love these lines:
``Andrew is a complex person,'' the former associate says... ``He has a desire for revenge and a belief in entitlement. He believes that he deserves and is entitled to all sorts of things and if anyone gets in his way, woe betide them.''
In other words Landeryou is a criminal psychopath.
Brass necked Landeryou is also attacking Lew again on Poxnews.
It's a bit rich to attack someone who you owe millions to...
I put all of Landeryou's problems down to his toilet training.
From Freud onwards many psychologists have believed that toilet training is among the most formative events of the human psyche because it is the child's first introduction to the fact that social imperatives can take precedence over bodily desires.
They believe a child can have problems later in life if the toilet training does not go well.
Landeryou is an obese thief and fraudster. It is pretty clear that in his twisted psyche bodily desires take precedent over social imperatives.
His old man Big Bent Bill has a lot to answer for.
Should an alleged crook and obvious nut like Landeryou be:
* running a blog?
* faking & blocking comments?
* running hate campaigns?
* defending an alleged rapist?
* stalking victims?
* defaming creditors?
The 2004 Weekend Australian story showed that Landeryou, if nothing else, is completely untrustworthy as a person.
It seems impossible to believe that Landeryou has avoided conviction. Was the official investigation botched?
It is difficult to deal with a person who is untrustworthy. It is very difficult if that person also claims privilege and suffers from amnesia.
That there is a stash somewhere seems obvious.
Didn't two smaller MUSU fish get convicted? I think one got a 20-month sentence with a minimum of six. The other got a suspended sentence. Was this the only result for a massive scam involving many very dodgy people. In fact, the criminality was total. Fake companies, fake directors, fake signatures, tax frauds, shredding machines, disappearing evidence.
It was organised crime on an unparalled scale, in a university setting.
Where, oh where, did all the millions go?
Does it stike anyone else as mad that Landeryou personailty 'Cait Catt' (6:21:00 PM) here thanked another personality 'Jack Jones' for something.
This means that fraudster Landeryou is wandering around with his 'multiple personalities' interacting with each other inside his head. Voodoo personality 'Rita Randles' claimed earlier to have bonked personality 'Jack Jones'.
This is either juvenile claptrap or Landeryou is having a public nervous breakdown.
On the other hand, who cares?
The Age has a recent photo of Landeryou on its site now (10 pm).
It is Landeryou in his Hannibal Lecter outfit!
Why does Landeryou hate Will Fowles?
Because he's got in the way of Dimberley making a come back!
This was just posted on Vexnews but censored.
It is Dimberly claiming credit for being and executive at "Iqcorp" not long before saying in court that she really didn't "remember" what she did for them and what she she was paid for ".
But according to her official statement she seemed to have a pretty good memory when running for the council!
Go figure!
Kimberley Kitching
Personal Statement
Business contributes more to Council than it gets back. I will take a step forward by giving something back - your money! I will give back to ratepayers the Councillors’ allowance some Councillors want to increase.
The Council needs business-people. As an executive in IQ Media, one of Melbourne’s fastest growing IT companies, I’ve seen Australian small business beat the best in the world. Melbourne’s glorious retail/fashion sector (I’m a devoted fan!) proves this beyond doubt.
Since moving to Southbank in 1995 from Brisbane, I have marvelled at Melbourne’s beauty, opportunity and diversity. Melbourne’s prosperity and development are undermined by Council partisanship and point-scoring.
I speak French, Italian and Spanish fluently and want to promote investment and tourism here. My legal and technology background will help me achieve real change, by cutting waste and cutting rates.
That way, we can build a City for all.
Kimberley Kitching - Ph 9682 5211 or kimk@iqmedia.com.au
Your comment is awaiting moderation
From her long ago Council election propaganda it seems that she was quite involved with iqcorp - andrews company - but by the time the court case came around couldn't quite remember it.
she did work f0or IQ corp - but just sort of forgot it
Does everyone who associates with Landeryou lose their memories. Kim Kitching says she is fluent in four languages, but can't remember anything regarding her former association with Landeryou's IQ Empire.
I have never bonked Jack Jones but if I was into that sort of thing I would as he's a good man. I mean Merri Rose did it to Peter Beattie so what's wrong if I do it to Jack Jones but I'm a strict Catholic girl and there's no way I would do that sort of thing as I'd be too ashamed to go to confession after I did the act.
Such filth I read on this blog.
Comment forging on Poxnews:
Isn’t it true that the owner owes notorious businessman Solomon Lew several million dollars?
Posted by Strange | October 20, 2008, 19:44
The missing words are:
Isn’t it true that the owner of this blog owes notorious businessman Solomon Lew several million dollars?
Rita Randles, the undead voodoo Landeryou 'personality', confessing to necrofiliac thoughts.
Weird, Dude!
Organised crime involving the offspring of Labor right wing luminaries during their Uni days. The crimes and rip-offs were unprecedented. This was hardcore criminality with NO rules. False signatures were only the start. There were even Hong Kong bank accounts. Millions of dollars disappeared.
It is one of Melbourne's enduring criminal mysteries. So much shredding. So much disappearing evidence. So much courtroom memory loss.
It is a great pity many of these crooks are still around. Footloose, with fat wallets.
Crime does pay for some.
Landeryou rages against drugs but his increasingly bizarre ramblings about Jack Jones and Rita Randles and his family of sock puppets suggests that he is hitting the bottle with a vengeance -- and at all hours of the day too.
I guess its understandable. His life went down the toilet years ago. Forty, fat, failed and friendless. That's our Andy.
It was most interesting to read that old Melbourne City Council campaign material from Kimberley and her confession she's a "fan" of shopping.
It adds a new dimension to this Age story from August 2004 on one of the many court appearances of the Landeryou clan and the amnesia the courtroom appeared to induce:
A MELBOURNE City councillor touted as a future lord mayor has become embroiled in a Federal Court dispute between Melbourne retail magnate Solomon Lew and the Landeryou family.
In February 2000, Mr Lew invested $4 million in a company known as IQ controlled by Andrew Landeryou and his business partner Ed Dale.
The pair planned to build a sports statistic and online gaming group but the company failed. Now Mr Lew wants to know where his money has gone.
Cr Kimberley Kitching is married to Andrew Landeryou, the son of Bill Landeryou, a minister in the Cain government. Andrew Landeryou owned half of IQ and was managing director.
Cr Kitching, a lawyer, was company secretary of IQ from late 1999 to early 2000 and, according to official records, of some IQ companies until 2001.
She denies any wrongdoing.
At the request of one of Mr Lew's companies, the court last year appointed a liquidator after Michael McLeod, Mr Lew's representative on the IQ board, complained he could not get access to IQ's books and records.
Details about IQ's collapse are unclear because the liquidator, who is conducting an examination in the court, still cannot locate IQ's books and records.
When Cr Kitching gave evidence on Thursday, she remonstrated heatedly with the liquidator's counsel, claiming the court appearance had kept her from a council meeting.
Cr Kitching told the court she was employed by IQ some time after 1999 and into 2000 - the precise dates are not clear - and was paid about $50,000.
But she did not have any income tax returns, personal statements, receipts or pay slips to show she was paid by IQ.
She said such documents would have been given to her sister-in-law, Anne-Marie Landeryou-Mason, who was IQ's bookkeeper. They would have been stored at IQ's head offices.
On Friday, Cr Kitching told The Age that her accountant kept all her personal records.
"This is a personal dispute between Solomon Lew and my husband, Andrew," she said. "I can only presume that he (Mr Lew) has involved me to make this as personal as possible."
In court, when asked if she had ever purchased personal items that were paid for by IQ, Cr Kitching said she did not know and was unsure.
She said IQ issued her a credit card, which she used to buy a mobile phone when in Europe on behalf of IQ for a conference about wireless technology.
But she denied using the card for purchases at London retailers Harrods and Harvey Nichols.
As a regular Vex News reader - I am rather surprised that none of this information was ever covered!
Editorial bias I wonder!
Especially surprising as it claims to be the second most read news source in Melbourne.
47 comments in this one story here. I notice that the comments on Vexnews has has fizzled to a piddle.
Where have all the OC readers gone? Audit questions need to be asked.
Did the readers ever exist?
Fat Andy's Blog of Sleaze (AKA the OC) failed dismally and so has Poxnews, but Landeryou still owns the fraudulently obtained www.lestwentyman.com URL.
Put it in your browser and you are directed to the OC site.
What criminal activities is Landeryou planning to use the Les Twentyman site for? Is even owning the URL in contempt of the orders made against Landeryou by the Sunshine Magistrates Court?
Anon Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1:43:00 PM, is it safe to type in that URL? I am worried about having my computer riddled with tracking cookies and spam.
1:57:00 PM, I only look at any of Landeryou's cybercrime ventures from computers in internet cafes.
The blog of filth and lies continues.
Socialist Left MPs with little else to do.
When Mr Napthine gets in you'll all be out of a job.
Fuck off back to your pile of empty KFC tubs, fat crook!
Landeryou's level of derangement seems even more marked that we thought. He has posted a "story" on Poxnews where he quotes himself and then added two comments praising his own work.
Many Americans living in Australia are avid readers of our blogs. Slanderyou should be contributing to their information on voting this election year.
It is essential for the survival of the world economy and for the defence of freedom that the McCain-Palin ticket be elected. It is also in the best intrests of the United States and the free world that the Republican ticket be followed in elections for the Senate and the House.
Vote for the GOP
Vote straight Republican
Vote McCain Palin
McCain Palin is also the choice of catter8's cattery. Catts there with US citizenship have already voted for McCain Palin in their home states.
Let us pray that readers of this blog with US citizenship do likewise
Support the GOP McCain Palin ticket
Slanderyou, who refuses to apologise for the contributor who advocates the murder of our cats, is obvously a Democrat keen on eliminating votes from Republican cats at the catter8 catery.
That loon Landeryou keeps posting away on this wesbite. Can you imagine what his surrounds in the Fat Cave look like; a luxury CBD apartment empty but for an unmade bed with a soiled, sagging mattress, discarded KFC wrappers and empty bottles scattered everywhere and cumstains on the carpet beneath a battered computer desk.
The cumstains are faked too. It was just Clag he spilled during a frantic cut n' paste job for Poxnews.
Very fascinating long posts here about the MUSU and Lew frauds.
You would think the missing documentation, in itself, would be grounds for charges being laid. Didn't ATO nail one of the smaller MUSU fish?
Andy's young apprentice Darren Ray was sentenced to 20 months in jail back in February after defrauding the tax office of more than $180,000. He was ordered to serve a minimum of six months and be of good behaviour for two years after his release - ie stay away from known criminals like Andy.
Do any patriots know if he's out?
More madness from Landeryou this afternoon. The fat fraud is now running his own bizarre version of The Guardian's "Operation Cook County" on this blog telling Americans how they should vote today fortnight.
The freedom-loving inhabitants of the world's greatest democracy were sickened when a bunch of bien-pensant types tried to order them about. It is easy to guess how they will react to a crook like Landeryou lecturing them.
Renate Mokbel got two years and nine months for perjury today. It will be interesting to see what might happen to Landeryou given his evidence in the IQ Corporation case. We might end up with more Landeryous than Mokbels in prison given the mass memory loss that seemed to afflict the various members of the extended clan when they were in the dock.
The prospect of so many fat people going to jail must worry the authorities. How will they fit them in?
Landeryou is desperately trying to make it look as if Poxnews has some readers. As always he has failed. The fat flop posted four comments under four names within minutes of each other in a thread attacking Will Fowles. All four very obviously had the same author as their style was identical. Yet more evidence that Landeryou has turned to the bottle.
Will Fowles is not my choice for Lord Mayor. The cats at my cattery cannot vote for Lord Mayor as our cattery is not within the boundaries of the city of Melbourne, but there are some good candidates.
Robert Doyle should stand. He'll be a very good candidate. Now Lyn Allison might stand. Should be entertaining.
Someone claimed this on Vexnews:
Will Fowles used to be a good student politics operator. Why haven't the other blog cats picked up on that?
That's because student politics are something we cats are ot interested in. None of us passed year 12 and we never got to go to Uni. We really couldn't give a stuff. Only toffs go to uni.
The two MUSU despoilers who later parasited off Indian students down on their luck are classic sub-human muck. Students claim, and documents show, that intimidatory tactics were used against them over visas, credit rating and debt collectors who sublease properties from VSH. It's hard to claim to be human if you have no morals whatever; if you always lie and constantly subvert the law.
They and Landeryou have been treated as naughty rich kids, and not as an extremely serious organised crime threat at war with society.
A senior manager last week left Union House with a trolley full of documents claiming, sources said, there had been so much illegality at Union House that police and the State Ombudsman should become involved. And student leaders and management sources blamed each other for failing to prevent widespread theft of cash and equipment, while others are going to court seeking compensation from the union for unfair dismissal.
Fairfax - July 26, 2003
Some of the trolley load of evidence might have survived...
I wonder who got the loot on this occasion?
Deacons says the [MUSU] union gave a security contract to a firm that was not capable of providing key services.
The firm was later found to have been in breach of the Private Agents Act because it claimed to be a security firm but did not have a licence.
MUSU terminated the contract but not before paying the firm $163,390
The Age - September 22, 2003
Notorious asset-stripper Landeryou has more front than a rhino with a gold tooth. Why isn't he in clink, instead of running a shifty, rabid blog where he slags, rubbishes, defames, stalks and attempts to ruin innocent victims in the real world?
There probably is a law against this. It just hasn't been applied yet. C'mon sleepy watchdogs - Ban Poxnews!
Oh, how the poor mothers of the MUSU organised criminals must have wept. Their fine sons were corrupt beyond imagination...
Lew wants to know where the money has gone.
Andrew Landeryou followed his wife into the witness box.
His evidence was given with his face mostly turned away from the liquidator's counsel, and he prefaced every question - even when asked to state his name - by citing "privilege". Several times during Landeryou's evidence, the registrar threatened to refer him to a judge for contempt of court.
August 14, 2004
The Age
Lew wants to know where the money has gone.
I am not the 2.23 Cait Catt
I am not the 2.23 Cait Catt
Tim Blair's blog no longer links to Vex News - wonder why that would be?
How soon before Blair ends up on Landeryou's hate list?
1.33 is offensive to us cats. No mention of Cait. No mention of me. No mention of my cattery.
It's a shame we cats always get forgotten about by the slimy creatures who write self-serving and sycophantic comments on this blog.
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Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost.
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2020.03.22酒店上班-兼差兼職PART-TIME 酒店工作常問的問題
是有簽約/合約對吧? 不可違約?
薪水大約多少 怎麼領的? 應該不是月薪吧?
桌面服務,般人通常會想偏 其實桌面服務是很簡單 也很單純的一件事
A.容器杯類有5種(威士忌杯 也就是洋酒杯 ;啤酒杯: 水杯 也就是開水杯;熱茶杯 ;公杯)
B.熱毛巾(當服務生送熱毛巾給消費者使用後 摺整齊後放在旁)
C.水果盤(把面積較大的水果 細分小塊後送至消費者面前)
A.當消費者要點歌時 要主動起身(不等消費者開口) 拿麥克風歌本(或遙控器)
B.千萬別讓消費者自己倒酒(或水) 甚至要主動按服務鈴請服務生入內(如倒熱茶 熱毛巾)
C.若消費者有拿煙的動作 記得協助點煙
a :合約內容本身要件要有【商營利事業登記編號/還有政府認證核發蓋章】因為這些文件都是要繳稅的….一但登報稅了,您自己想想妳在職期間這幾年{妳}家人~早就會知道你在八大行業了…..反而家人卻沒發現,每年也都沒有繳稅單更沒有勞健保,因為這份是假合約【法律用語:偽造文書】
b :合約內容常有一段話:幾年以內不能離職/幾年內不能更換經紀人。這番話已經觸犯【法律用語:強制罪】
c :從一開始的違法合約到內容的不人道,甚至離職還又要賠償..。我梁曉尊跟妳說【妳被唬了】
d :重頭到尾觸法的假合約,真的到警察局/法院 {妳}是贏家。
e :我梁曉尊做經紀人快十年了…我還沒見過有經紀公司拿著合約去警局敢賭這件事。
1.其實酒店所謂的規定 取決於是人與人之間互動的生意
所以特別狀況不一 但不見得常發生
2.現在條例都寫的十分清楚 若會有扣錢的規定 主要是針對調皮的小姐
一般小姐不會犯錯 是不會扣錢的 這點請放心
3.例如桌面服務沒做好(Google搜尋:梁曉尊/梁小尊 網站內有專文提到) 跟客人互動不熱絡或是喝醉不能上班之類的。
還有上班不遲到不早退(會扣錢) ,不跟客人報消費價錢(要一問三不知)
到班的日子~不亂請假 上班時要服裝儀容整齊乾淨 不可帶違禁品
2.和客人保持和諧的氣氛 畢竟消費者不是來受氣的
也別在客人面前提及消費方式 其他就如同和朋友互動一樣喔
3.其實不要喝醉 這些就不是大問題 清醒時當然會行事更謹慎些
4.八卦事件聽聽就好 千萬別過嘴 否則公親變事主
酒的種類繁多 .客人喝的酒不止一種.也許第一桌喝啤酒.
因此閃酒的技巧非常重要!.如何不讓客人發現的情況下.讓自己少喝一點.要和客人玩什麼樣的遊戲.才能把時間拉長.自己少輸點少喝點. 這些都是基本功!
下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
註:有床的地方不能去 汽車旅館/飯店,包括私人辦公室!。不用擔心得罪客人,也不用怕被扣錢! 當下可立即離開~ 切記先保護自己。
酒店小姐出場接S 純屬個人行為。有些人想賺這個錢….但有些酒店小姐認為不需要!
但是不會有任何人去逼你 為難做自己不喜歡的事。
我梁曉尊舉個例子 女孩們會覺得更貼切 也比較淺顯易懂的邏輯 :
八大行業商品是(人),今天(妳)面前站3個人有~ 王陽明 康康 NONO
(妳)肯定會問 王陽明 可不可以出場接S ?!
至於王陽明是否同意 決定在於自己~。
在去酒店上班之前,一定要給自己定一個目標及方向,你必需了解自己為何來酒店上班,目的何在? 出發點是什麼?
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