Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Andrew Landeryou & Andrew Quah
Monday, October 29, 2007
Andrew Landeryou Cocks It Up, Again!
Andrew Landeryou has made the outlandish claim that on Andrew Quah, he was ‘working’ (OK! We know he doesn’t work) on the story that the Herald Sun “…exclusively ran which by remarkable coincidence was published just as an investigation by the OC Investigations Unit was occurring”.
In addition, he has spent an inordinate amount of attention on guess what? Landeryou writes: “We have obscured Andrew Quah's genitalia from the photographs here but the non-worksafe versions are available by clicking the images.”
- Who is Landeryou referring to as “We”? Freedom Freddy, Delia Delegate, etc are just some of Landeryou’s pseudonyms. Does he think they are real?
- Why does Landeryou love blog-fiddling with male genitalia? Is it just a case of penis envy? It’s not the first time he has been fixated with that part of the male anatomy (not that there is anything wrong with it!). But this fixation is rivaling his fetish for deformed chicken.
- Why is Landeryou so porn fixated?
So it’s not only patriotic readers of this humble blog who have concerns over Landeryou’s deteriorating mental health and interests in fetishes; concerns have been raised in other quarters.
It is no wonder Landeryou’s blog of sleaze has been rated R for Restricted.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Nearly the weekend
"...why does Fat Boy rant and rave against The Age and Crikey yet clearly read every word in the two publications? Why does he while away so much time here? We know he doesn't have a job and doesn't have any friends and needs to fill in the time he doesn't spend in meetings with his legal aid lawyer preparing for his court case but still what a weirdo!"
Lots of questions that Andy Blobby still has yet to answer.
See you all Monday.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
We are back
Keep up the good work.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Landeryou's chicken fetish
We have previously reported that Landeryou has a fondness for deformed chicken.
His fetish for chicken has again caused public outrage.
TS is especially worried for Landeryou's health. It was not long ago reported that Landeryou suffers various health problems, such as cranial gigantism, antisocial personality disorder (abbreviated APD or ASPD), delusions, and narcissism.
On other matters, we were going to release the new happy snaps of Landeryou enjoying his freedom. But on second thoughts we decided to delay publication - this will drive Andy nuts.
Monday, October 15, 2007
"A few questions for Andy Landeryou."
While David Crawford asks: "In that story from the Age:
“Mr Landeryou, who does not face any charges, was released this week from the Melbourne Assessment Prison ...” Assessment prison, what the heck is that? Is that debtor’s prison, or is it just regular old county jail?
Plus why is Landeryou interested in "plugging dykes" and "belt(ing) the Sudanese"?
On other matters we have received an updated pic of Landeryou, from a reader, showing Landeryou scurrying about Brunswick. We will post in the next day or so.Saturday, October 13, 2007
Vale Kim Beazley senior
Friday, October 12, 2007
That Burke does it again
Andrew Landeryou, putting aside shrieking about online gaming spivery or real estate, has returned to familiar territory defending Brian Burke.
This is not unusual for the Brian Burke wannabe – but hopelessly incompetent – Landeryou.
As we pointed out in in March:
"...Andrew Landeryou has been linked to the developing scandal involving Brian Burke and the ALP. The scandal is ever deepening. Burke’s lobbying of senior politicians has accounted for the political death of a number of WA ALP Government Ministers, plus one Federal Liberal Minister, and pressure is growing on Kevin Rudd. Significant attention is now focusing on Andrew Landeryou. Last year, Andrew Landeryou confidently asserted, based on a very red hot tip he exclusively received from a senior anonymous West Australian source, that Alan Carpenter was to become the succeeding WA Premier. Given the scandal involving Burke, will Landeryou come clean and disclose who was the source for his original tip? Senior investigators have yet to reveal who provided the tip.It’s not as if Landeryou and Burke don’t have a relationship of sorts! Team Slanderyou calls on Landeryou to come clean, and reveal what he knows. Given the speed with which events are unraveling, it is patently clear that Landeryou must now provide full disclosure and resign his fake Walkleys award winning blog to the rubbish bin of history."
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Andrew Landeryou talking real estate

The criticism, as is per usual from Landeryou, is wrong.
He, of course, had up until recently lived in a luxurious apartment building, well known for its millionaire views, before moving to his
He once lived in the exclusive suburb of Parkville, before running to Costa Rica to pursue online gaming spivery activities, and before his
Monday, October 08, 2007
Given our 1 year birthday, we thought that we would consider how people who have come into close contact with Andrew Landeryou have faired.
But let’s look at the unfortunate people that have come into contact with Landeryou, and see how they have progressed in trying to put aside their former tawdry association with Landeryou.
- Evan Thornley (who sacked Landeryou) is now a successful backbencher in the Victorian state Parliament.
- Darren (disgustingly dirty) Ray is a successful realtor.
- Kimberly Kitchen found a job with Drake personnel, and has since moved onto be an adviser to Theo Theophanous.
- Even Landeryou’s dog Ronnie (named after Ronald Reagan) has gone on to find fame.
However, alas, Landeryou has made no progress at all, remaining a lonely, unemployed, bankrupt, “crap”, Liberal Party blogger.
Life can be so just sometimes.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Have a good weekend Mr Blobby
Tune in Monday 10 a.m, when we look at "who has won" and "who has lost" concerning you know who.
All explained Monday.
Meanwhile, who does Mr Blobby remind us of?
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
In celebration, we are taking an Andrew Landeryou free day to cleanse the soul.
Monday, October 01, 2007
It seems that as per usual, Landeryou has used the claims about a Federal Liberal Parl Secs orientation in his ongoing internal Liberal Party factional positioning.
In October last year, Landeryou initiated an unprovoked slur calling Antony Lowenstein gay!
In other news, Landeryou has been advertising on his bankrupt blog a link to a job search website. It is rather interesting that he hasn’t used the website himself. Or perhaps, it not surprising after all.