Andrew Landeryou takes a peculiar pleasure in ridiculing, from behind his veil of bankruptcy protection, a range of public and successful people. One in particular is Solomon Lew. Sollie is a big boy and can defend himself. But it does seem strange to patriots that Landeryou didn’t seem to have any concerns or doubts about Lew when he gladly took the corporate raider’s money to capitalise his now defunct IQ Corp. And, his recent moral righteousness has precluded him from handing back Lew’s $3 million dollar investment. The only return on that investment was Landeryou’s own bankruptcy of a mere $13,000 – an amount Landeryou has laughed off.
Also, while running IQ Corp into insolvency, Landeryou also gladly took Fairfax’s money (through an arrangement with The Age newspaper). That business relationship too fell apart when Landeryou failed to comply with the terms of the contract. So like Lew, Fairfax/The Age has incurred Landeryou’s wrath not because of anything they did; but rather because of what he didn’t do.
Landeryou continues to be at war with everyone. No one is immune it seems from his paranoia: Tim Blair, past colleagues, your Blog of Truth, and now Bastards Inc.
Andrew Landeryou has a history of trying to and occasionally succeeding in shutting down opposing blogs, including our predecessor Slandersyou, Tim Blair’s, and of course your Blog of Truth. Some would suggest this is akin to cyber terrorism. His links to terrorism have been noted elsewhere. In addition, his online gaming spivery has attracted the attention of WIPO, the Internet police.
New revelations have emerged that in May 2006, Landeryou harassed a far right, gun totting, extremist blog, Bastards Inc. This harassment occurred while he was squatting in his apartment with millionaire views.
“I'll out you.
I've outed a number of bloggers, and you will be the next on my list.
Anonymity is for cowards (just like you) ... I will have the last laugh”
Posted by: Andrew Landeryou | Monday, May 01, 2006 at 09:24 PM
I am completing my famous Monday Madness column that will expose you (to) the full public glare.
Posted by: Andrew Landeryou | Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 10:24 AM
The owner of Bastards Inc responded:
“Stay tuned folks, this should be a hoot ... Seems Andrew has one rule for his email list and another for the rest of the rabble.
Landers has also claimed under oath some interesting points about privacy.
"But Andrew Landeryou wasn't publicly associated with Marbaine and once again he was asked why not.He said the truth was he was planning to run for office one day and he believed that his involvement in business dealings would have made that difficult. He said he was also preoccupied with his privacy."
Hypocritical oaf.
Posted by Chief Bastard on Saturday, April 29, 2006 at 06:45 PM in Another thing I don't give a shit about | Permalink
Supporters of Bastard’s Inc came to its defence:
Look I'm sure if one dredges deep enough CB's identity may be found but what will you have achieved? Will you have made one little dent in the logical argument of the right and will you have convinced anybody that socialism is the answer to all the worlds problems? NO.
Such a touching crusade to embark upon on this annual celebratory day of the worldwide left wing. You and your latte sipping idiots must really feel you're on the edge of a major breakthrough. Who knows you might implicate CB in the Kennedy assassination.
Posted by: Intellectual Gladiator | Monday, May 01, 2006 at 11:29 PM
Just clicked your link Andrew and it seems I assumed you were a lefty. Nice that you're not but why should everybody put their personal details up on the web just because you choose to?
Posted by: Intellectual Gladiator | Tuesday, May 02, 2006 at 12:00 AM
I've had some experience with internet stalkers -
I've had to take out an APV order on one nasty unit who was hassling me-
I've taken the time to find out your stalker's 'details', only cos I hate this kind of crap.
I'd be inclined to let things rest for the moment, but if you need the info let me know -
My email addy is provided.
Posted by: Hotman Tightpants | Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 07:53 PM
Why Landeryou would have it in for Bastards Inc is not known.
Speculation centres on the fact that Landeryou is overly sensitive to accurate, well structured and delivered criticism. So much so that he implores critics to “Eat Shit”. We assume that this is because he wants to horde KFC all to himself.