Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Slanderyou readers have won a significant popular protest concerning Andrew Landeryou’s viral blog attaching itself to the National Library’s website archives.

Landeryou has been aggressively promoting his blog of sleaze’s inclusion in the National Library’s website archives for months.

In November, Team Slanderyou reported how Landeryou’s blog had infected the archives. Polling conducted by Team Slanderyou showed that 100% of patriots overwhelmingly disapproved of the inclusion of the viral blog into the archives.

Team Slanderyou’s polling proved that Landeryou’s inclusion in the archives would erode visitor numbers to the Library.

Team Slanderyou can report that owing to the popular protest movement lead by Team Slanderyou readers, Landeryou’s blog has not been updated in the archives since 30 November 2006, and looks unlikely to be updated.

Congratulations must go to Slanderyou readers for this success.

Monday, May 28, 2007

WORLD EXCLUSIVE 1: Andrew Landeryou in conversation

A member of the 10,000 plus strong Team Slanderyou readers’ community, forwarded the following transcript of the conversation they had with Andrew Landeryou last Thursday afternoon, through Landeryou’s ‘Meebo’ IP tracking device.

The conversation provides a revealing insight into Landeryou’s mindset. Why does he suggest that Kelvin T’s constituents are freaks? Perhaps the most revealing thing was how polite the Slanderyou reader was!

The last time we featured ‘a conversation’ with Landeryou it involved killing cats! Of course, printing the conversation below is OK, as Andy has done similar!

"[7:07] meeboguest712378: hi
[7:07] Andrew Landeryou: hey
[7:08] meeboguest712378: what's your take on the Mrs Rudd thing?
[7:08] Andrew Landeryou: i wrote a thing on it
[7:08] Andrew Landeryou: basically not good for Team Rudd
[7:08] Andrew Landeryou: with worse to come
[7:08] meeboguest712378: worse?
[7:08] Andrew Landeryou: and that she's not better off selling it
[7:08] Andrew Landeryou: yep
[7:08] meeboguest712378: ok, i see it now!
[7:10] meeboguest712378: and what about Kelvin T?
[7:10] Andrew Landeryou: didn't seem to amount to much
[7:11] meeboguest712378: he admitted to something like 5000 references he's written!
[7:11] Andrew Landeryou: yes statistically there's gotta be some freaks in there
[7:12] meeboguest712378: any idea who?
[7:12] Andrew Landeryou: in the 5000?
[7:12] Andrew Landeryou: no
[7:12] meeboguest712378: yes
[7:12] meeboguest712378: ok
[7:13] meeboguest712378: is it common for ALP polies to do this sort of thing?
[7:14] Andrew Landeryou: common for all of them I gather
[7:14] Andrew Landeryou: or most
[7:14] meeboguest712378: really think so?
[7:15] Andrew Landeryou: letters of support
[7:15] Andrew Landeryou: more than references
[7:15] meeboguest712378: would it be a case of say an electorate officer writing something and the polie just saying anything put in front of them?
[7:15] Andrew Landeryou: perhaps
[7:16] Andrew Landeryou: altho knowing Kelvin T
[7:16] Andrew Landeryou: I doubt that
[7:16] meeboguest712378: why?
[7:16] Andrew Landeryou: he is very thorough person
[7:16] meeboguest712378: 'thorough' - in what sense?
[7:16] Andrew Landeryou: hard working
[7:16] Andrew Landeryou: diligent
[7:16] Andrew Landeryou: detail conscious
[7:17] meeboguest712378: so hard working and thorough he signs references for hardened crooks?
[7:18] meeboguest712378: sorry, tough question for you to answer
[7:18] meeboguest712378: thanks for your time"


Tune in Wednesday when we reveal World Exclusive no. 2 for the week, the successful protest conducted by Slanderyou readers.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tune in Next Monday: WORLD EXCLUSIVES

Next week promises to be a very busy one for Team Slanderyou.

Tune in from Monday, when we will reveal:

It'll be a big week.

In the meantime, please post your usual sparkling and enlightened insights in the comments section.

So why wasn't Stephen Conroy mentioned?

Fiona Richardson's replacement of Mary Delahunty for Northcote caused all sorts of controversy last year.

But what got us thinking about this issue again was this sentence: "Ms Richardson ... has spent the past 10 years working for MPs including Julia Gillard and Gareth Evans."

All perfectly OK, until one remembers she worked for at least two years for Senator Stephen Conroy, or at least in his office. Surely, working for the Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate is worth mentioning?

And the link to Andrew Landeryou? Who was Crikey's anonymous tipster?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Telmo, Alex Hawke & Andrew Landeryou

It's been a busy morning for Andrew Landeryou, pushing his bizzare spin concerning Telmo, and pushing "....christian hard right winger alex hawke (sic) for preselection in alan 'deadman' cadmans seat of mitchell today and saying he has the numbers." (Hat Tip Slanderyou Reader)

Please post the truth in the comments section. Cait/Catter8/Landeryou will obviously post his/hers as well.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Andrew Landeryou has a Google & Fairfax induced paranoid high

Overnight, Google and the Australian media company Fairfax, owner/operators of newspaper mastheads such as Melbourne’s The Age, have confirmed an advertsing sharing deal.

Over the past two years, former inmate and Liberal Party blogger Andrew Landeryou has made a series of outlandish, paranoid and often laughable allegations about Fairfax and Google, amongst other things suggesting that Fairfax is some sort of communist cadre, and disparaging Google for its free-speech business operations in the People’s Republic of China.

Landeryou’s paranoid hypocrisy is doubly stark.

His criticism of Fairfax, and The Age in particular, is based not on fact, as Fairfax in economic terms is a pure profit maximiser, with its board chaired by Ron Walker the most successful fundraiser the Liberal Party has ever had. His paranoid criticism is founded on terror of the forensic investigative skills of custodians of free speech Money and Carbone (joined in the good fight by the many other outstanding and ethical journalists of The Age), who have relentlessly and often at great personal cost maintained their public service overview of Landeryou’s various activities.

Landeryou’s criticisms of Google are difficult to understand from the point of view that Google runs (arguably) the most popular free global blogging service, Blogger. Landeryou uses the free service to run his insolvent blog. If Landeryou was at all consistent, he would shift his Liberal Party blog to another blogging platform.

Ps: Team Slanderyou intended to run this morning the next edition of the internationally popular “Spot the Similarity” game. We have decided to hold it back until later in the week.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Weekend open forum

It's been a long week, especially trawling through Landeryou's dirty laundry. So we are looking forward to an early weekend.

In anticipation, you might want to turn your attention to the comments made by Dark Rider in early May.

What are your thoughts, dear reader. Given DR's constructive comments, what more can we do to deliver a better service to our patriotic and honest readership.

"Landeryou does try to muddy the waters. I note that the comment thread has shifted from the fake ads on his site and how they seem to be hyping an Ed Dale company, to a nonsense argument about Slanderyou being a plagiarist.

This is one of Landeryou's favourite tactics. It seems to me that an interesting point has been raised here and Landeryou is trying to divert attention from it through his normal vitriol and posturing.

To me, it says you should focus on the Ed Dale angle, Slanderyou. No offense, but your 'trip to Costa Rica' was pretty farcical, given the level of hype. If you're on to a good point, Landeryou will drum up some inconsequential crap (like that ridiculous blog award he invented) to distract people's attention. It's a fairly standard ploy used by hacks all over the world.

And Landeryou, I think it's great to see your blog being consigned to the mediocrity it deserves.It's great to see someone spending their weekends and evenings (as well as the rest of the day) on this crap, which essentially offers nothing of substance in the form of debate or information (because the source and motive behind the information cannot be trusted).

Oh, one last thing.

Slanderyou, Landeryou needs people to argue with him and be controversial to actually gain any traction.

Mayne's Crikey involvement certainly helped in that regard. Your current mix on the site, while not particularly hard hitting, isn't giving Landeryou the sort of conflict he needs to actually get anywhere.

So congratulations for that and keep up the good work. I can see you devote far less time to it than Landeryou does. Which you'd expect from people who actually have lives."

Monday, May 14, 2007

MANIC MONDAY SPECIAL: Andrew Landeryou & the Tattersalls Controversy

The Age has been running a series of exposes on the State Government’s management of the lotteries licence, and in particular its relationship with lobbyists representing lotteries licensee Tattersalls. Part of the story involves David White and Hawker Britton.

An element of the tale not (yet?) covered by The Age is Andrew Landeryou’s involvement.

When not writing his Liberal Party blog (as reported by The Australian), Andy also contracts out to Hawker Britton. Team Slanderyou pointed out (to its growing band of readers - nearly 10,000 by the way) that Andy provides the unofficial/back-channel blogging information support service to HB.

This in part explains why Andy has written contemptuously of HB’s lobbying rival, CPR Communications. Landeryou has awkwardly attempted to run a defence here. Andy clearly has a vested interest in seeing CPR ‘damaged’. Andy makes a number of staggering allegations.

As The Age reports, David White has become a millionaire through his lobbying efforts. However, Andy has so far only managed to covert nearly $4 million into personal bankruptcy. He is clearly struggling to make any money from his poorly visited blog.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Andrew Landeryou & Commitment Phobia (UPDATED)

We should of course remind readers that we first exposed Landeryou as claiming to be a member of the AWU as far back as 1999.

As Andrew Landeryou’s unofficial but accurate biographer, Team Slanderyou continually finds reoccurring themes in AL’s story.

One is his ability to break commitments and pledges.

A prominent example of this was his persistent breaching of the AJA Code of Ethics, when he was a member of that proud union.

Another occurred when he was a member of the ALP.

As part of the annual membership (renewal) pledge, the member must comply that: “If I employ labour, I will actively encourage trade union membership”. Advice we received is that, the now Liberal Party blogger, but then employer at IQ Corp didn’t always comply with this pledge.

Is Andrew commitment phobic?

Ps: happy weekend.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Why does Andrew Landeryou hate Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

Andrew Landeryou hates Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A good reason why is here, with Wiki showing outstanding editorial excellence with the deletion of this rampant self promotion: "He is generally regarded as an Australian hero, patriot and freedom-fighter. "

Well done Wiki.

ps: Did anyone else know that Andy shares a birthday (19 August, 1970) with a rapper called Fat Joe! Believe it or not!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Out & About with Andrew Landeryou

We all know how much Andrew Landeryou loves eating.

Well, a Slanderyou reader has advised us that in the past week, AL was spotted lunching with an ALP federal Parliamentarian at one of Collins St's prestigious finer eateries.

Over a two course meal, the couple were noted chatting over politics, and even the form of Essendon was mentioned in passing.

Somewhat to our surprise, AL appeared to pick up the bill with a 'gold' credit card.

Team Slanderyou was informed of the identity of the Parliamentarian, but for the time being we have judiciously decided to their identity anonymous for now, in order to preserve their reputation.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Andrew Landeryou involved in Liberal Party preselections

We earlier wrote that The Australian had reported that Andrew Landeryou was a Liberal Party blogger.

Landeryou has been rather active in Liberal Party preselections of late, publishing the news that Prodos will be a candidate for the Tories.

So active was Landeryou in the preselection that Prodos remarked on his blog: "I’m impressed."

Are you impressed dear reader?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hot off the press!


"THROWN out of his Southbank high-rise after the cockroaches complained, and now embedded in the People's Socialist Republic of Brunswick, loony blogger Andrew Landeryou seems to have let his housekeeping lapse. Addled Andy's name still appears on the latest roll for the electorate covering Wardlow, the Parkville mansion that was seized and sold in July 2005 by irked creditor Solly Lew. This raises the question: how did Landeryou vote in last year's state poll and how will this little tosser exercise his democratic fright at the federal election? That's assuming he's bright enough to number the boxes."

Landeryou's residence status has long been a concern to patriotic Slanderyou readers. This is another line of inquiry through which the Victorian Parliament’s Electoral Matters Committee should severely probe Landeryou.

And you can also add that Landeryou has no friends: its true!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Dark Arts

Four corners on Monday night ran a frightening report on Brian Burke.

In March, Team Slanderyou exclusively revealed:

"...Andrew Landeryou has been linked to the developing scandal involving Brian Burke and the ALP.
The scandal is ever deepening. Burke’s lobbying of senior politicians has accounted for the political death of a number of WA ALP Government Ministers, plus one Federal Liberal Minister, and pressure is growing on Kevin Rudd. Significant attention is now focusing on Andrew Landeryou.
Last year, Andrew Landeryou confidently asserted, based on a very red hot tip he exclusively received from a senior anonymous West Australian source, that Alan Carpenter was to become the succeeding WA Premier.
Given the scandal involving Burke, will Landeryou come clean and disclose who was the source for his original tip? Senior investigators have yet to reveal who provided the tip.It’s not as if Landeryou and Burke don’t have a relationship of sorts!
Team Slanderyou calls on Landeryou to come clean, and reveal what he knows. Given the speed with which events are unraveling, it is patently clear that Landeryou must now provide full disclosure and resign his fake Walkleys award winning blog to the rubbish bin of history."

Game (set and match)