With TS facing another busy week, we thought it timely to introduce a new game, “Write your own caption”.
Hint: Andrew Landeryou’s Blog of Sleaze is frequently described as having stepped in “s*&t” after having read it.
Good luck!
With TS facing another busy week, we thought it timely to introduce a new game, “Write your own caption”.
Hint: Andrew Landeryou’s Blog of Sleaze is frequently described as having stepped in “s*&t” after having read it.
Good luck!
35 Truth On Comments:
An unsuspected web-browser comes across Mr Creosote's Blog of Sleaze.
How about: "Landeryou slips on himself!"
What about "Where is Cait 'Catt' Landeryou?"
Or if you want to go for the full jugular "Where is Rita, Cait, Catter8, Delia and Freedom Freddy?"
I overheard Bill Shorten at the ALP Conference yesterday tell a delegate that Landeryou had gone to ground with Cait and the other alternate personalities because he didn't want to get sprung again like he did with Delia.
It seems, if I heard Bill correctly, Landeryou using Cait was a major contributor to the anti-Baillieu blog. Not only with the full knowledge and consent of the Krogerites but in total cahoots with them.
Watch who you talk to and where young Bill. Someone who hears you might leak it to Slanderyou!
Shorten makes sense. There has been no Cait since the identities of the Anti-Baillieu bloggers became public. From that day since.
Fat Boy offered yet another strong defence of the two idiot little Liberals behind the Ted Bailleu blogs on his sleazy site yesterday. Having a thoroughly disgraced and disreputable member of the standover man faction of the ALP as their biggest backer will do wonders for their standing within the Liberal Party.
Fat man steps on self
where are all the fat shonks sock puppets
are they busy trying to scrub their electronic fingerprints off the bailleu blogs
Patriot walks into Landeryou
"are they busy trying to scrub their electronic fingerprints off the bailleu blogs"
I think Landeryou has smeared that blog with his s%$t that it has left an indelible stain that won't easily be scrubbed off
Hmmm. El Gordo's Liberal leaks dry up the same time Baillieu traitors dismissed.
That turd can't be Landeryou. It's not fat enough. Perhaps its one of his Liberal blogger mates.
Baillieu stomps on Landeryou
Slanderyou I think Anon at Tuesday, May 27, 2008 2:28:00 AM is my vote for the winner
How refreshing not to have Landeryou's gibbering. A swill of infamous and he disappears
Fattie wrote this the other day 'As the OC contemplates its future finances" - what is he on about? Is he planning some sort of spending binge?
Whatever happened to the promised intern? Scared off by the pile of chicken bones under El Gordo's desk or his questionable personal hygiene?
"As the OC contemplates its future finances"? Fat Boy's finances depend on him getting his hands on other people's money. The click throughs from the sleazy Anastasia International escort agency ads he runs can't have delivered Landeryou a fortune.
"As the OC contemplates its future finances"? Or maybe he is planning another unannounced trip to online gaming spivery haven, Costa Rica!
There are no chicken bones under Landershonk's desk. Fat Boy always eats the bones and sucks the grease out of the cardboard packaging as well.
"As the OC contemplates its future finances" - so how is Landeryou paying rent on his luxury apartment?
THE federal government has refused to answer questions about its national broadband network (NBN) plan, amid concerns the cost of the project will blow out by up to $7 billion.
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy today told a Senate estimates hearing that talking about the project could jeopardise the tender process.
"It is of critical importance that integrity and confidentiality is maintained to ensure the NBN process delivers the best possible outcome for Australia,'' Senator Conroy said.
"It is not appropriate for the government to conduct a running commentary on a live commercial process.''
The opposition said the tender process has been shambolic from the start and that Labor was simply trying to avoid scrutiny.
"Despite a range of legitimate concerns about the NBN process the minister, citing probity concerns, but in a clear strategy to avoid scrutiny, made it clear he would not answer any tough questions,'' opposition communications spokesman Bruce Billson said in a statement.
"This government has so far gagged a Senate inquiry, gagged potential bidders from discussing it, gagged parliament from debating legislation relating to it, and now in its latest attack against the parliamentary process has attempted to gag estimates.''
Liberal senator Simon Birmingham said Senator Conroy's refusal to answer questions about the NBN raised serious concerns.
"It is outrageous for the government to seek to avoid all questions in relation to the expenditure of $4.7 billion of taxpayer funds,'' Senator Birmingham said in a statement.
"Senator Conroy would have us believe that the process cannot be discussed as of the lodgment of bonds at 5pm last Friday.
"The convenience of this timing - the last working day before estimates commenced - is beyond belief.''
Senator Conroy's efforts to shut down the discussion come on top of concerns the cost of rolling out the network, aimed at delivering high speed internet to 98 per cent of Australians, is likely to double.
The opposition, citing comments made recently by Telstra chief executive Sol Trujillo, questioned whether the $4.7 billion the government has allocated to the project would be sufficient.
Mr Trujillo has said that rolling out broadband to Australia's five biggest cities would alone cost about $5 billion.
The cost of the rolling out the remainder of the network would likely be twice as much, meaning the total price tag could quickly reach $15 billion, Mr Trujillo said.
The project was initially estimated to cost just $8 billion.
Senator Conroy refused to commit any additional government funding to the project.
"We have an election commitment of $4.7 billion, that is stated black and white, up hill, down dale, all across the country by the prime minister and myself ... and that is our position,'' Senator Conroy said.
"We have made it clear that we intend to deliver on our election commitment and after that I am not prepared to comment on these matters.''
Senator Conroy said the opposition was trying to disrupt the commercial nature of the tender process.
Got some spam email, which on second thought, Landeryou could use.
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How long has Buddha Boy been unemployed now? Five years? Must get boring. What does he do for money?
It's more a case of what Buddha Boy DID for money. He appears to have plenty of cash but he won't admit that to Solly Lew, his many other creditors, the tax man, the corporate regulators, the AFP, all the people who have watertight defamation cases against him ... Do I need to continue?
El Gordo's self-loathing hits a new low. First won't award self another fake Walkley, now won't defend self with sock puppets.
You should leave Andrew Landeryou alone.
He single handedly brought down the Howard Government via his strong support for Kevin Rudd, and is well on the way to bringing down the current leader of the Opposition in Victoria - as he did with its predecessor.
And don't forget Nameless - he has shown them up to be profiters and promoters of child porn.
Is that the same Landeryou that one week out from the last Federal poll bet Howard would be returned.
Crikey is far more entertaining and successful than Buddha Boy's blathering. It makes money.
Christian Kerr has career as a journalist with The Australian now, unlike El Gordo's stint as Delia Delegate.
Yep, Fat Andy has been a disappointment. Ask his dad. He'll tell you.
Andrew Landeryou single handedly brought down the Howard Government via his strong support for the Howard Government.
everything the fat fool landeryou touches turns to shit
Re 10.59 pm and "Everything Landeryou touches turns to shit".
Landeryou clearly can't stop touching himself cos he absolutely looks like shit.
Can't wait for Landeryou to claim that he has exclusive inside knowledge of the FuelGate leaks.
The Age says today "FORMER Victorian Liberal Party director Julian Sheezel knew about the anti-Ted-Baillieu blog as long ago as last year, State Parliament has been told."
How long until fat Andy says thats his story?
I hope Ted releases the report into the blogging fiasco. I also hope that the report names Landeryou. Anything else would be a whitewash.
"are they busy trying to scrub their electronic fingerprints off the bailleu blogs"
I think Landeryou has smeared that blog with his s%$t that it has left an indelible stain that won't easily be scrubbed off
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