Monday, February 08, 2010
Wonder Andy
With Vexnews just days away from involuntary insolvency, Team Slanderyou can reveal an exclusive picture of the heavily disguised Vexnews editor-in-chief, so far successfully, evading liquidation officials.
The editor is photographed with a lovely matching handbag.
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111 Truth On Comments:
Andy was quite the surprise hit of the Midsumma festival.
Oh no! Landeryou clearly has been doing that dangerous crash dieting again.
That disguise won't save Landeryou from the forensic accountants and it won't save him from Brutus Beefcake and the Barwon Boys.
That handbag is far too small to be Landeryou's own. He carts around a massive sack jam-packed with Rutherglen Rotgut bottles and KFC. He must have stolen that bag from some poor woman to fund his addictions.
Shirley clearly puts more effort into his makeup than he does into Vexnews.
Looks like Andy made an effort to look presentable.
Hubba hubba, Bubba!
I'll say, Brutus!
Is it me, or does Andy look rather attractive?
I'm sitting, with my jaw on the floor, watching the Kevin Rudd Show on ABC-TV's 'Q & A'. The program needs to be discarded, Tony Jones needs to be sacked and the ABC needs a wake up call.
What a huge free kick for the ALP!
I will trash my TV too, if the Libs demand equal time for Mad Monk - and get it!
The Q & A program simply proved that there are teenagers in this country far smarter than most politicians.
That wouldn't be hard (I hear you say). The Australian Defence Force has a minimum intellectual entry level. You have to have the intellectual powers of an eleven-year-old to get in.
Unfortunately, Australian parliaments don't even have this low cut-off point. This is why some morons, imbeciles, profligate liars, cretins and sociopaths easily get into Australian parliaments.
Barnaby Joyce for PM!
A darkie on ABC's Q & A said there was prejudice against people like him in Australia.
Kevin Rudd, in his answer, grabbed the chance for a gooey apologetic reply.
The darkies, viets, somalis, hindoos, muslims and others didn't arrive here on a spaceship.
They were invited here by some Australian politicians who were, and are, not batting for the national team.
Electron microscopy should be applied to their strange, divisive, undemocratic motives.
Bullies should be jailed forever.
Landeryou's bullying of MUSU office staff, Farrago journos, and the MUSU Liquidator was reprehensible and as yet unpunished.
All the evidence is there. All that is wanting is the WILL to gain justice for those that were maltreated and bullied.
Justice delayed is Justice denied.
SHADUP you weak-kneed Freaks!
Andrew is concentrating, trying to devise new smears on people he doesn't know. He only picks on people who realise they are excrement! They deserve the cross-hairs of Vexnews...
Well said, Henderson, as usual!
The Age...Jihadist... shares now trading below...
Do the Muslim, Hindu, and other temple erectors in Australia seek the necessary permissions of indigenous Australians?
Nowadays, European Australians (especially politicians) parrot acknowledgement of Aboriginal ownership of land where they will speak. Often, this is an embarrassing part of modern Australia.
More importantly, do muslim and hindu temple builders seek the approval of indigenous people?
If not, why not?
Landeryou offends the cultural sensitivities of everyone when he parades about in his new Wonder Woman outfit.
I'm not surprised that El Gordo bombards Slanderyou in the wee small hours. His irregular sleep patterns are a result of Andy's guilty conscience. Drinking himself into a stupor is the only way he can get some shut-eye. Having trouble lying straight in bed, Buddha Boy? Which past misadventures makes U most sleepless? Too late; can't go back and change it. Might as well admit it and move on.
Move on here!
Hmmnn. Nothing in Vexnews about this appalling claim:
"The appointment of Mr Kaiser, who will earn more than the Prime Minister, has prompted allegations of political interference on the part of Communications Minister Stephen Conroy, who recommended the former state MP for the job". (The Age)
I guess Vexnews has one set of rules for mates - and another for everyone Landeryou hates!
The Age also writes "PREMIER John Brumby says a 24-page advertising feature spruiking Melbourne's west in The Sunday Age was planned months ago, and was not intended to influence voters at this Saturday's Altona byelection".
Those with longer memories will remember the disgusting undemocratic activities of the Premier, Stephen Newnham and political leper Andrew Landeryou during the KOROROIT election. Smears, lies, fake pamphlets...
Give us a break, Johnno!
The ALP knew Kosky was going to do a runner months ago too!
Will Landeryou get an additional $50,000 in used notes from the ALP for services rendered after this by-election campaign.
Landeryou is up to his usual byelection tricks with a rather wet story on Altona (spot the obvious mistake):
"The stakes are very high for Victorian Liberal leader Ted Baillieu this Saturday. A big swing of protest could go him the momentum he needs to snatch and grab government from John Brumby. A poor result will further entrench a sense of malaise in the Opposition".
Which is kind of stating the flaming obvious!
Les Twentyman OAM, and former Victorian of the Year, should have stood for Altona. That would have got Landeryou frothing and spluttering - and writing something a bit more interesting.
My apologies. My earlier comment should have read "Will Landeryou get an additional $50,000 in used notes from senior officials of the ALP via third parties for services rendered after this by-election campaign."
The Rudd government's ETS is like a dose of gonorrhea. Very pleasurable when contracted, but with heaps of nasty after effects. Infections can spread to all parts of the body and especially to the wallet.
Wiser heads would have let the ETS fade away after it accomplished the total demolition of the Liberal and National parties.
Andy Landy has an ETS: Everything Turns to Shit when he is involved.
MUSU went broke
IQ Corp ditto
He had to abandon his Blog of Sleaze as it become a byword for lies and bile
He updates Vexnews sporadically, but it has no readers
Is this Andy's Altona letter boxing outfit?
Looks like the NBN is going the way of IQ Media
The national broadband network may be some time from making its first connection, but the company established to build it is paying dozens of staff an average of nearly $400,000 a year.
NBN Co's wages bill for October last year was $1.5 million, it has been revealed to the Senate, meaning the 46 staff employed at the time were being paid an average $391,304 annually, led by chief executive Mike Quigley on $1.95 million.
Staff numbers have since grown to 112, most of which are at the senior levels as the company seeks to put in place the key people to construct the $43 billion fibre-to-the-premises network.
Opposition sources leapt on the wages bill, noting the salaries were "for a company that has no customers, generates no revenue and provides no services to anyone".
The latest figures, revealed in response to a question on notice by Liberal senator Nick Minchin, will add further heat to the operations of the broadband network.
The salary details follow the revelation yesterday that the $450,000-a-year government relations officer role was given to former Queensland Labor MP Mike Kaiser on a recommendation from Communications Minister Stephen Conroy.
It's an ill wind that blows no good.
The DPP will obviously learn from the failings of the Ashby perjury trial and apply them when Fat Man Landeryou is in the dock.
Andrew Landeryou forged his own brother-in-law's signature on legal documents as part of one of his many fraud attempts -- and spelled his name incorrectly. That tells you all you need to know about Andrew Landeryou.
Decent law abiding people should also know that Andrew Landeryou is a morbidly obese transvestite drunk who has never done an honest day's work in his life but believes that the world owes him a living and that he is free to thieve, defraud, cheat, lie, defame, distort and smear because his father was briefly a low-ranking state government minister more than a quarter of a century ago before being sacked for being a shonk and a political liability.
This is the second time this year that Rudd has carried Conroy over his bungling with the National Broadband Network Co. As usual with governments these days, bungling is OK even if it costs taxpayers zillions.
Politicians should be educated about the meaning of words like 'corruption', nepotism and patronage.
I am wondering whether Landeryou has been hired by NBN Co as its 'Blogging Consultant'?
Memo: CEO NBN Co
From: Stephen CONray
Re: Andrew Launderyou
Dear Mike,
I can vouch for Mr Launderyou, who is as honest as the day is long.
He is a tortured genius, and often appears confused as he struggles with perfecting algorithms, etc.
In other words, tell your staff not to leave large sums of cash lying about when he visits. Andrew often imagines cash to be 'change' he had previously lost.
From time to time he might turn up dressed as a woman. Also tell your staff to treat him with courtesy. He has a streak of violence, and has been known to use standover tactics and stalking to intimidate people.
But let me assure you he is always very deferential to superiors, magistrates, potential investors, etc.
Expect to receive further refs from Bill Shootem and Theo Theophenis.
"Mr Kaiser was a Queensland Labor MP but resigned in 2001 after admitting to involvement in vote-rigging in party ballots in the 1980s.
"He had told a Criminal Justice Commission inquiry that he signed a false declaration in 1986 when taking part in Labor Party branch stacking".
Why is this compromised creep earning top taxpayer megadollars again? He should be doing jail time, not living off the fat of the land!
Fuck you, Mike! And fuck all the people you corrupted along the way!
...And F#ck the shonky minister!
Looks like the old adage that the ALP are always in the till, and the Libs are up their secretaries and PAs is still true.
But I know of several ALP pollies who were also chockers up their secretaries, and some Libs who loved dollars more than anyone, icluding their secretaries.
Even Minister Conroy, who is guilty of none of the above, but who, in this instance has indulged in patronage costly to taxpayers, will eventually retire a millionaire from parliament.
I wouldn't give him fifty cents for his performance thus far.
Why hasn't serial internet pest Landeryou posted a blog supporting his former mate, Stephen Conroy? Vexnews carried a congratulatory blog some time ago adoring Conroy's broadband 'vision'. Like Myki, the stalled state-of-the-art transport ticket in Victoria that still doesn't work, The federal government's broadband initiative is still on the drawing boards with public servants on bloated salaries scurrying around achieving nothing.
It is the government's IT Burden, overpaid geeks sucking on the public purse.
A major scandal is looming. Governments which splurge beyond their depth on electronic solutions often become unstuck. Millions have been spent on the Victorian Electronic Records Strategy (VERS). VERS has been developed by Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) to provide leadership and direction in the management of digital records. Years later, it still doesn't work and is eschewed worldwide. A major investigation is needed to find where all those developmental millions went.
Victorian Arts Minister Peter Batchelor, responsible now for Public Record Office Victoria, needs to begin an enquiry pronto, Where did the taxpayer millions go? Where is the worldwide solution for records keeping that Public Record Office Victoria promised a decade ago?
The late Bill Hartley, who used to run a program on Saturday mornings on the community radio station 3CR, used to call Peter Batchelor Nunawading Pete. That was because of Peter's activities during the Nunawading by election in 1985 with a fraudulent how to vote card.
Batchelor then was lucky he didn't get to meet Brutus Beefcake. One of Victoria's top cops at the time said he wanted to lay charges but feared for his job if he did.
Don't defend Socialist Leftistas Slanderyou. None of them are any good.
All observers of state politics will have been fascinated to see how Landeryou's masters have kept him on such a tight leash ahead of Saturday's by-election.
Clearly they fear any Kororoit style activity would force a Legislative Council inquiry that would be extremely damaging in the lead-up to November's poll.
If that's the case why are they letting Landeryou doorknock residents in the outfit he's been photographed wearing above? If a 1500 pound transvestite tottered up to my front door, breathed alcohol fumes all over me, asked to borrow $50 and then urged me to vote for the ALP I'd suspect a dirty tricks campaign somewhere.
To all Cait Catt lovers on Slanderyou the item below on Wikipedia is illuminating. It appears the island of Cait is home to the Catt people!
Great stuff. Read below:
Kingdom of Cait
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Cait or Cat was a Pictish kingdom during the Early Middle Ages. It was centred in what is now Caithness in northern Scotland. It was, according to Pictish legend, founded by Caitt (or Cat), one of the seven sons of the ancestor figure Cruithne. For a period of time Cait was the largest of the northern Pictish kingdoms, but its power waned over time. After the death of its last king, Taran mac Entifidich, in 697, it was absorbed into the broader Pictish kingdom.
The name is preserved in the modern placename Caithness, which occupies approximately the same location as the ancient kingdom. The name is also preserved in the Gaelic name for Sutherland (Cataibh), in several specific names within that county and in the earliest recorded name for Shetland (Inse Catt, meaning "islands of the Cait people").
Nice to see that fat failure Landeryou has finally discovered the "Green Police" Audi ads 48 hours after they screened.
Two whole days is a long, long time to be incapably drunk for.
Swinging Shirley Landeryou keeps curious company. Look who his old legal representative, the terrorist’s lawyer of choice, Rob Stary, is trying to keep out of the chokey now:
Private investigators seeking to probe the double life of dead millionaire Herman Rockefeller
• From: Herald Sun
• February 10, 2010 12:00AM
PRIVATE investigators are being sought to probe the secret double life of Herman Rockefeller.
Lawyers handling the defence case are searching for witnesses who have knowledge of the multi-millionaire's swinging lifestyle.
The Herald Sun has found advertisements of Mr Rockefeller in which he poses nude in one publication and is photographed having sex in another popular swinging magazine.
Defence lawyer Rob Stary, who acts for accused murderer Mario Schembri, confirmed his firm was considering the investigation to establish Mr Rockefeller's history.
I hear that there are advertisements of Shirley Landeryou in which he poses nude in one publication and is photographed feigning sex with his companion the Sarge in another popular swinging magazine.
Who knew Andy used reading glasses.
Randy, lots of people need glasses when they reach middle age
Dean Royston McVeigh's conviction will soon be followed by the conviction of Slanderyou. As I understand it, relevant authorities are closing in on you.
Bye bye Slanderyou. I am Henderson Ross.
Well reasoned Henderson, and both prosecutions are long overdue.
McVeigh has been persecuting an innocent man...shame.
Henderson Ross (Landeryou) as usual has got it all completely wrong. Dean McVeigh, liquidator among other things of the much rorted Melbourne University Student Union, has not been convicted of anything.
McVeigh has, in fact, been banned from acting as a voluntary administrator or liquidator for 18 months.
Judge Hollingworth herself is no stranger to controvery. Her finding that a blog by Benjamin Cass, also known as Duncan Fisher, did not trash the reputation of MUSU liquidator Dean McVeigh, raised eyebrows.
The blog, she said had a "strong degree of factual accuracy". Anyone who has read the Cass blogs would laugh out loud at such an absurd finding.
The 'impecunious defendants' Landeryou, Cass, Ray et al were all laughing on their way to their banks.
Thanks so much for that light one year sentence, Judge Lizzie, for my baseball bat killing of a frail 61-year-old defenceless victim.
You are one cool Judgette!
So many Young Labor crooks, so many false names, so much malfeasance, so many fake tenders and contracts, standover tactics, theft, rorts, and extensive criminality.
Judge Lizzie should put in an appeal against her own ludicrous findings asap.
What a weird Nong!
This is all flagrant contempt of court!
YOU BET, chief!
The Australian Tax Office couldn't be bothered with Judge Lizzie's 'impecunious defendants' nonsense and took defendant Ray to court where he was convicted of tax fraud and sentenced to 20 months in jail.
I could have done with creative criminals like Landeryou, Cass, Ray and many others in my bushranging Gang. These guys milked Melbourne University for millions. My Bank robberies only netted a few thousand.
I much prefer Judge Judy to Judge Lizzie who seems like a complete twit. You were dealing with the MUSU Mafia.
Weren't you listening?
Haitian earthquake must have awakened zombie "Rita."
McVeigh may have been suspended for 18 months, but Andrew Landeryou will be gaoled for at least 18 years.
If El Gordo was innocent, why did he flee the country and go on the run for months instead of fronting court?
Turn yourself in to the law and confess all, Andrew. The Hot Rodding men will take care of you.
The World Today 4 May 2005
ELEANOR HALL: Failed Melbourne businessman and Labor figure Andrew Landeryou has let forth a vengeful spray at his enemies today.
Mr Landeryou has been summoned to appear in the Supreme Court tomorrow to answer questions about his involvement in companies formerly associated with the Melbourne University Student Union.
He faces no charges, but in the meantime has vowed to tell the whole story his way, in an online diary – also known as a blog – which shields him from Australia's defamation laws.
In Melbourne, Alison Caldwell reports.
ALISON CALDWELL: Describing himself as a retired company director in search of a new path, Andrew Landeryou writes that for a person of his reputation, perhaps journalism is his only option.
His weekend spell in the Melbourne Assessment Prison prompted him to set up his own website, where he can take safely take aim at his enemies.
His first blog appeared yesterday morning, under the headline, "The Truth Shall Set You Free".
ONLINE DIARY (read by actor): The blog and a couple of nights at the big brick building on Spencer Street has liberated my keyboard and my big mouth. Because I've copped the mother of all hidings in the press, I'll be returning fire not because it will discourage them, but to ensure the historical record includes both sides of the story. Most journos have glass jaws, so it might be a bit of fun.
ALISON CALDWELL: The son of the former ALP numbers man and Cain government minister Bill Landeryou, flew back into Australia last week, after a five month absence in Costa Rica.
ONLINE DIARY: Do you think I planned all this?
Do you think I wanted it?
That arrest warrant is a death warrant for my commercial and political career.
ALISON CALDWELL: He left his wife and the country the day before he was due to appear in court to explain his involvement in several companies which had signed multimillion dollar contracts with the Melbourne University Student Union.
Recent former student union presidents, all young and aspiring members of the Labor Right signed the contracts, contracts which allegedly drove the Student Union into financial collapse.
ONLINE DIARY: I'm not an expert on what happened with the Melbourne University Student Union's liquidation, but it didn't seem to collapse at all, other than the University decided to nuke it.
ALISON CALDWELL: Himself a former student union president in 1991, Andrew Landeryou says he'll appear in court tomorrow with bells on.
ONLINE DIARY: In the days ahead you'll be given a warts and all account of what went right and what went hideously wrong in my old life. It's been a grim few years of course. It seems that indeed I am homeless, penniless, spurned by wife. But do you think that will stop me telling how it is? No. I have nothing left to lose. I started with nothing, I may end with nothing.
ALISON CALDWELL: In his most recent entry, the Labor operative takes aim at the lawyer representing retailer Solomon Lew.
In a separate case, Solomon Lew is seeking the repayment of $3 million which he invested in Landeryou's online gambling venture, IQ Corporation.
Landeryou describes it as a marriage cursed from the start.
His wife, former deputy lord mayor Kimberley Kitching has declared herself bankrupt in relation to the debt.
Andrew Landeryou and his father Bill both stood as guarantors. Bill Landeryou now faces bankruptcy over the debt.
Andrew Landeryou reportedly wants Solomon Lew to move on, describing the investment as a punt by the retailer.
Not surprisingly, Solomon Lew has no intention of backing off.
A spokesman for Mr Lew told The World Today:
"Ms Kitching entered into a commercial transaction. She is an experienced commercial lawyer and a former Melbourne City Councillor who presumably took professional advice. The agreement was then guaranteed by Andrew and Bill Landeryou, both of whom have extensive business experience. It was a straightforward commercial transaction".
"His first blog appeared yesterday morning, under the headline, 'The Truth Shall Set You Free'."
That's right, Andrew. Confess your crimes and you won't have to run any more. You won't have to look over your shoulder. You won't have to dress as a woman. You won't have to use stupid false names. You won't have to drink yourself unconscious if you want to go to sleep. You will be able to go back on the electoral roll. You can detox and lose weight. You might even learn a trade in prison and emerge from Barwon Jail as a useful (albeit elderly) member of society.
Any chance the rain might wash a big piece of garbage down the drain?
Melbourne on alert for flash flooding
Posted 1 hour 11 minutes ago
Updated 45 minutes ago
The Weather Bureau is warning that thunderstorms could bring flash flooding to Melbourne this afternoon.
People are being told to brace for another afternoon of wild weather when the storm front moves in around 2:00pm.
The Weather Bureau's senior forecaster, Terry Ryan, says it should bring heavy rain.
"I'd say anywhere in the metropolitan area could receive some moderate to heavy falls and potentially flash flooding would been an issue for just about anywhere today," he said.
Vexnews today conatins a tainted and corrupt Landeryou version of the MUSU disaster. Revealingly, he wrote:
"His [Dean McVeigh's] affront was sufficient that it took all our discipline to refrain from defecating upon his front door-step in Sandringham every Sunday morning or leaving the remains of a hot curry in the glovebox of his cheap-ass Rolls Royce. But in finding that discipline we also learned along the way from a mostly wise friend of ours from Toorak that the best revenge is living well. And that we love writing and spreading the good news of VEXNEWS nearly as much as we love the Essendon Football Club".
I don't like contemplating the act of defecation when performed by a gross, libelling stalker who lies!
Patriots will be interested to hear all this talk of shit and rain.
If Landeryou were washed down the drain and arrived at Werribee he could not be rescued as he could not be distinguished from the turds.
I never grow tired of Landeryou's marvellous ability to type with one hand and (attempt to) pleasure himself with the other.
No wonder he likes writing Vexnews!
That is not the MUSU story you told me, Andy.
Unemployment has fallen again today.
At this rate Landershonk will soon have to get a job.
Landeryou threatened me, says liquidator
By David Elias and Leonie Wood
May 26, 2005
The liquidator of the failed student union accuses Andrew Landeryou of making threats.
Melbourne businessman Andrew Landeryou has been reported to the Director of Public Prosecutions for allegedly threatening the liquidator of the Melbourne University Student Union, Dean McVeigh.
Mr McVeigh said yesterday his lawyers had lodged the complaint after Mr Landeryou and two former presidents of the student union followed him down a city street. Mr Landeryou, borrowing a quotation from former prime minister Paul Keating, had said: "I am going to do you slowly."
Mr McVeigh, who is conducting a court examination into the affairs of the failed student union, issued a writ on Tuesday claiming as much as $5 million damages from eight men: Mr Landeryou, three former student union presidents and four former employees.
It alleges they conspired to defraud the failed student union by engineering deals that gave a "secret and inordinate financial advantage to friends and mentors", namely Mr Landeryou, Benjamin Cass and Darren Ray.
According to Mr McVeigh, Mr Landeryou confronted him inside the Victorian Supreme Court and told him: "You have got to know how bad this is going to be for you."
Mr McVeigh, of Foremans Business Advisers, later described the incident in an affidavit handed to Master Ewan Evans, who is presiding over the liquidator's examination.
In the document, he also complained about an entry on Mr Landeryou's internet weblog that purported to describe part of yesterday's proceedings.
Master Evans said the internet weblog entry "conveys a very misleading impression of what took place in this court this morning".
In a reference to legal action that might be open to Mr McVeigh, Master Evans said there may be "consequences in another place".
Was Andrew dressed like this when he was making his chicken halal sausages which he substituted with pork?
Let's hope he was wearing a hair net. As I recall my sausages did have tufts of black hair.
Was that black polyester hair, Mrs Idris?
Dear A Patriot,
the hair was certainly not polyester.
It was black and curly. Why do you ask?
Dear Mrs Idris
A law abiding person told me that Landeryou not only wears a cheap black polyester wig when he dresses as Shirley (as per the photograph on this patriotic site) but that he also dons a cheap black polyester merkin.
It is clear from the photo that the hair on his wig is straight.
Oh Mrs Idris! You have confirmed my worse fears: that Landeryou may have made his chicken (pork) halal sausages while nude.
The ALP is full of duds.
Landeryou is full of KFC and cheap fortified wine
He is full of shit too
Gutter scribbler and crim Launderyou claims he "Let go" of his hatred long ago for MUSU liquidator Dean McVeigh.
As if!!!
His latest blog on Vexnews, gloating over the demise of McVeigh, is bulging with bile, hate and disparagement.
The looney even includes a photo of McVeigh's Rolls Royce - part of the extensive portfolio of photos he took while STALKING the MUSU liquidator.
This really put the frighteners on McVeigh and his family* who, as shown in an earlier comment here, also had been personally threatened by Launderyou INSIDE the Victorian Supreme Court.
* Les Twentyman OAM, and former Victorian of the Year, in 2008obtained an AVO against Launderyou. Launderyou stalked Kororoit candidate Twentyman, publishing photos of his home and details of his address. Twentyman, too, wanted to protect his family against the bizarre stalking activities of libellous liar Launderyou!
Fraud practitioner and libellous character assassin Landeryou is an asshole!
The Rudd government's ETS is like religion. Many claims. Salvation. A load of nonsense for Austalians who believe in fairies.
Dear, Oh Dear,
Tonight after an extended power outage (again), I'm watching a replay of the House of Represenatives question time.
It is mad, tiresome and absurd (and like peeking at Vexnews) that Dorothy Dixer questions are still permitted in The House. These are every second question allowing government backbenchers to ask idiotic and obvious questions to ministers giving them a huge free kick.
These are the fools that deregulated banking and brought us the Global Financial Crash.
They don't deserve a free kick.
Get on with the job you bunch of amateur shits!
More skunk ALP misleading pamphlets in the Altona byelection. This time, the ALP is wisely bypassing the Vexnews deception sewer. They must think the Victorian Electoral Commission is looking over their shoulder this time.
They are.
The 2008 Kororoit byelection stank of ALP corruption and mad Andy's misleading 'shooting rooms' pamphlet that sank candidate Les Twentyman's campaign.
Un-democratic, misleading decepion that the blind watchdog VEC missed.
Dean McVeigh got a court order against his obese stalker. Fat Andy is committing contempt of court yet again. That’s something you get jailed for!
I am amazed that this Paul Mason character gets called the world's fattest man when at his very biggest he was less than half the size of Landeryou. Perhaps the officials class Landeryou as "the world's fattest transvestite".
Here is the latest report on Mason from the London Sun.
It is fascinating to note that like Landeryou, Mason is a former jailbird. Ultra-morbid obesity and criminality must be linked.
THE world's fattest man is set to reveal his weight-LOSS tips - as he writes his autobiography.
Fifty-stone Paul Mason, 48, spoke about the book in hospital, which he left last night in an ambulance after life-saving gastric bypass surgery.
The reinforced vehicle rocked from side to side as his bulk was moved on to an extra-strength stretcher.
He was then wheeled through 5ft-wide doors into his specially-adapted bungalow in Ipswich, Suffolk - while being filmed for a Channel 4 documentary.
The ex-postie had to drop 20st from his 70st peak last year before he could have the operation, which limits the amount of food going into his stomach.
Now his book, The Journey, will tell how he did it.
A source said: "He's been telling people in the hospital how he's writing this book and it will reveal how he's managed to lose so much weight. He's been in good spirits."
Paul started writing as he recovered from the £20,000 NHS op at St Richard's Hospital in Chichester, West Sussex, where he stayed for three weeks.
He used to gorge on 20,000 calories a day - EIGHT times what the average man eats.
He got so big that firemen once had to knock down a wall so he could be taken to hospital.
Despite his weight loss he is still thought to be the world's heaviest man.
Previous record holder Manuel Uribe, 43, of Mexico, shed more than half of his 90st bulk to get married.
I just saw the headline "Drop in fraud cases: survey".
Landeryou's ever escalating alcohol abuse is really catching up with him.
Is there any truth in the rumour that Diane Anderson is writing Slanderyou in America?
Sounds weird, but then all Higgins ex ALPers are weirdos.
I hope Brutus Beefcake isn't one but I have my suspicions.
For fuck's sake Andrew! Do you think we worry about rank and file weirdos? The patriots of Slanderyou are far more concerned about the high level corruption amongst the ministry that has kept you out of jail. That and the $50,000 cash payment you received from a certain former ALP state secretary.
We now fear that Landeryou has been blackmail senior members of the ALP. What is it it for them keeping a morbidly obese drunken criminal transsexual free?
We now fear that Landeryou has been blackmail senior members of the ALP. What is it it for them keeping a morbidly obese drunken criminal transsexual free?
I never grow tired of Landeryou's marvellous ability to type with one hand and (attempt to) pleasure himself with the other.
No wonder he likes writing Vexnews!
Haitian earthquake must have awakened zombie "Rita."
Well reasoned Henderson, and both prosecutions are long overdue.
If that's the case why are they letting Landeryou doorknock residents in the outfit he's been photographed wearing above? If a 1500 pound transvestite tottered up to my front door, breathed alcohol fumes all over me, asked to borrow $50 and then urged me to vote for the ALP I'd suspect a dirty tricks campaign somewhere.
This is the second time this year that Rudd has carried Conroy over his bungling with the National Broadband Network Co. As usual with governments these days, bungling is OK even if it costs taxpayers zillions.
Politicians should be educated about the meaning of words like 'corruption', nepotism and patronage.
I am wondering whether Landeryou has been hired by NBN Co as its 'Blogging Consultant'?
Andy Landy has an ETS: Everything Turns to Shit when he is involved.
MUSU went broke
IQ Corp ditto
He had to abandon his Blog of Sleaze as it become a byword for lies and bile
He updates Vexnews sporadically, but it has no readers
The Rudd government's ETS is like a dose of gonorrhea. Very pleasurable when contracted, but with heaps of nasty after effects. Infections can spread to all parts of the body and especially to the wallet.
Wiser heads would have let the ETS fade away after it accomplished the total demolition of the Liberal and National parties.
Hmmnn. Nothing in Vexnews about this appalling claim:
"The appointment of Mr Kaiser, who will earn more than the Prime Minister, has prompted allegations of political interference on the part of Communications Minister Stephen Conroy, who recommended the former state MP for the job". (The Age)
I guess Vexnews has one set of rules for mates - and another for everyone Landeryou hates!
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