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1 week ago
15 Truth On Comments:
Fascinating how Fat Boy has virtually admitted this week that all the garbage he posts on the Blog of Sleaze is just an attempt to get attention.
Just what did Big Bent Bill do to the young Andy?
Thank God you published a side view and not the other thongs that might have been visible if shot from a different angle!
"The Blog of Deception" has now become almost unreadable with Andrew going on a mad editing spree that has turned many of the posts he doesn't like into gibberish. I can't see visitors to his blog putting up with that for long.
Most of the posters have tumbled to the fact that Andrew masquerades on his blog in many disguises including 'Real Politik', 'Byron from Deep Space', and an army of 'anons'. It sort of spoils the blog. You address a reply to someone, only to find that you are quarreling with Andrew.
On the Landeryou blog tonight, the following post (about Ross Garnaut) was blocked. With the indulgence of you and your readers, I present it here now:
Smirking Ross Garnaut is the latest cause of depression in Australia. His message about the costs of global warming is simple "You're all buggared - and will shortly be paying through the nose to survive a crisis that has been caused by people like me". Economists and the finance industry have brought the world to the edge. The Sub Prime crisis, where billions were lent to people who couldn't afford it has led to a couple of muffled explosions, but not yet the coming 'Big Bang'. Former OPEC chief Sheik Yamani (on SBS Dateline) blames most of the spiralling costs of fuel on 'speculators'.
Global warming too is the result of globalisation, ungoverned corporate greed, and giant herds of shareholders who produce nothing but wait for the postman to bring them fat cheques.
Is Ross Garnaut the cart or the horse? Or is he just part of the long and winding road to taxation hell?
[Posted as 'Nostradamus]
On Andrew's blog, he has been gloating over the last couple of days about the apparerent difficulties of nemesis Sol Lew. Any mention there of 'IQ Media' is instantly expunged and the poster's IP is blocked. Andy is still rather sensitive it seems. Smart 'Googlers' will soon hit gold if they add disappeared documents or federal court to the query.
Solomon Lew is not the sort of businessman you would instantly bond with. His lifestyle, particularly in the Myer years, was stupendous, wondrous and excessively luxurious. Given all this opulence, his misguided $4M investment in IQ Media was a bad call that he has lived to regret. At the core of the case, and a continuing mystery, is all the IQ Media documentation that just 'diappeared'.
I don't believe this is Andy. This guy is too thin.
I don't know my way round Victorian electoral law, but is some patriot with a good knowledge of the Act going to file a formal complaint against Landeryou over his bizarre and immoral conduct during the Kororiot by-election?
Is Landeryou really against an ETS because of the mass volume of KFC he eats? His personal carbon footprint is at least 1/3 of that of the nation. Ban Landeryou, save the planet.
Zimbabwe-style blogger Andrew Mugabeyou has now banned my ISP altogether. Can't post anything. So much for free speech and freedom! It's a blessing though, I was getting bored and tired of my posts being edited into meaningless drivel or forged with names like 'Phil Cleary'. Other people seem to have noticed too, and the blog has virtually dried up.
This guy can't be Fat Andy. He has too much hair - and Fat Andy's gout stops him from getting down and boogieing.
I tried to contribute this to Landeryou's blog as a contribution to the Garnaut debate but was blocked. Strange huh?
"When is someone going to stop tha massive deforestation in S. America and Asia - the major cause of global warming. What a con! Why should ordinary Joes in the Western world pay the price for Third World leaders asleep at the wheel.
"Our pollies in Australia can't fix problems. All they can come up with is more taxes".
Andrew got two posts today because posters are staying away in droves. Who wants to make a post, only to have it edited, or to be forged as if it came from someone else. It looks as if his dirty tricks in the Kororoit bye-election unhinged him. Being a stalker, and waiting for the knocking of Victorian Electoral Commissioners at his front door can't be great for those in between KFC naps.
Two? That many? Are you sure? When I dropped by the Fat Man's sleazy site on Saturday, his big news story was all about some of group of Young Liberals. I can't imagine two people being interested in that.
This guy can't be Fat Andy. He has too much hair - and Fat Andy's gout stops him from getting down and boogieing.
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