Andrew Landeryou and his OC blog got praised or at least favourably mentioned on the blog last week. It seems Andrew always seems to get scoops regarding a mad American lady named Diane Anderson. She's the one Evan Thornely and possibly Jeff Kennett are infatuated with. For the benefit of Slanderyou readers it's reproduced here, but don't forget to go to the actual blog and read the comments for an alternative and critical view of the article below:
Friday, July 25, 2008 Diane Anderson. The woman behind Kennett and Mary Drost Diane Anderson is little known in Boroondara but in the United States she's a cult figure. Diane is the first person ever expelled for heresy by the Unitarian Church, and that's big news in America, where the Unitarian Church (now called the Unitarian Universalist Church or UU Church) is pretty big time, and has produced four Presidents. The expulsion took place in Melbourne, Australia at the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church in Grey Street, East Melbourne. It was reported in Andrew Landeryou's blog first (funny how Andrew always gets the big scoops) and then found its way to the ABC News and Lawrence Money's gossip column in The Age.
Diane comes from Dearborn in Michigan, and produces Higgins News, a publication that also circulates in parts of Boroondara. In the latest issue is an article by Mary Drost gloating at how she won the big prize in the Boroondara VEC representation review. Mary omits to mention a little help from Jeff Kennett. She also omits to mention a little help from Diane.
Diane likes to keep her real campaigns low key, but the arguments she used unsuccessfully in Stonnington were used by BRAG in Boroondara as well as by Jeff Kennett. Former Legislative Assembly Speaker Ken Coghill copied them also but he doesn't write as well as Diane does. Coghill is a member of the ALP and when he was in parliament represented Werribee. His factional enemies in the right wing Labor Unity faction used to say that's where the metropolitan sewerage farm is but we won't stoop as low as that. Stephen Conroy never does and we like to think we are as gentlemanly as he is.We don't attack people in this blog like some disreputable ALP figures do around the traps.
Coghill is presently exposing corruption in local government but he's really part of the problem. He supported Mary here and so did some of his friends in the Labor Party. No Mr Coghill. The corrupt councils are all ones with single councillor wards and you supported that in Boroondara. How can we take you seriously? The Age might but who reads that newspaper? As Andrew Landeryou says it's full of left wing hype.
We must get back to Diane who is the real thing not her imposters like Coghill and Company. Diane is a good operator. She is also a sworn enemy of Premier John Brumby, which is certainly good for relations with Jeff.
Rumour has it Diane might be helping Jeff soon in another capacity, as his campaign director for Lord Mayor of Melbourne. Remember we told you this first in this blog. Posted by Gabriele D'Amico at 10:53 PM
Just for the record Gabriele D'Amico is not the AFL grand final streaker, but is rumoured to be her sister. No truth in the rumour Andrew Landeryou once went out with her.
Jeff Kennett, now directing Beyond Blue, has been the cause of extensive depression in Victoria. I was a public servant during the Kennett years and worried everyday about my job. Jeff's weird views were of consumate interest to those of us trying to support a family.
Does Felicity know about Diane and Mary? Is Jeff going to get another shake-up call?
As a person involved in the campaign fighting against Jaff's efforts to close down small country schools, I wish him nothing but harm. What an Assh*le!
This is up on the ABC News website today: "A man on death row in Ohio is suing the state on grounds that his obesity means he would suffer unduly during lethal injection..."
Legal sources say it is known as "the Landeryou defence".
There's big trouble brewing over at the Blog of Sleaze! Fat Boy has managed to piss off the crazy Vietnam veterans community. They are madder than the Lone Fathers Association and worse to have on your tail than the Harpies, the Mounties, Elliot Ness and Simon Wiesenthal combined.
Landeryou will soon be so busy dealing with a thousand emails and a hundred calls every day from the nutbags that he won't even have time to scratch his balls.
The angry nashos have zeroed in on the Fat Cave, or at least have sighted the Big Blob. A former military policeman, who used to track AWOLs and draft dodgers found him easily. I can't reach the site which has further details yet. It might be hidden or encrypted. A nasho poster on the Sleaze Blog warned that Landeryou tracked IP addresses and sent out browser tracking cookies. Landeryou edited this out quickly.
It looks like Landy is in deep shit this time. Does he have any mates in regional Victoria with a safehouse?
He's in the wars once again. This time with real warries!
The Nashos would have realised pretty damn quickly that you'd be better off in combat with a jammed gun than with someone like Landeryou beside you.
If he was 20 years younger and his number had come up Landeryou no doubt would have discovered the delights of Costa Rica a lot, lot earlier.
For a brief moment I entertained a vision of Landeryou as a World War II spiv, but that wouldn't have worked. He would have eaten all the black market food he got his paws on himself.
It's easy to see what Landeryou would have done in the war. Just take a look at his hate blog. It's full of braying propaganda and malicious lies. Landeryou would have made a perfect Lord Haw-Haw.
In the event of war, El Gordo would neither be a black marketeer or enemy propagandist. Buddha Boy -true to form - would be hiding behind the pot plants and penguins on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island.
24 Truth On Comments:
Andrew Landeryou and his OC blog got praised or at least favourably mentioned on the blog last week. It seems Andrew always seems to get scoops regarding a mad American lady named Diane Anderson. She's the one Evan Thornely and possibly Jeff Kennett are infatuated with. For the benefit of Slanderyou readers it's reproduced here, but don't forget to go to the actual blog and read the comments for an alternative and critical view of the article below:
Friday, July 25, 2008
Diane Anderson. The woman behind Kennett and Mary Drost
Diane Anderson is little known in Boroondara but in the United States she's a cult figure. Diane is the first person ever expelled for heresy by the Unitarian Church, and that's big news in America, where the Unitarian Church (now called the Unitarian Universalist Church or UU Church) is pretty big time, and has produced four Presidents. The expulsion took place in Melbourne, Australia at the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church in Grey Street, East Melbourne. It was reported in Andrew Landeryou's blog first (funny how Andrew always gets the big scoops) and then found its way to the ABC News and Lawrence Money's gossip column in The Age.
Diane comes from Dearborn in Michigan, and produces Higgins News, a publication that also circulates in parts of Boroondara. In the latest issue is an article by Mary Drost gloating at how she won the big prize in the Boroondara VEC representation review. Mary omits to mention a little help from Jeff Kennett. She also omits to mention a little help from Diane.
Diane likes to keep her real campaigns low key, but the arguments she used unsuccessfully in Stonnington were used by BRAG in Boroondara as well as by Jeff Kennett. Former Legislative Assembly Speaker Ken Coghill copied them also but he doesn't write as well as Diane does. Coghill is a member of the ALP and when he was in parliament represented Werribee. His factional enemies in the right wing Labor Unity faction used to say that's where the metropolitan sewerage farm is but we won't stoop as low as that. Stephen Conroy never does and we like to think we are as gentlemanly as he is.We don't attack people in this blog like some disreputable ALP figures do around the traps.
Coghill is presently exposing corruption in local government but he's really part of the problem. He supported Mary here and so did some of his friends in the Labor Party. No Mr Coghill. The corrupt councils are all ones with single councillor wards and you supported that in Boroondara. How can we take you seriously? The Age might but who reads that newspaper? As Andrew Landeryou says it's full of left wing hype.
We must get back to Diane who is the real thing not her imposters like Coghill and Company. Diane is a good operator. She is also a sworn enemy of Premier John Brumby, which is certainly good for relations with Jeff.
Rumour has it Diane might be helping Jeff soon in another capacity, as his campaign director for Lord Mayor of Melbourne. Remember we told you this first in this blog.
Posted by Gabriele D'Amico at 10:53 PM
Just for the record Gabriele D'Amico is not the AFL grand final streaker, but is rumoured to be her sister. No truth in the rumour Andrew Landeryou once went out with her.
Jeff Kennett, now directing Beyond Blue, has been the cause of extensive depression in Victoria. I was a public servant during the Kennett years and worried everyday about my job. Jeff's weird views were of consumate interest to those of us trying to support a family.
Does Felicity know about Diane and Mary? Is Jeff going to get another shake-up call?
As a person involved in the campaign fighting against Jaff's efforts to close down small country schools, I wish him nothing but harm. What an Assh*le!
He is fat. Fatter than he look sin that photo too, because he is on an angle. He walk like he has a pole up his arse and his chins wobble.
The suit pants are cheap "one size fits all".
Short, fat, pale and balding.. not to mention full of shit.
This is up on the ABC News website today: "A man on death row in Ohio is suing the state on grounds that his obesity means he would suffer unduly during lethal injection..."
Legal sources say it is known as "the Landeryou defence".
Oh for fock's sake, Landeryou...
"Andrew Landeryou and his OC blog got praised or at least favourably mentioned on the blog last week..."
Will you, your split personalities and all the sub-branch suburban non-entities you are obsessed with fock off back to your cesspool.
Has his face frozen into that silly grin or has he always looked like he has Down's Syndrome?
There's big trouble brewing over at the Blog of Sleaze! Fat Boy has managed to piss off the crazy Vietnam veterans community. They are madder than the Lone Fathers Association and worse to have on your tail than the Harpies, the Mounties, Elliot Ness and Simon Wiesenthal combined.
Landeryou will soon be so busy dealing with a thousand emails and a hundred calls every day from the nutbags that he won't even have time to scratch his balls.
Is Landeryou wearing wearing the same suit? Ultra Tight fit!
El Gordo's 2 fat 2 do up jacket buttons nowadays!
Oh dear.. It seems Landy is set for a spell in prison.
You heard it here first!
Oh dear! What's the fat fool done now?
Has anyone noticed that his hate site only got six comments on the two new stories it posted today (Wednesday)? Just six!
The angry nashos have zeroed in on the Fat Cave, or at least have sighted the Big Blob. A former military policeman, who used to track AWOLs and draft dodgers found him easily. I can't reach the site which has further details yet. It might be hidden or encrypted. A nasho poster on the Sleaze Blog warned that Landeryou tracked IP addresses and sent out browser tracking cookies. Landeryou edited this out quickly.
It looks like Landy is in deep shit this time. Does he have any mates in regional Victoria with a safehouse?
He's in the wars once again. This time with real warries!
Correction to the above: Found a site that said there was a promising possible sighting and that the area will be 'scoped' in daytime tomorrow.
The Nashos would have realised pretty damn quickly that you'd be better off in combat with a jammed gun than with someone like Landeryou beside you.
If he was 20 years younger and his number had come up Landeryou no doubt would have discovered the delights of Costa Rica a lot, lot earlier.
For a brief moment I entertained a vision of Landeryou as a World War II spiv, but that wouldn't have worked. He would have eaten all the black market food he got his paws on himself.
It's easy to see what Landeryou would have done in the war. Just take a look at his hate blog. It's full of braying propaganda and malicious lies. Landeryou would have made a perfect Lord Haw-Haw.
The military on Andy Landy: LMF; Lacking Moral Fibre.
In the event of war, El Gordo would neither be a black marketeer or enemy propagandist. Buddha Boy -true to form - would be hiding behind the pot plants and penguins on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island.
Is Andy wearing the same suit?
May be its due to his eating all those 5year old chicken halal sausages
2020.05.14酒店舞廳可不可復業?酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容台北市長柯文哲今天在議會表示,他還是等陳時中,「他(陳時中)不宣布,我(柯文哲)就來宣布」。柯又提到,市府正在評估5月25日第二波要解封的部分。對於我在酒店上班的日子有媒體解讀,北市府25日將解封酒店小姐一定有S?酒店舞廳?梁小尊表示 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?,柯文哲今天上午至議會專案報告職場須知 【酒店PT 】答詢時,從未提及5月25日將解封酒店、舞廳等地點。梁曉尊強調,5月25日起將啟動酒店打工第二波解封場館名單,至於八大行業解封日期仍在討論中,對於如何落實防疫新生活運動四原則,本府已正式行文衛福部,盼中央能給予執行方式與裁罰規定。
2020.06.08曾經酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容雞排妹的《深夜保健室》最新一集與培根到酒店訪問我在酒店上班的日子的酒店小姐跟不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因,影片中介紹如:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化,酒店消費服務方式,還有小姐帶出場接S(性交易)等大家好奇的問題,其中酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金小姐的薪水也是一般人想知道的問題,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?透露,最菜最基本的酒店妹,一個月至少也可以賺10到20萬元,也曾有「職場須知 【酒店PT 】魔王級人物」一周就能賺40萬元,相當於月薪200萬,雞排妹問到酒店妹外貌與薪水成正比?酒店經紀表示並不是,通常看小姐自己的手腕,包括: 顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易。突破高薪資的境界。至於常傳聞演藝圈知名網紅跨國賣淫,會轉行到酒店兼職,酒店經紀透露曾遇過10名通告女星「拍過廣告、拍過電影」找上門希望願意配合國外伴遊接受消費者陪睡性交易:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易,不過他表示雖然她為公眾人物,但在這行沒有差別待遇,起薪與一般小姐無異,不過影片中沒透露該女星身分,讓網友相當好奇。
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