Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Landeryou admits to another debt

The human debt magnet, Andrew Landeryou, has today revealed another debtor - Ian Hanke.

Landeryou was not forthcoming on whether the debt was organised after he started to write his Liberal Party blog.

And of course, no new news on when and how Landeryou will pay off his debts. Landeryou is doing it rather tough living the cafe latte inner city lifestyle, and not having to work.

4 Truth On Comments:

Anonymous said...

So Landeryou owes money to the Liberals as well???????? Explains a few things

Anonymous said...

Andrew spent days pasting poor old Les Twentyman by quoting from his memoirs to attack him. Andrew doesn't like the taste of his own medicine, so here's an interesting blast from the past about the missing millions...

The Age: "But the liquidator's task is made more difficult because, as the Federal Court has heard, most of IQ's books and records have vanished".

[Posted by CSI]

Anonymous said...

Here's the Url again:

Anonymous said...

Hypertext isn't work, so add this onto the end of the previously posted URL


