Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Team Slanderyou 2008 Awards – The Winners are……..

Last week we opened up voting for the worst blog/website and worst blogger.

And Patriots have spoken.

The Winner of the worst blogger award goes to Andrew Landeryou, for both The Other Cheek, and his new failure, Vexnews.

The Winner of the worst blog/website is presented to Vexnews.

Thank you to all Patriots that voted.

It’s nice to see that Andy is ‘successful’ at something.

Patriots, have a great and safe Christmas and New Year. See you all in early February.

264 Truth On Comments:

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Anonymous said...

Poor old Terry Mulder, supported solely as he is by Labor arch-Fraudster and Libeller Landeryou, is no match for the canny Ted Bailleau who loves flicking dags off his ass. But with the Libs 'backing' you Ted, you would obviously have to watch your own back!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mischevious Landeryou keeps plugging Shad. Min. Ted Mulder as an alternative to Ted Bailleau. It's sort of like a pickpocket trying to pick the next Pope. Posing as 'Choo Choo', the railyard worker, Landeryou is busy posting all over Poxnews. But then this:

"Railyard Worker, the Libs privatised the railyards, and Labor has mismanaged them ever since. Shadow Minister Ted Mulder is a useless old chook and time server who has done nothing to stop the disastrous asphyxiation of the system, nor has the government of Victoria collectively done anything to stop the new and unwanted masses arriving here to further clog the system that doesn’t work!

Posted by Chook Chook | January 10, 2009, 23:06

I guess Landeryou doesn't write EVERY comment on his blog after all. Nearly, but not ALL.

Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:24:00 AM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That post about Landeryou resuming his stalking tactics (1:40:00 AM) is concerning. Gaza is a subject that could bring violence on the person named Raya Rusho identified in Landeryou's usual way.

It is utterly undemocratic and illegal to make disclosures like this. People who write to express an opinion to the editor of a newspaper are not inviting personal identification or the hateful responses of libellers and stalkers like Landeryou.

Stop interfering in Democracy, and stop stalking people you don't agree with, you horrible amnesiac Fraudster, Stalker and Libeller.

Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:38:00 AM

Anonymous said...

Andrew is at home this weekend. Maybe one of his New Year resolutions was 'I must tend the Vewnews Blog day by day' so that I can fool some people into thinking it is a real blog and not just a spleen vent hole for ME!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it strange that Landeryou thinks freedom of speech belongs only to him. He squeals like a pig when his perceived rights are in jeopardy.

Unlike the lady who wrote to The Age, and had to provide an address and 'phone number for The Age to verify, Landeryou and his fake commenters are faceless, often anonymous and usually spiritless.

Someday soon Landeryou's address and personal details (and maybe surveillance footage) will be published online. If that ever happens, I hope Landy has a workable escape plane. There are some rather angry folks out here!

Anonymous said...

Hi fans! And Happy New Year for 2009.

My latest photo-journalism scoop is coming. I'll be there when a certain political figure walks free later this month. Happy snappies!


Anonymous said...

Henderson Ross (AKA Landeryou),

I see you have been caught out by a smarter than average commenter on Poxnews. Referring to the continuing non-story about Raya Rusho, on Poxnews, 'Ryan' said:

"I seem to be the only person here who is a little confused. What exactly has Rusho been ‘caught out’ doing? Changing her opinion over a seven year period? How can this be seen as a calculated attempt to fool anybody? Does Rusho need to open the article with the fact that she has never agreed with Israel? Would that make it more palatable? I find her opinion to be very moderate when compared to some of the other garbage we are subject to in the media, from both sides of this conflict.

The opening line: “I have been TRYING to remain unbiased FOR MANY YEARS” does not say “I have always been an impartial observer”. Nor does she show any signs of being blindly Arab nationalist. Add to this the clearly thorough “research” that found as a 15 or 16 year old she made some comments that could be considered mildly antisemitic at best. I mean it seems a touch rich for my liking that a young woman gets accused of some plot to deceive The Age, when it obvious that this ‘news’ website (nothing more than an opinion based blog really), clearly has a vendetta with The Age. To label someone ‘antisemitic’ and ‘toasting jihad’ is completely unfair to somebody who is merely voicing their opinion. Isn’t that what you freedom fighters on the right are all about? In this sense her opinion should be attacked by people who disagree, but i concur the photo and surrounding comments are a step too far.

Posted by Ryan | January 11, 2009, 19:28

Another opinion far from the views you express, Henderson, about the so-called newsworthiness of Poxnews.

Anonymous said...

Most people haven't realised that Vexnews (Poxnews) is satire and not an attempt at actual news reporting. How can someone sitting at home munching KFC provide news? Real news reporters get out there, interview people, pursue issues and delve into details.

On Poxnews, the content is crude laughable nonsense. Opinion, and this is all Poxnews offers, is not news, it is opinion. What opinions a crook and libeller like Landeryou could possibly contribute to any worthwhile debate is esceedingly debatable.

Anonymous said...

It won't be long before someone issues a Fatwa on Landeryou, who is stirring up racial and religious hatred AGAIN on Poxnews. The silly swine just doesn't get it!

He's having a bumper start of the week by libelling the long suffering Catherine Ng ("political fraudster"), the Faines, and another 'story' on the female letter writer to The Age.

As in the opening credits for Monty Python's Flying Circus, a foot unexpectedly will stamp down from the clouds splattering Landeryou. When that day comes, there will be shouts of joy all over Victoria.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou, in a signed comment to the irrelevant Raya Rusho 'story', has promoted himself to Poxnews's Editor-in-Chief!!!

Too many Chiefs - no Indians!

For some reason, an army of 'commenters' keeps heaping praise on Poxnews in the 'Henderson Ross' style...greatest new news site...wonderful scoop...blah blah blah. You know, the usual guff.

Anonymous said...

Stalker Landeryou has deleted the address of Raya Rusho posted on Poxnews yesterday, plus a later one confirming her suburb. Needless to say the damage has already been done.

Maybe Landy got a stern call from Stephen Newnham?

Anonymous said...

Lunatic Landeryou has captioned a stolen image of Raya thus:

"Raya Rusho outside potential terror target Parliament House".

And another stolen image:

"Raya Rusho toasting Jihad".

This madman won't be happy until he has started WW3!

Anonymous said...

The ALP Right must be wondering whether its pet site Vexnews ( nee The OC) is worth all this bother. Landeryou is a loose canon, stalker and crim. But he misled voters in last year's Kororoit election with an array of dirty tricks (who can forget the hypodermic needles leaflet) against likely winner Les Twentyman. Candidate Twentyman was defeated by gutter tactics like these blessed by the ALP State Secretary and the Premier.

But now Landeryou is playing race and religion cards because he is mad. Beware Landeryou, you think the Libs are the only pollies who stab each other in the back. When the tacit support of the ALP Right is removed, you will discover what it is like to be lift-welled!

Anonymous said...

Quisling Landeryou and the regimented ALP Right make good bed-fellows. They deserve each other. They are undemocratic, have forgotten ALP principles, imbibed vile micro-economic reforms, and have forgotten the 'common man'. What a vile bunch of self-serving bastards!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou, by his attacks on Raya Rusho, has attacked a majority in Australia.

In Australia, many more Muslims attend their mosques than Christians attend church. If politicians were honest (which they aren't), they would have to admit Australia is a Muslim country so far as religion is concerned.

Somwhere a Fatwa against Landeryou and the ALP is being prepared...

Anonymous said...

Landeryou probably thinks a Fatwa is a middle-Eastern form of Jenny Craig's weight loss program.

Yes it is, Landy! You will loose lots and lots of weight.

Anonymous said...

Is Biggest Loser Andy next?

Biggest Loser host repays ripped off welfare cash

* January 13, 2009 - 2:44PM

Ajay Rochester.

Ajay Rochester. Photo: Quentin Jones.

Biggest Loser host Ajay Rochester has repaid Centrelink in full after receiving welfare payments when she knew she was not eligible, a Sydney court has been told.

Rochester, 39, pleaded guilty in November to 23 counts of receiving the single-parent payment from Centrelink between December 2001 and December 2005.

Her lawyer told Downing Centre Local Court today that she had paid back all of the overpayment, which totalled just over $14,000.

Previously named Lee Ann Towler, Rochester authored the books Confessions Of A Reformed Dieter, Blubberguts and The Lazy Girl's Guide To Losing Weight And Getting Fit.

She began hosting the Network Ten reality show The Biggest Loser in 2006.

Earlier, Rochester faced a large media pack as she entered the court complex dressed in a white shirt and a grey belted dress.

Magistrate Pat O'Shane will sentence Rochester later today over the welfare fraud.

Anonymous said...

Former crime boss Landeryou on Poxnews supports arch-ALP supercrook Brian B*rke! They've got a lot in common!

Anonymous said...

I love you long time, Landy!

Anonymous said...

Prove any part of it. You useless tw*t!

Anonymous said...

Fat failure Andrew Landeryou's fellow ALP Right thug, incompetent manager, shonk and thief Brian Burke has told the Perth Sunday Times that he had gastric band surgery before his recent court appearance.

Will fat failure Landeryou do the same before he is next in the dock?

Anonymous said...

I hear that Landeryou has ordered an extra 25 KFC Family Feast tubs to celebrate his fellow fat fraudster's good news:

"Biggest Loser host Ajay Rochester has escaped conviction for welfare fraud and has been given a 12-month good behaviour bond..."

Anonymous said...

Melbourne's KFC franchisees have reported a record run on their fatty fodder as Landeryou celebrates Biggest Loser host Ajay Rochester's escape from fraud convictions.

"Thank God it's been so hot today," one told Slanderyou. People have wanted cool drinks and ice creams, not KFC. There's no way we would have been able to keep up with demand on a normal day.

"Landeryou has been ringing up every 20 minutes ordering another gross of Zinger burgers and a dozen Family Feed tubs.

"He's already got through enough gravy to fill three Olympic pools and demanded the same again, twice over, just a few moments ago."

Bellows of joy emerged from the Fat Cave, Landeryous' luxury CBD digs, when news his fellow fatty Rochester had escaped conviction on fraud charges broke.

Rochester pleaded guilty to welfare fraud. But her counsel told the court she was suffering mental health issues including eating disorders, at the time of the offences.

She was placed on a 12 month good behaviour bond, but no conviction was recorded against her.

Landeryou believes the case has set precedents that will let him escape jail time when he finally faces the force of the law.

But one legal expert who spoke to Slanderyou on the condition of anonymity said the morbidly obese liar and fantasist faced a lengthy prison term.

"Ajay Rochester received $14,000 improperly. She has admitted her crime, paid it all back and apologised profusely.

"Andrew Landeryou is alleged to engaged in systematic asset-stripping and the theft of millions. The money has vanished. He denies any offence and stalks and smears anyone who attempts to raise the matter.

"If Landeryou thinks he can get away with that without doing serious time he is even more deluded that the contents of his Blog of Sleaze or Poxnews suggest."

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's defence of Theo on Poxnews has been eclipsed by his defence of Brian Burke. Claptrap superceded by mediocrity!

Landeryou needs a good investigator like Paul Drake to make sure of his facts. He also needs a good secretary like Della Street to spell check his pratfall 'stories'. Following this advice could help Landeryou avoid embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

You can checkout some of Landeryou's dodgy former mates (with photos) by clicking on the blue name above. Student housing is in the headlines again, but you can read about the appalling Victoria Student Housing saga...

Anonymous said...

Dear Perry,

Landeryou's interpretations of the law are often absurd or cause a derisory groan.

Although there are probably several SC's and QC's opinions out there about Landeryou's blogs, none have been published. However, this judicial opinion, concerning the 'Other Creek' blog, was published in May 2005:

"[Supreme Court] Master Evans said the internet weblog entry "conveys a very misleading impression of what took place in this court this morning".

Despite your thoughful advice, Landeryou doesn't care about facts and is too lazy to spell check his blog or the many faked comments he uses to convey there is a readership of Poxnews.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is a slow working dope!

Anonymous said...

Where is Cait Catt when we need to hear from her? I assume of course that Cait is a she, as a correspondent to this blog said a man at a Liberal function was bragging that he was really Cait.

Brian Burke is being savaged on this blog. Where are you Cait? Why don't you defend him?

Lev Lafayette is on a link from the Perry Mason claptrap on this blog. Where are you Cait? Why don't you answer Lev's charges? Are they baseless? Please let us know Cait.

What about Choo Choo Terry Mulder? Is he likely to replace Red Ted and become the next Liberal Leader and possibly the next Premier? Why don't you let us know your opinions Cait? We want to know.

You claim to be a good Catholic girl Cait. Are you? There is a rumour around Liberal Party circles that a Cait Catt worked as a hostess at the Daily Planet in Elsternwick, which I understand is a gentleman's club. What would a good Catholic girl like you Cait be working in an establishment like that?

Anonymous said...

Why has fat cunt crim stopped commenting on this Blog of Truth? Is he too drunk, too lazy or both?

Anonymous said...

Fatso claims that VEXNEWS has "investigators". Surely that was a typo. He must have meant, Investigators OF Vexnews.

Anonymous said...

I always refer to Vexnews when I want to read week old news, cut and pasted without attribution from other websites.

Anonymous said...

I always refer to Vexnews when I want to read lies and smears invented by a deluded, deranged, bitter and vindictive failure.

Anonymous said...

Visiting Poxnews.com is like that popular eighteenth and nineteenth century London recreation of visiting the lunatic asylum at Bedlam to gawk at the inmates.

Anonymous said...

Fat Andrew Landeryou and his various false identities have not posted here for almost a week.

He must have finally woken up to the fact that as soon as the patriots who visit the Slanderyou site discover a comment is by him they immediately stop reading it.

The fat flop can't even get people to read his lies and bile by posting here.

Anonymous said...

It is well known that the only thing Andrew Landeryou believes in is lining his own pockets.

Landeryou pretends to be a great friend of Israel to attract attention. At the same time though he is also posting repulsive anti-Semitic comments on Vexnews, presumably also to attract attention.

How do we know it is Landeryou? That is simple.

Landeryou immediately scrubs any comment he does not like from Vexnews. He also usually bans the person who posted the comment.

Yet for the past fortnight or so the supposed philo-semite Landeryou has tolerated the worse type of anti-semitism on Vexnews, in just the same way racist remarks about Barack Obama were allowed to remain on Vexnews at the time of the US election.

Landeryou wants to be noticed but all he is doing is proving that he is a moral void.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is also a universe of ineptitude.

Anonymous said...

It takes a while working Landeryou out.

The madman protects his union attacks by banning all comments on Poxnews from this blog.

His latest attack is on CFMEU.

You silly prick!

Premier Dumby may have to step in to save your worthless life you chronic fat libeller!

Anonymous said...

And here we, Landy and I, just sharing a few KFC buckets.

Whats the freaking problem?

Anonymous said...

January 15, 2009 2:25:00 AM,

Cait Catt is the plaintive voice you hear when ventriloquist Landeryou is talking out of his ass. It's another little known skill he posseses (like being able to compose the libels on Poxnews using only one hand, while pleasuring himself with the other).

Anonymous said...

Shit that talks. Hmnn.

The Hot Rodders have heard it all before.

Anonymous said...

Re the 1:46 comment:

"Cait Catt is the plaintive voice you hear when ventriloquist Landeryou is talking out of his ass. It's another little known skill he posseses (like being able to compose the libels on Poxnews using only one hand, while pleasuring himself with the other)."

Landeryou's cock vanished beneath fold of flap when he was about 10. It explains a lot.

It is true that Landeryou keys in the lies, smears and bile that makes up Poxnews.com (and cuts and pastes stolen stories from the suburban papers) with one hand, but the other is constantly dipping into a KFC Family Feast tub or tapping the 40 litre catering cask of red wine that is always close at hand for yet another drink.

Anonymous said...

Buddha Boy may not have seen his cock for the best part of three decades but he is known to sodomise himself with large KFC drumsticks

Anonymous said...

Buddha Boy may not have seen his cock for the best part of three decades but he is known to sodomise himself with large KFC drumsticks

Drivel-Meister said...

Poor old Terry Mulder, supported solely as he is by Labor arch-Fraudster and Libeller Landeryou, is no match for the canny Ted Bailleau who loves flicking dags off his ass. But with the Libs 'backing' you Ted, you would obviously have to watch your own back!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's all a bit vile. Having to bypass rants that Landeryou has posted here hoping to divert attention from his asset-stripping, frauds, amd disgusting libels on normal Australians.

Yes, we'd rather he stuck with his own blog of bile at Poxnews rather than posting here.

But on the grapevine, I heard he will shortly be able to post ONLY here because Vexnew's days are numbered. Since he posts here, I can't be more explicit. Just wait and see. There are big problems ahead for the porky shyster.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to Vexnews' take on Nameless' shameful involvement in the developing plagarism scandal.

A warning from m'lud said...

This sooooo funny: a warning to a young hoon driver from a NSW magistrate about what will happen to him if he goes to jail.

It is 100 per cent applicable to Buddha Boy. The similarities between kid's case and our pal are spooky, right down to the three days in remand.

There is one big difference though. Buddha Boy is going down.

In his case this sort of thing is not a threat. It is what he will be enduring: day in and day out and day in and day out over many, many years.

"You spent three days in the Sydney police centre at Surry Hills. That's not jail. I'm giving you another chance to go back out there but if you do it again that's it. Nope. Payday. Have you got any idea what it's like in there? Any idea at all? You wouldn't last a night. You will find big, ugly, hairy, strong men who've got faces only a mother could love that will pay a lot of attention to you - and your anatomy. Scary, isn't it? But that's what will happen."

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see that El Gordo has kept pretty quiet on the Theophanous matter since charges have been laid. I would have expected about a billion contempts of court and sub judice issues by now. He must have been warned off by someone.

Warmonger said...

Sgt. Sasha Uzunov is offering advice about how to beat the Taliban in Afghanistan on Poxnews.

After reading what he had to say, I'm amazed that PM Rudd hasn't immediately withdrawn the SAS and replaced it with TEAM UZUNOV - the One Man Media Army. Imagine the savings for Australian taxpayers. Imagine the surge of fear amongst the Taliban.

As a final blitzkreig, Rudd should parachute Landeryou into a major Taliban stronghold. Landeryou would soon convince the Taliban tyrants that Les Twentyman, Ted Bailleau, Dean Mighell, Catherine Ng and Evan Thornley are responsible for their predicament.

Ten Gallon Hat said...

Les is way to nice to do something like that. But I'm not!

Anonymous said...

The reference to a certain magistrate in relation to the forthcoming Theo matter was fist posted as a comment on poxnews. It was then posted here, probably bt Landeryou.

The previous poster is probably right that there could be legal implications. But, if so, they apply to Landeryou and poxnews and not to this blog. All the commenters here have been banned from commenting on poxnews.

Landeryou trolls here endlessly. This blog is a constant reminder of his criminality and the monotonous libels that feature on poxnews. The off-topic sex comment bears all the traits of Landeryou's trolling. His posts here are extensive, irrelevant, off-topic and, in this case, rather vile and pathetic.

Fake commenters like 'Henderson Ross', 'Cait Catt' and many others are Landeryou inventions. He uses many other false names as commenters on his own site poxnews.

It is not for us here to judge whether he he is mad. We simply say he is overdue in the courts and owes Victorians some serious jail time.

Stunned said...

It looks as if the ALP, Premier and Theo will be going down the amnesia path for the approaching rape committal proceedings in late January.

Anonymous said...

Theo was notorious for having knee tremblers in his office out of hours.

A previous ALP leader embarrassed his staff by bonking his secretary nearly every lunch hour. But at least that was behind the locked door of his office.

Theo was caught in flagrante delicto by a cleaner for gawd's sake! It's usually the Libs caught with their pants down, seat sniffing or otherwise causing their families distress. The Left are usually caught with their hands in the till. Since both parties swerved hard right, they have shared the modern burden of depravity.

The ALP Slow Club said...

ALP Big Boys have known about the ribald antics of little Theo for years (although Premier Brumby was 'surprised' by the rape charge!) ALP members today are surprised that the Premier was 'surprised'.

Anonymous said...

It would be TOO embarrassing to be seen with Landeryou. Yuk! No wonder he gets invited nowhere.

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