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1 week ago
111 Truth On Comments:
By my calculations, Andy would have been 14 at the time he read this magazine!!!!
Landeryou's own Henson controversy!
How dare you impugn Danish literature. It was after all the Danes who stood up to the murderous muslims following the cartoon controversy. I am Henderson Ross.
Well said Henderson. I am sure this sort of smut would never feature on Vexnews, which I have heard is coincidentally very popular in Denmark.
The Danish cartoons were offensive to the religion of peace, and the cartoonists should have been subject to capital punishment.
But I do only read Danish literature for the articles.
Al, you are like all the other Age reading jihadists and leftard supporters on this blog of filth.
I am sure the editor of Vexnews only reads the articles in the great Danish canon. I am Henderson Ross.
Fat failure Andrew Landeryou:
He's mad!
He's drunk!
He's a criminal!
He's going to jail!
And he's posting all the comments all the voices in his head make all over this patriotic site!
The sooner he is behind bars and removed from access to the internet the safer all decent hard-working law-abiding citizens will be.
Fat Andrew Landeryou and his sock puppets soil this patriotic site with their defence of pornography (or what they call with a typical Landeryou refusual to admit the truth and face reality "Danish literature").
It is well known that Fat Andrew used to infest the dubious establishments down on Swanston Street and the one near the Chinese BBQ on Russell until he became too obese to fit into their private video viewing booths.
Landeryou used to love it that he could indulge his two greatest loves after himself, namely fatty food and pornography, at the same time.
He would stop off at a BBQ resturant and purchase eight or so suckling pigs and a couple of dozen roast ducks and then make his way to a sex shop where he would stuff his face while watching utter filth.
I hope Al haji Abdullah is telling the truth. Year ago I used to read Playboy for the articles, and there were some good articles in that magazine. I'm sure my Muslim friend is doing the same. I don't read Playboy now because it has no interesting articles. Only boobs.If Mr Slanderyou visits my sister Fatt at the Daily Planet we can be sure he's behind it. Playboy is like Diane Anderson's Higgins News. It's not a paper you would want in your home.
The more I learn about Andrew Landeryou the more unpleasant he appears to be:- obese, criminally-inclined, cross-dressing, nasty to his wife and father, drunken, gluttonous and still obsessed with the pornography he pawed as a grubby-minded adolescent a quarter of a century ago.
Political paedophile Andrew Landeryou – he likes them young – has slammed someone on his site for being “not able to let go of student politics”
Andy is drunk and mad.
There is a story in The Age tomorrow on a Fake Stephen Conroy sacked by Telstra.
Is this a new Landeryou fake commenter?
Hey Theo,
I recognise that bloke in the Danish mag. He was the first one to use a two foot long fake rubber dick. This is why the young lady (who Landeryou thought was Pauline Hanson) is wearing an expression of shocked joy and lust.
Theo, our political career is in tatters. I think you should get me a long fake rubber dick too. Then you and I could become porn stars. Don't forget there is a big chance I could become one of the most famous appendages in Victorian European history. Wouldn't you be happier, if that became the case, if I was two feet long and not two inches???
Oh, and Theo don't get me a sable dick. Surely, they make 'Greek' models?
Don Quixote Landeryou on Poxnews is still tilting at the VEC windmill. He got his nose out of joint because VEC was critical of the abominable interference in the Kororoit election by the ALP. Landeryou's own disgraceful behaviour regarding candidate Les Twentyman should have been investigated by VEC and acted on.
March 26, 2009 6:58:00 PM - says Poxnews is popular in Denmark.
Not so! Poxnews is of very marginal interest. It is however the only blog we can find that is run by a fat crook!
On Poxnews tonite I found a comment by a person calling himself 'Brutus the Baber Beefcake'. Wot the f#ck is this about!?!
That will be question number 238 of the questionaire I've prepared for Landeryou's arrival here at Barwon Gaol. Bubba and I are going to make his eyes pop!
Wooley is not Australia's most accurate blogger. Read what he says below in relation to Vexnews. It does not justify Slanderyou giving him a star billing. To save readers of the blog of filth the trouble clicking on the link and then finding the reference to Andrew I've done a copy and paste of the relevant bits below. Slanderyou won't appreciate it but I hope readers will. Read on:
Andrew Landeryou is also keen to blame Johnson for the debacle. On Vexnews he claims the fake Hanson pictures are sourced from a 1982 Danish porn magazine. The female’s name is not known but she apparently appeared alongside an actor whose stage name was “Long Dong Silver”. While the provenance of the name is obvious, Landeryou coyly suggests he would “rather not know.” However he is more straightforward in defending the Telegraph for printing the photos. “Those keen to denigrate the Sunday Tele…should consider carefully whether it is the criminal who is to blame in a fraud case or the victim of the fraud,” he said. “The newspaper’s mistake should be kept in proportion.” No, Andrew - the mistake is perfectly in proportion; it is, like Long Dong, a whopper.
Wooley is warped.
Wooley seems to like the bitch and to dislike Jenny's mother. He is not a good analysis on elections. It was an exclusive on Vexnews that the Pineapple result (that's the blog on Crikey that also got it wrong and deleted a reference to Anna the bitch by a friend of mine) was a lot closer than the media seem to think. If 3000 people in a small number of close electorates had changed their vote the Borg would have been Premier rather than the Bitch.
Read below the Wooley garbage:
Accepting victory in Brisbane tonight, Labor leader Anna Bligh says: Queenslanders, Thank you.
Her gratitude to the people is because the ALP has won the election in surprising comfort with a margin of what is now looking like 17 seats. The 3.5 percent swing against them was not nearly good enough for the Liberal National Party in its first outing and defied the swing predicted by the polls. Labor has a 2PP (Two Party Preferred) lead of 51-49 - most recent polls predicted the other way round. LNP leader Lawrence Springborg has conceded defeat in a third straight election and says he has walked off the stage for good.
Retirement may or may not prove an exaggeration for a man who is 41 years old. However what is certain is that the history books will remember the state of Queensland elected Australia’s first female premier today, Anna Bligh.
Congratulations, Anna.
(picture is the name of the six-pack building across the road from where I voted today. It sums it up for me)
Wooley is a disgrace. So is Slanderyou for being sucked in by him. He supports the biggest bitch in Queensland and opposes my mother.
Pauline should have been elected. Media skulduggery, those fake nude pictdures, enabled the bitch to pull through.
Queenslanders will now suffer from another three years of Labor corruption.
Oh my god, the mad freak is at it again. He is getting identity confusion whereby the "Cait Catt" identity refers to Anna Bligh as the "Bitch" when this term is actually a narrative used by the "Jenny Hansen-Jensen" identity. In crossing over genders the freak Landeryou is now sliding between his female identities rather easily and without consideration of their political differences.
The former Labor party member, and now now minor liberal party blogger, has obviously abandoned Labor Inc in favor of Landeryou Inc. His recent anti-Labor raves undere the guises of his various female identities reveals the party was only even a platform for his scams. Just another network of people for him to rip off. Just like his fake sympathy for Israel.
A truly henious example of a failed fraud.
The fact is that the Crikey Pineapple blog deleted references to Anna the Bitch. That means she almost certainly is a bitch. Anything Crikey says is suspect.
Go Jenny (not Mikakos, the egomaniacal leftista from Northern Metropolitan Region)
Jenny Mikakos and Gavin Jennings supported Michael Freshwater, who stood several times as a parliamentary candidate for my mother's One Nation Party.
That's suspect. Jennings in particular is a supporter of the Stasi, the East German secret police, and he is the Minister for the EPA Stasi in Victoria.
I think with friends like that Cr Freshwater doesn't need enemies.
If it wasn't for Michael Freshwater, ironically, the Bracks government would not have been elected in 1999. That's possibly why the leftista Stasi twins supported him.
Landeryou's obsfuscations, distractions and false trails here in the comments thread show why he was so impossible in the witness box.
When he's finally charged over all his fraud/theft/perjury/tax/etc offences here's hoping the authorities forget about the niceties and just waterboard the fat cunt.
I am Sure that with this headline, Senator Conroy's web filter will now outlaw this blog of fiflth. I am Henderson Ross.
I hope so Henderson, i hope so.
I hope that Senator Conroy's web filter will outlaw Christianity.
I wonder!
if Andy
will discuss
his interesting time
in Costa Rica!
Did Joel Fitzgibbon go to the Andrew Landeryou Polytechnic for Politics?
This has just appeared in the Breaking News websites. How soon until a certain fat, drunk and mad wreck of a man uses it as an excuse to commit further contempts of court and spread lies and calumnies?
Hearing set for MP on rape allegation
A seven-day hearing has been set down for senior Victorian MP Theo Theophanous who is fighting a rape charge.
The former cabinet minister is charged with one count of rape over accusations he sexually assaulted a woman at Parliament House in September, 1998, after they had a drink together in the city.
Theophanous, who denies the allegation, appeared briefly in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Friday.
``I'm confident the truth will come out in this case,'' he told reporters outside court.
The alleged victim, who now lives in Greece and is in her early 40s, is expected to give evidence.
July 6 was set aside for his contested committal hearing, which is expected to last for seven days.
During the committal, a magistrate will hear evidence from the prosecution and decide whether a jury could convict Theophanous.
Theophanous, who was seated in court beside his wife Rita, quit his trade and industry portfolio after being charged on Christmas Eve.
But he remains a member of the Victorian Upper House.
Magistrate Sarah Dawes extended his bail and ordered his case return to court on June 22 for a committal mention.
Best wishes Theo and Rita. You are both good people.
Nick D'Arcy has been given a suspended sentence of 14 months and 12 days for attacking his fellow swimmer Simon Cowley.
This does not mean Landeryou and his nasty old man will get off light if those threats of violence mentioned in the classic Big Man on Campus expose ever make it court.
Their prospects for rehabilitation are not as good as D'Arcy's for starters
That obese, drunk and mad wreck of a man Andrew Landeryou filled in a few of the minutes before his impending arrest by bagging some blog he called "Wooley" on this fine site late last night under a few of his false identities.
Landeryou though was either too mad or too drunk or both to add any context. No one has a clue what "Wooley" is. Googling shows it is a Brisbane site that might be even more badly written than Landeryou's own hate site that seems to incorporate the burblings of some village idiot. (Its real name is Woolly Days. Landeryou was too drunk or too mad to note that.)
The thought of anyone reading the site boggles the mind. The thought of anybody bother to remark on its contents is even odder.
Landeryou is drunk and mad and entirely self obsessed.
"Landeryou is ... entirely self obsessed."
Someone has got to love the talking turd!
This individual sounds like our psychopathic friend Andrew:
A JAPANESE law lecturer who bared her bottom to a judge and had to be removed from her own trial for incessant screaming has been jailed for contempt.
Brisbane District Court Judge Stuart Durward sentenced Megumi Ogawa, 41, to four months' jail for her "disgusting behaviour" during her trial.
Judge Durward charged Ogawa with contempt just moments after a jury found her guilty of two counts of each of using a carriage service to harass and using a carriage service to threaten to kill Australian Federal Court officials in 2006.
During the trial, the court was told Ogawa, who is a lecturer at Lismore's Southern Cross University, sent 83 emails and made 176 phone calls to Federal Court staff. During some of the contact, she made threats to kill registry staff.
One staff member said in a victim impact statement that he was so affected by stress because of her actions that he had started going bald.
Ogawa was sentenced to six months' jail for those four offences.
"Click graphic above to see Julian Carbone's criminal confession of dangerous driving" the nasty and little-read Vexnews blog says today of (yawn) yet another local government nobody.
Instead, patriotic people everywhere are waiting are waiting for Vexnews' owner and sole author and commenter, Andrew Landeryou, to confess to his much more serious crimes that include:
- theft
- fraud
- perjury
- criminal defamation
- breaches of the electoral act
- stalking
- threatening behaviour and
- contempt of court.
Bend over Theo, pucker those ever lovin' lips and kiss your ass goodbye. It looks like we're heading for Barwon Gaol and the disgusting Hot Rodders who are going to do us over big time.
I think we are going to need a lot of extra protection!
Shad Up Your Face, little Theo!!!
You are causing me a lot more trouble than Andrew Landeryou. His 'support' has cost me BIG time! The guy is a total f#ckwit. Last year he was fit enough to bugger candidate Les Twentyman in the Kororoit election. But his blogs supporting me were half-hearted.
I'll remember that Andy, you asshole! Don't bother to come to any of our greek festivities in 2009. Otherwise I will stick a spinach roll up your fat clacker!
Comments relating to Theo are improper and may be sub judice as the matter is still before the courts.
Naturally I wish Theo the very best of good wishes. He is a great MP and a cat lover. We value him highly.
Well said Cait.
I was criticised earlier on this blog for supporting my mother. I love her. She is a great lady and a great Australian. She deserved to be elected and the ALP are evil the way they campaigned against her.
Slanderyou is lazy. Nothing on this blog since yesterday.
Little Theo is crude. Just like this blog. The blog of filth.
Andrew Landeryou said: "I was criticised earlier on this blog for supporting my mother. I love her. She is a great lady and a great Australian. She deserved to be elected and the ALP are evil the way they campaigned against her."
This just gets weirder and weider. The freak Landeryou in his drag personality "Jenny" loves his "mother" Pauline Hansen. Andrew, Pauline is not your mother!
Stop trying to live other people's lives. Live your own, as sad and degenerate as it may be. We have professional staff who can help you. Stop the denial.
Didn't Landeryou publish several blogs pro-Theophanous while the matter was sub-judice?
As for the Theo and 'little Theo' here, methinks Cait Catt (Landeryou) is reading far too much into a name/names!
Theo is a common name. I know several...
Jenny Landeryou said: "Slanderyou is lazy. Nothing on this blog since yesterday."
Some people have lives, friends, families and much to do. The unemployed, multi-personality Landeryou has none of these and is free to devote his entire days to spamming other people's blogs.
What a loser! Jail soon I hope.
Landeryou has been at it for years - false identities, fake directors - very shady, crooked behaviour. The ABC said, on his return from his funk hole in Costa Rica:
The case involves stunning allegations of front men, bogus directors, forgery, false names and mysterious international money transfers.
One of the contracts involved a property development group known as Optima, which was jointly controlled by Andrew Landeryou and former student union president and Labor operative Ben Cass.
Worth $46 million, Optima secured the lease to provide student accommodation for 20 years. It was the potential liability of this deal which forced the Student Union into liquidation early last year.
The more Landeryou changes, the more he stays the same. Too many bogus commenters here including dead Voodoo woman Rita Randles, Sancho Panza character and pompous wanker Henderson Ross and a rent-a-crowd of boring cat lovers.
It's lucky for him this blog is tolerant, open and rejoices in Freedom.
Slanderyou, while I respect freedom, Landeryou is an exception. Please block his IP address. If he wants to spam, he and his fake friends can waddle down to an internet cafe. It will make it easier for the process servers to identify where he lives.
Please, please, please!
Some people have rudely suggested I could be the Pauline Hanson lookalike in the Danish porno mag. I am way too young, obviously! Others have wondered why I as a stripper am so far apart from my sister 'good catholic girl' Cait? It's easy, we are all imagined characters from deep with Landeryou's deranged mind. We could be anything he wants. And are!!!
Crikey! I hope Landeryou doesn't pull an Odawa stunt (March 27, 2009 8:24:00 PM) when he next fronts court.
If he downs trou and exposes his huge arse to the court, there could be many fatalities. How to explain a judge, clerk and shorthand writer who simply disappeared?
For his next court appearance, he will probably take the Costa Rica option.
I find the latest comments about my friend Andrew typical of the fraudulent and disgraceful conduct one has come to expect from this blog of filth.
I have admitted I have a sister named Fatt who works at the Daily Planet, but I never knew I had a sister named Pussy. Perhaps she's my aunt who likes to call herself my sister to make her criticism of me seem hard hitting.
Go back to your filth peddling Mr Slanderyou.
My mother would never write in the filthy way some people who write for this blog write.
I went to confession tonight and I told the priest I read Slanderyou and that many people said it was the blog of filth. I told him that the biggest contributor on the blog was a Cait Catt, and that many people who contributed to the blog said that Cait Catt was really Andrew Landeryou, an infamous Victorian businessman and son of a former Victorian Labor politician.
I also told him that a lady claiming to be Pauline Hanson's daughter wrote for the blog, she defended her mother, and she denied that the nude pics were her mother.
I told that priest that Cait claimed to have a sister Fatt who worked at the Daily Planet and I asked him what sort of place of employment that was. I said that Cait said that she was a good Catholic girl and she wouldn't go near the place.
The priest told me that I should pray before I read the blog and say Hail Mary a few times after I read the blog because it contains contributions from disreputable people, and anyone who had a sister who worked at an establishment called the Daily Planet had to be disreputable. He told me what sort of establishment it was. He said he knew this because many men who had visited that establishment confessed to him. He said his priestly oath meant he couldn't elaborate on this, but he said it was a place where Satan was in operation and he said it was a sin to go near it.
What really does go on at that place?
I read this on a link from Vexnews tonight. Cait Catt will probably say Slanderyou is behind this:
House Of Filth: Nearly 100 Cats Found In NJ Home
SPCA Officials Stunned After 2 Feet Of Feces Found In Room Of House Located In Million-Dollar Community
Officers Say It's One Of The Worst Cases Ever Reported
Sean Hennessey
One New Jersey SPCA official said it was probably the worst case he's ever seen.
Nearly 100 cats and one dog were found Thursday living in a home in a million-dollar neighborhood in Morris County.
SPCA spokesman Matthew Stanton said there was 2 feet of feces in one room of the home on Farm Road in Chester Township. Investigators wore masks to help them breathe through the stench of urine, Stanton said.
"The conditions were absolutely horrific - there wasn't one inch of the house that wasn't covered in feces or urine," SPCA Lt. Rick Yocum says. "There were three foot piles of feces in the hallways.
"It was one of the worst houses I've ever entered into," Yocum says.
Twenty felines were taken to a veterinarian on Thursday. The remaining animals were expected to be removed Friday.
"These people are not horrible people - their lifestyle went out of control," Yocum says. "She's obviously a hoarder."
"For hoarders, the animal is the most important thing," SPCA Superintendent Frank Rizzo says. "More important than their own health."
The SPCA will spend the next two weeks finding homes for the remaining 70 cats still inside, while these rescued cats are being treated for upper respiratory problems.
Oughton has been charged with 93 counts of improperly sheltering an animal. Investigators say they don't want any jail time because they realize this was simply a good deed that got out of hand.
For anyone interested in adopting any of the cats, visit the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals at
11.31 you are either trying to act dumb to get a response or you are as thick as a brick.
The Daily Planet, which your priest seems to know a lot about, is a brothel.
I suspect you know this and want to see what correspondents to this blog have to say on the subject.
11.44 are you trying to implicate Diane Anderson? Diane lives in Michigan, not New Jersey. The story is an awful one, but should not be repeated here merely to suggest it is an enemy of Cait Catt and Landeryou who is responsible.
Please be aware 11.52 that I do not regard Diane Anderson as an enemy. Neither does Vexnews. She is newsworthy, and John Cain once said that she is a very important person in the Victorian ALP.
Vexnews covers her because of this importance. She is very worthy of news coverage. She has appeared on the front page of The Age and has been interviewed by Jon Faine on Radio 774 and on Radio National.
She was also subject of an item by Lawrence Money in The Sunday Age when she was expelled from the Unitarian Church for heresy. Why would you not cover her?
I beg to disagree Cait. Diane is a fruitloop. She is an enemy of my mother and said nasty things about her.
I hope she stays in America.
I still do not regard her as an enemy.
Why is Landeryou publishing this tripe about Diane Anderson? Exactly what did she do to offend him or his sock puppets?
So many artful fake commenters here diverting our attention from corporate asset-stripper Landeryou.
Why isn't the porky crook in Barwon Gaol yet?
Remember mate that Cait said Andrew is an ethical and honest businessman.
I don't know whether it's the Victorian DPP's office or the federal DPP's office that is responsible, but more likely they agree with Cait's views at this time.
After all would you believe anything anyone said on Slanderyou?
We cats think the world of Cait at our cattery. She's a great woman and regardless of what her sister Fatt does or what the priest said we think anything she says is a view held sincerely.
To say some contributors are diverting attention from criminality is a lie. If there is any criminality it comes from this blog of filth, peddling lies and shonk.
Vexnews, by way of comparison, is Australia's top news site.
I have never peddled criminal behaviour. The story about the cats was placed on this blog tonight to get a reaction from me. It is getting one now. I think it is disgusting and the person or persons responsible ought to be locked up.
What about the person who went to confession and the comments by the priest?
I am a good Catholic girl. I am forgiving towards my sister Fatt. I am forgiving towards the men who confess their sins to the priest. I am forgiving towards Slanderyou who first made public, clearly breaking my sister's right to privacy, that she worked at the Daily Planet.
I think that post was made to divert attention from the defence team. To cause trouble. Henderson, catter, Rita, and occasionally or even most of the time Jenny are great supporters of a great man. Without us Slanderyou would get away with murder.
The top six commentators (out of ten) are members of the defence team. Little Theo comes in tenth.
Great work Cait.
I would never go near little Theo. Big Theo is a good man.
"Cait Catt" (Landeryou?) has 192 hits on this blog, approximately 40 more than "Henderson Ross," the next highest, on about 152.
Someone (Landeryou? or perhaps an employee of ASIO that Landeryou's sock puppets are always talking about)has very little else to do but post on this blog.
If you are a female Cait Catt I suggest you go and work with your alleged sister at the Daily Planet. Just keep away from this blog.
Cro-Magnon man Tony Abbott is busily sucking up to Malcolm Turnbull AND Peter Costello in today's Age.
Rather like Cait Catt and Henderson Ross's love for 'The Great Man' Landeryou - the scoundrel, stalker and corporate asset-stripper.
The fat drunk loon and crim clearly has not noticed that while he is adding a couple of dozen comments each day to this site the numbers on his own nasty blog are down to two or three per post
It's sad what a failure Vexnews is. 3-4 comments for each so-called "news item" (usually cut and paste from another source). In comparison, Slanderyou averages over 100 comments per post, only half of which come from Landeryou's transvestite & imaginary defenders.
Landereyou is a failure. He has never run a successful business (despite the dozens of Directors & shareholdings). His companies were as fictional as Cait Catt and designed to divert, obfusticate, bluff & scam.
Some of those companies such as "Institutional Services" were designed to extract money from organisations over which Landeryou and his allies seized political control. This company, of which Landeryou was a shareholder and director took control of cleaning contracts at MUSU providing a rich source of cash for the corrupt Landeryou. For Andrew, arms-length contracts on commercial terms were no-go. He used insider political control to effectively loot MSU through the "Institutional Services", Marbain and Optima scams. The latter of which sent MUSU into liquidation.
Don't visit Vexnews on 1 April. The fast-moving Conficker computer worm, a scourge of the internet that has infected at least 3 million PCs, is set to spring to life in a new way on April Fools' Day.
I rang the Daily Planet this morning and asked if they had a lady named Fatt. They told me they did, but said it was their privacy policy that they would not divulge surnames. They refused to confirm or deny that her surname was Catt. They told me if I liked to book a session with her she might be prepared to "satisfy my curiosity."
We are unable to confirm if Fatt is Cait's sister. Perhaps the professional watchers of that establishment might be prepared to divulge their high profile clients, including contributors to this blog and persons who run other blogs and news sites. Also Catholic priests!
Also I support the advice on this blog that patriots should beware of accessing the Vexnews and OC sites on April Fools Day. There is a dangerous virus out there, and they might become infected.
Landeryou suffers from Viral encephalitis, and he was declared brain dead several months ago.
He is a one man contagion.
Of course, Landeryou's greatest scam was the IQ Corp racket in which he burned $8 million of investors money, then shredded the records. Solly received $1.82 million back after he seized and sold Wardlow, Andrew's Parkville mansion. That left $6.2 million of missing funds. With no records, the liquidators had trouble identifying where the money went. No doubt, much of it via circuitous overseas routes back to Landeryou Inc. So Solly pusued Bill Landeryou and Dimberly who declared bankruptcy. Andrew, as an undischarged bankrupt, cannot be bankrupted again.
We can presume Landeryou remains in control of a large cash stash disguised and hidden and accessed through offshore accounts. He has 20 years of experience with these rackets.
Wow, $6.2 million is a big heist. Add in the $1 million Landeryou received from the Marbain scam of MUSU and he is a rich man. Thankfully his attempted $48 million swindle of MUSU via the Optima property deal was scuttled by Melbourne University when it realised it would send the Union bankrupt. The Union was liquidated as a result, ending student control of a proud student organisation.
At no point has Landeryou attempted to do business of the ordinary kind that involves providing goods and services to clients on regular commercial terms. It has also been smoke, mirrors, offshore accounts and looting via political insider deals.
If he is so rich, why is he allowed to receive Centrelink benfits? How can he live in an expensive downtown apartment on the dole? When will he be arrested for his crimes?
We haven't dealt with Andrew's personality disorders today. His cast of imaginary characters represent deeper problems. His "Pauline Hansen is my mother" fantasy needs addressing.
Andrew, call my producer and we will put you on the show. You have a lot of talk through. We can help.
Landeryou is really scary. The "Jenny Landeryou" character is really F%^%king weird. Freakoid.
Landeryou, a cesspool.
Andrew Landeryou has been involved as a Director, shareholder or through fake identities with the companies below:
- Multicenter Australia
- Synergy Metals
- Global Tertiary Solutions
- Century Bet
- IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
- IQ First Pty Ltd
- IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
- IQ Services Pty Ltd
- IQ Sports Pty Ltd
- Message IQ Pty Ltd
- Marbain Pty Ltd
- Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
- Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
- Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
- Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million after first moving it to Hong Kong)
- Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
- Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
- Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
- Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
- Training Events Pty Ltd
- National Retail Investments Pty -Ltd
- Lan Capital
- BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
- Pacific Insight
The scams are endless. No doubt, his computer holds records of dozens of other offshore entities created in contempt of Australian taxation and corporate law. These entities were used by Landeryou to move money out of and then back into Australia.
Besides spending time on his crap Blog Poxnews and spamming Slanderyou, Landeryou spends his days at his computer "managing" his overseas loot stash and devising ways to move the ill gotten proceeds back into Australia. His favourite mechanism is via overseas credit and debit cards issued under the names of his offshore entities. Simple but effective. He can be frequently seen outside city ATMs withdrawing cash.
To say some contributors are diverting attention from criminality is a lie. If there is any criminality it comes from this blog of filth, peddling lies and shonk.
Vexnews, by way of comparison, is Australia's top news site.
I wonder!
How dare you impugn Danish literature. It was after all the Danes who stood up to the murderous muslims following the cartoon controversy. I am Henderson Ross.
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