Vexnews continues its forecast decline into ratings and financial obscurity.
TS has been advised of Vexnews' primary source of information, a cheap RSS feed.
It's a strange read.
The Health Benefits of Indoor Rock Climbing for All Ages
Looking for a fun and challenging activity that offers both physical and
mental benefits? Indoor rock climbing is the perfect solution! Whether
you’re 7 ...
1 week ago
110 Truth On Comments:
Slanderyou continues to denigrate Australia's greatest news site, Vexnews.
Why do the CIA and ASIO regard Vexnews as their news site of choice for news about Australia?
It's because Vexnews is great.
They will never look at Slanderyou for news, for Slanderyou is just filth.
Filth, Filth and Filth.
Draculas no longer have an entertainer named Filthia, unfortunately. Maybe Slanderyou could apply for a job there.
Slanderyou does have a filthy commentator, Dr Phil, who denigrates and defames me.
Dr Phil is a Yankee dole bludger. He won't apply for a job at Draculas or anywhere else for that matter. He just doesn't want to work and the poor suffering Australian taxpayer is footing the bill.
Deport Dr Phil.
It's untrue, it's malicious, it's irrelevant -- or it's all three!
It's Poxnews!
The world's only blog authored by an obese, drunken, deluded and deranged cross-dressing criminal with a severe multiple personality disorder and fixation with KFC!
My mother Pauline will expose Dr Phil and all other Yankee dole bludgers who sponge on the Australian taxpayer when she is elected to the Senate next year.
I wish 2.49 were as funny as a Superman comic. He isn't. Just a crass multiple personality, like Dr Phil, of Slanderyou
The cats at my cattery support you Cait whatever Slanderyou and Dr Phil say about you. You are a great commentator and we need you on this blog to counter Slanderyou's lies.
Oh God, Landeryou awake and active. A veritable frenzy of paranoid activity this morning from the usual host of female personas. Andrew, get out of drag!
Andrew, the CIA, ASIO, KGB and Mossad do not read your suburban hate site. The aliens are not here among us. God does not speak to you telling you to steal, lie and cheat. "Cait Catt" is not real. You have no friends, allies or even anyone who admires or likes you.
Andrew, you are not a woman. Your mother is not Pauline Hansen.
Andrew, you need urgent medical assistance.
Landershonk was clearly rip-roaringly drunk at 10.30 today.
He is not just a wreck of a man but a wreck of a man who thinks he is a woman; several women in fact, one of whom is dead.
Updated Landeryou Scam Watch.
• Multicenter Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were improperly awarded to this company by MUSU. Illegally removed $215K from MUSU).
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd 103 691 336 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in March 2006 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd CAN 105 456 068 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in Nov 2005 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd 097 384 408
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd NATIONAL 105 808 642 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in Nov 2005 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd A.B.N. 87 102 717 028. (Andrew Landeryou operated this business with nominal directors. Deregistered in Nov 2006 by liquidator)
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
• Invest with Integrity Pty Ltd (a company Landeryou’s brother-in-law, Mattew Mason, was made a Director with without his knowledge and who testified to the Supreme Court of Victoria that he believed Andrew Landeryou to have forged his signature).
"Invest with Integrity Pty Ltd"... Hahahaha. I wonder whether the poor investors got even 1 cent in the dollar back from any of Landeryou's corporate wrecks.
The serial killer David Berkowitz, AKA Son of Sam, claimed he was commanded to kill by a demon who possessed his neighbour's dog.
Landeryou has already said in court his late furry friend Ronnie ate the IQ Corporation books.
Perhaps he also will say Ronnie commanded him to lie, steal and smear.
Andrew has been commanded by his inner "Jenny" to dress in drag, love Pauline Hansen, consume excessive amounts of alcohol, run hate campaigns and loot MUSU and IQ Corp. It was Jenny! She is the driving force behind the wrecked remnants of Landeryou.
I certainly worry about the "Jenny" character. For Andrew to even fantasise that Pauline Hansen is his mother is deeply disturbing to all in the medical profession. I think it is time to tell Big Bill. Bring Andrew back to reality by confronting him with his real family. We might need to call in Jerry Springer again.
Landeryou likes to believe Pauline Hanson is his mother because he likes the way she scams campaign funds and public electoral funding.
My mother is a patriot. She is not a criminal, unlike Slanderyou, Dr Phil and 4.32.
There is simply no way my mother could have rorted public funding in Beaudesert. Receipts needed to be produced for all claims. This was done because various members of the party of slime, the ALP, were rorting their electoral expenses for private gain.
Go back to America you dole bludger Dr Phil.
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!
We need to exorcise "Jenny". It is either Jerry Springer or a Catholic Priest.
She is a demon in Landeryou's soul.
It is profoundly unhealthy for Landeryou to have imagined this entity.
Maybe we bring in Mathew Mason, Andrew's brother-in-law, who Andrew fraudulently listed as a Director of several Landeryou front companies without the poor guy even knowing. What a family man!
Unemployed bum Fat Andrew Landeryou sits on a stash of stolen loot using his Jenny Jensen-Hansen persona to lash Dr Phil as a "dole bludger".
The mind boggles. Fat Andrew could not be more psychotic!
French women, thinnest in Europe, think they're fat
April 23, 2009
Article from: Agence France-Presse
FRANCE has by far the highest proportion of clinically underweight women in Europe, but only half of them think they are too thin, according to a new study...
They should go and stand next to Landeryou. Seeing an unbelievably obese transsexual might make them feel better.
I hear that Landeryou stole all the money from Solly Lew, MUSU et al not just for KFC and alcohol but also to fund gender reassignment surgery. His obesity means it will be particularly complicated and expensive yet he so wants to be a woman.
The mind boggles at the filthy comments that continue to appear on this blog.
No news. Just tripe.
Vexnews currently has an expose of the Greens. That party is, believe it or not, conducting a police check on their candidates. Read the full article in Vexnews.
For the benefit of those who don't wish to view Vexnews, for whatever reason (and the knowledge that ASIO reads it could be one) below is the story today on the Greens seeking a cops check on their own candidates.
WISE MOVE: Greens political party Police check their own Senate candidates for “serious crimes”
By VEXNEWS ⋅ April 23, 2009
vicpol In an amusing yet perhaps reassuring move, the ultra-left Greens political party have turned to their natural foes, the Police, to background check their prospective candidates for the Senate at the next federal election.
The issue arises because the left-wing Greens political party are about to start their preselection carnival, with big contests for the “leading” candidate spot in NSW and Victoria looming large on their horizon.
A Greens party aligned website has revealed the candidates before their party hierarchy has vetted them for things like “criminal convictions” (quite seriously, Police checks are a standard part of their practice, for understandable reasons given the form of some of their more radical members).
One of their indiscreet high officials Stephen Luntz told the site that candidates are kept secret so that they can be background checked:
However, we do have a “probity panel”. They check to see that people don’t have issues such as serious criminal records, being on the public record denouncing the Greens etc. This panel is still checking. I have no reason to think they will find anything…
We don’t share Luntz’s confidence. It certainly has taken them a while to announce the final list.
In New South Wales, the candidates who’ve publicly announced usually via website include:
* Ted Bassingthwaighte - a former NSW Police officer who supposedly has “Green views” about drugs although hopefully not in the way recently portrayed in the Underbelly series
* Adam Butler - Inner West Greens
* Cate Faehrmann - Director of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW since 2004, previously SA lead Senate candidate in 2001.
* Keith McIlroy - Lane Cove councillor since 2008
* Lee Rhiannon - Sitting Member of the Legislative Council since 1999 and space cadet.
In Victoria, the home of all-powerful Brunswick based power-tsar Greg Barber, there are a number of contenders and pretenders.
* Jennifer Alden - Lead candidate for Northern Victoria, 2006 state election
* Peter Campbell - Candidate for Kooyong in 2001, 2004 and 2007, amongst other elections.
* Richard di Natale - Lead Senate candidate in 2007, candidate for state seat of Melbourne 2002, 2006.
* Jim Reiher - Lead candidate for South-Eastern Metropolitan, 2006 state election
* Janet Rice - Former Mayor of Maribyrnong and Vice President of the Victorian Local Government Association.
* David Risstrom - Former Melbourne City Councillor, lead Senate candidate in 2004.
* And more, yet to be announced, pending Police checks.
The stakes are really high this time for the ultra left-wing party because a double dissolution is a real possibility (halving the number of votes they require for election) making it highly likely they’d win a seat in NSW and Victoria and possibly even Queensland, if the moon and stars are in correct alignment.
The Victorian contest is highly likely to be an arm-wrestle between David Risstrom and Greg Barber’s brother-in-law Dr Richard di Natale.
Vic Greens political party “strategist” Stephen Luntz - whose makeover can be seen here - is normally a pious advocate of openness and transparency in politics but has told the Greens friendly site Tally Room:
Hi Ben, I can confirm there are several more candidates in the Vic Greens preselection race, but can’t yet reveal who they are unless they choose to do so themselves.
How very Melbourne Club Committee election is that?
Luntz while hushing up the potential criminal backgrounds of prospective Greens Senators has fessed up secrets about how their political process works:
Aside from the probity panel the process is pretty straight-forward. Candidates need four nominators who must all be financial members of the party. The candidate writes a spiel of up to 1000 words, and the nominators up to 200 words each on why they are endorsing this person. There is a postal ballot of all members with a standard preferential count to select the top position. Lower positions will be selected later by a different method. There will be five Meet-The-Candidates meetings around the state, which I hope will be better attended than last time.
In other words, Greg Barber focuses on making sure the postal ballots are sent in and doesn’t muck around with kumbayah singing around the camp-fire at Meet the Candidates snooze fests. He really should be in the Labor Right, where he professes occasional love, except for what he amusingly describes as the “John Lenders faction.” He doesn’t like them because they won’t buy him off with extra staff in return for upper house votes. If you squint carefully and reverse his social views, you can see a close resemblance between Tassie Senator Brian Harradine and Greg Barber. Horse traders R US.
The indiscreet Luntz also raised the spectre of faction feuding going on in the Greens party in his state:
As RO I can’t comment on policy differences etc, but I will stretch the bounds of my position to say that last time you couldn’t get a wafer between 6 of the 7 candidates on a policy basis. All those outsiders hoping for huge splits in the Greens between “realos” and “fundis”, or the “red-greens” versus the “leafy greens” would have been very disappointed, although we have seen some of those divisions in previous Vic preselections, and maybe we will again.
Dr di Natale and Risstrom are seen as realistic types, Janet Rice and most of the others are considered slightly lunatic. Risstrom though is a starry-eyed idealist while di Natale hails from the Greg Barber power-faction.
Our money would be on the good doctor.
How droll. A patriot tells us how tranvestite crim Andrew Landeryou stole to fund a sex change op, then the man himself turns up, using the identities of not just one but two different women.
Lies, lies lies. What Slanderyou dd not mention is the many stories that Jihad supporting The Age has stolen from Vexnews, with providing attribution.
Vexnews is clearly the Asia-Pacific Rim's most popular news source.
No wonder so many people are lining up to buy shares in it
I wish I could buy shares in Vexnews.
You must remember that capitalism is haram. And so is Vexnews.
Vexnews is clearly the Asia-Pacific Rim's most popular news source.
Vexnews is clearly the Asia-Pacific Rim's most popular news source.
Vexnews is clearly the Asia-Pacific Rim's most popular news source.
Vexnews is clearly the Asia-Pacific Rim's most popular news source.
Henderson Ross back from the dead, revealing that Landeryou may be considering becoming a man again. Meanwhile Landeryou attempts to spruik shares in the worthless Blog Poxnews, a minor suburban source of cut and pasted drivel.
"Jenny" has quietened down for the moment. Landeryou's other persons (the dead Rita, the loathsome Henderson Ross et al) coming to the fore.
A relief to all of us.
Landeryou needs to manage his schizophrenia better.
The loathsome Henderson Ross claims "No wonder so many people are lining up to buy shares in it (Vexnews)".
No queues outside the Fat Cave. Indeed no sign of life at all. Landeryou hasn't come out in weeks and is confined to his computer desk, with all incoming snacks home delivered.
The non-site Poxnews was worth less than $100 the last time we looked at a reputable Site Ranking source.
Its editor is a bankrupt and serial looter of corporate assets via illegal and unethical linked corporate entities.
It is unlikely that anyone would buy shares in anything associated with Landeryou.
Even in Benalla with our deep admiration of Andrew's asset stripping and offshore stashing talents and techniques, we would certainly not buy shares from Landeryou or invest a cent with him. We are looking to imitate not be taken in.
The CWA Branch up here may be looking for innovative financial alternatives, but we are not stupid.
Hey Madge!
When Andrew has his sex change, will you let him join the CWA?
We might consider it, but she would not be allowed to manage finances. No Auxiliary Committe Treasurer position for "Jenny" Landeryou. Too dangerous. She would be permitted to provide catering as we here Jenny has a special affinity for this role.
Madge, we advise you to keep her out of any position of responsibility including catering. You will discover she makes off with at least half the baked goods.
Vexnew's ranking is collapsing.
The respected Quarkbase ranking of Websites shows the sorry story:
"Blog Rank : 4807510"
My god, ranked close to 5 million (not hits) but the 5 millionth least read Blog in the world.
A humiliating blow to Landeryou who claims an ever growing readership across the Asia Pacific. In fact, the Quarkbase figures reveal further deterioration in the tiny readership.
Another humiliating blow to Landeryou and a demonstration of the case that it is just a rag presenting surburban gossip that no-one reads.
Poxnews is a collapsed souffle of smalltown politics, union bashing and libels on pominent Australians like Les Twentyman, OAM, Victorian of the Year.
Why would ASIO, CIA or Mossad read insipid piffle like this? Why would anyone read it?
Trolling dead voodoo woman Rita Randles (Landeryou) keeps on cutting and pasting Poxnews 'stories' here which clogs bandwidth, irritates Patriots and contributes to global boredom.
What's the cross gender thing with Andrew? Why does he troll here as a woman. The Jenny creature is horrible... A grown man imagining he is the daughter of Pauline Hansen. It is disgusting.
I couldn't agree more. The female trolls Landeryou reveals on this Blog a real sign of his complete mental and moral collapse.
I couldn't agree more. The female trolls Landeryou reveals on this Blog a real sign of his complete mental and moral collapse.
I'm watching the Fromelles WW I war graves story on ABC-TV.
Then I remembered the Sasha Uzunov / Landeryou connection to this story...
The Age story (mentioned above) says:
"On the same day, a version of Uzunov's story appeared on Melbourne blogger Andrew Landeryou's site, illustrated by a white feather, a symbol of cowardice".
Trust Landeryou to stick a knife in too. The person Uzunov disparaged has shown that people can change. He has done a service to the memory of the fallen in WW I. That now needs to be acknowledged.
47 comments on one story. Landeryou is lucky if he gets ten - and 8 of them are his own.
Someone should chuck several large packs of Ratsak into the Fat Cave.
Poxnews blogs in favour of dying tycoon Richard Pratt today. But the real target is ACCC's Graeme Samuel who Landeryou has libelled before. When Poxnews praises someone, doubts are always created that there are ulterior motives (because the blogger is mad). In the comments secction, it wasn't long before the unfortunate Les Twentyman was getting yet another bully workover:
You were quick to get stuck into Les Twentyman when he was critically-ill in ICU. Hypocrite as usual.
Posted by Get Real | April 23, 2009, 18:11
Twentytonneguts has always been a parasite on society and is only interested in big noting himself, Richard Pratt is a real hero.
Posted by anon | April 23, 2009, 18:25
I wonder happened at Twentyman’s boy’s camps?
Posted by anon | April 23, 2009, 21:58
Crim Landeryou supporting price-fixer Pratt. That's a surprise!
I hope Andy won't eat me!
It's a wonder Landeryou hasn't quickly adopted James Hardie / AMP's Meredith Hellicar as a new fake female commenter. She has unique, recent, unsatisfactory court witness qualifications that would suit Landeryou's mad ways.
Former QANTAS chairman Margaret Jackson would make a good additional new fake commenter too. She did not stand for re-election at the May 2007 annual meeting following a backlash from major shareholders. The Qantas Board wanted to sell off the airline to a US hedge fund and reap millions for themselves. Like IQ Corp, it all turned to sh*t!
Landeryou could call her 'Maggie Jacko' and add more rubbish to this and other blogs. He is an active and pernicious fake commenter.
Hmnn! Hundreds of CEOs given the arse, and sent off to count their ill-gotten gains and million dollar payouts.
It's a world Landeryou knows all about. He was a pioneer in corporate asset-stripping and fraud. He is probably acting as a consultant for off-shore CEO financial funk holes.
Shadup, I'm counting:
"Fourteen million, seven hundred and eighty four thousand, and four hundred and fifty six dollars...
"Fourteen million, seven hundred and eighty four thousand, and four hundred and fifty seven dollars...
Shhh! Don't disturb Meredith, Marg or Geoff while they're busily counting their dosh.
My son has been unemployed since mid-January you loathesome twats!
"I'm watching the Fromelles WW I war graves story on ABC-TV.
"Then I remembered the Sasha Uzunov / Landeryou connection to this story..."
Did Landershonk rob the graves and the Sarge act as his chauffeur?
I am told that Landeryou met Rita when he was off robbing graves. He found her corpse and took an instant liking to her.
The information about candidates for Liberal party preselection is slowly trickling out via VEXNEWS. Another exclusive.
We are all fortunate that the editor and owner of Vexnews determined to open his flourishing news portal in our city. I am Henderson Ross.
I agree Henderson. Vexnews has placed Melbourne on the map for the millions of its readers on the Asia-Pacific Rim.
Fellow Jihadists and Age readers - I think Vexnews is winning the contest of ideas.
It's a tragedy that Landeryou returned to Melbourne from Costa Rica after bolting there and hiding for months. Since his return he has inflicted disgrace and embarrasment upon Melbourne's citizens.
However, with such a poor ranking (ranking the 5 millionth most popular Blog), the damage is limited.
Landeryou deluded again, but at least he is not appearing as Jenny.
The freak claims Poxnews has readers. What a joke! From the comments, it's clear that Landeryou is the only commentator.
Congratulations Dr Phil. You are now above Pauline Hanson's daughter Jenny-Jensen Hansen (same first two names as a doctor who used to practice in Bendigo named Jenny Jensen!). Of course you "cheated" a bit and made sure you contributed a lot, but nevertheless you did get to a prominent ranking and I congratulate you for that, much as I dislike your claims that I am dead and that I am Landeryou in drag. Nothing could be further fromt he truth. Landeryou is good. Slanderyou is bad. Dr Phil is doing Slanderyou's dirty work and I think he ought to go back to his practice of psychiatry.
I don't respond to dead people in drag.
Especially when they are Andrew Landeryou.
You are a naughty man Dr Phil. You are now above me in the rankings and I'm going to tell my mother on you. When she gets elected to the Senate she'll speak and speak and speak urging your expulsion from out country. Go and practice in Yankeeland Dr Phil. You only came here to make money.
Andrew, you need to deal with your mother issues. Not here and now as it's obviously a sad story. And not via the "Jenny" character.
Once again, Pauline Hansen is not your mother. Bill Landeryou is indeed your father.
Vexnews has blown the lid off the story about Vic Lib state director Tony Nutt finally releasing the nominations for State Council.
Well done Vexnews. Again first with the news that counts. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, agree with you 100%. Thank the Christian God for Vexnews and its pro family stance.
I thank Allah every day for jihad and The Age.
The mad twat at it again. Doesn't s/he understand we don't care. If we wanted to read about the minor workings of the Liberal Party, we'd read the newspaper, not Poxnews.
What a loser Landeryou is.... It's quite intolerable that he pollutes this Blog with his rubbish and his freaky fake friends.
Thank God for Vexnews. Australia's greatest news site. Where else would we get news about nominations for Liberal Party pre-selection? Henderson is totally right. You are a great man Henderson. I salute you.
As for Dr Phil. He seems to be fixated on Jenny. If he paid more attention he'd notice that Andrew is NOT an admirer of Pauline Hanson. Nor is he Pauline's son, as Dr Phil tries to tell us he claims to be. He has never made that claim.
Still, this is the blog of filth after all, and that's what we have come to expect.
I express no opinion on Jenny's claim that Dr Phil should be deported. I express no opinion on what Pauline Hanson should say in her maiden speech should she be elected to the Senate, as Jenny says she will be. What Pauline says is a matter for Pauline. What Jenny says is a matter for Jenny. It is not for me to tell them what to say and I rarely comment on what they say. Neither does the great man Andrew.
I'm trying to figure out this puzzle:
Landeryou's fake commenters loudly sing the praises of Poxnews here on this blog. It's Australia's greatest news source apparently (or at least they think so).
But at the same time the fake commenters (all Landeryou) like Cait Catt waste our time with childish, irrelevant posts...
The puzzle is this: How come a self appointed Editor-in-Chief of Australia's self-proclaimed greatest news source comes here to post childish nonsense under so many false names?
Landeryou is a dangerous madman, that's why!
The Patriot that earlier wished The Fat Bandit had stayed in Costa Rica was probably right. His presence back here has had a negative influence. Hundreds of frightful libels, never anything positive. And a continuation of his crim lifestyle of stalking and hate.
Andrew's sock puppets starting to take on lives of their own. He is letting them free: "What Jenny says is a matter for Jenny".
Oh dear, chaos will ensue.
The mental breakdown is complete. The once imaginary friends that Andrew invented to console himself in his lonliness has been set "free". Andrew no longer pretends to control his multiple personalities. They are "free" to speak for themselves, to dress themselves, even to contribute to this Blog.
As long as they pay homage to the "great man", all other behaviours will be tolerated.
Andrew, pull yourself together and act as a man. Imagine yourself as one person as horrible as that person may be. Only then will you take the initial steps to recovery.
Cait Catt said: "You are a great man Henderson. I salute you."
One imaginary friend saluting another. Too bizarre!
The freak has fractured.
The Age tomorrow says the population of Melbourne is growing by more than 200 people a day, or almost 1500 a week.
"The label of Australia's fastest-growing city might once have been one for which Melbourne yearned but these days it could be more of a burden for Premier John Brumby and his Government, adding to overcrowded trains, congested roads, housing prices, housing shortages and delays in hospital treatment".
Nothing at all on Poxnews - Australia's greatest news source - about this approaching catastrophe.
I guess it will be like the pollies and the global financial crisis saying 'who us'? Yes, another triumph of naive tomfoolery from the people who are supposed to be making our lives better and not worse.
The politicians who opened the National backdoor to the tsunami of nig-nogs will be remembered with undying revulsion. I think the Howard Government started importing the unwelcome hordes.
New Australians have in the past been warmly welcomed here. But now the country is being swamped by people for whom there are no jobs, infrastructure or dwellings. More problems and no solutions.
What an unmitigated disaster.
How come all of Landeryou's fake commenters share the same ISP address and the same inet connection. Weird, Huh?
Even Rita Randles's crypt shows up as Andrew's ISP. What the hell is going on?.
I will get to the, ahem, bottom of this shortly. But I am also rapidly closing in on the real address of the Fat Cave from which, it seems, all these revolting messages eminate.
I just texted the latest TV scam advert, using the Date of Death Calculator, to find out when Landeryou will be promoted to glory. I was very shocked to find that he is already dead.
This is all starting to make a strange kind of sense. Landeryou dead, Rita Randles dead. I'm beginning to believe that Poxnews is a Zombie Blog. Maybe Henderson Ross and the weird middle-eastern gentlemen, Cait Catt and many others, are just distant voices from the grave.
Vexnews is collapsing... the boss, owner, editor and intern (all one and the same person) is deveoping severe schizophrenia. At the same time, apart from the multiple personalities, no-one else reads it. What a bizarro Blog. A complete DIY package. Written by him/herselves for him/herselves.
So you are now ahead of me Dr Phil. Congratulations. You are nothing but a dole bludging Yank.
I don't think Vexnews is collapsing. I spoke to my mother last night and she said that although she didn't like the policies of Vexnews, being pronatalist and generally supporting the party of evil and the bitch in Queensland, she considered it a news site of value. My mother is always right. When she gets elected to the Senate she will favour the deportation of dole bludging Yanks like Dr Phil.
I'm sick of the ranting on this blog claiming I'm dead. If I'm dead why do I write so much?
2.57 thinks I'm a waste of time. That's not for me to judge but it is significant I draw a lot of comments, critical or otherwise.
Someone needs to defend the great man on this blog and I'm always available to do it.
I think you are great Cait even if Slanderyou, Dr Phil and his evil band of sycophants think you are.
Thank you Catter. I generally agree with Jenny about Dr Phil but I draw the line in calling him a dole bludger and urging his deportation.
I wish people wouldn't use words that force me to look them up in a dictionary. I couldn't find pronatalist in my pocket Oxford but I did find it in an online dictionary. It says
advocating or supporting a high birthrate
Pauline Hanson opposes immigration, and some new immigrant groups have high birthrates, so she is clearly not pronatalist.
Is this a monologue above? Does 'dialogue' between imaginary characters mean anything? Over recent days, we have watched Landeryou's personality fragments act with increasing independence, claim to disagree with each other and engage in sustained chit chat. For outside observers this is obviously strange.
However, for Landeryou, who has been cooped up in his downtown luxury pad for over 3 years now, unvisited and unloved, it has come to make increasing sense. He wanders about his apartment, talking to himself, making frequent 'costome' changes, alternating gender and logging on to a host of offshore internet banking accounts under assumed identities.
His visits to Slanderyou, dragging along the cast of invented (sometimes dead) characters is testing the waters over the social acceptibility of his current psychotic state. Will we accept the validity of these characters and engage with them as if they were not Landeryou? Will we treat them as independent of their corpulent host?
Let's not encourage Landeryou further. Let's send him the clear message that we treat his imaginary friends with the same contempt and disdain and we regard the fat crook.
His is absolutely and utterly insane.
Landeryou is a nutcase, a complete freakshow.
Another sad and lonely weekend for Andrew. No visits from the family. Big Bankrupt Bill won't talk to him anymore. Ann Marie and her husband Matt are still pissed off over him faking their signatures on ASIC documents. Dimberly now has a nice life of her own.
No wonder he has to invent friends. Strange choice for a fake mum is Pauline Hansen.
The "Jenny Landeryou" persona is the strangest one of the lot. Why does Andrew want Pauline Hansen for a mum? F&*ked up childhood. F^&*ked up life.
Comments comparing me with Mr Landeryou are totally false. If the people concerned would only give their own names I would sue for defamation.
That includes Yankee dole bludger Dr Phil.
Particularly annoying is the way Dr Phil answers members of the defence team (and I am not a member of the defence team as I have differences with Andrew over his failure to support my mother and Rosa).
In particular the way the Yankee dole bludger Dr Phil deals with Rita. He sounds like the late Bill Hartley, the former Victorian ALP State Secretary.
Mr Hartley refused to comment on people he didn't like or on views that were opposed to him. He was always right. Everyone else was always wrong. The ALP eventually expelled him for similar reasons to that of the Unitarian Church in expelling Diane Anderson, as several commentators to this blog not associated witht he defence team pointed out.
While Andrew would like us to treat his imagined entities as if they were separate from his actual self, I am unable to bring myself to do so. To do so would be to buy in to the terms of his fantasy and his tragic life. We are trying to change all that. To heal Andrew and make him sane again, before he is jailed.
Reading Andrews/Jenny's raves above makes me realise just how little therapy has progressed and how truly lost in his fantasy world Landeryou is...
Dr Phil is better ignored Jenny. I have desisted from calling him names in the past as I feel he is not worth worrying about.
The more "Dr Phil" is talked about the more he comes back with his vicious attacks on me and the great man. Better to totally ignore him and see if he likes that. He is further proof, if that were needed, that this is the blog of filth. It is no wonder neither the CIA nor ASIO will look at this blog of filth.
Landeryou is off his head again. Both drunk and mad. The guy is crazy.
Landeryou is off his head again. Both drunk and mad. The guy is crazy.
Shadup, I'm counting:
"Fourteen million, seven hundred and eighty four thousand, and four hundred and fifty six dollars...
"Fourteen million, seven hundred and eighty four thousand, and four hundred and fifty seven dollars...
Someone should chuck several large packs of Ratsak into the Fat Cave.
Poxnews blogs in favour of dying tycoon Richard Pratt today. But the real target is ACCC's Graeme Samuel who Landeryou has libelled before. When Poxnews praises someone, doubts are always created that there are ulterior motives (because the blogger is mad). In the comments secction, it wasn't long before the unfortunate Les Twentyman was getting yet another bully workover:
You were quick to get stuck into Les Twentyman when he was critically-ill in ICU. Hypocrite as usual.
Posted by Get Real | April 23, 2009, 18:11
Twentytonneguts has always been a parasite on society and is only interested in big noting himself, Richard Pratt is a real hero.
Posted by anon | April 23, 2009, 18:25
I wonder happened at Twentyman’s boy’s camps?
Posted by anon | April 23, 2009, 21:58
47 comments on one story. Landeryou is lucky if he gets ten - and 8 of them are his own.
Vexnews is clearly the Asia-Pacific Rim's most popular news source.
The cats at my cattery support you Cait whatever Slanderyou and Dr Phil say about you. You are a great commentator and we need you on this blog to counter Slanderyou's lies.
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