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64 Truth On Comments:
Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd!
Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd!
Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd! Landerturd!
I'm watching the cricket ODI between Oz and England which has been ruined (as usual) by the crappy VB beer ads. At least we have been spared the awful Johnny Walker ads which spoiled The Ashes.
The Advertising agencies need a huge kick up the butt. No wonder beer and whisky costs so much.
Who could enjoy a beer with a man who has had his arm up a cow?
I hate advertising people.
I love the mute button on my remote.
If only there was an 'Off' switch on Vexnews and Landeryou!
Drink drivers should start a class action against VB beer for encouraging boozing.
Class actions against all grog advertisers might provide Victorian drink drivers with the money to challenge the government's unfair mandatory sentencing laws. Those laws are nazi in their effect. Victims need a break unless they have killed somebody...
What is your point Slanderyou? Are you only revealing that Vexnews has a very profitable and well subscribed advertising book?
I notice there is no advertising on your blog of filth. Why is that? Perhaps jihadists and The Age readers are not a market audience any self respecting company would want to be associated with. I am Henderson Ross.
Well said Henderson
I wish I had blue chip shares as Vexnews.
Whereas Fairfax shares are best described as junk, in every sense.
Shirley Morris! A new female El Gordo alter ego.
Is this in honour of Toni Collette winning an Emmy for her disassociative identity disorder character in the United States of Tara?
Buddha Boy is never very original; always a trend follower, never a trend setter.
Yawn on the blog of filth today.
Wish I was awake to read your comment Henderson
Haven't been able to take my eyes off Vexnews all day today. Vexnews is the AAP of the journalism industry.
Gee, Shirley, I guess you'll be ready to celebrate Thursday when it marks a year since El Gordo last appeared in The Age when he was duped by a hoax blogger pretending to be David Hicks.
Buddha Boy "ran an inflammatory article accusing Hicks of 'a web jihad against Israel', under the headline, "Anti-Semite Terrorist on the Loose: David Hicks spews out venom towards the Zionist entity in deranged online slag-fest."
V. embarrassing for El Gordo's newsgathering skills and reputation, even more so for Melbourne Ports MHR Michael Danby.
Landeryou's frenetic Nazi Hate Blog can't decide whether it will censor unwanted comments like mine or not. Last week I could. Tonight I can't. Weird!
Vexnews does not openly state that there is censorship of comments. It claims 'Let freedom Ring' but silences humble voices like mine.
A Blog with censored content is no blog at all!
Madman Landeryou thinks his supposed exposes of our Prime Minister's bad language to Labor colleagues was a Vewnews scoop! What a laughable idiot he is.
Vexnews has zero street-cred. Most people think it is complete nonsense.
But the PM needs to button up his fat mouth. Don't pretend to be a devoted christian when bad-mouthing colleagues, flight attendants, etc.
BEHAVE YOURSELF! You're where you you are because Aussies were sick of the corruption of the Howard government. You're not far behind!
We've all had bad bosses like Kevin. Very clever, very smart - but dreadful bullies who use vile language, throw things and mistreat staff.
They are like a cancer - nearly impossible to remove.
HR services and, in this case, parliamentary admin, nearly always support this sort of verminous activity!
TWISTED: Haileybury Vice-Principal endorsed racist anti-semite Ken Aldred in Liberal preselection on official school letterhead.
So says Vexnews, but as usual Landeryou has completely screwed up the 'story'.
Support for Aldred on official school letterhead does not in itself endorse racist anti-semite views unless explicitly stated in the letter. No such support is shown.
In a shitfight between Haileybury and Landeryou, I would bet my super on Haileybury!
vexnews is a crock of shit!
I wonder how Landeryou will shit with his rectum ravaged and destroyed by me and my hot rodding men.
Solly Lew's Premier Investments almost doubled its profit on its Just Group takeover. El Gordo said Lew wouldn't get it, Lew did. Said Lew wouldn't make money, he did. Lew's poorest decision was investing in the mismanaged IQ Corp., which was run by Buddha Boy - million of dollars spent and nothing to show for it.
Did Andrew follow his own advertising guidelines when he advertised his pork sausages as chicken halal sausages?
Did patriots hear this report on AM today?
"Victoria's high-security Acacia Unit at Barwon jail, just outside Melbourne, is one of the toughest prison regimes in the state.
"The 23-bed unit was built for the most dangerous and violent prisoners in the country, but it is also being used to house remand prisoners.
"And now a court has been told the unit is dangerous to the mental health of those prisoners sent there on remand..."
Sounds like the perfect place to put Andrew "Shirley" Landeryou.
As all patriots know Shirley Landeryou is completely off his trolley already.
I just visited Vexnews, and since my PC says that I have a Conficker virus.
Anyone else experienced the same problem?
Vegan, I can't help. But Vexnews has been known for some time as a virus bot.
And today, it may also be described as a porn blog, given Andy's references to Kate Ellis and lesbianism, and Bill Clinton's oral fixation.
Smutty stuff Andy, very smutty.
So Landeryou has used this blog to ask the world to call him "Shirley".
The 40 litre catering cask Sergeant Sascha lugged around first thing on Monday morning clearly didn't last very long.
All joking aside--why isn't Landeryou in the pokey for his criminal activities at MUSU and IQ Corp? The VicPol plods have fucked up. OPP is a joke.
C'mon guys, Landeryou needs big jail time and you're sitting on your hands. The Liquidator for MUSU asked you to take this forward. You haven't.
Are you kidding 'Get on with it'? Landeryou is being protected by the ALP because his crooked Dad was once a senior Labor Minister.
Bent Bill was a guarrantor for the IQ Corp fiasco and Andy nearly sank Dad when things went wrong.
The Landeryou clan suffer from courtroom amnesia. A smart QC would have them all grovelling in next to no time!
The Newnham and Theophani support for superfraud Landeryou has vapourised, but someone is still keeping the criminal creep out of the courts. Melbourne Uni and Sol Lew should be playing their part in waking up VicPol and Opp. It would be an eternal, disgraceful injustice in Victoria if Landeryou got away scot free.
The Telecommunications watchdog needs to wake up too. Vexnews is a vile hate blog that shouldn't be there.
There's a growing mood here in Melbourne that the Grand Final Parade has got boring, so different entertainment may be offered this coming Friday ahead of the carnival weekend.
There's a push on to clap Shirley Landeryou in chains and dump him in a specially reinforced tumbrel and pull him through the streets of the CBD - if enough Clydesdales to haul his 500 kilogram bulk can be found.
Citizens will be able to pelt objects at him as he passes by. It has been requested that they not throw rotten fruit and vegetables - he may eat those - but instead hurl bricks and stones.
Shirley Landeryou will be taken to a specially constructed platform in the centre of the MCG where in front of a jeering capacity crowd of over 100,000 people he/she will then be sex-tested to determine if he/she is a man or a woman.
Depending on the outcome of the test he will then be sent straight to Barwon Jail to be bashed and buggered with a broken bottle by Brutus Beefcake and the Hot Rodders or to the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre where Brutus' equally violent inmate sister, Bruta Bulldyke, and her friends, will attack him with dildos with broken bottles on their ends.
Several people are being actively libelled on Vexnews today, including one who "looks like a pedophile".
Landeryou then goes on to say "So we’ll have the last word. Guy Rundle maintains the appearance of a middle-aged pervert, predator and pedophile. Whether he is or not is a matter for him and for law enforcement to contemplate".
Hmnn... I think this is a clear case of libel.
So do I!
"Guy Rundle maintains the appearance of a middle-aged pervert, predator and pedophile" writes Landeryou.
Unlike Landeryou who actually is a pervert who wants to be called Shirley, a predator who documents his own stalking and intimidation ventures on his sleazy sites and a political paedophile who obsesses over extremely young and immature student politicians.
The Marquess of Queensberry and Oscar Wilde could tell Landeryou a thing or two about looking like, 'maintains the appearance of' or posing [as a] Sodomite.
I hope Mr Rundle has the balls to give Landeryou a legal smack, and to do the world a favour by getting Vexnews shut down permanently.
First Landeryou begs the world "Please call me Shirley!"
Shonky Shirl that launches into a massively disproportionate 1000 word attack on an unemployed, failed scriptwriter.
Landeryou and reality only ever had the vaguest acquaintance. That acquaintance clearly ended this week.
Shirley some mistake!
Shirley had all too clearly taken advantage of the special ladies two-for-the-price-of-one cosmopolitan cocktails offer before writing that rant about Guy Rundle.
Landeryou looks like a syphilis rash on a pig's bum that is sticking out of a twenty metre high heap of shit!
Landeryou looks like a pedophile's asshole!
Is Landeryou deleting his own fake comments on Vexnews? This just in...
I really have moved on. [deleted]
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 22, 2009, 12:16
I can't even post any comments on Mr Landeryou's Nazi Hate Blog "vexnews" because he blocks them all. WHY?
He blocks my IP address.
Why would Vexnews be frightened of what I have to say?
I am ALWAYS courteous. My comments relate to the subject, and are rarely critical of Mr Landeryou or Vexnews.
Most importantly, I never use this name on Vexnews. Mr Landeryou's censorship practices are repellent, undemocratic and stiffle free speech. He is always the first to protest lustily when his free speech is threatened.
Anne, maybe it's just because he is a misogynist. He never paid the slightest attention to the long-winded but luckless Kim Kitchen.
TALES continue to trickle in about the fabulous filly-fest that was the spring racing carnival. Baby-faced Drake exec Kimberley Kitching was asked for ID in the members' (she gets younger and more exuberant by the day after dumping blogging bozo Andy Landeryou).
LET'S have some good news for the week's end. Melbourne businesswoman Kimberley Kitching, left bankrupt after low-dog hubby Andrew Landeryou skipped town and left her to pay his debts, has had her bankruptcy annulled.
Diary understands the deal was done with the legal team of voracious tycoon Solly Lew who seized and sold the couple's home (Kitching's "wedding present" from Landeryou) two years ago. It leaves Kitching (below), a former Melbourne city councillor and canny political operator, clear to re-enter politics in future. Meanwhile, she has blossomed in her management role at giant multinational Drake, holding court at the after-show of Thoroughly Modern Millie the other night as rep of the major sponsor.
In contrast, Landeryou has deteriorated into a bankrupt internet grub who insiders say has been "near tears" lately as Crikey founder Steve Mayne smacks him around on the new website.
Mayne, who is running for State Parliament, has dubbed Landeryou a "disgraced gaming spiv", a fitting epithet for a spineless twerp who specialises in attacking single women on the web (he screened a photo of one woman's home, broadcast lies about office affairs and pregnancy with another). Latest emails tell of his dirty dealings at the Melbourne University student union in the 1990s. Landeryou has followed the sordid trail of dead defamer Jack Pacholli, using bankruptcy as protection against libel action. Now prematurely bald, obese and developing a peculiar body odour (something to do with his high-fat diet, say associates), Landeryou spends his lonely days fetching internet sticks for his political masters.
Who wouldn't be doing the 'Eagle Rock' after jettisoning 300 kilos of ugly fat?
"So how is former Melbourne City councillor Kimberley Kitching, bankrupted and levered from her Parkville palace by Solly Lew's merry men in their hunt for the $3 million allegedly lent to her estranged hubby Andrew Landeryou, the Debt Man Walking? Going great guns, by all appearances, in her new role as consultant to the giant Drake organisation. She roped together a dinner party for the Drake-sponsored Oklahoma! at the State Theatre last month. That was where Production Company chief Jeanne Pratt commented that the chirpy KK looked "golden with grief".
From where I'm sitting, Landeryou still looks like a pedophile's asshole!
I don't know what a pedophile's asshole looks like, because I've never seen one. But, having visited Vexnews for a short stay, I am prepared to accept that Landeryou may well resemble one. That is all I have to say.
Is referring to someone in Australia as resembling a pedophile's asshole actionable?
I think not. As my learned fiend Clarence Darrow has said most people know absolutely nothing about pedophile's assholes. Isn't this the way we all want it? But I tend to agree, having examined all the evidence, and having surfed Vexnews too, that Landeryou may well be a pedophile's asshole.
The idea of a massively obese bald thug asking the world to call him Shirley is pants pissingly funny.
One of my hot rodders has had a good idea. We could pluck Landeryou's eyes out and fuck the empty sockets.
The event management company have been on to the fat failure seeking clarification about the Vexnews Grand Final Breakfast...
"Mr Landeryou? Or is it Mrs? We have two names here, Andrew and Shirley.
"You want food and drink for 2,500, but say you only need seating and table settings for one.
"And about the cheque for your deposit. It bounced."
Are patriots aware of Landeryou's role in Brendan Fevola's downfall?
Patriot football fans who attended the Brownlow on Monday night were disgusted to see a grotesquely obese bald man wearing what appeared to be a silk circus tent embroidered with Swarovski crystals standing outside Crown Casino, casting come-hither looks at drunken footballers.
"I'm Shirley," he said between swigs from a flagon. "I'm on the rapists' side."
"I'm Shirley," he said as he stuck a pudgy paw into a Family Feast tub of KFC. "I just love footballer gang bangs."
"I'm Shirley," he said as he swilled cheap but potent port and scoffed KFC simultaneously. "You can do anything you want to me."
Police tried to move the ghastly person on but he was too fat to budge. He kept casting seductive looks at footballers.
Many vomited as soon as they saw the horrible sight.
Not Fevola. He was seen getting into a cab with the disgusting being. "You can fuck me in the folds of my flab," Shirley was heard telling him.
His Carlton teammates are disgusted. So are his colleagues from The Footy Show.
They want nothing to do with him. They are utterly disgusted by his liaison with Shirley.
Wish we had been there!
We could have shown Fev a thing or three about gangbanging horrible sluts like Shirley. We have years of experience in abusing mad shaggers like her!
Feral Boar (Bore) Landeryou is busily trying to kick Union Boss Dean Mighell to death on hate blog Vexnews before his usual weekend vacation.
Dean is probably mildly amused by Vexnews's continuing obsession with him. A Vexnews attack is like a flea infestation, terribly annoying, but easily fixable.
The vile and disgusting Adelaide sub-humans who did away with Dianne Brimble on P & O's Pacific Sky are starting to get their just deserts, albeit much delayed and watered-down, in court.
Landeryou has yet to face his accusers for major frauds, as recommended by Melbourne University Student Union liquidator Dean McVeigh years ago. Victoria Police and the OPP have put the case into their vast Too Hard Basket. Solomon Lew should have pressed for justice in the IQ Corp fraud case instead of being satisfied by partial recompense by the sale of the Landeryou palace in Parkdale.
Landeryou's continuing perversions on the internet continue. He is a libeller, stalker and pervert. Several people he has libelled or stalked are still armed with AVOs. But Landeryou regularly breaks the conditions of the AVOs. He is a professional law breaker.
Landeryou may be a total looney and frightful fraudulent slime. But I support him in just one thing. Israel is a shag on a rock in a muslim quagmire. WW2 shrieks out for justice for Jewish people now and FOREVER - and forever - and forever.
Six million victims can't be wrong!
Every last one of them calls out for justice!
You are an optimist, 3:54.
Landeryou's "support" for Israel is nothing but affectation. It serves no purpose other than to irritate the juvenile left.
We know from the vile comments he leaves across the web that the fat failure is a racist, through and through.
I had a couple of minutes to spare on my way to an appointment this morning so dropped into the Electoral Commission office on Lonsdale Street.
The fat freak, fraud and failure continues to break the law. There is no Andrew or Shirley Landeryou on the roll, a violation of the Electoral Act.
The roll however shows that Big Bent Bill Landeryou continues to live the latte luxe life in an apartment smack bang in the middle of Carlton just by the corner of Rathdowne and Elgin Streets.
Big Bent Bill, of course, is an undischarged bankrupt.
How he has hung on to the property is a mystery -- unless he also likes to go by women's names.
I had a couple of minutes to spare on my way to an appointment this morning so dropped into the Electoral Commission office on Lonsdale Street.
The fat freak, fraud and failure continues to break the law. There is no Andrew or Shirley Landeryou on the roll, a violation of the Electoral Act.
The roll however shows that Big Bent Bill Landeryou continues to live the latte luxe life in an apartment smack bang in the middle of Carlton just by the corner of Rathdowne and Elgin Streets.
Big Bent Bill, of course, is an undischarged bankrupt.
How he has hung on to the property is a mystery -- unless he also likes to go by women's names.
Who wouldn't be doing the 'Eagle Rock' after jettisoning 300 kilos of ugly fat?
"So how is former Melbourne City councillor Kimberley Kitching, bankrupted and levered from her Parkville palace by Solly Lew's merry men in their hunt for the $3 million allegedly lent to her estranged hubby Andrew Landeryou, the Debt Man Walking? Going great guns, by all appearances, in her new role as consultant to the giant Drake organisation. She roped together a dinner party for the Drake-sponsored Oklahoma! at the State Theatre last month. That was where Production Company chief Jeanne Pratt commented that the chirpy KK looked "golden with grief".
First Landeryou begs the world "Please call me Shirley!"
Shonky Shirl that launches into a massively disproportionate 1000 word attack on an unemployed, failed scriptwriter.
Landeryou and reality only ever had the vaguest acquaintance. That acquaintance clearly ended this week.
I just visited Vexnews, and since my PC says that I have a Conficker virus.
Anyone else experienced the same problem?
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